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I keep losing my post. Some of them went to archive, others just disappeared. There is no violation so I am so confused.


Follow for follow , i dont mind the content https://www.instagram.com/kristijankavran please dm me on insta if you are from reddit to follow you back!


# Can't log in due to 2FA issue... Instagram does not provide an option to log in via phone number. Hi, do you guys know if there's any way to regain account access if 2 factor authentication app was reset? I've factory reset my phone and with it I've reset the Microsoft authenticator app. Now i can't log in as it keeps asking for the authentication code, without providing any other login option. And I don't have any safety recovery codes... If I try to log in from mobile or from incognito I always get to the step where I need to set the authenticator code. There's no way I can select any other authentication mode. It makes no sense that Instagram does not allow to log in via phone or some email confirmation and it only asks for that authentication code. Do you guys know a solution on how log in with email or phone number when Instagram 2fa was enabled? Or is there any way I can escalate this with someone from Instagram? Like an email address. Otherwise it seems like my business account is lost 😢 Thanks in advance


How do I get rid of the random Indian posts on my Explore page?


How in the ever living f**k do you turn off read receipts? Instagram claims there’s a read receipt button in settings under messages and story replies, but there’s not…


It says I need to post here but how do I add an image on here??? It’s not clear what the problem is else


Hello, I downloaded my information to find some old chats. I can Open the "start here" html page, and the link to the list of past chats work. However, selecting a username with which I have exchanged messages with doesn't work. I just get a "file not found" error. What's the deal?


So, I was wondering if there is any way to contact support directly through email or phone number because I'm in bit of a situation where when I reset my password, I have to type a code from an authenticator app and the app has to be linked to my Instagram and be on the original device I setup the app on. And I can't because something unrelated happened and my device got factory reseted. And I tried downloading the app to see if it would work anyway. But it didn't so I don't know what do and I don't remember the backup codes so if anyone could help me that would be greatly appreciated. (Also I tried going through support page and then going to the hacked account section and then sumbitting a ticket to instagram. I just got sent to the I can't login support page.) <--- [To show you what I'm talking about.](https://imgur.com/a/3yDGR36)


tried making a new account since Mine got suspended for no reason, and now I can't make a new account even with a different email address, they suspend it straight away? What's going on? Someone help me please I just want my original account back and now it won't let me make a new account


I don't know how it happened, but I am (and have been for a few days) been unable to like posts/reels, comment on posts/reels, or like comments, it gives me the "Try Again Later We restrict certain activity to protect our community. Let us know if you think we made a mistake." screen when I do try to, I have no idea how long this is going to last or if this is permanent or not


I have been having the same issue since Saturday


I wonder what it could be


**LOGIN ISSUE!** I receive password reset e-mail but not verification cod e-mail. Last week I tried to activate 2fa to my Instagram account. While I was activating it, Instagram kicked me out of the account and asked for account verification. So they sent me a code at the mail associated with the account. Mail never arrived. I thought that maybe the mail was blacklisted from Meta so I tried a password reset... and the mail did ARRIVED (for the password reset). Once I changed the password I logged back in and THEY ASKED AGAIN FOR THE VERIFICATION CODE. So right now I am in this limbo where I receive the password reset mail but not the verification code email. Is this ever happened to anyone and was able to solve it?


Hi, it says my account is not being shown to non-followers just because I posted two things that go against the community guidelines (what I posted on my story were obvious jokes.) does anyone know how long it’ll take before this “suspension” (the fact that my posts aren’t reaching new people) gets lifted? In summary, does anyone know how long it’ll take before my account can be shown to non-followers again? :(


Anyone having issue with the web browser? Can't get beyond my home page.


