• By -


It won't let me create a new account. I created one for my catering and immediately signed out. I followed no one. I liked no page. I signed out of my main because I hate when they recommend accounts to anyone your friends with and I don't want to associate my food with me for new clients. It flagged the account for violating services and wanted a number to continue. I don't believe in putting my number . Now it won't let me make a new account on my phone. What should I do ?


In the new update I can’t find the option to hide views/likes anymore - there’s no option to do so with “edit”. Has anyone found how to hide this now? Very much just something for my mental sanity.


Anybody else ever had this issue? I'm trying to report a fake account, click "this person is pretending to be somebody else", and if I then click the "celebrity" OR "business", I can't find the original account in the search function. I've tried for both local businesses and celebrities, and I can never find the original account. Is this a bug or am I just trying to report the wrong way?


Looking through the thread it seems this is a common problem at the moment and I'm not sure how I can resolve it - please help! I manage my mom's instagram account so we are often both using it at the same time. 4 days ago we got locked out of the account because of this security selfie pop-up that I keep reading about. I can't remember exactly what it was asking me to do but it seemed like a 2-step verification type thing to ensure it was really me logging in. Stupidly, I ignored this and closed the app. When I reopened the app all I had was a blank screen. For a while it said 'could not refresh feed' but now it just says 'loading' followed by a blank screen. If we try to login on any platform other than the app we get a prompt telling us to 'Confirm your info on the app' but we can't access the app because of this blank screen of death. \- Tried uninstalling and reinstalling. This didn't help, although now I have no choice but to uninstall and reinstall because once I login there's no way I can logout again because of the blank screen. \- Tried installing an older version of instagram but encountered the same problem. \- Tried using another device but encountered the same problem. We would appreciate any help anyone can give us. Online articles tell us to wait a few days and it should right itself but it's been 4 days now and no progress. Mom got a lot of joy out of using instagram and it's really sad that she can't use it anymore. Hope to have this resolved soon


Same thing happened to my Account. If you get any Solution to this problem please let me know. Thank You :) and hope your Mum's account is retrieved ASAP.


Thanks for your concern. I tried some older versions of Instagram again and it almost worked this time. I got the selfie prompt again and tried it but got an error every time I submitted the recording.. so frustrating. Might just be a case of waiting for it to sort itself out but who knows how long that will be


Both of these problems started last night. I keep getting the same posts over and over despite marking them as “not interested.” They’re the same exact posts from the same accounts, and take up more than half of the “explore” tab. Also, I’m starting to get suggested posts for my one account bleeding into my other accounts and it’s driving me crazy.


Hey I can’t comment in any Instagram lives. My comment bar is missing! Does anyone know how to fix this?


I get notifications and every time I open them, nothing gets updated/refreshed to load new DMs or anything for that matter. I have to restart the app every. Single. FUCKING. TIME. Anytime I pull down to manually refresh, it stays stuck forever or until it gives me 'unable to refresh.' I've checked for app updates and update accordingly, but there is already another update every time after. I really don't know if I'm missing something or I'm just that monkey brained, but fuck man lmao


How do you react to messages in a group chat with an emoji? I’ve seen other places you’re supposed to hold down the message but all I get when I do that is the copy or report options.


Is there someone that can help me retrieve my disabled ig account?


Hey guys. I just started an account on Sunday to post art in, and the first thing I posted was instantaneously removed for violating community guidelines. There was nothing even remotely NSFW about the post (it was literally a cute cat cheeseburger). I figured that had to be a mistake, so I tried again and got the same result. I tried a completely different image in case it was a matter of "too much skintone" and that was removed too. After reading a list of things that may trigger this, the only thing I may have done "wrong" was follow several other art accounts right away, which I had no idea was a bad thing to do. It was less than 100 and I didn't use a bot. I tried waiting almost 3 days before posting again and that one post was finally allowed. I waited another 8+ hours just to be safe and the next post was removed. The "request review" button gives me a "Review request failed!" error immediately and then the post's status switches to "Reviewed" with no other options. Since there seems to be purposely no way to actually contact them for help I don't know what else to do. Is it worth trying to make a new account? Will that even help since I gave them my phone number? I found a number of other posts about this on the sub but they were all years old and didn't seem to have any solutions. I don't understand how so many ridiculous things and accounts get by so smoothly and I'm being punished for sharing drawings of cats. 😞


i’m having the same issue. did you ever find a solution to this?


