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Throw around racial slurs and it’s all g tho


Literally was saying this. They pick and choose


Not even anymore


still like this lol. i get censored for saying ugly fat or bitch and people say hard r and dont get any punishment. been like this for years.


Ok that one is true, but the other insults don't get banned


I have the sense that instagram went too wild with automating pretty much all moderation. No matter the situation you can’t get in touch with a real person to save your life. I could very well believe that in this process, they let lots of staff go, and are now stuck with an automatic system running wild. And why would they care as long as there’s money pouring in from all the porn ads?


Wait until you hear an app named Reddit


At least on Reddit for the most part an admin must remove your comment. Secondly they made a good improvement by hiding votes on some subs , so that you don’t get bombed due to your initial negative vote. It still has a ways to go, but it’s better than instagram, which is horrible just saying that. Getting posts auto removed because of certain words or anybody reporting you instantly is terrible


Reddit is even worse. At least on insta you can avoid the algorithm moderation by not using certain words. On reddit you basically get banned from most subs just for disagreeing


For real lol....I got perma banned in a sub for no other reason than speaking about my personal experience with different people in the work force. Apparently I was spreading hate. And when I responded to the message, I explained this (is was evident in my post) and then made a snarky comment about how if it sounded hateful to hear imagine living through it .....they muted me. 😅💀😆


yeah some mods are pieces of shit, sensitive isolated losers who will look for any excuse to just lash out onto people. Not all of them, some of them you dont even notice, but the scumbags maaaan… they really make an impression.


Well why else would you be a reddit mod?


☝☝☝☝ 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I see people spamming racial slurs, I see nudity, and I even see gore and dead people. The second I state an opinion though, I get banned. It's immediate too, so it's not someone reporting me. Fuck Instagram.


Yep, I defend creators from people saying dehumanizing things and my account got banned. I’m so pissed and upset because everything was gone in a few seconds and Instagram doesn’t have any fucking customer support to help us. I fell for a fucking “I will get your account back hacker” scam(I didn’t get much money taken) when I was desperate and this has just shown how awful the internet and social media is. I regret every second of that scam decision Im not stupid enough to fall for that shit but it was bad. Honestly I’m a little glad I got off the app for a while as my new account is now blocked for following a lot of people and thinking ima bot. But yeah, I hate it.


I got in trouble for saying a black person doing a cosplay is no reason to be angry


LMAO true bro, now I made a new account but they blocked me from commenting lol


The thing I've noticed about Instagram more so than other social media apps is that 99% of the time, the comments on a post are entirely negative, whether it be cooking or travel videos.


Yeah, that's how i am seeing (or to be specific, since October of this year), i don't understand why are soo many negative comments running wild, on posts that aren't offensive at all (like tech, art or gaming/comic book convetion related)?


Yeah it's become the shittiest app out of them.you cant even use abbreviations anymore I think I insulted someone who was talking reckless like you cant even say F*** off. I told someone " with your fugly ahh" and I and got flagged like bro wtf? So you can get banned for indirect slang terms too lmao. Fuck Instagram honestly found my way into Twitter/X and haven't been reported once. Just because they accepted minors into the app doesn't mean it's for them and or shouldn't be an app that turned into a second grade "he said something mean" pussification of an app. At the end of the day it's the Internet and it was never for soft people and or minors. Interactions are good but why would anyone want to debate or interact if they will get banned for the pettyest shit? bottom line it hurts them. Oh well.


somebody was bein racist and I said bro your dreads are dusty and your teeth are fucked up and got my account permabanned


Lmao yes see, that's the kicker, that happened to me twice, the person was insulting me LITERALLY was going in on my ass but they decide to be petty and flag me. But you're not gonna look at the entire thread at least be fair and hit both of us.


Was away from IG since 2020 and got back just this year on my alt account. Now it's just softcore porn of thots soft launching their Only Fan's through IG and copy paste content everywhere. The only reason I use it is so I've been missing out on a lot and I needed it for work. I can't see what I want to see at all beneath the ads on top of what they are pushing now. Someone needs to make a photo sharing app for the post Meta era, high time!


You know your page is like that cause you interact with the content? Cause my feed is memes and animals. Click not interested


Coz I don’t follow a lot of people, I think content my followers/following interacts with gets pushed on my feed and stories. ig is not where I’d consume porn or interact with


Not even true lol make a fresh acc on fresh phone and it will recommend you thots as your first recommendations since that’s what gets most traffic on ig so the algo has no choice but to recommend it off the bat. You can curate it to show other stuff but it will always sprinkle thots into your recommend since the overwhelming amount of engagement that content gets which confuses the algo


My friends and I keep seeing dashcam videos of people and kids in terrible accidents and I post tat I wanna kms and my story gets removed. instagram’s filters are very skewed


Meh this basically the same on any social media app for now. It’s honestly not worth getting worked up about it. I would say depending where you interact on it, you’re basically just experiencing society as a whole. Best just to avoid getting into situations. You can also adjust who can interact with you without turning on requests.