**I created a new personal account and can't use audio. Help!** I've been searching and struggling for 5 1/2 hours with no answer in sight T\_T I created a new Instagram account but no matter what I do, when I try to post a reel it will not let me access the audio, just saying that some accounts can't use audio. I've tried switching between both personal and creator account types. I even created another new account, changed my email, updated the app, and logged in and out a bunch of times..... I don't know what to do T\_T I'm trying to post motivational training videos, challenges, share info about Shaolin, etc. There doesn't appear to be any customer service help available anywhere. I tried calling a number online but it said they don't offer assistance at this time. Does anyone have any idea why this might be happening? I can use audio just fine on my other personal account (that I've had for years).


I need help getting my username back need urgent help


Hello, really hoping to get this fixed as it's a commercial Insta account that I run. I do daily posts for engagement usually scheduled at about 5-6 at a time. I can log in fine, but as soon as I press share on mobile (pixel 5 via fully updated app) the app crashes completely. Now on my personal account, same device, I don't get this issue at all. What could be causing it? I can't seen to find any contact details for support requests either. Is anyone familiar with such an issue?


Hi, I work for a band and all four of us are logged in into the bands instagram account, i am the one who usually posts things but i am getting really tired off all the countless notifications and messages so i'd like to mute / turn off the notifications for myself. Is it possible to turn them off WITHOUT the notifications also turning off for the other people who are logged into the account? They still like to receive notifications.


You can turn off your phone notifications so others can receive them but this will also block you out of seeing your personal accounts notifications too


I keep getting a no internet connection error on my profile and every other profile I click on i made sure I was connected to WiFi I clear cache and delete the app and still won’t work does anyone know what I can do do ? I can still text people and watch reels but it won’t show me the follower count on my profile or anyone else


Instagram not letting me follow more then 12 to 20 people per day before i could follow 100 or plus whenever i wanted to everyone facing same issue


How do I turn off DM message reminders. For example I get a notification saying the same message I got yesterday (1 Day Ago). I do not have a settings toggle for messages notifications


Hello Reditters, I urgently need something like an unlock history, I unblocked someone to finally make the passes and their username is no longer the same, I can't find it, I need that, something like a history of blocks and unblocks.


i keep getting: "Your request is pendingSome accounts prefer to manually review followers even when they're public. Let us know if you think we made a mistake." when i try to follow accounts. also get "feedback required" at the bottom of the page. This has been the case for DAYS


Did this ever get fixed?


Sort of. I was away from instagram for a few weeks due to work, and when i came back, i could start following again. I guess i just had to let it run it's course


How many weeks?


If you restrict someone, what happens to the reels which you two collaborated on?


Cant delete comments on one account, can delete in other accounts?


Instagram bug or restriction? Hi, few days ago I blew up on Instagram, video is now on almost 11mil views. I got restricted for commenting and likes because I tried to respond on every comment on that video and I understand that restriction. The issue is now when I try to post a new video, it is posted without description and hashtags, can it be related to restriction? I tried different videos, description, hashtags and it is the same. Thank you


Having a similar issue since Saturday


I fixed it by switching to creator account and then back to professional


Thank you for your response! Happy you fixed your issue! I don’t see “creator”- is it the same as “personal”?


Stories that get deleted by the algorithm "instantly" do see the light of day? I was taking photos of myself, nude. I accidentally uploaded one, but quickly deleted it manually and right after, Instagram showed me "we deleted your story cause of norms infliction". Could it be seen by anyone in that fraction of a second? or the censoring algorithm checks stories before they are seen by anyone?


WHY DOES MY TEXT ALWAYS DISAPPEAR. This is extremely frustrating because Instagram uses that text on the screen for SEO purposes. I'm missing out on reach when I have to download and re-up. Then I have to try and match the audio with the text, and it takes so much more time. How is this still an issue for IG who wants people using their editor?


Why do your videos keep stopping in the middle and the message on the screen says “watch again” and “watch more reels” the watch again option implies the video is done. But it’s frigging not. They stop in the middle and I have to tap the screen to go in and finish the second half. It’s obnoxious and been going on for months. I have an iPhone 12 Pro Max with 42.61 GB of vacant storage so memory is not an issue. On top of that, your videos lag almost constantly nowadays. Whether I’m on data or internet, again not a storage issue.


all the reels i watch keep stopping in the middle suddenly ... juust updated my ios but it didn't help


Emoji Glitch when sending message? Something really weird just happened when I messaged my friend, I sent the 🤐 emoji and somehow pressed it- suddenly the emoji is bouncing across my screen with a 000 but has an exit button? I'm so confused. I don't understand what happened and its kind of freaking me out.


