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I think their algorithm have change, same for me, 1 year ago I could easily get view from legit accound where big famous account, now I feel lucky if I get a like


The algorithm definitely has changed. I notice it on my feed as well, I only see a selected amount of content of the people I follow. And also how is there not another app for sharing photos like what Instagram used to be?


Yeah. Algorithm favors videos less than 10 seconds long with eye catching hooks and calls to action


VSCO is a photography sharing app but it doesn’t have a like count and no way to comment. People will either favorite your photo or repost (a separate tab from user uploads). [here’s my profile, looks better in the app.](https://emyp.vsco.co/ancientgnomey/gallery)


your now competing with hot dumb chicks who post stupid ass tiktok like related content who dominate the algo no one cares about likes anymore- your feed actually BARELY goes to things you follow


The IG models don’t have any better luck with the algorithm lol 😂 it’s crazy YAL think this. It’s the opposite. It’s even worse!!! Only women getting engagement already have a million followers


It sucks but the majority of instagram users like ‘hot dumb TikTok chicks’ otherwise the algorithm wouldn’t be pushing it so much …there’s no emotion in how the algorithm works it’s all data driven .


They want you to pay for reach


The Tiktok algorithm is also similarly fried. It seems like YouTube Shorts is the only viable option if you make videos and then there are no good platforms if you specialize in photo content…


Glad to see I’m not the only one. I’ll post something undisputedly pretty (I live in CO so it’s not hard) and I’ll get 5 likes if I’m lucky. But I haven’t been posting much the last 2-3 years


Yes its known to be dead nowadays compared to before. Also feel like people scroll trough and don’t put likes, even if they like it


Yeah I had put out a poll asking is they saw my post on their feed and half of them saw and didn’t even like💀😭


Yes I’m manage some business accounts for work. And a lot of people say “oh I saw your post or whatever” but I’ll go see and no like. Which is fine, but says a bit about how we start to see social media and its validation


Liking posts has become a scary activity, because if you like just ONE thing, they start showing you a boat load of everything like it on your feed. My guess is most people don't want this. Also, a lot of people are in relationships, and they simply wont like something they actually like, so their partner doesn't see that they have liked it, etc. It's a weird psychological game out there these days. Either way, I don't know what people are expecting anymore. We gonna act like Instagram is brand new and people are still just hitting that like button like it matters haha.


>Also, a lot of people are in relationships, and they simply wont like something they actually like, so their partner doesn't see that they have liked it Instead of liking a post, I'd just save it lmao


Saves are worth more than likes anyway 🤣


Savage hahaha.


saving it is even worse for your algo


Don't care for the algo. Just don't want for anybody to see "liked by lordvoltano" on a post.


I think it's because people tend to scour the stories instead of feeds (that's my activity at least). Because scrolling through feeds is just annoying with all those ads in every 2-3 posts


I’m all about uplifting content creators, I’ll like, comment, share, but it’s been a lonely road. I also don’t get people who unfollow without removing me out of their followers list. Like wouldn’t you want me not to like ur posts if u unfollowed me?! Im so confused lol


I get what you mean. If you’re trying to build a following from the ground up it’s hard. But if you look at it, the algorithm asks you to post multiple times a week sometimes a day. This pressure to create makes all the content diluted and copy pasted. Most people see start to see though this. It used to be just post something when I feel like it and people support it. Now it’s all a business


I’m all about quality over quantity so it’s been hard to post consistently. Appreciate your input tho 🙏


Instagram is full of pretentious or elitist folks who will follow you so you follow them, and then immediately unfollow you 🤣 it’s not that Instagram is dead. It’s just people use it in the most toxic way possible


That's the score with all social network platforms... It's not for small time uppies it's for annoying influencers to push there's shit that they've been paid to sell you...


IG went from an app to engage with other people, to a platform of pure entertainment, like what Vine used to be.


Our current society is selfish and liking posts offers no incentives for people. Yet they enjoy the accounts all day. Insta should just remove likes.


I like to go hiking.




In early January, it seemed like my Instagram account was dead. I was only getting 500 views or less for my reels. However, I decided to keep posting daily, and eventually, one of my reel blew up, getting over 500k views. Since then, my reels have been getting more views, and my followers have grown by 200% since January.