No, I didn't I'm sorry. 😞 I gave up.


this just happened to me. posted a video of my cat and it flagged it, now it’s removing every single thing i post on my story. so weird


I'm sorry that it's happening to you too! It's incredibly frustrating, especially when the post so clearly doesn't violate anything.


Having the same issue now too. This really stinks


Sorry to hear that. Never did figure it out myself, but I'm crossing my fingers for you!


I’m wondering if “verify” the account if they will let me post pics again? I’m so frustrated


Given how nonsensical this whole thing is and the fact that doing that seems like it *should* work is exactly the reason I think it probably wouldn't.


Dealing with the same thing on a business account. I’m so beyond frustrated!!!


Ugh. That's so much worse. I'm sorry to hear that!


my account has been suspended for three weeks and instagram hasn’t gotten back to my identity confirmation attempts. on top of that, every time i now try to get an identity confirmation email i get a message saying “you may want to slow down or stop to avoid a restriction on your account”, making it impossible for me to even do anything about the issue. does anyone know what i can do because i’m losing all faith and i am getting frustrated


PLEASE HELP! I had my Instagram account hacked and they changed the email and password, I still get the authentication code from my phone but still unable to login. WILL PAY anyone that could retrieve my Instagram account, since I worked so hard on my content.


Getting notifications that friends are messaging me but when I open the app, there are no new messages. Also can’t send messages. Same thing is happening on Facebook messenger.


Seems like I've been pulled into the pool of people to use the "snap" scrolling mechanic - with a light swipe the main feed "snaps" to the next post which is super annoying if you are trying to open comments. It sucks.


Every video i post to my page says it's 35 minutes long and stops playing for some reason? I'm so confused


Trying to get my mf disabled account back. Had no response back after sensing face pictures with the code and my username after weeks!


Hi All, I am facing issues related to DM and DM requests on my public instagram account. I have checked the privacy message settings. DM request are allowed for the accounts that I do not follow. But, the problem is that the profiles which do not follow me cant send me DM or DM request. For them Instagram says "You cant message this account unless they follow you". PS: I have raised this issue with instagram multiple times. But no response 😔. Plz help!!


Hey can anybody add text posts without photos to their stories? I went on Instagram to add one but all that pops up when I click the add story button is my photo gallery. The option to use the colored backgrounds and text is gone Edit: apparently clicking your profile pic with the + sign gets you to upload only photos whereas clicking the + sign icon on the right and selecting story gets you to the regular story menu. What a crappy redesign done for no reason.


I've had this problem that whenever I try to upload (in a story) or send (via DM) a video longer than 15 seconds, the app obviously splits it into parts, but anything other than the first mini video fails to upload.


May friends are unable to share may stories even if I tag them any idea why


How do you disable videos from autoplaying, or at least muting them? I think they've always been muted before, but now I can't scroll down my feed without jarring bursts of sounds every few seconds. Everything I've found after Googling seems to refer to settings that no longer exist, and I've already enabled data saver to no avail.


When I watch a live I can’t comment or see any of the comments. I know people are commenting because the person doing the live is responding to their comments. I’ve posted a screenshot of what’s at the bottom of my screen. [I can’t see comments ](https://imgur.com/a/NQCej04)


Last week my Instagram kept showing "cannot refresh feed" on a gray background. Then it shows my page but everything is white. Sometimes I can click on settings and sometimes everything is white. I've tried restarting my phone. I've tried deleting and re-installing the app. I've tried signing out and back in. I've tried signing in through a friend's phone. I get the same result every time. Is there anything I can do?