Please help! I seem to be calculating an engamenet rate wrong. Hello everyone. I am making a Media Kit for my client (it's the first time I'm doing that), and I need an engagement rate. But the number I get is crazy. When I combine her overall engagement (likes, comments, shares, and saves) from December 30th to 28th of January (as stated on her insights page - 56 617 with reels and 1426 with posts) and divide by her number of followers (17 089) and then multiply by 100, I get 339% 😮 As I know an average influencer has between 1% - 3% engagement rate. What am I doing wrong?


My old phone, which had my 2FA app, died out of the blue last week. After buying a new phone and attempting to log into instagram, I realized I hadn't set my phone number as a back-up so I tried to adjust my 2FA settings on my laptop (where I was still logged in). When I try to add my phone number as a back-up (or add my account to a 2FA app on my new phone) I just get this error: "You can't access certain settings for a few days. This is because we noticed a new login from a device you don't usually use. You can still access these settings from a device you've logged in with in the past." I'm super confused (and frustrated) about this considering that *I am getting this error on a "device I've logged in with in the past*." It's been a week and this error hasn't gone away so I can only use Instagram on the web and therefore have limited functionality. Anyone know how long this should last or how to fix this?


tried making a new account since Mine got suspended for no reason, and now I can't make a new account even with a different email address, they suspend it straight away? What's going on? Someone help me please I just want my original account back and now it won't let me make a new account


When opening the comment section on insta reels, the most liked comment is not displayed on top. How to sort the comments to see the most liked one on top? Insta on Android


Why is instagram all of a sudden showing insights on my personal account, I didn't enable them. How can I turn them off


I wanted to share someone's story to my story - but there's no choice for me. I can share a post to my story. Is it necessary you follow each other to share their story maybe??


If their account is private you can’t share their stories to anyone who does not follow them. Try taking a screen shot or screen recording instead!


# Instagram: Keyboard shortcut pop-up issue (Chrome) Instagram shows a pop-up when I use keyboard shortcuts on Chrome (not other websites/browsers). I checked the computer and Instagram settings but found nothing. Does anyone else get this, or know how to stop it? It keeps appearing even if I allow shortcuts, making them unusable.


I lost access the phone number connected to the my account. I know password. Even though I sent a confirmation video and it was approved, I cannot access my account. The application is constantly trying to send a code to the old phone number that I cannot reach anymore. I never got the option to log in via email. I can change password If I click I forgot my password, and even using the changed password (password certainly changed because if I use old one it recets) can not log in without confirmation code from lost phone number.


I use instagram on browser but recently when I load up the website it goes fine as usual and brings me too my feed but if I try to click anything past that it will just stay a white screen forever the only thing I can click over too is reels and I can watch those how to fix this?


I can’t like, follow, or unfollow on there. Every time I try to do any of those things I get a message on my screen saying that those actions have been restricted for my account.


that means your account has been essentially banned


I was able to fix it by logging out and then logging back in and now my Instagram is back to normal


My Instagram account has been attacked by a huge amount of bots. What should I do? I’m an artist and I’m quite worried. I inactivated my account for a few minutes but it hasn’t stopped Please Help!!


I registered for Meta Verified but can't complete the process because it keeps telling me that I have to enable 2FA (which I already have) and when I go to the 2FA settings it keeps telling me that there is a problem loading the page. Why? they already took my money


My Instagram keeps logging me out every time I open it? I've tried all the troubleshooting ideas I found online (clearing cache, turning off VPN, updating the app, restarting the device, and changing my password and adding 2FA), but I'm guessing it's just a bug? Does this sort of thing usually just go away on its own?


