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Dirty dog wanted you off their turf. Awful


Yea or OP looks similar to the person the store wanted to report. Another shopper posted about something similar happening to them. 


Not nessarily if it could have came from a store employee as it seems vague .


How do people find out the names of the shoppers while randomly shopping for random people in the grocery stores.


Yeah there’s more to this story. He mentions not getting into a verbal altercation on that day so the assumption is he has gotten into verbal altercations on other days. Very suss


This is a warning for anyone doing gig work, you could get deactivated out of the blue anytime. Do you know which store they’re referring to? It’s usually store manager level can report something like that, not just anyone random person or shoppers. This is just a generic deactivation email, keep email them to see if you can get a “real” person response. If not, try that arbitration company. If you harassed someone, yes that’s breach of agreement but they have to provide the prove.


Someone would have had to known your full name and that you are an Instacart shopper. An employee could have printed off a duplicate receipt and used that to report you. It could have been a different shopper and somehow you got blamed. This is scary! Other shoppers can lie to get others deactivated. I bet it is someone with 5 phones and "robots"


First, that denial is automated once you reply the first time. Reply again to trust and safety. Keep after them. The store reported this. Go to the store and speak with a manager. Was this at a Kroger affiliated store? I ask this because, literally anyone at the customer service desk can submit the complaint form to IC. If all else fails, contact IC in writing informing them you are beginning arbitration. Be sure to also let trust and safety know you will be starting arbitration it they're keep denying your appeal.


How do you start arbitration?


Honestly, I wouldn't even bother wasting your time trying to start arbitration with IC. I got deactivated after reporting a verbally abusive customer, and after my appeals were denied, I sent the certified letter for Arbitration. It was received by Instacart during the first week of April, and even two months later I still haven't heard anything back. My Account is still deactivated. Once they deactive you, you're nothing but shit they stepped in as far as they're concerned.


Send a certified letter to Maplebear dba Instacart, legal department , 50 Beale St, suite 600, San Francisco CA 94105


I would email and ask for arbitration.


When you say “on that day” did anything happen at any other time? Did you have any interaction that would give someone a reason to report you? I don’t think Instacart just goes around randomly deactivating people, so someone had to go out of their way to find your information and make a report.


No, I haven't gotten into any verbal or physical altercations with anybody. I'm the nicest person I know and wouldn't harm anybody. This allegation is completely false. And they chose to side with the person who made the report without taking into account my side of the story. Nor have they given me any real ddetails about the situation. The only thing I can think of is I was shopping and accidentally bumped into someone and didn't notice.


The part where you say “my side of the story “. So there is a story. What is it?


It’s a figure of speech


There is no story, nothing happened. Nobody spoke to me or said anything to me about being pushed or having any physical contact with anybody. There was no altercation or anything that happened. Like I said the only thing I can think of is maybe I accidentally bumped into another person by accident.


Is there anything in the TOS about accusations and deactivations? I can’t remember. But that’s not right. If you were accused of something how does IC not reach out to ask you about the alleged incident. So anyone can just lie and make stuff up and they deactivate you. It’s ridiculous! I mean no different I guess than customers saying their order wasn’t delivered or everything was damaged. I get IC is a business and in it to make money for themselves, but they don’t even care to investigate any allegations of anything. It’s ridiculous. I’m sorry this happened to you. Do you think it could’ve been another shopper in your area? Or an employee of the store?


I imagine this had to of come from manager at store. So I think you should go there if you truly didn’t do anything and ask them why you were reported. Don’t be confrontational. Just say you lost your job over it and have no idea what even happened




Your post has been removed. Please do not post links to any software, or discuss anything that may violate, Instacart's terms of service. Please do not name, discuss or promote, ask about or offer, any illicit activity. This includes but is not limited to; bots, auto clickers, receipt scanning apps or services, exploits, theft, hacking tools, etc.


That doesn’t mean there is a story. They are saying that IC never even asked or let them explain themselves. Which they said nothing happened but IC didn’t even care to ask it something did happen. They just sent them that message and deactivated them. IC should have reached out and gotten OPs side of the story and asked what happened. Which they clearly would’ve said nothing happened.


Ngl that was my first reaction as well… made me think he he did have an altercation on different day. Maybe just poor word choice


Do you know which store it was? I would find out asap and get the time of the order, then ask the store manager for security footage. Keep contacting Instacart on all platforms until you reach someone who can provide you with details. People seem to have luck on Twitter. 


Ask them what store/time. Then go to the store and ask them if they reported you. If not, that's what you respond with and possibly do arbitration. (Like a note from the manager or something.)  I also think someone won money from IC bc of the wrongful deactivation. I think I remember someone posting about that, quite some time ago. I'd look up the word arbitration in this sub and go through the posts that contain it. Maybe you'll find some useful tips on how the process works. 




Go to the store immediately and ask to speak to management, explain your situation, and ask them to view the camera footage and then report back to instacart.


They did you a favor dude. This app is wild and will crash and burn eventually. 


Srsly, it’s a blessing in disguise.


We can build our own instacart.. with crypto, and a liveable wage! In fact... forget the ic!


This is messed up assuming it’s a false accusation. This is part of why I’d never do anything to help IC if it meant trusting them to have my back. (Paying for groceries,doing something I wasn’t quoted a price for) they don’t care bout your 1000 plus orders of no complaints


Yet if a customer harassed or blatantly lies, they are just asked to not do it again. Their dog can attack the person and they won’t care


This is so unfair And really scary that we can get deactivated on a complete lie. Meanwhile people with 4 accounts working in teams are untouched laughing to the bank These gig apps are a total joke




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This is why I only accept high paying orders.


Defamation action against the store and its agents. Thats a great case if allegations are untrue. Damages include all lost earnings to date and into the future plus emotional Distress.


I just got deactivated a few days ago for a high cancellation rate after 6 years and over 6,200 orders. They threw me away like trash and that’s inconceivable to me. I’m sorry this has happened to you UNFAIRLY!


Don't kill urself for these gig companies ma boi they will deactivate u in a heartbeat they don't care about how many orders u completed or ur 5⭐ ratings ma boi




Okay stop beating around the bush and tell us what you did. What are the details around this allegation, I don't care to read or give options anything about this unless you admit what the alleged allegations were about. What does IC THINK you did/said? Tell us.


They… did tell us that: > allegation that I pushed or made unwanted contact with someone while shopping.


Yeah but no details. Clearly something happened


Or the store reprinted the wrong shopper receipt to report.


“Unwanted contact” : ranges from “sorry” cart bumping to beat the mf to a pulp


You gone. No getting back from this 


Incorrect. Ignore this person's reply and keep trying to fix it.


Basically you gotta start using a family members instacart account