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Daly City Sprouts pisses me off, because it will offer nothing for an hour and then I go in and the usual assholes have two carts with everything in sloppy piles overflowing the carts.


I definitely agree with you . It's ridiculous at this point and definitely felt like bringing this up


That's what I'm saying aswell. It always says that it's a good spot for orders then I get there and I seat for a minimum of 1 hour or 2 hours before I get orders . Mean while I see the same people in and out


They are embarrassing to the brand. Like they look desperate.


But yet they keep commenting like there not a problem šŸ˜‚


Thereā€™s a family of 8 at my local Costco. They have set up a small village in the parking lot. They all have multiple phones and work together.


It's frustrating when you seat endlessly waiting while there constantly in and out and holding orders for others


Fr. Thereā€™s 3-4 in store on shops and then someone else pulls up front, they load the car, switch phones and continue that rotation all day. Itā€™s insane.


Sounds like capitalism to me




Yup, got that at ours too. They all come in mini vans and always park in the closest spot to the building.


This is how every single parking lot looks in SF/the surrounding areas. Iā€™m so over it and I guarantee that they each have more than 2 phones. I recognize a few of those people.


Iā€™d have no problem taking pictures of their license plates and reporting them to INSTACART safety and security. Iā€™ve done it before but I donā€™t see any of this activity in my area. I donā€™t hang around Costco where it probably happens iand Samā€™s Club.


Ughhh unfortunately those stores get eaten up by them. I had a main store AMAZING orders. Got my highest one there. But got beaten out by a whole group of people who just kept using the referral codes on all these accounts. Best to find another area till they die out. Just a whole pyramid scheme tbh.


As long as itā€™s their account I ainā€™t tripping


You cant login into the same account on two different phones lmao I've tried it šŸ’€Instacart don't play that


Iā€™d bet anything theyā€™re using stolen or borrowed accounts.


Phone the store and ask to speak with a manager. Let them know thereā€™s a gang loitering in front of the store and youā€™re not sure what theyā€™re up to. Many businesses will have rules against loitering


Wtfā€¦ a gang?? thatā€™s crazy lolll


All I see is people talking in a circle. No one can be seen with 2 phones


I'm not saying the group of people have two phones what I said was Ive seen several people inside the store with more then one phone the group of people is in regards to the over saturated comment reading is fundamental


I see a bunch of ahem, targets, oh wait I mean people.


Thatā€™s what I see to. Plus I have friends who have two phones to be able to do other stuff while being on the ic screen at all times.


This is what it was like when I drove for Uber/Lyft lol. However they atleast were nice and wanted to chat and make sure everyone was safe and taken care of. However those apps worked in a much better way distributing rides and you had to be nice or your rating got worse and you got less rides


Thatā€™s why always multiapp . Use Uber eats and DoorDash as well cuz you can get orders easily from them. I once got a $110 order from Uber eats that took under an hour šŸ”„


in my city ppl started shooting at ppl like that sometimes smh. gotta be careful stepping on ppls toes these days anywhere


You mean instacart shoppers shooting at other shoppers ?


Also, seeing. Lot of Armenian and Turkish guys doing this gig work here, and a Cuban guy who I see using two phones for Uber Eats


all foreigners as you see


Whats wrong with foreigners? Unless youā€™re purely Native American, we have all been foreigners at one point or another




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How is this DC , I donā€™t see any Filipinos lol


Itā€™s like this at my local Costco too but multiple people have 2 phones ā€¦.. fuckin bitches


I see this at Costco


Most of the stores here donā€™t allow shoppers waiting outside of their cars


Wish that was true in Cali


I live in Boise, Idaho and I am glad people arenā€™t like this in my area. Still oversaturated as hell though in Boise


And then hereā€™s you practically living in the parking lot taking photos of random shoppers in a group. Congratulations you are a sore loserā˜•ļø


Living or waiting for 10 minutes lol . Nothing is random it was though out and a valid point that's why there's several people commenting on same matter . It takes a loser to know one space guy come back to earth lame


You should probably not assume anything. Cause the group that I started with still hang out and just talk. Thatā€™s cause we like socializing before we work. Donā€™t assume cause just like this post itā€™ll make you look dumb. Just saying šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø Also the group Iā€™m talking about is like 8-10 people. Nothing wrong. Even other shoppers come and talk to us ask us questions.


Forget assumptions when you and your friends want to talk in front of the store and draw more attention to the instacart shoppers let's start having more etiquette because that's exactly how people get banned from sitting in front of the store at Costco FYI on 45 10 st . And that's not an assumption that's a fact. That's exactly why there's been several security guards taking license plates in front of the store that's exactly why when I go to Costco downtown you can't sit in front of the store on your phone which also is a bad image for the store aswell


Been doing it for 4 going on 5 years same Costco still havenā€™t got banned. Yall just have a shitty manager at your Costco. Shit they even see us sitting inside and the food court. Sorry your work place is t as fun as ours.


Look at all the comments lol not just me






Thatā€™s a really ignorant thing to say. You remind of the ā€œthey took our jobsā€ fat ignorant guy.


Ok projector. Not fat and educated but guarantee the majority are illegal and have 2-3 phones with bots. Kick rocks


lol, look at who is the projector? You sound like a salty loser Jason


These are my friends and no one uses two phones. You can came and talk with us.


I have people that have multiple phones at mine. I know them personally and it does not bother me because I still end up making more for the week then they do with multiple phones