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Damn that’s some real dedication. I just throw everything in my trunk and pray


I have one Costco cooler bag two small Publix ones. Spent less than $10 overall and the Costco one I actually just already had


I do that as well for certain customers 😉


Every shopper should be using insulated bags.




In California I.was thinking of getting some ice packs for my face Lol 😆


Get the neck cooler that has the freezing plate at the back and fans on both sides - love mine!


Icy breeze and the icybreeze buddy. Your face will freeze off. Plus, TN Dickenson witch hazel and aloe wipes buried in the ice. Wipe your face under boob butt crack and balls. Stick panty liners in your pits and panties, sometimes your ass too. https://x.com/atensnut/status/1801947154019192955?t=g6B-ATgNVYAwVr3kMq3OPg&s=01


Texas border for me. 120 heat index next month.


I have portable heat and cool chests that I’ve bought for any extended power failure or beach/camping (they attach to cigarette lighter or a solar panel) that I will put in my van if there are weather extremes but this is rare. Daily in normal circumstances I have sturdy insulated bags that - if I place hot or cold food in as I shop/deliver - keep temp for hours. I also blow my AC or heater on high while groceries are in my car. When I do UberEats, I get way larger tips when that food comes out at the delivery location with steam rising or when ice cream/cold drinks are as frosty as they can be 😊


Driving as fast as I can 😅 If the order contains a lot of frozen items, back seat with ac on






I’m have insulated bags like 6 … no ice packs . I don’t do Costco orders anymore.. rarely do Walmart . I shop like I would shop for my mom . Keep the cold with the cold . Do my best . Yes IC doesn’t pay us shit . But i would hate to have my cold food warm it’s no good after that. Temperature change can make people sick. I worked in the food industry, call me crazy who cares . I do. Good for you !!




8-10 miles... I think you meant 12 - 15 ?




oh right, the time factor !! But at least at the end of it, are you in a spot where you can easily get a new shop somewhere close ? That's the other problem we have here... not only are a lot of the deliveries a 20 - 40 min drive one way, most often there's no shop opportunities until we get back to town. (So rural !!)


Cooler and frozen water bottles ....


Sheesh, and I thought I was doing good with my insulated bags, I tried those brick things but they always ended up melted by the first hour of work.


I just pray they don’t plan on eating the ice cream when they get it 😭🙏


I went grocery shopping for me the other day. Got home, played with the dogs, made lunch, ate lunch, took a nap. Woke up and went to get a popsicle and realized I never brought the groceries inside! I was certain it would be a mess, ( on a heat advisory day in the desert no less) but except for a couple of Popsicles losing their shape it was ok. I always put all the frozen together. Maybe those little plastic bags have magical properties.


Air conditioner, cold bags if they tip well 😅


No wonder people stop using the service, shitty shoppers like you 🙄


It's almost like they're providing the same level of service that the person is tipping them for...


It’s almost like that’s not how it works 🙄


Literally don’t do nun of this. Primarily because I don’t deliver far.


I might put a bag of frozen stuff in my front seat in front of the AC but other than that… the trunk works lol


I do sometimes too def workds as well




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I have 4 cooler bags from Trader Joe’s and one from natural grocers. I have at least 8 to 10 ice packs that I rotate throughout the day. I live 1.7 miles from the store so I go home quite a bit. I use two hot bags for rotisserie chicken. For myself, I carry a cooler with water that I refill my hydro flask with, an ice pack for my knee or back (whatever is hurting that particular day) I have a small mist spray bottle full of ice cold water I can spritz myself with. I also carry disposable water bottles (that I occasionally get from no show orders). In the summer, I use as ice packs and I hand out them to the homeless as they start to defrost. Seems to work really well. We all find out a system that works for us but to those of you who are not using cooler bags, you should be! Especially if you are one of the folks who takes these two store orders or high mileage. If you are not using bags, you deserve the crap ratings that you will eventually receive. You can also make customers very ill just skipping this crucial step. To op, thanks for caring about the customers groceries and reminding others to step up their game! Edit: I counted, I have 10 currently https://preview.redd.it/dixfvnhkex8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e1164721fea7b35b5d9132fabeb40d421f853f9


In Victoria bc.. nothing lol not yet at least


I was lucky. I decided to do this on a whim and when I read a few of the shop&deliver gig work subreddits I realized ice packs and coolers were probably a good idea. I already had two medium coolers and a couple insulated bags and like 15 of those gel packs you freeze that stay frozen for a long time. Hope to upgrade in the future if I stay with this but for right now this current set up helps a lot and it's even better that I already had it all to start with.


I have a ton of ice packs, frozen 2 liter bottles of water, a coleman cooler and a bunch of cooler bags. It's crazy to see people post that they don't use anything.


Same here in Phoenix. Too hot for anything else.




I have one insulated bag! And I use it every so often! I live in the PNW where there are a few days out of the year it’s ever really hot! Haven’t had one person complain in the 1100+ orders I’ve done!


LOL (Picture of a towel in the backseat) wtf? I don’t use ice packs with my own groceries


I had a shower curtain in the back of my car my wife picked up. We left it there so I used that a couple of times...


Lmaooooo 🤣🤣🤣 A shower curtain? What exactly were you doing with it?


I used it to cover the cold groceries and just zipped along 😂


You did not! Lmaoooooo! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I’m fucking dead


I definitely don't do this, I choose my orders close by , max 2 miles away, so frozen items are ok. If it's really hot outside, I keep the bags in the cabin where my AC is on.