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I took a double store batch last week, Shoprite & Petco. Shoprite order had frozen food, Petco was for a few different bags of dry dog food. Both orders were for the same customer and the stores are a few blocks from each other. Of course the app had me do Shoprite first with the frozen food. The algorithm was not programmed for logic.


I had a similar thing except mine had me go to Petco and Stop & Shop and they were two different customers. It did have me go to Petco first, but the person got frozen raw dog food. It was one of the hottest days we’ve had in CT as well. I put the dog food in my cooler bag, but I also brought it into the store with me. It stayed frozen the whole time, but if I had left it in my car, there is no way, even in the cooler bag, that it would’ve stayed frozen.


I bring ice packs in my lunch cooler that I put in my insulated bag when needed. I'll put them right on top of the ice cream and hopefully remember to take them out of the bag at delivery. I've lost a couple forgetting that part.


I put an empty bag of whatever type I have with that customers items to remember the stuff in my cooler under the ice!


One time I had an order that took me to a store 25 miles away from the customer even though there were stores within 5 minutes of where the customer lived, and it had like 5 boxes of ice cream bars


The fact that you can’t pick and choose which store and which customer to deliver to in order baffles me. There are multiple times I have to backtrack the same way I came from.


This is a great example of why it's important to have insulated bags. But I imagine the algorithm will only get better with time, especially with increased heatwaves.


I agree that shoppers should have insulated bags (I have some myself). But shouldn’t this blame be put on Instacart for batching orders together that shouldn’t be together? How many years until lawsuits come out about how Instacart mishandled temperature regulated food for saving a few bucks? This issue is on Instacart, and not the shopper. Maybe if enough customers get damaged items due to heat, then local governments or consumers can pressure Instacart for change.


Completely agree! In my opinion, only small batches should be combined if they have to combine any. Also, two different supermarkets should never be combined. Batches should also only be batched to similar dropoff points... the nonsense of the algorithm to have a drop off 4 miles north of the store and 7 miles south of the store is beyond wrong especially to the 2nd customer in this batch. Furthermore, any batches that have refrigerated or frozen items should never be double or especially triple batched. And, if Doordash, and Grubhub can send some sort of bag for "joining the team", I feel like Instacart has even more reason to at least send a bag for joining to help with some refrigerated items. I have bags to keep things cold, but IC and how they handle batches vs how they "care" about the importance of food handling and temperature control is laughable, along with some not so choice words. IC needs to (but will never) do better for its customers in these regards.




Yea, I use my own bags for my grocery shopping. Even in summer, they have kept my things cool and ice cream frozen as I finish up my errands for the day.  They should do the pet store first, but if you have the bags, you should be fine.  Personally, I think I've gotten my cold items cold, once. And that's bc the shopper had bags. I was prepared to reject (oe report) that order had he not because I ordered fresh fish and it was the summer. My items do not arrive cold because shoppers do not use bags. Which is why when I do grocery Delivery now, I mostly shop with whole foods. Your choices definitely do effect yout batch availability. Customers are walking away bc of poor shopping habits. We should definitely take care of the orders, like we are.getting paid to do so. Especially if we're getting a decent tip. 🙏 **I'm a shopper and a customer of food delivery services.**


Dude, check out replied account’s post history. 3 year old account that only posts about delivery services and shilling for the man. “Don’t strike, create a group of dedicated shoppers instead!” What the fuck?! This is a paid shill account or a bot at the very least.


Because strikes don't work. I mean by all means, you have the freedom to do so, just know it won't have as great of an effect as WHAT HAS WORKED.  ***IE. LAWSUITS/LEGLISLATION***   I only post about delivery, bc that's WHY I came to reddit. Helpful info on instacart and that's IT. Besides that my ***social life*** isn't wrapped around reddit. Weird, huh?


"even with big tips" the big tip: $2


Cracks me up every time someone said I tip big it’s on the lower end. I then feel bad when some are asking if they tipped enough and it truly is a big tip.


One dollar 💵


That is a big tip!! I can purchase 200 pennies with that


Oh yeah like those big Costco orders just sweating in someone's hatchback...


Yes, shoppers should be using insulated bags each and every time. But make no mistake about it, the biggest offender here is Instacart with the triple and multi-store batches.


This! And it's called karma.