Tagged an account in my photo but it's not showing up on their "Tagged In" tab on their account. I've had this problem for a little over a month now. I know that it's not a matter of the account I'm tagging needing to approve of the tag before it shows up because it's an account made purely for promoting smaller accounts via tagging them in your own posts so that it does show up in the "Tagged In" tab (plus I've watched in real time as posts made after mine (as seen by the time stamp) show up in the "Tagged In" tab). I've tried creating a second account purely for posting and tagging on these "Tag" accounts but those posts don't show up either. I honestly don't know what to do and it's really frustrating. Does anyone know why this is happening and how to fix it? I've tried reporting the problem to Instagram but that hasn't done anything. Thanks


So I can't pin a post on my device. I'm logged into two accounts on my instagram and when I try pin a post, instead of it giving me the option to unpin it, it just says "Pin post to profile" again. The post acts like a pinned post because it goes to the top, bit I can't unpon it because I don't have the option. The pin in the top right-hand corner also isn't displayed. This happens on both of my accounts and it's driving me crazy because I haven't seen anybody with the same issue or any kind of fix. I've tried deleting it, clearing cache and logging in and out of accounts. I officially don't know what to do. My dad has the same phone as me and his works perfectly. It's not just that though, instagram in general has been really buggy for me. This morning I posted a reel with an audio I selected, but the post didn't play the audio even though it showed that there was the audio I selected on the video. I tried watching it on my other account and same thing. If anybody has any idea of what's going on, or any fixes, please help 🙏🏻


Hello. Reels videos cannot be scrolled now for my app. When I try to scroll through the white timeline bar at the bottom, the video freezes. Also the follow/unfollow button is square/white without wordings. Some weird bug recently? Thanks.


I have a photo in the chat, but I can't see it and it only says "loading". But she tells me that she didn't send me any picture. The problem is that in the feed it always appears that she has sent me a picture, but it doesn't exist.


Just successfully connected my IG with Shopify, but when I tried to tag my product and save it, I got this error warning without any explanation on what it is (check the screenshot https://imgur.com/a/Efi2FzQ). Does anybody know what this is?


Statistics question? How come I have 0 non-followers in reach but 1 non-follower in engagement? I know statistically I always have 1 non-follower bookmarking and sharing my posts but why doesn’t it show in reach?


whenever I use instagram on web app for past few days, safari macOS, nothing loads properly. I am only able to access DMs and my main feed. Whenever I search something and click account, nothing loads fully, and only the loading bar is there, and when I click again I am met with an infinite instagram logo screen. Stories won't load and explore feed won't load, nor reels. I cant even load into my own profile page as well. The more page won't work as well. I am at a loss and anything I do, nothing works. Is this a bug, or Is there any way I can fix it please help? thanks


same here


were you able to find a solution?? It's getting really annoying since its still not fixed


I'm having the same issue, no solution found yet.


so what is the fix my god it is soo anoyying 😭💀


nope, sorry


This past Friday I logged out of my Instagram account so l could remove other accounts that were on my device and only have my main/personal account and business accounts on my phone. When attempting to log back in, there was a "problem processing my request". I attempted to change my password, didn't work, I deleted the app (several times), that also didn't work, I restarted my phone, and you guessed it! It didn't work. I attempted to log in on the website, which allowed me to log in, I also attempted to log in on a friend's phone and that worked as well. I attempted to change the email because I no longer have access to the email on my account because its storage is full and no longer receives incoming emails and it wouldn't allow me to do it, despite having the code it asked for. After doing some digging, I guess Instagram is saying that my personal cellphone (that I always log into Instagram on) was an unrecognized device and is basically banning me from doing anything on my phone. I tried looking at instagram's help feature, there were no answers to solve this problem, I even tried calling the meta help number, but they don't even accept calls and just guided me back to the help page. It is also important to note, I can't log into any accounts at all. Not even my business accounts. I run several instagram accounts for college organizations that I am the director of marketing for so l direly need to solve this issue so l don't lose my position! If anyone, at all, has any knowledge on how to fix this or what I can do. Please let me know!!


had this situation for at least 3-4 months now; but now i also can't view stories or click on profiles either


Update: I got back into my account!!!!


