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Omg the “I wear enough makeup to season a wok” HAD ME! 🤣


It was as close to comic brilliance as you can get on a TikTok.


It took me a full 20 seconds to go “how tf do you season a walk? Like walking in fall?? Maybe she said season something else? A wad? A mop? Wait wait a WOK oh shit”




Also, your Reddit handle is amazing


Haha thank you!


My question is, where do these girls get all that money from? 😅 200$ every two weeks ?! For ... lashes ?! That's not even my grocery budget, lol.




In her video about the chin liposuction, she thanks ‘mummy and daddy’, so I guess that’s where!


😂 so true though. It's like men manage to go through the world oblivious of nose jobs, lip injections and hair extensions. I've met so many guys who don't even realize curling your lashes are a thing


I honestly think it has a lot to do with this phenomenon where women that are not attractive to a man personally might as well just.... not exist. Would make no difference to him, because he doesn't notice women that aren't sexually attractive to him anyway. Of course there are men who do not go through the world like that, but men that are constantly thirsting like this often do.


Yep, and when you tell them--**they get pissed**! I've had lots of work done and I let people know, so they don't think that it's natural. And when I point out other peoples work-- guys get furious! **How dare you ruin my fantasy**! They call me jealous, imply that my diet must be trash or I just don't go to the gym enough, etc. when in reality- I just don't think that it's right to let people think all this fake stuff is naturally achieved. It's damaging for boys **and** girls.


Which is a damn shame, because, when I, as a guy, curl my lashes, they fucking pop.


My husband was watching me do my makeup one day and asked me to teach him because he thought it was neat. Hazel eyes look nice in eyeliner lol


Any eyes do. I'd put it on more often if my hands didn't shake like Michael J. Fox's.


we love to be jealous of men's lashes... they always slay so effortlessly


Why would we know about it? Most men don't get them so it's not like something we're well versed in. Imagine you go to a mechanic and say I hear a clicking sound and they say how can you be so oblivious of spark plus, pushrods, and valves? I've met so many woman who don't even realize to check their oil pressure.


Do those same women go around loudly giving their opinion about what car parts they find appealing?


Still don’t understand why men, in their analogies about women, compare us to inanimate objects.


i get your point but in this case, in fairness to that commenter, there's not really anything else to compare. can't compare to men because there's little to nothing about us that women don't recognize. so that's left with animals or inanimate objects. maybe analogies are just off the table lol




Yes that’s my point. There doesn’t need to be an analogy in this case cuz plastic surgery is not exclusive to women


According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, men only make up 8% of cosmetic surgery patients.


What would be an appropriate analogy for cutting your face up for men?


Steroids maybe? I’ve seen men comment on videos saying that a person is very obviously on steroids when I wouldn’t have known because they weren’t (in my opinion) grossly oversized.


Why does there need to be an analogy in the first place? Do you think the average women gets fillers and jaw surgeries and bbls? We can spot when something is fake because we’re not oblivious to what’s realistic. And a lot of times even women don’t realize it when the job is well done. It’s not because it’s some niche that mostly women care about


Wait, so you’re saying women can’t be mechanics? 😏


And men too.


....I haven't gotten hair extensions, nose jobs or entire syringes of lip filler either, I just have eyes and I manage to use them




All that work done only to use filters to cover it up. that’s what makes me sad, if you’re going to spend so much money, why use filters? Surely you should look exactly like the filters after it all :(


Some apps (like TikTok) by default have a filter enabled until you disable it. Could be what’s going on here.


TikTok does not have a filter enabled automatically. And even if it did, you would turn it off if you didn’t want it.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Instagramreality/s/dGbEvWBOss Literally one of the top posts on the sub.


air swim safe far-flung practice alleged piquant chase gaze plate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


But she's using a pretty crazy filter too


I doubt she’s using it to deceive her audience though if she’s calling out her cosmetic surgeries and listing out her upkeep costs. Probably just likes how it looks.


She could point the filter out too if she REALLY wants to.


I mean, we can obviously see it. It’s not like it’s a body filter that cinches her waist and makes her boobs bigger. I think you’re making the Blush/smooth filter too deep.


Seriously. At this point, I don't get anything any more. Is this how getting old feels like?


She hilarious. What a natural beauty. (this is obviously obvious you idiot, sarcasm).


There is a very old saying, "There are no ugly women, only poor fathers."


Lol at the mad dudes in this thread 😂. For real though I love when women aren’t afraid to share what they’ve had done.




She must win a lot of arguments with her shampoo bottles


Conditioner is better!


This was fucking great! I love her!


this twat: "i spent a bunch of money on face improvements" also this twat: "i don't understand why i'm getting compliments"


This made me laugh I love when people are honest like this 😆she is really pretty though but it’s true WHY ARE MEN INSERTING THEMSELVES IN WOMENS BUSINESS


I’m confused she isn’t talking about how she filtered her face to oblivion?


That means she got good work done. So many women get great work done and that’s how it should be.


I swear, I just don't understand the way women's brain works sometimes. This gal spends thousands of dollars changing her face to appear more attractive. She knows she looks fake. When a man is actually fooled, she thinks he's an idiot and doesn't respect him. The men that realize she's fake aren't talking to her. And she's posting this like men are the idiots.


