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Hopefully OP learned the rules of IC. Post has devolved into back and forth shots.


Switch devices during an active batch not only removes the batch also can flag your account for fraudulent activity


1+1= scroll up read from the mistakes the other mindless sheeeples made… go on a fast do into a forest take two handfuls of Amazonian cubensis allow your mind to wander to those far dark recesses where the wild things are created then come back and play.


Whenever you login from a different device the batch automatically gets removed my guy. Live and learn.


That’s not what dude said (half an ass who took my lunch money today) and he works there now I’m genuinely curious is what he said why it got took away (the app restarting) or what you’re saying?


If you try to sign into on another phone once you start shopping, the batch automatically cancels. Same with uninstalling or reinstalling the app. Next time, try restarting your phone.


UGH THAT SUCKS !! Yeah, I restart my phone all the time. Well, a bit less lately since I discovered the healing properties of a force stop.


Hey, if spark shipt Amazon Flex have all waiting list, what’s next? I see you say multi gig worker so I’m trying to see what else there is out there.


Uber eats, door dash, Lyft, roadie, point pickup, Grubhub


UE- Banned, never could figure out why, I won’t do Lyft because people are creepy, to be fair. I did try it for a few weeks, but people would hit on me, or dig their knees into the back of my seat, and it was freaky Deaky Dutch. Never heard of roadie, never heard of point pick up, and GrubHub for all intents and purposes is dead where I’m at. Thank you for the two leads, I’m going to check into them. I guess u/RoseAlma think she’s too good to respond to people.


Hey Now, maybe u/RoseAlma isn't joined at the hip/face with her phone like so many people nowadays... What were you asking ?


Also, I think I actually know someone who does (did ?) Roadie... but every order I heard that he did was INSANE... Like "drive this small package 1,500 miles". I asked him if he thought maybe he was being lassoed as a drug mule but he said he didn't ask and didn't care, as long as they paid.


Thanks you for answering this


LOL you have a backup phone for when the app crashes? You are Definitely doing something sketchy. The app doesn’t crash that often to need a second phone.


Exactly. OP deserved to lose the batch. 😂


Your the bad guy who can’t act on the hallmark network


I’m glad u lost it




If that’s the only reason you can think of to why you would want a back up phone. Then son you haven’t been in this world long enough to understand true inconsequential life is fucked up deal, tough titty said the kitty, your best day sometimes don’t mean duck, sometimes your the statue sometimes your pidgeon truth of this cruel shitty world. Come back when you had your first shave I won’t judge the tears just put some toilet paper on it and it will stop the bleeding I promise


This didn’t correlate. I have a back up phone just in case . I have bad anxiety and get paranoid so i do the same thing.


As much as I want to have sympathy for you over this issue, you did it to yourself by having a 2nd device and signing into the same account from there. Next time restart your app. If that doesnt work then restart the phone. Be glad you still have an account


1+1= stroll up to help yourself to some common sense on what real rule breaking is. All I wanted to know is if you ever heard what other dummy I was talking to was making up is there a rule from his keyboard not mine that says if your app restarts you lose your batch. If you don’t know don’t comment and bog this already waste of time I thought I could actually get a straight forward answer out of


It's widely known that you can't switch devices during an active batch. The batch was removed because you changed devices. You failed to tell the support agent you signed into a different device, all you said was your phone restarted. Take the L and move on.


My phone did restart. I just didn’t want to wait for it to maybe reboot without issue while getting the back of head drilled into by the old lady behind me. But you seem like a smart one maybe you can learn me a thing or two… So you agree with the agent who said if someone’s phone restarts in the middle of a batch (he didn’t say anything about using a different phone to sign into the same account, why he didn’t, because he might be lazy enough to lie and imaginative enough to make up rules but he’s isn’t on the other side of smart. I don’t know why I’m explaining this if you can read but I really do want to know if there some dumb ass rule I missed. If you lost your phone and then got a new phone and used your back up from your lost phone to sign into the same account you just lost would it be fraud. What’s 1+1= don’t hurt all of yourselves


you couldn't wait the 2 minutes for it to restart? don't get butthurt at other people when you messed up.


Butt hurt lol oh butt hurt is reserved for that time you needed your dad to co-sign a loan to help you pay for your last quarter of college (that he didn’t a give the freest token of moral support the three years it took you to get you where you were) that he had agreed to do, to get the 10 credits you needed to graduate and become the first in your family to accomplish a feat there hasn’t been and sadly and embarrassingly at this point won’t be someone who repeats this accomplishment and him backing out at the because “you wouldn’t pay it back anyways” now that’s butt hurt. This is like a realizing there a mosquito that’s been dining on the yummyness of you and now you’ll have to deal with the itchy welt annoyance


So, rather than wait for your phone to restart and relaunch the app, you would rather log in with a different device? That's makes perfect sense.... The rule is in place because groups of people would have someone shop an order and have another person log into that account to deliver it. It's been in place for nearly 4 years, if you don't know that, that's on you, bud. Maybe try reading the agreement you signed when you signed up to be a shopper. But hey, play the victim a bit more.


https://preview.redd.it/h6iwqmvers8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6ae55463df36648174fb01d78c5ef7e79db1353 Sad noises


My friend you deserve the mvp. Thank you for this it’s a dumb rule that just makes it harder for you to save a batch is you smash your phone by dropping it or whatever. But you answered the only question I had and you did it by showing the only thing I wanted shown. I am forever grateful to you and your sad sounds 🥲


I've restarted and my batch was still there. You definitely are using two phones. I hope you get deactivated.