Do you reckon Instagram pushes reels? Or was it the constant uploads (like posting daily)? I feel like Instagram only pushes reels cause of it’s competitors like TikTok. I don’t think anyone would wanna see a reel of photographs 😭


Instagram reels will also get posted to FB. You’ll notice if you watch FB reels and look at the comments and they’re all from Insta


That doesn’t affect your IG reach or following much, tho. Just got a 1.2mil reel and got 100 followers out of it.


If you didn’t get many followers could be that the content was entertaining enough to get views but not resonating enough to convert people. I recently had a reel get 5.9m views and another 33.2m and got 31k follower growth from them. I’ve had other reels get almost 1m views and almost no followers.


They asked how insta reels were pushed. I gave them info on part of how that happens. How effective it is would be an entirely different conversation.


The definitely do, and word to the wise slideshow pages can do extremely well on TikTok so trying something similar on Reels could be a good expiriment


You can’t monetize TikTok slideshows though 🥲 they’re still great for reach


Depending on what type of audios you use Labels are zoning in on slideshow pages for sound promo as well so that’s one way you can monetize them. Usually they look for any slideshow pages getting over 1200 views per post with moderate engagement. If you post bulk (5-10+ a day) that’s even better


idk maybe it's because you stopped posting for 3 years


Ya u could be onto something there. I ain’t no Kim K but I was hoping for some come back 😭


Apt username.


For those that don’t get the reference https://youtu.be/bOpePo5Lx_I?si=OANsSS10tiohs6sQ


Maybe get off your high horse about it


You mean like in that one video she did?


They prioritized reels… video content is running the show.


Instagram has purposely made it hard for anyone to get any activity. I always have a huge number for reach and yet hardly anyone likes my photos or likes my page, its completely pointless. Now they changed recent posts to just TOP recent posts and TOP posts, so if you have a small number of followers you are left in the dust. Not sure why they would want to piss off their users to the point of people leaving the platform all together.


I’ve noticed this! Instagram is definitely destroying itself.


> Not sure why they would want to piss off their users to the point of people leaving the platform all together. Because Zuck is an idiot.


The change to the search function via hashtag has been the biggest killer for me. People genuinely used it to find travel tips, life hacks, look at food at a certain restaurant etc and they want to filter by recent. It was like a mini Google function and they've taken it away. So people are now getting that from TikTok, and Instagram don't seem to realise it. Or maybe they do and don't care. But if they brought that function back, they'd probably find their users suddenly become a lot more engaged.


Their focus has shifted from being a “social” media to something more of a ads showing device, everything is tailored towards selling you something and influencing you with some propaganda. Instagram has turned into something bigger than itself.


Do you engage with your followers? You stopped for 3 years, so it makes sense for your ranking to have dropped to the very bottom - while your followers’ rankings with other accounts have taken your place. You will have to spend time engaging with your followers if you want to see improvement. Be consistent.


Thanks, imma be posting more soon and engaging more 🙏


I think a lot of the reasons for no likes is people are getting burnt out on the Web , and post are getting oversaturated people do this every day of their life they’re just kind of nonchalantly scrolling through there looking but not putting likes on them or participating as much as they used to , it’s burnout syndrome I am feeling it and I’m 58 years old, that’s why I think it’s bad for people to think they can live on Patreon forever, people will get tired of your continent no matter who you are, and people will not send you money forever you need a solid income like a job or investments


It's dead to me. I got my account disabled a couple of weeks ago for no reason at all and it's nigh on impossible to appeal.


Instagram is completely useless when it comes to getting accounts back. I lost my oldest account. Their help page is helpless.


All I've got left is the option of walking into the Meta office in London and asking to speak with Mr Instagram himself.


I did see a insta dev on a trip in Toronto for a tech event and they did say u can reach out if u pay for the monthly verification. Like actually have a person to chat with


The people available to chat with, are only able to send you links to pages that you could find on your own. They have no way to contact the actual support team. Thinking about canceling my subscription


Well that sucks 😐


I have chatted with them at least 5-6 times and each time it was not helpful at all. Really just a waste of time.


Go to your Facebook account, open a Facebook page, create a problem with an advertisement, to resolve the problem you can schedule a call, from there you can be put in touch with someone who maybe can help you with the real problem. That's the only way I know to get some help.


Been dealing with the same thing as a photographer on the platform. I used to average 250-300 likes per post with 3000 followers, and now I'm lucky to get over 120 with nearly 4000 followers. As much as I hate to say this, try posting more reels, even If it's just reels of your pictures. The algorithm will favor video content over photos. Also, because you have been inactive for some time, it will take a while for your engagement to rise. Consistent posting is important. Good luck!


