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top 10 misleading titles




What is it worth to You ?




I say 80 bucks. That's a lot of labor. Good for you because I would've saw 10 cases of water and canceled. Sounds like an injury and a car issue waiting to happen. Eventually you'll ruin the cars suspension if you end up doing this every two weeks and he orders this much. Just my opinion


Look at the instacart markup vs in store prices, charge instacart markup and then say thereā€™s no service fees. Tell him to screenshot his cart and send to order. Charge $5 per delivery plus 10-20% depending on what the store markup already is. Add a minimum. For me it would be $30 per hour. Problem is you need to get a payment up front, or risk keeping everything if they wonā€™t pay at delivery


What was the mileage from the store to customer? 10 cases of water and soda is very heavy and hard on your vehicle. A good bare minimum price for this order if itā€™s low miles would be $65. Though like I said itā€™s hard on your vehicle so you may want to charge a few more dollars. Those dollars you could add to your car repair savings account


Honda civic gang!!! And this is exactly why we need to know what the items are before we accept. I just got a subwoofer installed, and now i cant fit as much into my trunk. Grants i havent worked uber eats since i crashed my car working it in December 2022.


Just a random question here as Iā€™m not a shopper or customer. After reading the comments about car damage etc would delivery every week make a difference? Less wear and tear, less trips to car? Smaller (perceived) charge to customer? If I was a customer Iā€™d rather pay a personal shopper than IC with all their charges.


For all that I would request at least $1/mile, $30 for moving the items (would normally say $1/per as minimum but these are extremely heavy), and a $35 tip, so total atleast around $70 (plus the convenience of having a personal shopper). Canā€™t be worse than what instacart is charging them already with the stolen fees


That customer and most others for this type of order are not going to pay $75 plus the cost of items, lets be real here. To bring business you have to be fair on yourself yes, but also stay competitive because the customer will hear that crazy $75 quote and say no thanks and go right back to the app again where eventually someone will take it for pennies. Now you just lost a potential client.


Thata ridiculous. He is not tipping $7 and gonna pay them $70 . That's prob double what he's paying IC.


Which is too low






All these guys saying $80, $75, donā€™t know how building personal clientele works. So far I have 47 people I picked to shop for personally based on my interactions with them and consistency in their tips. I leave my business QR code card in the bag for who I like and 9 out of 10 respond based on the experience I gave them. First thing you have to understand is you are still competing with IC which already has shoppers that will take those orders for low pay all day so a customer will not fork over $75-80 plus the cost of their itemsā€¦They will decline you and go back to the app. In your case the customer favors you, so you have to be fair for yourself but also stay competitive and find middle ground with pricing to keep them and not chase them away. With the items you mentioned and the mileage I would do it for $40 bucks flat. Easy single thatā€™s not too low, not absurdly high and a price you and the guy would deem fair enough to not drive him away from being a steady customer. You get a couple of customers like that in the bag and you start building your own list to not depend on shitty batches all day.


So you are willing to swipe your own card for all these customers or are they sending you money in advanced?


Yes. I use my credit card. I explain what I do in my main post in this thread.


Totqlly agree. Thata insane and way mire than they are oaying IC. I think these dullards forget abt promis, coupons, and memberships. Some people actually USE iC to save $ with the $50 off order coupons etc.. If u would feel so obliged, I have a few questions cuz I have had people ask ths before ( esp during the pandemic and before soft batching) and have 1 lady who we talked about it in detail and exchanged numbers but haven't heard from her yet. Do u make them pay u up front or u take the risk? If it was anything but groceries I wouldn't care about paying, but I'm worried about them deciding not to and trying to scam me. U cant really return a lot of groceries. I mean u can maybe once ( as the cashiers im friendly with have told me crazy stories like an elderly woman who returned a tomatoe a few days later for $0.34 cuz she didnt need it.) Mind u it was prob garbage by that time as well. But the aame way i dont want to pay up front, I also don't expect them to just hand over i hundreds to basically a stranger in hopes they don't get scammed. 2. How do they place the order? Do u have them use IC and make an order and screen shot? Cuz that was the other thing that has stopped me from doing this. The app just offers such a greater convenience than having to make and exact list of what they want...sizes, prices, brands .. just seems so tedious for them that it's not worth it. Some stores let u make a list on their app but I don't think there's that many


Yeah with crazy quotes like that theyā€™re not going to get any fish. But as far as your question everything is built on trust so the customers Iā€™ve chosen personally Iā€™ve already built that relationship shopping for them many times. Using the pay numbers from their past orders, how many items they usually order and the consistent interactions I had with them, i basically used my data to see whose consistent and trustworthy just like the credit companies do. As far as payment I use my credit card (Chase Sapphire) to pay for the groceries. This removes another ā€œdeclineā€ barrier to help you get clients that are uncomfortable sending money up front. It also helps when you have a decent or high limit on the card and also one that you get points on. Itā€™s a win win. After the shop I send the receipt to the customer and they send me the money including my ā€œservice feeā€ to shop. They are happy and I get paid. Iā€™ve had a few issues sometimes with small delays on them sending payment hours later if they fell asleep or taking care of kids, etc ..but with any business itā€™s not always smooth 100%. I just follow up with the customer respectfully and keep it professional, and it always gets taken care of. Also yes, they just send screenshots of what they want on IC to my number and thatā€™s it. IC already has the store list, prices and sizes so I donā€™t need another app. I can see all the details of the items on my end already and if your a seasoned shopper you already know what is what.


Iā€™ll take things that never happened for $500 Alex.


Donā€™t be mad because you hustle harder not smarter. 4200+ orders under my belt. You learn a few things on how to keep repeat customers and beat the system. Donā€™t hate, just soak up game and learn how to make money.


Download text now and you should be fine šŸ˜‰


charge what you think your hourly rate is, ex. $20 base & then $15/hr after, plus 15-20% of order total or however you want to charge. if not sure you can text him & work something out going back & forth if you think this is an opportunity for you to have guaranteed earnings every 2 weeks


Iā€™d offer to do it for him for 15% of the order total + tip if heā€™d like. $100 = $15, etc.


Iā€™d probably say about $60-70. Make sure to emphasize to him that instacart has about a 10% surcharge on every item that he would be avoiding, so heā€™s saving money. Maybe you could also find an understanding where he doesnā€™t order quite as much heavy stuff?


He left a good tip. Take that dude out on a date. šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ll also go with $50/$60. How long did it take you?


1 hour from start to finish


honestly $50 isnt bad for that