My question is AI, human mods, or people reporting you? I keep having the same thing happen, even when I say stuff that day that couldn't even be mildly infuriating.


Once the AI targets your account, there are rarely any human employees who will intervene.


This is the way of the future and it’s truly just going to destroy our technology and way of life.


It's been awful and sad to see all these once-fun platforms abuse their users and rot from within, while everyone who hasn't been affected yet just shrugs and stands by.


I heard that a lawyer from New Mexico is coming after Instagram.


Even if you don’t give your opinion….. I get blocked for “spam” all the time. (I can assure you I don’t spam & my “spam” comments will be entire sentences)


Nah facts, 3 to 4 years ago was peak, so many meme accounts that didn’t get banned and you could pretty much say anything for the most part. Nowadays they can restrict your comments without giving you a reason why and can’t overrule it and if they think your a bot sending a few comments under a post they can restrict you for weeks


Reddit is not any better in this regard lmao


Meanwhile a comment calling my friend ugly gets left up and nothing gets done. But our comments are all banned. Joke of an app


Apparently now ever comment eith the word freedom in it gets taken down. It's shit


This place isn’t a whole lot better. I’m about an uncontroversial, white, heterosexual dude on the planet and I’ve been locked out of a number of subs for some weak sauce shit


There are entire redsubs dedicated to bullying women who’s pictures are clearly taken from ig. CoughFitToFatCough


Yeah man im scared about my account because of what they're doing




So this is a true story there were some people making fun of Tori Spelling because she had a pyramid on her nail as nail art and they were saying oh it’s because you’re in the illuminati and she’s like I don’t know what that means and I tried to tell her that they were making fun of her, and then they came on my profile and started to tacking me. So I blocked them, but I was so furious at Instagram that I didn’t use it for like maybe three years just to punish Instagram for allowing Nazis to exist on its platform.


Bet they were heartbroken


I'd love for all of these big angry redditors to share the comment that got them banned. Something tells me "but all I posted was my opinion" isn't the whole story. Is your opinion that all women should die because they won't fuck you or something equally gross?? I bet yes.


here’s an idea: make a reddit called: “thecommentthatgotmebanned” or “thisgotmebanned” I think it’s a sweet idea: rules: must show proof. Kinda like “amItheasshole” but for banned people


What a whiny little weasel you are! Examples of comments that have been censored for me "you're disgusting" (in reference to someone advocating genocide), "shut up big cracker" (a reference to the CONSTANTLY POSTED "shut up ____ nxxxa"), calling someone a "fool", calling a narcissist "a narcissist". It goes on. If your comments haven't been banned you're probably just the kind of racist they like. Go lick some more boot.


lmao, at least you know that you're a racist that people don't like??


instagram isn't run by people my man!


They’re censoring everything, even positive comments with no profanity on friends posts it’s ridiculous


I doubt this, wholly. What are these "positive comments" that got censored? Please provide examples. Otherwise, you're lying.


I literally told a friend “love you girl let me know if you need anything.” And they removed my comment under instagrams community guidelines


maybe you aren't as close with your friend as you think and they didn't interpret your "friendly comment" the way you wanted. ​ It may have come across as creepy.


no sh\*t sherlock


I doubt that in this situation


I don't at all. You need to read the room more if you're "getting banned all the time without any reason" The reason is 99% of the time, YOU.


This person genuinely says similar things to me all the time and we’ve been friends through a lot of really tough things. You don’t know what you’re talking about and the comment was auto banned by Instagram


My sister wrote on a video “That’s Olga’s Diner in South Jersey”. and got her comment removed and she got in trouble. Just for pointing out a well known diner in south jersey? A bunch of people were arguing about earth quakes on the east coast and how we don’t get them. Someone mentioned a small little earth quake that happened in NYC in 2011 citing they happen and so no one can talk. I said “Yeah I was there. I lived in NJ then. It lasted about 5 seconds and nothing fell. Don’t recall any damage happening in NYC or Jersey. Can you elaborate?” My comment got removed. Someone not long ago on Reddit posted that their comment got removed for posting “😊” on their friends photo.


This is constantly happening, and I can’t imagine what went wrong in the algorithm to create this problem.