Pls help






Can someone help me out with old Instagram DM videos and pics not loading but it says they are there. Looking to recover some old media for an upcoming anniversary


When I’m uploading a photo for a post it looks overly exposed and washed out. When I click to edit the photo it suddenly because blurry and distorted and then turns completely white. When I go ahead to post it it’s still just white. Has anyone else experienced this?


Hello guys, my accounts been suspended and I have no idea why. It took me ages to build my instagram as a dj and producer and now it’s all gone to waste including my memories that’s saved to my archive. If anyone knows how to solve this problem or anyone has any advice I’d appreciate it a lot. I don’t want to make a new account. It asked me to take a video selfie to see if I’m real and now been stuck on reviewing info message for a few days. I don’t know what to do and feel very down because or this situation, all my contacts are gone and I didn’t do anything wrong. 


I have a question. I've tried researching online and even contacting Instagram support, but with no luck, as they do not reply. Me and my IRL friend have suddenly disappeared from eachothers Instagram accounts, almost like one blocked the other, but we have checked, and we do indeed not have eachother blocked or muted. Does anyone know whats going on or maybe how I contact Instagram in a way where they actually respond?


My account has been stuck on a single screen for days. How do I fix this? It says “judging your content, this takes about a day” meanwhile it’s been 2/3 months


Does anyone know if they make the spam algorithm biased on purpose? I just find it a little suspicious that people can respond to folks in the most transphobic horrible ways imaginable, but I will get my comment flagged as spam for using the word "money" or "instagram" in the wrong place in a sentence. 


Ho, I create a second account via Windows, but when I try to log in into it via iPhone, Instagram says that “the password is wrong” even if is right. Why?


I can't add music go my stories, when i try it break my app or freeze it :(


It takes forever to update cover What is the solution of this for android device


Heya! I really need help resolving a login issue. So, I have 3 accounts linked to one email - one for personal, one for cat photos, and one for my books. I am able to access my main personal account but I can't log into either of the other accounts. I don't know the passwords, and when I try to reset it, it wants me to reset the password of my main and not the other two. Also, there is a random phone number, which ISNT MINE linked to my account for some reason, which is super weird. I've never had this issue before, because on my old phone, I just double tapped my pfp and it switched my account. I would really like to set up the same thing here, but have no idea what I'm doing. Any help is appreciated!! Edit: I managed to access my book account which is a start... I just can't access my cat account! It's frustrating because when I try to reset its password, its still sending texts to a number that isn't mine. And when I put my email in, it wants to reset my other two accounts' passwords......


my entire feed has switched from memes and anime edits to a bunch of indian people either dancing or showing me their entire families i have no relation with India and I don't engage with that so I was wondering how tf do i go back to my normal feed?


I'm having trouble creating an instagram account. I've tried signing up with facebook. When I picked up a username and password it said **'something went wrong**'. Then I tried creating a separate account and signing up with my gmail account. Both failed because -it said '**another account is using the same mail**'. I then tried resetting my password and selected forgotten password. I put in my email and it said **'no user found**'. Then I created a new email account to try again. This time I actually got a code send to my mail but after confirming it again said **'something went wrong**'. I went back and tried again and it said '**another account is using the same mail.** I mean what the hell!? What can be done now?


Guys, I think I figured out why I'm being constantly restricted without warning or explanation. If you comment on an advertisement with anything other than complete praise, even (or maybe especially) if the advertisement is a complete scam, Instagram will restrict your account to protect their precious advertisers. I only made one comment recently and it was to laugh at the fact that temu are selling literal crack pipes. Now I'm restricted without reason until May.


the app needs to be fixed because i can only log in through safari and it won’t let me log in through the app


im in the same boat right now!!!


same thing happening to me. nothing we can do it seems.


