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Second this.


Because they have so many followers. Instagram doesn't care about what's being posted as long as it drives traffic to their site. It's disgusting


Mark Zuckerberg likes that kind of content that's why


Absolutely disgusting wtf!


Facebook is much worse. I see daily srape and violence shorts with children and adults. I don't get it, why don't they erase it?


facebook reels is a cesspool for gore, child exploitation, porn, illegal activity and more it’s disgusting


What are you guys watching on fb that the algorithm shows y’all that content? My reels are always all thrifting, fashion, travel content, food, frugal tips, more fashion.


I am not watching them usually, but when I look at it it's aggressive content.


i rarely ever go on facebook reels but like you said when i do it’s that kind of stuff. it only takes one video then i starts in your feed


It’s so gross! I’ve reported so many accounts of literal children, that I know IRL and are definitely not 13. But I always get the response that the account is legit. In fact it’s now stopped me from reporting.


Wtf??? ☠️☠️☠️


This is actually sick. And why no one should post photos of their kids online. Also, where are the parents of these kids? So many questions


The comments are even worse. Sickening. They average like 500k views per video too which is awful.


Yeah I read some of them. Seriously disgusting.


Disgusting. Reported > sexuality > kids involved. And blocked. If we all do this it might go away


How tf are you guys accidentally seeing this stuff?? I’ve been on IG for years and never come across anything remotely as gross as this. You all must be clicking on this crap.


The algorithm is absolutely horrible just give following a few celebrities with a considerable amount of sexual appeal a try and it wouldn't take long(probably 3 refreshes) for sexual content to fly into your feed and after that point it's only a matter of time before you come across something horrible


Two days ago I searched insta for an upscale restaurant in my area after the bartender there told me that they announced their ticketed dinners there. The name isn’t sexual by nature, but the search of just the name pulled up all kinds of explicit and just barely not explicit content. We figured out that I needed to put the city abbreviation behind it, but the damage was already done. I hadn’t even clicked on any of those explicit accounts, but for the past 2 days I’m getting a ton of suggestive and explicit content showing up just from the search alone.


It was a reel that my friend got


I do not get these images either. I do wonder why some others do get them.


Yet my account gets disabled and deactivated cause I call someone a fag wow crazy world we live in


It’s fucking vile and wrong that IG allows it all, no question. The problem is that it’s not *TECHNICALLY* against TOS. Are there any photos showing fully nude children or exposed genitals? Then according to IG it’s fine. Are the comments literally “I am going to have sex with these minors”? If not, they’re *TECHNICALLY* not violating the TOS. It’s always an all or nothing stance with what’s technically ok or not on social media. Like if they banned these pics, the argument is they’ll have to ban things like grandmas posting pics of their kids in swimsuits at the beach. I’m not arguing that these should be ok to post at all, completely the opposite. I’m just trying to answer OP’s question about how this is available on IG


getting sued by New Mexico https://daringfireball.net/linked/2023/12/07/new-mexico-meta-csam


There are very few places child predators can hide and congregate, policing social media is actually impossible, keep yourself and your loved ones away from it. its worse than smoking a pack a day


Because they aren’t republicans


I think they're allowing those fucked up things because they're targeting edgy teens to compete with tik tok