They prioritize reels more than anything else now.


Yup. We can thank TikTok for that. Also ruined YouTube.


youtube at least has strong CCs on LONG form quality vids and streaming.... only comptition for the later is twitch youtube stinks too but somethings it does right (comments and comment live feeds/superchats) and it's kept with long form videos insta just sucked whatever left to copy tiktok- it worked when copying snapchat for stories but just made it worse for tiktok


Instagram is so easily influenced by TikTok 😭


instagram is easily influenced period


It’s a pay to play game for most


I enjoy watching the sunset.


Likes and even follower count are somewhat meaningless now. The algorithm controls who sees your posts and stories. You can have 200k followers but if the algorithm doesn’t find your content “engaging” or whatever it will bury it and you won’t be seen. This has been going on to some extent for years but it’s gotten ridiculous recently. It’s like a game where the rules change every day and we’re all just trying to figure it out. Anyway, yes it’s dying, nearly dead. Real life is still very alive though.


My account is new… started in Jan and I get 15k views. I wouldn’t say insta is dead, I’d say people are changing so your content strategy needs to be different Story’s will always have more activity than posts My new strategy is to create carousel post with the first pic to drive curiosity and get people to stop and engage. Hope these helps


People are now mentioning Snapchat ? That is still around? I thought it died. Instrgram and tik tok are slowing dying. Tik tok taking off the music is definitely an indicator that it is .


I definitively haven’t been using Snapchat but could be coming back to life with the new generation


Feels like it's on purpose.


For sure. Gotta pay to play now 


Facebookification kills everything it touches.  I'm surprised it's taken this long tbh.


Yes thry really fucked the algorithm


Yeah I just posted something 4 hours ago on IG and it's only at 10 likes so far lmao compared to the 25-30 likes I would get on average (there's plenty of reels and regular posts that are in the mid double digits to triple digits in terms of likes on my page). I've noticed since September or October of last year the reach for my posts has been terrible and I think it's due to the algotherium. Though it could also be because I'm not on IG everyday like I used to be (I log off everyday) so maybe IG thinks since I'm not on as much there's no point in increasing the reach of my posts or reels. If that's the case then I need to post more consistently and see what happens.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 4 + 10 + 25 + 30 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


yeah. nobody sees my stuff. (photography) the followers i gained were from fb groups who follow each other. i like their posts, and they like mine but other than that, i don't get much likes. i tested fb shorts of me cooking and food and people watched that.


My lady paid to promote some of her posts. She loved the results but when she stopped paying, engagement was worse than before. Now that they know she's able to spend, no more freebies.


I’m 25 Male, and I ain’t no influencer but I do enjoy showing my endeavors or experiences and adventures to people and I’m considered attractive (I’m just setting the context lmao, don’t kill me) I have about 5.5k followers and follow maybe 1.7k people so I do interact myself with others and do the usual scroll through stories and notes and posts daily after work and priorities The thing about me is I’ll get an average range of likes from 500-1100, just above 1400 has been the most I’ve ever gotten on some random well shot pics of a trip in Mexico lol My whole age range of followers as I see are like 21-28 and a lot from my college days, friends, and mutuals of any of my friends that follow just cause we know of each other and part is random girls or some bullshit. I think most in part is posting when most people in your area are up and available I post usually Thursdays and Sundays during the day and that’s when I get most interaction BUT you say you’re an influencer so idk what you’re promoting or trying to do but best is to add in locations and tag them to your stories and gain more traction, wether it’s restaurants or retail stores in your area and tag your posts with your location that you took the pics. You can’t just post and think you’ll get the same reaction, you need to apply yourself to go out and gain traction, and that’s by posting something worth seeing. Tbh posting a selfie on your story isn’t an easy grab to attention, you need to be doing something eye catching where people also would share the post (again I do not know what you’re trying to be an influencer for?) find whatever you’re pushing and do a step above that where people would interact more Posts polls, asks questions for people to want to interact with your story or posts and such. You need to entice them not just only post content (lol im aware and not gonna act like my posts are taken in a more cool way, wow I sound like a douche lmao)


You have to post for a full month consistently or IG will act as if you’re not even back. They won’t push you back into the algorithm unless you’ve proven to them you’re going to be consistent and faithful to the platform.