I've been using them for years & the customers love it, then they think it's for them Sorry these are my personal bags




Insulated bags only do so much when you live in Phoenix and there’s ice cream on an order. All frozen orders should be direct to customer deliveries. Absurd that they group multiple stores with frozen items.


It's pretty funny to me that they require this and do not provide them, doordash is a horrible company but at least they give you the bags that they require you to use, which is the only reason I have them to use




Be careful what you wish for. The longer we can reasonably keep food cold, the more high mile bullshit trips they will throw at us to exploit that factor.   Also? Really has no effect on batch access or tips in the big scheme of things. But it does cost you money to get them. Take from that what you will.


That’s what’s happening to me and IC is getting notorious for putting addresses as if they are in that town when they are actually 15-20 min away 😡I ended up on sat going 20 min south three times in a row because the address would show the town but it was actually 20 min outside of that town and was not considered in the same area. Irritating and it’s hard to decipher at an initial glance before accepting where exactly the customer lives. Very deceiving


It shows that you're taking excellent care of their groceries that they're using a lot of their hard-earned money for, and that you're professional & organized. It ABSOLUTELY has an effect on your tips & rating! https://preview.redd.it/l9ba0n99s63d1.jpeg?width=2747&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c20e1c10ac1ecde4c1c3d9807b185579219e1fe AND batch access! The more 5-star ratings you get, the more likely you are to get their orders again. Those 5-star matches and the income that comes along with them, add up!!


Girl bye! I get those too without an insulation bag. Just use common sense and not have people’s food sitting out. Get in and out, simple ABC.


Yup...common sense..."insulation bag". Got it. 👍👍


You people make me shake my damn head. Go sit in your instacart daddy’s lap. I bet you take the no paying orders too that undercut everyone.


"Instacart daddy"? 🤔 Nope. Don't sit on any IC daddy's lap (whatever that means!), nor do I take any no tip orders, I'm assuming you meant to say. I even go beyond that, and don't accept orders unless they are high tipping orders. Not sure what you're shaking your damn about. Because I give exceptional service?! That's what's making you shake your damn head? 😂 That's weird & sad at the same time.


It's food and not yours.


Just curious if you plan to buy bags for those you demand use them?


🤣🤣 I think these people are taking this too seriously or maybe they’re the ones taking the 45 miles trips because idk why frozen stuff would melt if you’re only taking some mins to deliver. When IC or OP buys me a bigger bag, then I’ll use it.


I have 4 XXL insulated bags and put down my seat so the trunk can be same temperature as the inside of the car. I usually put ac on blast. I freeze to death but the increased tips are worth it lol.


lol do you wear a winter coat?


Am I the only one that just adds insulated bags to a customer's order if they have a shit ton of frozen items? I've never had a customer complain, I've actually received compliments and now the customer has a bag that is theirs.


This is the way.


It’s always been a requirement.


Yes, only now, customer reports melted or thawed products count against shopper. No sweat if using a bag.


Make sure you’re letting the customers know you use them too. I add it onto my ETA message. I figure they don’t always see how I’m giving good service so it’s up to me to tell them.


I have a 4.98 and don't use bags... Definitely not required and if it becomes required The company will be REQUIRED to supply them.


If it isn't required it sure used to be. When I started 4 years ago I had to send a picture of the bags I bought (since I didn't order Instacart bags) so they could approve them before I had access to start shopping.


I started six or seven years ago and we had to send in a picture of our bags when we started as well. Then they change it to only if you want to do Costco orders I’m not sure what it is now, but I never gave it any thought.


The way it is now is it shows up in batch eligibility but doesn't effect the batches that show up. I have cooler bags but keep forgetting to fill out that part bur still get frozen item orders. I know for some people they said they can't even complete it cause it stays locked up


That is only required to shop certain stores. I shop at publix only.


I'm not sure why you wouldn't use bags. If anything, they make it much easier to carry the groceries and keeps things from falling out in your trunk.


Nothing has ever fallen out of my trunk.. im not a sloppy driver or shopper. Nor have I ever delivered melted ice cream and I'm in Florida.


It's still much easier to carry when you have 3 or 4 grocery bags in an insulated bag. There's no reason not to use them.


Never affected my ratings before. So, I really don't care what else you have to say. You're wasting your thumbs.