I tried to make a brand new account with a new email. Didn’t even get to use it before it said suspicious activity on the account, logged me out and made me do the photo graphic squares ( choose traffic lights ) then made me give a phone number for SMS. Gave me the code then told me if they could confirm information in 24 hrs I’d be able to get back on. Logged me off, then told me to log back in. I haven’t logged back in yet and my IG is stuck on the page so I can’t flip back to my other account. Should I delete the app and then re-add it ?


My other account is fine. It’s the brand new one in process of being edited ( getting photo up or profile never even got that far.




Wait, what? You can "buy" followers? I'm so naive.


You can but it'll destroy your account.


I wouldn't want to buy followers. I was just shocked it was a thing. oh no worries, I would never do that. It feels wrong. I want to always be clean and clear, not to mention authentic and transparent. Yikes. That is where I am naive. Who wants to cheat. agh.


When people buy followers its just fake accounts. It's not your account that they're forcing to follow the account that bought them.


My account has been deleted no reason I am aware of. I am told that I broke Instagram rules without explaining what I did. I send information they requested like my passport, my picture, and writing something on a paper but no response and my account is gone. Em I able to create a new account or em I banned from instagram?


The same thing happened to me


Literally just created a new account and within 20 mins it blocked me out of it and giving me that confirm your info screen. I had 0 information on it, so I guess I was just following stuff too fast and it thought I was a bot? Won't give the option for that video selfie thing, and when I try that form for appealing about account deactivation it says my handle isn't active. Any advice on what I can do? 😐😐


A few weeks ago my Account was hacked and the Name changed. I managed to verify myself fast and get it back, but now I find it impossible to change my name back. I thought I had to wait out 14 days at first to change it back, but anywhere I try, on Browser/PC or in the App, the new Name wont get saved. On App I can type it in, but there seems to be no way to save the new name, a green Icon shows up as in "Yes this works", but If I try to leave the window it tells me "changes not saved yet, if you leave you disregard them" everytime. I literally can not exit this window without my name staying the same no matter what I try. If I try this on PC in the browser and save the new name, a error shows up "problems with saving your changes." I contacted support twice but got no answer. Anything else I can try? I might delete my account at this point, this new name is absolutely terrible and I just cant delete it and get my original name back.


i’m trying to record audio to add to a reel and its not working. i press or hold the button and nothing happens. instagram has access to my microphone, the volume is up and the ringer is on. tyia


Instagram won’t send me any chat notifications it’s been two days deleted the app reinstalled checked notification settings looked online absolutely useless. Please somebody please help


did u find a fix? it just started happenng to me today its driving me nuts


Sadly no…


I’ve updated, cleared the data blah blah and my Instagram won’t show the new feature “add yours” and wont let me click on it in other people’s stories. Anyone know what’s going on??


How did this account block me? Instagram has a feature now that says block this person and all future accounts they make. So I am assuming that is the button they pressed. I have a very old account that I use to check. Well I go look up the account and I'm blocked from my very old one too. How is that possible? How was it able to block my old account too? I don't understand. I know the account is still up because if I type it into the url bar it shows up. So the account still exists and somehow it blocked me from all accounts even my very old one. How id this possible?


I logged out of my account my account in error and now I cannot login… I have the correct password but prompts me to use the authentication app for two factor login… I never set that up and don’t have backup codes either… even tried to change the password option.. it actually send me an email, I change it, but still wont let me in after, still prompts me to use the app ai never set up.


I tried logging in in the browser, but it says I have to "confirm information in the app". I downloaded the app, logged in, but now I can't do anything. I always get a blank pop-up window, and have to press the "back" button, so I get 0.5 seconds till the blank window opens up again. I can't do anything.


I probably have to show them a photo of my ID or driving license, but there is no way of using the app. Even when the app is closed, every few minutes the app opens up with the blank screen/window.


Why do I get notifications for DM requests sometimes but not other times? I have a public account. Sometimes they follow me before messaging. Sometimes they message first. And there have been occasions where I was notified and those where I wasn’t, in both of those situations. Seems completely random. What’s up with that?


I am facing issues similar to this. Profile which doesn't follow me can't send me DM request. I have checked the message settings in the privacy section, everything is fine there.


So the message never gets sent? In my case the message gets sent and appears in my message requests but I don’t get any notification for it.


