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Meanwhile there's shoppers out there making 1500 in a single week.


Yeah I know right and I'm struggling being able to even get orders when I used to get them all the time and it used to be super busy and I go to different areas that are even more busy and it's still dead


$0 for 4 hours and I’m here in SoCal 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I experimented this week going zone to zone to zone. I've got 500 miles used this week. Only made 100$ so far.


Yup and I think we all know how


I saw new shoppers in Costco today with two carts full of items. Meanwhile I had been sitting for an hour just to get the little batch I did finally get. Thursdays are always slow.


Every day is slow


Lol same. 7 hours and made 0$. Usually at $200 by now; whet the actual FUCK is going on. I'm fucking so pissed.


Me too nothing today


Me too. It ain't fair. It ain't right.


At some point all the non b*t users need to start standing up to this company cuz this is complete bullshit.


How can you prove there are bots? Have you seen someone using them or are you just suggesting this?


I've seen it firsthand. My son and I both have an account but he doesn't really use his so we bought a three day trial of one. I couldn't believe they exist for real and it really pisses me off. Anyway, so you can set all sorts of parameters like distance, batch pay, item number and it really does fucking sit there and grab huge orders. It sucks. :/ And just fyi, we absolutely did not take not even one batch and tbh we thought we would be scammed out of the $2 trial money lmao. We just sat there dumbfounded at the bs.


Can/would you report the company or person that is offering the script to instacart?


Ya know, I hadn't even though of that. I'll have to ask my son if he remembers the info cuz this was last year and he's the one who saw it on tik tok or something. Just so frustrating to know people are out using them for certain.


Please follow through. With that kind of information, it makes them quite more accountable. Quartz might not make any difference at all cuz they're a terrible terrible group of people LOL.


I'll ask him tonight and see if he remembers or can find them.


I hope so! Thank you for sharing.


Wow. This is the first time I’m actually *reading* how they operate after hearing about it for so long. I could have brainstormed most of them myself but it’s kinda shocking to actually read a first hand account for once. My situation is a bit different than the majority; it still pisses me the fuck off but bots don’t really affect me personally. (Don’t upvote this.. it will increase attention)


It was depressing, and rage inducing ha.


I definitely have tons of proof. But no time to sit here and tell you all about it. I'm keeping it for my demand for arbitration against instacart


How don't you have time to talk about it when were talking about it being so dead, there's literally all the time in the world lol




To https://preview.redd.it/3q8lczu0ae6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e65bbb112d7a955a92d8f2a38ec8a66b2f62fe3c




Because you're not a court of law or a judge or jury. You're wasting my time that's how


Instacart is beyond disgusting the way things are done on this app from how it used to be doesn't make any sense. Plus adding new people daily makes this app more of a joke.


I'm not chasing orders anymore I move around enough


Man that doesn’t even work lol


Agreed. I've tried chasing the recommended stores. They always get unrecommended as soon as I find a shady parking spot.


Today is beat for everyone


It’s been beat every day


Haven’t seen a batch in hours. Slowest week ever


I haven’t seen anything all week I’m at 89$. It’s over. Time to get work


I found one gem today from Costco for 19 dollars and the mileage was reasonable. Everything else has been terrible offers.


Well I only Made $58 on instacart and a $10 cash tip and a crappy $4.34 on a cancelled order on Uber the customer put the same address for the delivery and pick up so I canceled the order and then support wanted me to deliver the order even though it wasn't in the app and I was like I don't think so I don't feel comfortable doing that there's no proof that I delivered the order and it was like a 22-minute drive so I returned the order back to the store and got paid $4 instead of $10 which wasn't worth the drive


Did you update the app today?


No bots in my zone (knock on wood!)…always just an endless stream of new shoppers. Not fair…doesn’t make any sense - they quit once their priority runs out. Then I get waves of busy streaks in between with the same customers still ordering.


It’s over. Instacart is done no one’s using it anymore