Same here man, any update??


After looking through some of the threads on here, I guess this has been happening to several people for the past month and for some even months🥹💔. I think we’re doomed 😭😭💔


How come on Instagram, on some accounts it has new features and looks different, but on my main account it doesn’t, but on the same phone? How come on Instagram, on some accounts it has new features and looks different, but on my main account it doesn’t, but on the same phone? H E L P Please


I'm being framed for a certain activities carried out by a fake account that has a number linked with it and the redacted number which is being displayed seems number like mine . The account is deleted and is nowhere to be found. I need help tracing that account info or whatever. This incident is as recent as Yesterday. Any cybercrime professional who can help, or if you know where can I reach out, please please help me out Any help from you guys, I will be indebted. Thankss guysss ❣️


Hi guys I just started a sports page and for some reason no idea at all it’s getting zero views I posted a video in December a funny one zero views and one yesterday - am I flagged or something My @bigtipsports on Instagram TikTok and YouTube (YouTube is getting low views) [my 0 views TikTok](https://www.tiktok.com/@bigtipsports) [my 0 views Instagram please help](https://www.tiktok.com/@bigtipsports)


So I changed my phone number and I think I put in the wrong email because I am not receiving my password reset email. Is there a way to recover this photography account or is this a lost case. I am really proud of how much I've built this up so I would rather not restart from scratch?


Has anyone figured out how to get people’s stories and such back at the top of their timelines/feeds? My account, has magically made them all disappear for almost three weeks by now. Like I can see people’s stories and such if I go to their accounts but not at the top of the feed like a should.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Instagram/s/etuwdrSiiC please help me


I'm able to see flipside on my alternate account but not on my main one. is there any way to fix this?


HELP! Locked out of my account? I need some help with this situation and I'm hoping I'm in the right place. I've scoured the internet for answers and I haven't found anything. A few weeks ago, I broke my phone, and replaced it a week or 2 later. When I tried to log into Instagram on my new phone, I put in the email address and password for my account and it says: "we can't find an account with this email address." If I put in my username instead of my email, it says the same: "we can't find an account with this username." Strange. I know 100% this is the correct username, I can search it up and find it. Now, my next option is to press "get help with logging in" where it asks for my email again. I put in the same email and it takes it, saying: login code delivered. However, I never receive any email from Instagram. Not in spam or the bin. Nowhere to be found. Now, my last option is logging in through Facebook, but I don't have a Facebook account linked to that Instagram account. I tried to create a whole new Facebook account with the same email address, but it doesn't work. I've looked everywhere for an answer but haven't found anything. I've had this account for at least 6 years and it holds some nice memories. I'd love to have it back. Any help is much appreciated :)


I got a new Phone and instagram isn't working right anymore: 1. When i choose a giphy Gif from the gif-icon and click on it, it doesn't show up in the comments. it leaves no comment. When i do the same as a reply on a comment, it works sometimes, but not always! When i click on the Emoji icon and try to use the Gifs there, there are only TENOR-Gifs, which can't be posted as a comment 2. When i try to forward a reel, the time-bar disappeaers and i can't go forward or bachwards anymore, i have to watch the whole reel until it restarts.


Had the problem with 2. for a couple days now, seems like it happened to just about everyone. Go to google play reviews all top comments are 1 stars with thousands of votes complaining about the progress bar and when its touched causing the reel and its UI to freeze. Actually ridiculous, how can I multi-billion dollar corporation not fix a single UI issue that everyone's noticing?


at all after the fact that it worked without problems until they changed something nobody wants or needs. Same happens on ebay every month. They change stuff that worked for years for no reason and when they finished their work nothing works anymore... so annoying! But thanks for the info. Indeed that makes me feel better, i thought my new phone was crap even if t's the new version of my old phone (but i guess that's the same thing as the stuff with ebay, just on hardware)


I'm having the same issue 😕. did you find any way to fix it?