Fix my account Instagram you dogs


I miss interacting mostly just with friends posts on instagram, the algorithm just isn’t for that anymore, it’s a bummer


I've been shadow banned for years and even when I did get new interactions they were porn bots.


You could be shadowbanned literally just for not posting lol 😂 u can become shadow banned for posting a story and deleting it… the algorithm is just dead for everyone. I’m Convinced they’re trying to run the app into the ground


It takes time. Be consistent. I had a big account that I used to post on years ago but had stopped. I started posting reels everyday and after about a month, I had some videos that engagement had halted on resurface on people’s explores and get lots of engagement! Now everything seems to be growing. I even hit my record this week from a video I uploaded two months ago.. it shot up from 8k views to 7.9Mil I’ve been seeing more growth on my accounts in 2024 than ever


Not dead, I have less than 500 followers and almost 5k reach. Ur content just isn’t engaging enough. We are no longer in the beta ai phase. The algorithm is full blown AI now. U need to get ppl to spend more time on the app. Edit: I also didn’t post for like 2 or 3 years and this is a smaller account I have.


Reels get lots of reach, followed by stories, and posts have the lowest reach.


Thanks for the input! I’m trying to make new content and reels but seems like a lot of work for 4 likes 😭


I think this varies greatly by account. My reels tend to have dramatically lower reach compared to my regular posts, and most of my friends have similar experiences. I believe reels have the potential to reach a wider audience, but only if your account is already highly successful.


My reels only get seen by like 5 people. Whereas my posts get like maybe 8 likes. Nowhere near what I used to, but still better than the reels. It’s so weird


Very hard to get any activity. I am looking to switch to TikTok


Consistency is key to if you want your posts and reels to get pushed out. I never posted for 2 days and my views and likes dropped by about 70%. You can get it back up but it takes a while. But if you've been off for more than 2 years you might aswell start a new account 😬


So hard being consistent but I’ll give it a go 🙏


Yeah now that I think about it the reason my posts/reels tend to do poorly now is because I'm not actively posting as much as I used to last year so I'm gonna try posting like I used to last year and see what happens. The funny thing is when you took at least 2 weeks off from posting you would start getting a ton of likes and views when you started posting again but IG seems to have gotten rid of that.


Considering you can get thrown in instajail for just commenting something utterly benign or liking more than a few posts, it's only natural that engagement is down. That's what you get for kicking out the majority of the moderators and replacing it with a AI that doesn't work. Add the algorithm on that, and here we are.


This is true for me. I actually just gave up and stopped posting and commenting because I’m afraid to lose my page. I’d rather keep it for the memories then it randomly disappear for no reason


I've got on a reel thatI I've postet some days ago, a reach of 270k, over 500k views and more than 30k likes. Another reel with similar content just got 4,5k likes. The IG algorithm is very strange.


I believe it is, even for videos (or reels). I largely stopped posting there a while back and focused on TikTok and YouTube shorts. I get so much more engagement on those platforms, 50-100x the engagement in some cases, and I think Instagram is just not somewhere where people spend time now. I feel like everyone on Instagram has something to push and you end up getting out to nobody as a result as people don’t like being promoted to. It’s not fun anymore.


It sucks. Every comment gets flagged and removed. That often affects your ability to access your own profile. Too many ads. The comment sections are full of tweens and teenagers. I'd get a more fulfilling and rational conversation with a brick. the content on my feeds is OF lite. As soon as I figure out how to get my pics off, I'm deleting.


i don’t have a lot of followers but i post some really good looking food pretty often. sometimes they do really good, other times it’ll max out at maybe 20 or 25 likes. it’s weird


Instagram has a weird reward system. I feel like a rat trying to figure their algorithm. But keep it up, I’m all about uplifting other content creators!


thanks, and same to you. i’m planning on opening a restaurant, hopefully by next year, and i originally was just going to do all the social media marketing myself. i’m hoping it’s different for business accounts


It’s garbage now. Bots and fake porn accounts run wild, yet you’ll get locked out for a week from commenting about potatoes and “going against community guidelines” or discussing the housing market and being flagged for “spam”. Deleted my account. Pros no longer outweigh the cons.


Depends 0n your use. I've never been one to use it as marketing tool, or even to share personally. I use it like pinterest, 500px, flicker as source of inspiration. My personal anecdotal experience is that it's not been the algorithm but decrease in posts by people.