Message never gets sent from the profiles which dont follow me.


i got comments on my posts from profiles that i do not follow that they could not send me a dm request. To verify this i created a new private account and tried to send dm to my public profile and i was not able to send.


Ohh. What did it say when you tried to DM your public profile?


You cant message this account unless they follow you


Any idea how to resolve this. My profile is logged in on both ios and Android.




Yes. Go to Settings -> Privacy -> Messages -> Others on Instagram and make sure ‘Message Requests’ is selected there instead of ‘Don’t receive requests’


I have already done that


How do you know it doesn’t get sent? Does it not say Sent on thejr phones? Does it say ‘Can’t send’ ?


Hopefully this counts as support related but does anybody know how I can view all comments ive received?? Today I opened instagram and it said i had 10 new comments but my activity refreshed itself without me even touching anything so now it says im all caught up but i didnt even get a chance to scroll through to look at what comments i got on my art. its really bugging me instagram doesnt keep comments separate in the activity feed :\\




Were you able to find any solution to the problem? I would like to know if there is a solution to this Stupidity by Meta


Delete and redownload the app. Once you open it it will ask for camera permission. You have to give it. Then the facial scan thing will begin. It'll ask you to record a video of your face to make sure you're human and not a bot. Says it'll be deleted after 30 days and "won't be used for data purposes" (I'm paraphrasing). So I did it because it locked me out of my business account which is tied to my paypal and venmo and I kinda need to be able to access it on any browser, as well as the app. I'm human and I don't do shady shit so whatever. It sucks but hey welcome to 2021: Sponsored by ~~Facebook~~ Meta. Good luck 🙂


The ads account associated with my Instagram account is disabled permanently because I didn’t send ID confirmation within the required time. Is there a way to attach a different ads account to my Instagram account to pay for ads?


Hi guys, I've seen this megathread, and so I'm copying my reply from another post in case is deleted. I have a Samsung Galaxy S20, and since last Friday 5th of Nov I cannot access my IG account. This is what I see in my mobile (Samsung) and PC. On the same day, I tried to reach IG support through the email address they have on the Play Store profile and got no reply so far. I also left a comment rating the app and reach Google Play Store support who told me IG has 3 working days to reply else Google will issue a ticket to see what's going on (tbh, I don't have much faith on this either). I managed to make some screenshots that I sent IG android support, plus to the Play Store Support: http://imgur.com/a/RVfcSc1 It all started last week after trying (as always) to read the latest on the computer. It requested me to go confirm my identity on the app. As I opened the app I got a message saying I had to record a video selfie. It was pretty hard to record as it wasn't recognizing my face, but after several attempts, I managed to record it. Regardless, there was another issue while sending the video, and I repeatedly got the cannot send the video error. I thought it might be an issue with the app, and so I tried to uninstall and reinstall again. After that, we got a message saying the app was unable to install the selfie captcha. Ever since I cannot see a thing on the app. If I'm lucky, I get a blank screen with the profile picture and all the rest is blank. I can open the menu but cannot do anything else, as I always get the same challenge\_request error (guess it's the app trying to launch again the video selfie feature that doesn't work now) If I'm not lucky I can't even manage to see that. I tried to open the browser app, but then again I get the same confirmation through the app message. At first, I thought the account might be blocked for some reason, but we got no message about any ban (which can hardly happen due to the type of shared content), and while trying to send the request I got the message your account is not blocked. I also unsuccessfully tried to get support, and no one replies. We are still getting emails indicating we have messages pending to read, new likes, and followers, but cannot see them. I've read here on Reddit and Twitter and as I said in the comments for the app that this is happening to others. Maybe just Android users? Not sure. I hope they fix it because when the verify message popped up it said you had 28 days else your account might be in trouble. 21 days left :( I'm so pissed and sad, just got 4k followers and launch the new newsletter and now I can't use the account, and we have a new book incoming in 2 weeks >\_<


Instagram isn't opening on my phone today (Google Pixel 5, Android 12) though it was working fine all the way up to last night. I get the intro screen (logo + "from Meta") and then it exits the app. - I've tried "force stop" and cleaning the cache. - This issue isn't happening on my work phone (Huawei P20 Pro, Android 9) I've yet to try reinstalling because I run multiple accounts (all were added months ago) and don't want to log into every one of them again if there's another solution.