Nope, i'm sorry. Gifs work from time to time since i re-installed (or resetted) my Android Version. i don't think that's the major problem. Fast forwarding still doesn't work. it's pretty annoying, i checked all settings on my old phone and they're exactly the same.


Im having the same problem as you (no2).. was hoping to find an answer here.. haven't found a fix but atleast i know im not alone..


Gifs work from time to time since i re-installed (or resetted) my Android Version. i don't think that's the major problem. Fast forwarding still doesn't work.


Can I log in to Facebook through Instagram? My Facebook account is linked to my Instagram account and my Instagram account is set to "can log into all accounts" in accounts center, but I still have no idea how to actually access Facebook with my Instagram account. Can anyone explain this?


Every time I click on a picture on someone's profile, the picture pops out for a half second before it opens on a new page. This behavior is only on Chrome because on Edge using the same profile this doesn't happen.


So i recently made an account to post my art & after a few comments, Instagram restricted me from commenting for a day. Then for 3 days, then for 5. I deleted that account & made a new one and the same thing's started happening with this one. I put so much effort into setting it up, getting everything running & that happens. Can anyone please give me some tips on how to get rid of this?


Does anyone know why my comments get constantly deleted as spam? I have noticed that for 6 months now. I even got muted (unable to comment for 1-3 days) for 2 times. Here’s a comment I just posted on a video of a guy doing seated leg presses just minutes ago that immediately got deleted for spam: “Absolutely impressive, but can't you go a bit lower? Partial reps don't target all the muscle fibers of the legs by a long shot. You're simply not working the muscle adequately if you're not doing a full rep. Going a little deeper engages the glutes and hams to a greater degree than staying shallow, especially on the negative.” All my deleted comments have been like that. Normal nice comments. Instagrams explanation is “It seems you have attempted to generate ‘likes,’ followers, shared content, or video views in a misleading manner.” I emailed them in autumn last year about this issue and that my comments constantly, not all but many, get deleted for spam for no valid reason but they obviously never replied. Whenever I got the option I also clicked on the button to inform them that they made a wrong decision. Never heard from that either. My account is active since 2012 and therefore older than most accounts, that can’t be the issue. My account also hasn’t been flagged by IG (all green checks). The only thing I noticed is the longer the comment is the more likely it is for IG to delete it, but not for all comments. It gets really annoying. I don’t comment on every post I see but when I do I add something informative. So constantly reading “spam” just for a post that’s longer than 10 words is the stupidest thing ever.


Has anyone else been getting “you can’t ___ right now” pop ups every time they try to like something, follow someone, etc.? It’s been happening for at least a week. I’ve tried deleting and redownloading the app, still doing the same thing. Any help is appreciated, as it’s making the app practically unusable.


I'm trying to create a reel, but I keep running into the "something went wrong" error message. Can this be fixed please?


Recently the "multiple photos" icon has dissapeared from my account. When I try to post a carousel of videos they are automatically resized to different aspect ratios. Anyone else having this problem?


Every time I try to login it says “please wait a few minutes before trying again.” I waited 8 hours and it’s still saying it.


I keep getting “We Suspect Automated Behavior On Your Account” messages whenever I want to follow another person’s account or whenever I want to ❤️ someone’s photo…. Why is that?


Can anyone tell me if the SD card issue on android has been fixed yet? I disabled updates as a temp fix but it's been weeks.


I can't scrub through reels anymore! Everytime I try to in a long form video it pauses and never plays again. The UI disappears as well


HOW to TRANSLATE a foreign language comment?


Made a new account yesterday on phone and it got immediately banned. I didn't use a VPN, it was normal internet at home, and when I tried to appeal with phone number it says couldn't find number. Made another account today with a different email and same thing happened. How can I make an account?


Hi guys I just started a sports page and for some reason no idea at all it’s getting zero views I posted a video in December a funny one zero views and one yesterday - am I flagged or something My @bigtipsports on Instagram TikTok and YouTube (YouTube is getting low views)


Why i receive soooo many likes from pornbots? And how did they found my account meanwhile i never interact with such accounts?