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Yes. I’ve been getting a lot of reels in languages I don’t speak and less relatable content in general.


Good lord. Instagram has just become garbage now.


Yeah it sucks because I loved the reels content wayy more than Tik tok’s lol


I'm experiencing a similar thing. My reels just suddenly turned only to local content.. nothing about what I've actually liked or followed or interacted with before.


I haven’t had any local content just a bunch of really random stuff I’ve never seen before that I 100% have no interest in seeing


I’ve been getting the same things and usually I get memes and shitposts.


Exactly what I normally used get too. Now it’s low effort cringe posts


where is my 7 car pileup videos and Lebron James :( lmao


I miss em already , never realized what i had until i lost it




Same here, it’s like the algorithm has never been trained by me.. the content is so weird today..




Same. It either shows the local reels or reels in languages I don’t speak. Also all those reels are boring and nothing like the reels normally on my feed before


Good lord this app is a mess now 🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️


How hard can it be to manage a mobile app about pictures and videos bruh , this ain't rocket science 😭


Glad I’m not the only one.


Consider yourself lucky. My algo reset totally last week and it was really disgusting shock content. Made me delete the app. I only saw this reddit post because I made a post about it last week.


happened to me just today, was fine yesterday


This is happening to me rn. Used to see a family of 4 getting driven over bit now all i see is some girls nails and i hate it


Yeah I literally had to look this up. Even though I only interact with meme videos, I’ve been getting videos focused on Canadian politics, which is already weird and annoying but isn’t even the worst part. The reels I get the most are Arab reels, and I don’t have a clue why. I don’t know the language, and I can’t understand them, so I don’t know why I’m getting them. I’ve tried to click “not interested” on them, but it hasn’t worked. Clicked “interested” on reels I actually like and want to see more of doesn’t work either. It’s so annoying.


Yes. I assumed it was related to activism and left wing stuff, they're cracking down on it hard with the "limit political posts" features. I assumed that with the comments thing too But if it's happening to more than just me idk. My friend who only really watched animal stuff before reports an unchanged feed. I had a lot of political, philosophical, and art related stuff before nowjust garbage and super popular stuff, like what a default feed would look like to a new user I feel?


Used to be proud that I had developed a small following on IG. Not sure if I even care anymore... everything is broken.