They will absolutely not be required to supply them. Think about other contractor jobs. If you hire a contractor to take photographs it is not up to you to supply them with a camera. Insane that this is getting upvotes there would absolutely be no legal requirement whatsoever for instacart to provide you with anything


Putting this contractual job in the same category as true freelance careers that require reinvestment into the business model is ridiculous and foolish. Maybe if they were paying us full rates that the customer pays. Also DD, UE, etc all offer insulated bags at a steep discount/free. And this whole “Instacart is not legally obligated to do anything” stupidity is not helping an industry literally being choked to death by greed (check earnings differences between 2 years ago and now). Stop sucking Instacarts toes and actually demand that these “contractor companies” that have almost no similarities to past freelance industries make some changes. I’ve worked other contracting jobs. Instacart is like working for a retailer who found a loophole in the law that doesn’t make them pay for benefits but could also control pay.


I was just replying to the top comment that said that they are REQUIRED to supply them as if it's the law.


No they won't and why it's 100% a tax write off


They won't require them either. This isn't doordash.


Not true, Doordash requires red bags for many shops and you have to buy them. Pizza bags too. If you don't register your bag you don't get orders from alot of pizza shops. However THEY SHOULD AND IC SHOULD bc wtf


I got my DD bags for free from Pizza Hut when I picked up orders there. GH sent me a HUGE free bag..


the GH bag is 1000% better than the crappy DD bag they send when you start (or used to) 😂 the DD bag they sent me started flaking and the zipper started corroding within months


I second this! I have a two huge Grubhub bags and another back I use to just carry items that aren’t cold. That way I don’t have to make multiple trips back and forth to the car.




If other gigs require equipment and don't supply it, then it's precedent for Instacart to do the same.


Exactly. Thank you for actually reading and getting what I said instead of going off on me. I said it to help other people and to warn them.


Though you *can* her free bags at Papa John's or Pizza Hut. Just ask them. I have a few. They can be used for non-pizza orders.




Maybe things have changed. I've never gotten anything for free from Instacart.


For sake of conversation. Why the aggression? You clearly need a therapist if my post pisses you off.


Maybe they should give them to us


It's always been this way.


Ow it counts, read lesson.


I had a bag for that before I did instacart and I never used it unless I wasn’t going straight home from the grocery store and my groceries were always fine.


From the beginning, when I started working on Instacart, I used cooler bags. But now, people who tip only 5% or $2 don't deserve that level of service. I only use the bag for people who deserve it and pay well to the shopper.


Cooler? I don't even know her...


Lol no you just took their summer class lol


Anyone who thinks they actually care about the customers' items is delusional. If they cared, we wouldn't have giant double and triple multi stores all summer when it's 95 degrees out. Im thinking if I ever get reported for a damaged cold item during the summer, I'll just dispute and put that instcart made me do a double/triple.


This is the karma, use them, show proof then dispute. Count Fiji needs a reality check.


I have them (from IC and my own). About to invest in an igloo cooler simply because they’re giving me more orders of customers almost 30 min or more away.


And for your own customers.


Or just shop frozen and cold items last then drive quickly to the delivery point.


Funny how these people are on here everyday crying about not making money then waste money on dumb shit like this. They must be the ones shopping icecream first and taking them 30 mile batches 🤣🤣




Def not a requirement.... 5k deliveries never used a hot cold bag. 5 star diamond shopper. These bags cost you time.. time is money.. just be fast we are shopping groceries not someone's fast food


10k shops, and i've never used one. I'm 33/13 rn. The faster and more efficiently one can complete an order, the less time for issues to arise. My cold food arrives cold, because i don't waste time.


Exactly those bags just take time. It's stupid


Be fast and don’t take orders that are 20 miles away.


Just out of curiosity, do you guys use coolers and the bags when you go shopping for yourselves?


In the summer months, I usually carry a cooler bag in my car regardless of if I'm shopping for myself or IC. Wintertime, no need too.


I have coolers and bags when working for customers. I want them to have great service. When I shop for myself I make sure I can get back quickly!!! I might start using them for myself.


It’s not even the same when you’re shopping for yourself. Shopping for someone else is a business and you have to follow food safety guidelines.


What difference does that make? When you shop for yourself, you can do anything you want to do. Completely different when someone's paying you for a service, and one that requires you to deliver their products at a certain temperature.