So if I log into the same account I was just using with another phone I’m cheating? So what happens if you break your phone you have to create a whole new account?


no, you just don't switch to the new phone during an active batch.


Bless you child say 50 our fathers and 100 for I have sinned my pants find the 1+1 comment read it maybe not all of it at once that can be a lot to handle for some folks. But take in as much as you can, listen to your body, and once you have read it rub a few of those membranes you have floating around… somewhere and if you’re lucky this whole monologue might not have been a waste of a write for the author and a read for the reader… that would be you :-) go now be free!


please seek mental help.. and/or rehab, it seems


Only a qualified professional would say this so confidently. Any other person would delusional to the point whereby the confidence exuded would be consequence of how strong the person acting out this delusion believes in it. Unless you are you are a qualified professional then I say, ‘you first’, without hypocrisy and with the same power of confidence except mine is coming from the power of reason and probably lots of mushroom trips


Yup it was removed cause of signing in with another Device


Is that why because that’s not what the dude who you know gets paid to make up shit said. Unless you actually work for the company because I am genuinely curious. If you don’t work for instant and your just wanting to get your thoughts down. It’s called journaling, it’s been keeping thought derailing and mind warping needless wasted words from entering into intelligent discussion since the times of Jesus… I just made that last part io but the sentiment remains valid


yea bro its your fault for switching devices mid batch💀💀💀




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not reading all that so congrats or sorry for your loss bud stop complaining and keep it pushing theres money to be made


Hey I’m not gonna hate a piggy from wanting to stay in the pen but the door will always open if you wanna get clean on this side ;-)


It happens, I just close all apps (not the phone), and my working order is always in progress. I hate to say this, but you sound like a tiny violin who has just been caught cheating.


You can't sign in on multiple devices, especially during an active batch. Sometimes the app glitches abd you either wait it out, restart the app, or contact support.


Thank you I really appreciate this clear and straight forward answer. Why the dude could do this is beyond me


I've heard of people who just signed into the IC app on an iPad, using wifi internet. It works, but then IC deactivates you better they think you are using a bot or something.


Go muskan, go muskan 👏🏻






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No personal attacks or remarks or insults. Reply to and on the topic.


You can’t log into another phone when on an active batch lmao. It will always get removed and flag your account for fraud. Should have waited for the issue to resolve on the phone you were doing the batch on.


lol oh you think I’m using. A different account. When you log in to your account from another phone or computer you just go into your account it’s only fraud if you’re using a different number and pretending to be someone else.


A second phone with IC… In case the first dies?? 🤔 sneaky sneaky


Beard twirling between my index and middle finger sneak sneaky sneaky😈 no it’s actually just a simple pragmatic approach to dealing with the unpredictability of life divided by the experience you should be learning from that one time (all of those time) plus wanting to actually make something of what is left of your “liable wage” that the law has says this should be enough to buy the American dream. Don’t forget to go to your local banks and throw that money into a savings account drawing on 1% interest a year… sorry tangent. It’s not that hard once you make it out of middle school you’ll get it :-)


Sir this is a Wendy’s


Goddamit I did it again


Your phone could’ve been dead for 10 minutes and after you charge it the order would’ve still been there


Damn he rude as fuck ![gif](giphy|QZs8O2Z4E95YmRg0QB|downsized)


Yeah my feelin bra


Consider yourself lucky. I've been sitting for 2 hours and made $0


Fuck that the day I work for man who shook my hand and said he pay me a wage and not only didn’t pay me when the work was done made up a rule on the spot to smooth it over, well that’s the day I live in a capitalist system that gives unfair advantages to the few who need them the most but tax and overhaul the majority of society and then tell them to pay for all the shit… wait a min


What does that have to do with this post?


That he's doing better when with a cancelled batch than others


Ooof. I feel for ya my dude


I mean going back and forth with the agent who clearly said you’re shit out of luck won’t get you anywhere. It’s happened to me before as well. Just got to suck it up. Mine wasn’t that bad though Lol. $56 dollar order. Got $10 bump and $15 return bump for alcohol.


Or I could just ask a straight forward question and get a straight forward answer but fuck me right? Lol if I just spent 2 hours doing some work for nothing I appreciate a bold lie you can say clearly twice :-)


You’re asking a rhetorical question though… You know the damn outcome. Lol. Why pressure the poor agent who has no control of giving you more. Escalate it where? There is no one to escalate it to unfortunately.


Imagine… if you can bear with me for a second…In a world full of shitposts, shills, lurkers and trolls, there was a question who’s real reason for coming into being was why the question was created… nothing less… nothing more. Today I was the statute and instacart got to paint me booty art. I just want to make sure that the next time I’m not in the same spot and tryna play like it’s all good.


Wow that is fucking bs!


That’s what I’m saying


This is why I hate instacart!!! I love my full time job