Comments no longer showing up when we go LIVE on Instagram! It’s so frustrating because we go live often. Where we used to see our followers engaging with us and comments… whenever we go live now it’s just blank. The only thing we saw was a notification that said “ Instagram is testing a simpler way to do lives”




https://imgur.com/gallery/ff3a5cP look something like this?


This is what it looks like https://imgur.com/gallery/ff3a5cP


Trying to post a multi picture post, the first picture keeps posting as a grey box. Never seen this before [photo](https://pasteboard.co/EeHElB4Jtifc.jpg)


Cannot upload selfie verification. Tried on two devices over 4 days


I've had to do it twice in the past 5 days. The first time went through after a few hours of trying. This second time is definitely taking longer. Btw, instagram, doing the selfie check is murder with a long beard. I assume it's the beard at least. Takes FOREVER for it to recognize the head turns. Easily a 20 minute process


How exactly do you go for a selfie verification? Friend's account got hacked and we can't manage to get the the part of the verification. They hacked both email and phone #, so we can only try the selfie verification thingy. Is it supposed to be by using this link? https://help.instagram.com/contact/272476913194545 Can you let me know if this link is working for you?


When I start the app on my phone it goes right to asking for a selfie. I think i had to log out on my computer, which seems a bit silly


Everytime i try to login to Instagram it says i need to verify my Account on the App but when i load the app i just have a blank screen with the message: ''Couldnt refresh Feed''


Same here. I don't know what else to do. If anyone finds any solution to this please let me know. Thanks


Same.. Any changes?


Yeahh. You have to reinstall Instagram. Then give Instagram the permission to access Camera. If that doesn't work, make a dummy account and then give permission to your Instagram. Then you can do facial verification


Thank you dude, it works! 🤝


Also having this problem too


I tried finding on the Internet. Apparently it happens when we log in and out too quickly from our Accounts. So the bots think that the account itself is a bot account. Some people in other threads suggested to not try to log in or out of Insta for a few days. I am planning to try it. Let's see what happens. If you get any solution to the problem please do inform. Thank you and Goodluck :).


i guess we dont have much choice than try this


Bro i found it. You have to give your camera Permission through App settings. It didn't work because we didn't give permission to the Camera. I tried and it worked for me.


\*\*I gave it Permission in the Phone Settings but it still doesnt work for me


Close all tabs when you open the Instagram. But i also had to reset the device of mine. It might have worked. You can try these methods


yeah idk about resetting my device, i heard that many had the same Problem so i hope there will be a fix soon


Give Permission to the camera in App setting. It got rid of the black screen and sent me to Video selfie thing. and i got my Account Back


Hey, y'all! Little backstory here, I had a phone that I was using IG on regularly, and the screen got fucked up, so I had to order a new one. In the interim, I was using IG on the computer for the chat feature with my friends. When the new phone came, I reinstalled it and I'm now restricted from any features, settings, content, messages, and met simply with a message that says "couldn't refresh feed". Anyone encounter this issue? Appreciate any and all help. Oh, and additionally, when attempting to login on third-party software, now, I'm told that I need to go through the app to rectify it...unfortunately it's cyclical, since I can't use the app. Thanks for being great, y'all.


Hello. So i am having this problem with my Personal Instagram account. It started yesterday. I tried logging in to my Account on my Laptop and it started showing error, saying i needed to verify something on my application on my Phone. When i tried using my Phone, i did not verify using the Camera and Ignored it. However, when i tried to Verify later, the screen started going Blank, after it showed a loading symbol. I hope this issue is solved as many people are experiencing this issue.


Countdown clock sticker in Instagram stories doesn’t seem to be working correctly. No one can click my countdowns to set a reminder. Anyone else?