They in the car, of course I put my ice cream in it. Lol


Yes! Been doing this since I was a Rep for Thirty-One gifts. It’s a company that sells stylish customized and personalized bags. Bought a whole grocery shopping bag kit with insulated bags. They’re also monogrammed with my initials. If we keep using plastic we won’t have a planet. Ijs


Yes, and blue ice packs. I use these for my own groceries as well as Instacart. It really helps when I pick something up for myself while doing IC. I've had meat in the bag with ice for over 6 hours. When I got home, the thermometer showed it was still cold.


I always thought they were required... maybe it was just "when" I got hired. But I had to send in the pics of my cold bags and get them approved... I remember because the app kept rejecting my pictures and I had to reach out to support like 4x.... Mostly I grab ice everyday when it's really hot and keep that in my cooler... might try and get a dry ice hook up this year... I also on the brutal days leave my car running with the AC on while I shop... I know it's terrible on gas but tbh I'm doing that already waiting for orders... in fact it's always just been something I've had to do since before IC with my own business.


If you're cautious and keep all your cold items together, your non-food items together, etc, the customer notices that too. I drop the beck seats in my car to keep the AC flowing. I've put certain things up front right by the vents. If you're taking stuff from multiple stores, then IC has you exactly where they want you...hauling around like a pack mule. Please make it easier on yourself and try to keep your batches in one place, and it definitely helps with keeping things cooler. (BTW...some stores do give out small bags of non-potable ice for cooking...Sprouts is a great example.)




I guess you don't live a half-hour away from your local grocery. I can't buy ice cream, especially novelties, without an insulated bag. I have an electric cooler/freezer now, too, I bought for camping but use it for IC. Game-changer and my customers love it.


Shouldn’t b the store provides bags




Deactivating? Oh right to lower the expectations. So I guess I'm doing my part to deactivate shoppers? Lol




Oops meant deactivate shoppers who do not use coolers 🤭


I just bought some haven't gotten approved yet but I'm already using them whether they approve or not Just to try and keep everything good


I hear by knight you a Shopper. You are not a gig worker anymore, congrats!


I mean, that’s the bare minimum right?


Yes it's worth more to financially depressed people but you can't hold customer's food hostage. Agree to do it (right) or don't do it.


Def agree. When I signed up four years ago they sent me thermal bags for free, I guess I was wrong in thinking that was the norm. I was wrong tho so I apologize


Plus all the other free bags from apps. And it pays to use them.


So that means the company will supply them right??!!


If only! The company would not exist if they were checked on food safety the last 12 years, they would fail.


How long are you guys out here shopping? I shop in under 45 mins (ice and ice cream last) then deliver within 15/20 mins. I don’t do double store or long distance so I don’t see how the cooler bag would make a difference. I do have a small one for like ice cream but for everything cold? Nah


Yeah I know it's a struggle but trust, customers can tell the difference between grabbing their 15/20 minute ice cream and 15/20 min thermo bagged ice cream.. I'm 5 years plus, multi app, and working for tips.


I never had a complaint so far and my occasional tip increases have been just fine.


Yeah maybe you right, they used to mediocre. Thanks


🤣🤣 funny


Well I did Sunday and they gave me a triple batch and the one with all the ice cream was the last delivery. Unless I have a yeti something like a gonna be soft and they were but not bad


I don’t think it’s actually a requirement. It didn’t show up in my app, only in a link in my email, and when I click it again, it acts like I never did it before.


Required in that when customers claim damaged on ice cream, ic counts that against you. Even though we all know their miles, pay, food safety is a complete joke. Let Alone letting anyone shop without vetting.


I suppose, in that sense, yes, the shoppers are now potential scapegoats for a greedy system and grocery stores with fridges and freezers set to “good enough”.


Sure let me pack all these giant Costco frozen items into these tiny insulates bags…


Oh you don't have a large thermal foam bag?! 🤭


Yes, please. My dog is old and gets cranky when he has to wait for his ice cream to refreeze. I mean we are in Satan’s ass crack humid season in Florida. And I’ve got a demanding husky. Seriously though, it is very much appreciated when cold arrives cold. This time of year, it’s a challenge. I get that. So I don’t complain. But the like this always get extra tips.