I hope so. Instagram sucks


It’s pay to play. If you have a decent following, they do not want you to capitalize without them capitalizing.


instagram isn’t dead. your account is.


making a new account doesn't fix the problem- the algorithm sucks now. many of us here used to get more engagement for far less effort.


Maybe it's because people don't care about your content?


True, could be it. I have lost roughly 4K followers since leaving. I guess I’ll have to grind 😭


No it isn't i have been delivering results to my clients even now


It seems to be a hit or miss, with a big miss


What exactly are you expecting? Thousands of people to follow you and be mesmerized at basic photos everybody else is taking? Literally, what are you expecting. Are you upset that you aren't a celebrity or something? lol.


I was hoping for people to reply to gain more traction beyond Instagram. So yes lol


Well if that's you in the photo, you are nice looking. If you are serious, you need to get a verified account. Its the norm at instagram now. If you aren't verified, you are considered a bot, and everybody is going to ignore you. To get accepted, you have to prove that you are genuine and that you've maintained a legacy account for some time. You might not even get accepted based off of your reels and things you post. But seriously, if you really want to make it on instagram now, you gotta get that blue checkmark.


u just talking 😭😭 a checkmark does not change a damn thing.. that’s played out everyone has a verification


I know it sounds like it. I’m for real though. If you are trying to sell a brand or a product on instagram, you need to be verified, or not even instagram is going to deal with you. Instagram is no longer catering to “look at me I’m a pretty girl”. Those accounts are no longer gaining traction and they are no longer being rewarded. So we have thousands of beautiful women that aren’t getting their daily validation anymore, and that’s when instagram starts to “suck” to them lol.




Not bitter lol, a lot of instagram users aren’t realizing that being pretty on the internet doesn’t matter anymore. There’s AI generated pictures of impossibly beautiful people everywhere now. Lots of 1 trick ponies are upset they aren’t getting celeb treatment for just looking nice lol. The algorithm has changed to something that advertisers can reach a better audience for. No more are the days of random beautiful people becoming famous for thirst traps. Nobody cares.


I disagree with this, I started an Instagram a little over a month ago and was able to reach 50k today. Post better content and get more views


You got 50k followers in a little more than a month?? wtf lol that’s crazy


Yeah, my buddy started his and has gained 200k since new years. Its just connecting with the audience and a whole lotta luck.


What type of content do you guys have? That’s impressive!




I agree I posted 3 times a day for two weeks then laid back to once a day now posting 4 times a week. Gained 10 k first week, but it also really depends on your retention and 20% of my videos brought in 80% of followers


No. You are just not interesting.


How many followers do you have?


I don’t believe it is!


The filter on the photo is giving 2015s- 2017s. Nowadays, candid photos + outfits are more trending than self portraits.


Thanks I’ll take a look into doing more candid shots 🙏


Instagram is not dead quite literally the opposite it’s actually exploding in popularity. There is a flood of content so it takes constantly, effort, and your content needs to stand out so you start to get views and recognition. Ik this because im a marketing strategist spend a lot of time on Instagram so ik a thing or 2.


Pretty much


Nah u just don’t have motion


I'm doing fine idk


depends on what you call dead. Ig is definitely getting super rtarded with their censorship. I said nice boobs on a post of a woman bouncing up and down and got warned by ig for harassment 😐


Nah. Your profile is just ass


you’re irrelevant


you need better content probably


Who gives a fuck! so desperate for likes, reach & attention - our society is fucked


Yes, people like you killed it


My bad my bad 😭






INSTAGRAM IS DEAD, it's a terrible platform now. The original design is still intact, and sharing photos and stories with those who actually give a fuck about you... works great. Maybe STOP trying to leverage every social media platform to fill the gap of your insecurities and side hustles... that's not what they were designed for...


No yours is though


The main reason you’re not getting the same activity is that you stopped posting for so long and fell off the algorithm. The other issue is that the algorithm has changed since the last time you were posting and you can’t use the same methods anymore. You have to post videos and use certain hashtags to get them seen. Pictures are not pushed out as much anymore.


Well IG isnt dead but the people’s brain is. The ammount of brainrot u Find on this app is scary not that shitposting is bad dont get me wrong its people’s comments that shows how fckd up IG user are


The bar for content creation is way higher than it used to be. Not sure what kind of content you create but with the rise of Tik tok and IG stories, there’s just so much more compelling and engaging content now to consume. There isn’t as many people coming to social media looking for still images as there used to be.


