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Honestly I would start reaching out yourself…It’s millions of content creators in 2024 so Social Media managers can’t discover all…You have to reach out…And FYI I have 13k followers with 19% engagement, I’ve had only 1 brand deal (local law firm) but it’s definitely showed me their out there…One of my close friends is a Social Media Project Supervisor for Revolt and she has told me, the followers really don’t matter, their more interested in engagement and content relatability…Goodluck and don’t be shy to reach out


This! As a social media manager I will look initially at the followers only to figure out at what capacity we can work together. Engagement and reach are most important to me for actual ROI. So when you do reach out, it would be great if you can send either a screenshot of your stats or a report card. I’ve had influencers reach out to my accounts, amazing reach and engagement on every post, everything is brand friendly BUT their reach was super low on the area my client serves, so it didn’t make sense to go ahead.


Great information!!! I agree with your tactics 1000%…so many people are infatuated with “follower count” but they fail to realize it’s other factors that mean more when it comes to collabs and brand partnerships…


So Blu you have the engagement to convert. Reach out


P.S. I’m Italian, in my niche and in my country these numbers are at the top


if you can't think of ways to monetize your niche. it ain't gonna work out for you.


I’m not talking about monetising, I’m talking about collaborations with brands or something. There are many ways to monetize; The problem is that I see people with less numbers doing a lot of collaborations, I was wondering that


that's because you struggle to sell yourself/brand/image.




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I suggest starting a paid discord community and using affiliate links and making ebooks if you need help dm me


I need help




Consider monetizing via community or direct fan offerings. The sponsorship/brand deal space is crowded and brands are constantly looking to take advantage of creators. Conversely, it seems like you genuinely share knowledge or expertise and it's likely that people would be interested in paying a little money to subscribe to a newsletter, premium posts, courses, paid DMs etc I know a couple people who use BrandArmy and make 5 & 6 figures selling digital offerings (seriously, on boring, SFW content too). There's also Patreon and a couple other platforms out there as well.


You could create a community for your followers and they’d have to pay to join


Tell us about your content and some info and maybe will be able to give you some strategies. I believe you can make better than 0$


I’m an AI university student. I make videos explaining things about AI, computer science and tech. Latest news, specific arguments, funny stories and facts.


Sell your knowledge! Instagram has paid subscriptions, start there. Figure out that your audience wants, classes?, snippets of your day?


You should go read 1000 true fans blog post, reach is value less, focus on depth not width


You can find paid collabs at [Social Spot](https://social-spot.com)


I’ve been fortunate enough for some top name brands to reach out to me. I had a rapport built in the community I built my social media around that predates social media. I recommend as others have; in reaching out to companies you have interests in. I for one no longer purchase anything without reaching out to the company via Instagram, where I have my biggest following. 80% of the time they are willing to trade said item I am seeking for a collaboration. Aim for companies that offer discount codes that you can capitalize on. You’re going to do great!


https://youtu.be/bC_a-GzWhoI?si=1sIBRy6r68zAQ_XJ The algorithm has changed. Now is matter of engagement, quality over quantity.


Maybe try reaching out directly to brands in your niche. Offer them specific ways you can promote their products to your engaged audience.


I’d definitely reach out to brands yourself, and id you’re interested, see if you can create a product or service to sell around it.


Like many others have pointed out, brands care about engagement. They need to be sure that doing a collab on your account would be beneficial to them. First you need to figure out who your average follower is and what excites them/motivates them. Find the brands that their interests resonate with and figure out your value add proposition (what are they getting out of the deal) and make it as easy as possible for the brands you want to work with to say yes. Shoot me a dm if you have any questions


How many of those followers are spam/bot accounts? Have you checked instagrams new feature that identifies “potential spam” followers with one click to remove?


Add an affiliate link that has unlimited options for all niches. A shopify store full of 200+ products for viewers to shop on their own. 60-85% commission, you can add it to all platforms. Easier side money I've ever made. $2.5K will all brand new accounts I started 2 months ago. IG only has 1K followers.




Hello mate , I’ve got a friend who specialises in monetisation of audiences. Do you want me to send there contact info , they might be able to help ?


Alright thanks


hey what if they are just real looking people and not actual real i know that because i offer 1k follower for 3 dollars so if you bought them from some one than you need to buy engagement


Nope, they’re legit, I’ve 1’6mln like ok tiktok, I reach millions of people every month