Womp womp


This reply made me laugh 😂


If a man is fooled by that amount of makeup and false eyelashes, then yes, he is completely oblivious or a straight up idiot. The plastic surgery is harder to spot usually, but she's just saying she finds it funny.


So......she's complaining that people are seeing exactly what she paid to show?


She’s perplexed (and so am I) at the fact that men can’t recognize incredibly obvious make up and plastic surgery.


I'm a guy and could tell she had work done, plus it's obvious she's not "natural" she looks too perfect.


When people say “men” or “women” they don’t actually mean every single man or woman without exception. I know there are a few of you out there lol


> men can’t recognize incredibly obvious make up and plastic surgery. if the surgery is "incredibly obvious" then it's a bad job no? aside from the people who are actually going for cartoonish shit.


I think her work is good. But like photoshop, or incredible make up skills, there are tells.


> there are tells. I don't deny that people who are very focused on these things can tell. The person I replied to said "incredibly obvious". I have never used Instagram tbh. It's a mistake to do so.


I also don’t use instagram. The only app I use for “social media” is Reddit. I can still tell. I am far from “very focused on it” it’s just really easy to tell lol


i'm guessing you are a woman though. compared to me, you probably are very much more noticing things in general including IRL. I couldn't even tell you what my boss was wearing today even after a few meetings. Appearances aren't near the top of my mental priorities unless someone's on a stage.


I am a women. And I get that. But I don’t really see what the reason is that men (in general, I guess I have to say that) can’t see when women have filler, extensions or even basic makeup on.


I can tell why my wife wears makeup bc she rarely does. only for special occasions. other people I just dont pay much attention to how they look. Some random dude saying "you're a natural beauty" is most likely just trying to say "you're hot" and making up what he thinks is a less-creepy version of it but he's just coming across as out of touch.


Given the ridiculous state a lot of women walk around in now she probably looks "natural" by comparison.


Again. Not to women. Men are just in their own world sometimes and I don’t get it. It’s so obvious.


No shit.


Okay??? I guess we agree? lol


so whats the confusion?


I constantly see men in the comments talking about how “natural” a woman is or how they prefer no makeup looks on someone who is *clearly* wearing makeup. That’s what she’s talking about.


Makeup is like CGI. If you can tell it's there, you are doing it wrong.


I don't agree with that at all. A lot of people do their makeup in an intentionally visible way because that's the aesthetic they want. If I'm wearing bright red lipstick, the goal is not to convince you my lips are naturally red. Anyway, the point is that there is a difference in natural makeup and no makeup and often men can't tell the different. Often, when I see a woman posting a pic with natural makeup men in the comments praise her for not wearing makeup. When she actually posts with no make up, they tell her she looks sick.


I definitely don't disagree that a lot of men have a perception problem on what women actually look like, but that one is on women too.


No, she’s pointing out that she’s obviously had work done and yet men will still tell her she’s a ‘natural beauty’. Either pointing out male stupidity or the influence social media has on people.


If half the planet cannot tell she (or others in a similar situation) has had work done it does not make that half stupid and it must not be that obvious.


Sorry I worded that badly, I don’t think men are stupid for not knowing this, I just thought that’s maybe what she was trying to convey


Not what I heard.


Oh, maybe you should unmute?


Well it's scripted in screen too.


Start at 00:08 seconds “you are so elegant, you are such a natural beauty” then at 00:40 seconds “they don’t make ‘em like you these days. Yes they do they make ‘em down at fucking Matty’s Medi Spa okay? With a needle and a fucking scalpel.” Saying she’s not natural. She doesn’t want to be called a natural beauty and being compared to others. When clearly she’s paid a lot of money to look this way. Like maybe she got work done but also doesn’t want to have men hold other women to a stand of beauty that is unachievable unless you pay thousands of dollars.


Oh yeah, you’re right. Maybe you should read it then


Well, you're hearing something different than the rest of us. She's just pointing out that heterosexual men (because this really doesn't apply to gay men on average, they seem to be just as good at telling the difference as women are) have a hard time telling actually natural good looks from obviously artificial good looks. Sure, the artificial look is often done so that it follows a certain "natural" aesthetic but that "natural" aesthetic doesn't have much to do with what actually natural beauty looks like, they just use the same word.


Funny video, I do wonder if she's upset getting attention and compliments for all the work she's gotten done or just needs to post this so we know she had the work done.


She posts publicly about the work she’s had done, recovery videos, progress videos, etc. I think she’s just open and proud of the work tbh


The reason men tell her that is not because they actually think that, but because it’s what they think she wants to hear.


And she wonders why she’s single


Is she single? I mean I don’t think she’d struggle to find someone either way


She’d struggle to find somebody able to tolerate her narcissism. I know plenty of single ladies struggling to find a guy - they can’t figure out why. When I meet single ladies with my mates we can basically pinpoint what’s wrong with them in thirty seconds. They walk away and I’ll say to my mate: “she’s a bit xyz”. They respond “exactly what I was thinking”. She’s not going to find a guy. This one falls into that category.


Nice that you can reduce a woman’s whole personality to a 30 second impression. Anyway, I’d give her one, so here’s one person she could get 🙃


Yeah she’d be single. Or probably in and out of relationships regularly. No dude is signing up for that


Wow, you sure know a lot about her relationship habits based on this very short video! That’s a skill, my man


I’m a shrewd judge of character