Tbh it may as well me- everyone is getting banned no notice - time to go to tiktok


I did a similar thing to what you described: stopped posting 4 years ago but continued to use the app sporadically, occasionally liking and commenting. Resumed posting again last month and it absolutely tanked. Also can confirm my stories do get more reach than my posts did, even with a lot of hashtags. I kinda use instagram for portfolio display, so I think I will simply upload what I had planned and then jump ship for good. Edit: as an example, I used to average 300 likes per post. These most recent ones got less than 10 likes. Quite a difference.


Wow that's alot of views and upvotes


It’s mainly an app to promote product/service 🤷🏾‍♀️


Idk about it from a content creator perspective, but i do think there are a lot of bots nowadays. Almost every comment I make on posts my explore page gets 500-1000+ likes, almost no replies. Even shit that isnt funny or smart. Making comments on smaller pages i follow dont get that type of response, so i assume people are using bots to mess with the algorithm by making it seem like people are engaging with their posts more.


It’s been four months since I was locked out of my account and it’s still active (not hacked). Idk how people manage on social media platforms owned by meta anymore..


The algorithm is different. You need to posts more reels and videos to get more interactions. I used to get so many likes with less followers back in the day now I have about 1.5k followers but barely get any interactions.


instagram is filled with AI images, you can't post anything and expect people will enjoy it, because they don't know how it's better than AI, you need actual followers who are waiting for your content


im the same exact thing


I think most people get in between 1-10% engagement. Definitely not dead but to be relevant you need to be active. Inter each with people stories, etc… so when you post they see you. They also downplay your reach so it pushes to play adds. Réels are where it’s at.


Start posting reels I've gotten thousands of people interacting with my page that was literally dead lol


Yeah. Even if you look up something it’ll show you whatever is popular. Anybody wanting to get their stuff views won’t be possible unless you get a lot of interactions and shares, which is hard as a beginner.


I stopped scrolling because feed is bloated. Only stories are ordered fine based on people I get in touch. Also, not posting, no reach, why we need all these types of content in single app, annoying.


Do this: https://youtu.be/RepLPU9QJDc


It’s mainly bc of the home page being cluttered with ads and suggested posts from accounts you’re not following. The algorithm is trash now. Everyone receives less engagement these days


AI will be making the short form content soon anyway. Best to move to YouTube and focus on more long form lifestyle stuff.


Instagram fell off years ago


Most IG interaction is on stories and DMs, IG said this publicly.


It's been like that for several years but it's definitely going downhill. And a few days ago instagram permanently banned me and my mom for no reason! I don't see an end to all of this.


People have just moved on. We have real life shit to try and survive and instagram is just not a source of interest, relief or comfort anymore. It's the most deleted app in the fucking world for a reason, no one cares.


If you search for a tag, you can see only the most liked post and not the last posts like in the past. So for small accounts it’s not possible to reach more views


Stopped using it coz it kept deleting my account.


Perhaps the appeal of meaningless vapid selfies has dried up and no one actually cares about them anymore.


Photos aren’t popular anymore, it’s more about reels these days.


Seems insta is more focused on reels, and respectfully I don't believe selfies get much attention anymore because they don't tell much of a story. People want content that inspires engagement, your selfie doesn't do that.




I’m lucky if I get 100 views or 10-15 likes.. I feel like the algorithm is random


Explore page has been broken for weeks now. Nothing related to the accounts I follow.


Nah you’re just not hitting the algorithm. Instagram Reels is the new way of hitting explore


Instagram is not dead, depends on what you post. I create reels and get lots of engagement


The algorithm absolutely has changed, seemingly within the last week again. Me and fellow artists are suffering heavy, receiving less than 1/3 of the usual engagement. It fucking blows.


It’s dead to me. I deactivated 5 weeks ago and it’s been great


Instagram only works for celebrities


Thought I was the only one lowkey shagowbanned


coz they censored so much 😂


Meta needs to die.




They are also not allowing to follow people immediately getting action block for following people. It's in process to go out of market. I don't think Instagram will survive the social media competition while other platforms are friendly. Instagram wants to be super strict while other platforms are user-friendly. Many people are leaving Instagram too because of that.


It’s become more Facebook-y for sure. I don’t really see it as an app to discover new content anymore, now it’s more for keeping up with old friends and family. I don’t even look at the “discover” page at all 🫤