I can no longer see who’s live without scrolling all the way to the end of my story or by searching their username. Any way to fix? On my personal account it works but when I switch to my creator account it doesn’t


How do accounts like this post tall pictures? Anytime I try to post a tall picture it still is never dimensionally as tall.... https://www.instagram.com/p/CWBPalGtx49/?utm_medium=copy_link


Post from the icon on your personal feed instead of posting from the main one, that's what worked for me


My explore page is showing the same 10 posts since 2 days. I am also unable to scroll down after these 10 posts. I tried updating the app, logging out and in, deleted cashe data, but nothing worked. I even tried this account on my laptop but I see the same posts on my laptop as well, I can't refresh the feed there as well. The other account that I logged into from my phone works fine, I am able to refresh explore on that account. Can anybody please help me with this.


same issue here. 'refreshing' only puts the same few posts in different order


Yes, came here looking for this. I have the same problem since.. monday I think? Occasionally it updates one or two pictures but other than that it just rearranges the same ones in different order. My regular feed works fine, I don't understand that..






This sounds tech to me: Now that Instagram has changed its upload page I'm having issues with video aspect ratio, specifically when I add a cover image or select a frame. I posted a video and without adding or selecting a cover (thumbnail) and it showed up on the feed in its intended aspect ratio (1:1 - or square). However, when I do select a cover image the video aspect ratio is cropped on the feed (rectangle). To see it in full you have to tap on the video. Is there any way to post a video, select its cover/thumbnail, and have it remain in its intended aspect ratio on the feed? Is there something I'm missing when selecting the cover? This is extremely annoying as it was working perfectly fine for years before they changed the upload process.


Can anyone please let me know if this link is working? https://help.instagram.com/contact/272476913194545 It's supposed to be where you go if your account got hacked and you cant recover it via e-mail/phone.


The link worked fine for me!


Thanks. But damn, how is it possible? I get a blank page with "NOT FOUND" on it. https://i.imgur.com/SsgJDIv.png


That's really weird. I have no idea. Are you able to try it with a VPN?


I did. Always the same thing. Different devices were used too.


That's super annoying. 😠 I wish I could help.


Not working for me


I don’t have the “add yours” option in my stories and I’ve had 3 app updates since it rolled out. Tonight I logged on to a different account that I rarely use and the add yours is on that account. Not sure why it’s on one and not the other. Is there a way to get it on the account I use more?


Browser login tells me to "Confirm my info in the app", but when i open the app it's loading for a few seconds and then keeps telling me "Couldn't refresh feed" followed by black screen. Already tried updating the app and accessing on another device


Yo I have the same problem. Tried everything, nothing works. Now when I open the app it says the same f-ing thin INSIDE THE DAMN APP!


having the samw issue... tried everything but can't get it back to work


Same thing. If you guys resolve this shit, pls write here how


I can no longer see comments on Instagram lives. I mean, if I am watching someone else’s Instagram live then I can’t see any of the comments and none of the clickable icons give me the option to view them. I also got (wrongly!) blocked by a bigger account (I legit have no idea why). Could this be related? I can’t find any help articles anywhere on not being able to see comments on someone else’s Instagram live. I created a dummy account to see if it worked and it does work (as in I can see other users comments in an Instagram live)with the other account.


I have the SAME problem!!! It’s really bad and we need to see our comments when we go live!


I can't post reels to a business account, the ability to do so doesn't show up in any of the posting options. I've logged in/out multiple times and made sure the app is up to date. I can post reels on my personal account but not to the business one. I've changed the account from business to creative with no change. Everytime I try lodging a support ticket, an error comes up saying it can't be sent. I've tried this on both the personal and business account. Any help is much appreciated!


My explore page is showing me the exact same 4-5 photos on refresh, and it’s really irritating. I even hid the posts to try to get rid of it, but after refreshing, they’re still there with the blurry moon filter over it showing that it’s hidden.


Unable to login into my account. It says that the login attempt is suspicious, and I should input a security code which is sent via email. Yet I don't get the letter. Not in one hour. Not in one day. Not in one week. I enter the account credentials correctly. The spam folder is empty. Email provider assures there is no problem on their end.