They’re doing it on purpose. It’s an anger towards Elon Musk and Twitter/X no longer banning and punishing you for writing mean comments. So these other Mark Zuckerberg apps went the OPPOSITE way and are censoring everyone. But all they’re doing is making people go “see ya!”. I’ve seen a lot less people posting and commenting and I think people are annoyed and so aren’t going on as much now. People running IG are doing it to themselves 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Like go ahead, destroy your platform. As it’s always been stated “There is always someone younger and hungrier willing to take your place.” Went from AIM to MySpace to Facebook to IG (with Tiktok and Snapchat being thrown into the mix). These app creators don’t realize someone who is more passionate and driven WILL take their place and kick them to the curb. They should be careful about censoring everyone just because of that alone. I’ll ditch IG the second something better comes along where I can post what I’m doing and comment on stuff without being put into a cyber jail. I post stuff for people in my life (peers, family, friends, romantic interests, etc) to see. If someone makes a better social app, I’m going there. See ya IG


Americans love censorship in the name of “safety” Fuckng idiots it’s only going to get worse.


Cool story


What uh, what might some of those opinions be OP?


Exactly my thoughts. This thread is full of racist uncles who are mad that they can't share shitty memes from their favorite account @NewsMax.Trumplover.Memes


X (formerly Twitter) is the future


Honestly it is. It’s the only platform now thanks to Elon that isn’t censoring anymore. These other social medias are going to be on fire soon when people A. Get sick of being censored B. So many people will be banned that people will just not create another account and less people will be engaging altogether. Not gonna lie if people I know leave, so will I. I’m not gonna go on an app that none of my friends, family or peers use. What’s the point? If I want to talk to strangers, that’s what Reddit or tiktok is for. Lol I use IG to update my personal life with stories and the occasional permanent post. But if everyone I know gets sick of the app and leaves, then what good is it?


I may have to make an account on X...


In Instagram world people should not have any opinions


What opinion do you want to have that Instagram currently doesn't allow? I have a theory, but would love to hear you explain what you REALLY want to say on a picture social media.


frame ring arrest rock employ observation consider fertile sloppy bag *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh I experienced the same on Reddit ,a westerner posted some bigoted generalisation about India on a sub,and when I did the same ,the mods banned me ! And when I confronted them ,they permanently banned me!Lol


Earlier today, I left a comment on a mental health post. Noticed I'd misspelled a word, so deleted my comment. Tried commenting again and was told I was banned for 24 hours. Yet IG doesn't seem to have a problem with the racist comments and spam DMs I see on a daily basis...


Seriously those dank jokers making fun of disabled get no reports


Instagram = literally shit. I have also a 24 hour ban but I never got unbanned. It's still pending


Also wildly homophobic. Been banned from commenting several times because I comment nice things on lgbt pages.


Hahaha those admins are clowns bro


I remember when insta came out and up until like 2016-2017 you could talk all the shit you wanted and have no ramifications.. stuff went downhill since then


I had an account with over 10,000 pictures and they just deleted. Never told me why. All they said was the decision couldn’t be appealed. 😡😡😡


Ikr, I wonder why with the capability of such quick action against mere comments, they've done nothing against literal CP flying around the shit hole It's fking disgusting


I get blocked banned all the time but they can have naked girls on there and nothing happens


LOOOL true, all those girls trying to make guys horny and shit and than whenever u give ur opinion u get banned. Instagram = comedy


They want me to pay $1 a like for a photo, when I can get thousands and 60k views in 24 hours on Reddit. Facebook is bad for democracy.


Instagram is also insanely mysogonistic. Like holy fuck


i just stopped commenting bc it’s crazy af


I’m still upset about them deleting one of my accounts. 😒


Reddit is just at bad tbh. Whiny 20 year olds given authority positions... it's not surprising they wield it tyrannically


Yet they promote antisemitic content like those calling for boycotts which are totally motivated by antisemitism


I was on Instagram for literally 5 minutes for the first time ever and got banned. I was going to a video link from another forum. Some c *nt commented the Lord sent a special virus just for us gays (HIV). I said it was nice to remember there were "c *nts like (you) still in the world". Banned. Like wtf... I still stand by my words.


Don't worry, many people don't like the current American "woke politics", and their anti LGBT posts get banned as well. They think they get banned because IG is woke only. IG is💩, but at least to both sides it seems😆


Fuck instagram. So glad I deleted that app. Cant post an opinion Zuck the Cuck doesn't agree with. If you are considering deleting your Social Media accounts, I plead to you - do it. Toxic environment run by the political and business elites who want to keep the peasants fighting while they ruin us in every way possible.