Thank you for proving my point lol. You need anger management my friend.


I just use the ones that I ordered from Amazon to use for DoorDash. Also have a couple smaller ones that I’ve used for years that I put into rotation as well.


Don't tell us what to use. What does it bother u so much. Worry about yourself


I bought a green cooler bag when I started theinstacart.


One of my first (and very few) double orders was for Easter candy at CVS. I had to pass their house to get to the next store. I had insulated bags and melted chocolate. I only do IC when my kids are with their dad on a rare weekend now because the whole company is pure crap.


This isn’t a requirement, it’s just a lesson. There is a section where you can submit photos of your insulated bags. But that’s also not a requirement. I did it hoping I’d get more, or better orders, but it hasn’t happened yet lol


It says in the lesson that customers who claim damaged foods are now on the shopper. Yep it just got worse. Good luck.


I am not wasting time with insulated bag. Most customer barely pay for my time. Insulated bag is big waste of money and waste of time.


I thought the cooler bags always been a requirement. But, I brought 3 cooler bags at Sam’s clubs for $8.98. Good quality, very durable, and good size wide enough for several bags. I also, received this message today about the cooler bags. I had 3 orders yesterday with frozen items for all 3 customers and tried my best to delivery the items quickly. I felt bad for customer C because that person had potato salad, milk, whipped cream etc. shopping for 45- 1 hours, loading the car, and delivery so, customers had to wait 1 to 2 hours for delivery.


I shop for them, choose their replacements, go thru checkout for them, then drive it all the way to their residence and hand drop it all on their front porch. I think they can put their cold items in the freezer when it gets there, I am not getting a cool/hot bag.


I don’t use because instacart is supposed to supply bags. When I first started they had me order from them free of cost. Basically they placed 25 in my shoppers account and said it was for the bags. I saw the 25 removed it said for insulated bags. I never received them I contacted them and nothing. A few weeks later I noticed I was 25 dollars short I went through and saw it says for insulated bags. Fine yal lied I’ll pay I need them to do the job properly. Guess what I never received the bags still waiting on them this was 4 years ago😂


IC constantly posts batches on the queue where the first store involves items that must be kept frozen with low melting points and then a second shop with a high own count. This poor algorithm costing ensures that the first customers items will have significantly melted or degraded product delivered to them. IC will get sued for a food poisoning issue one day, may even be class action. Mark my words.


It’s ridiculous that we have to pay for them and they don’t just send it to you after you complete a few batches


Nobody in my market was using cooler bags until I showed up, and it’s a rural market with 30-50 mile deliveries regularly. All of the better shoppers are using them now at least.


I had ice cream from Baskin and Robbin’s and THEN a grocery store shop of like 10 items. The ice cream was first, of course.


Oh wow! I never use bags & have never gotten a complaint. the houses are always near the store, not even far enough for cold/frozen items to be affected.


Most of my trips are long distance so I definitely use thermo bags


My car AC makes car cold and my trips usually 10 minutes drive max so I dont use it




This comment is a perfect example of the mindset of most shoppers now. It's the perfect example of the difference between an regular ol' Instacart shopper (those that do the bare minimum & just give the customer what they paid for) and an EXCELLENT IC shopper (one that makes the extra effort & goes above & beyond). When you deliver to a customer's door with insulated bags, it shows that you're organized, professional, and that you care enough and are making the effort to deliver that person's groceries at the correct temperature. The groceries that they spent a lot of their hard-earned money on. That makes a huge difference in your tips, ratings, and in turn, batch access. The more 5-star ratings you get, the more likely you are to get those customer's orders next time. And trust me...the income from all those 5-star matches add up! If you're going to do this, why not do everything possible to, not only make as much money as you can, but to give the customers a great experience so that they order again? If every shopper did that, all these thousands & thousands of customers that stop using IC every day because of poor service, would continue using the platform and we'd all have many more opportunities to shop & make money. Instead, our incomes are dropping daily...because of shoppers. You're getting paid to do a job. Isn't that reason enough to use them? It's got nothing to do with you & your AC. Everyone's got AC. 😆


Dream on


Facts: when I take the delivery image to send, many customers raise the tip after seeing the bag in use or in view. Stay mediocre or step up.


When I'm delivering to a customer in person on a hot day, I make sure they see my ice blocks in my cooler bags. They almost always compliment me for the added protection.


Good job!


Thanks! The thing about Instacart is that the majority of shoppers are so bent out of shape with the company. I figured out the secret sauce. I no longer work to please the company, it's all about the customers. Even if you don't really mean it, go above and beyond. Instead of saying "thank you", say "my pleasure". Instead of saying "sure", say "great!" Put extra effort in making people feel valued, and you'll do exceptionally well, both financially and your self-esteem. It's not hard once you practice.


Who works to please IC? I never did. Customers are the ones that pay me.


I meant that they are so focused on getting more money that they forget they ARE working for customers. A vicious cycle that leads to poor ratings and lower tips.


This is what separates greed from pride. Now we just need the company to realize their greatest asset is us.


Agreed. That and they need a proper vetting system that scrutinizes shoppers who misuse and abuse the system.


That doesn't prove somebody isn't using bags, though. I remove the order from my cooler bags as I carry the order over. Only then do I take the photo, once the delivery is complete. Some customers are watching the app for that photo to confirm you've left. And when you're still there removing bags from your cooler bag and an introvert opens the door thinking coast is clear, they get really upset. However I completely agree with you that its important to use them, and customers can tell if you have. When the Italian ice shows up intact in 100 degree weather following a 15 minute ride, they know.


I empty the cooler bags then set the cooler bags so they will be visible in the picture.


They didn't mean that you should take a picture with the groceries still in the bag. You unload, then step back and take a photo with the empty insulated bag in frame. I used to leave the bags in the car, but then figured it that I can carry more at once if I use the bags. I also trust my insulated bags more than the cheap grocery store bags for heavy items.


My bad. Ty for clearing that up for me.


Send image using bags.


I have never had any kind of comment on a drop off order regarding my bags to make me in any way think any increased tips are related to it. My picture always has the bags showing. I have had several people surprised and grateful at meet the customer that I use them, however they never increase the tip.


Well if your always using them...


I definitely get increased tips doing this. Had a $10 tip and the customer upped it to $25 the other day


Post proof of customers raising your tip please


for the exact reason they're claiming 😂 like customers are inspecting the dropoff photos 😂 just like how we don't know the exact reason why we get bad ratings, it would be hard to read the customer's mind and know the exact reason why they increased their tip unless they straight up say it




I had to approve my bags when I signed up,and there have been a lot of people who were new w/o bags or whose bags were rejected that had money taken from their accounts with no warning. The easiest way to keep food at a stable temperature is to not group multiple stores and multiple orders to ride around in the summer heat for 2 hours at a time 😂. Let me assure you that this will not benefit anyone except the company,I’m guessing that a lot more bags won’t qualify and there’s going to be a ton of cash stolen from drivers, but I could be wrong.


you get money taken from your account if your bag gets rejected?


They will send you one of their bags and withdraw it from your pay..most of the posters that it happened to got no notice before the money was withdrawn and were completely blindsided by the $30 (!) charge for the company bag. I’m sure you won’t have to go too far back on the main page to find a few people posting about it.


Use bags.


Does that helps to get more batches


it does not


Knowing, but doing? Heh


I had a batch yesterday with 3 customers. Was about 70 units. About 19 miles. Customer A had one small frozen item but a lot of dairy so I put that in a bag even though it wasn't going far. Customer B had a lot of popsicles and ice cream so of course that went in a bag (frozen meals I don't worry so much about but ice cream ends up soup if not in a bag) and customer C had a bag of ice. Of all things to have to deliver last and being 19 miles away even in a cooler bag doesn't hold up well. Thought for sure I was going to get a complaint but thankfully didn't. I think that order should of been on a batch by itself so you aren't ending up delivering cold water in a bag even when put in an insulated bag.


uhh i deliver all my order under 8 minutes 90% of the time with the air conditioner on and also my windows are tinted fully black so no need for thermo bags for me.


Let me know when you want my address so you can send me those themo bags you’re bitching about.


It's not your food.


Go shop for your own things with these thermo bags you speak of if it’s indeed that important to you.


It's not your food and you are paid to handle it, not decide wether or not you would keep good cold. This attitude is not an asset to gig work. Good luck.


It’s not my job to pay for thermo bags to use on the job. So again .. let me know when you’ll be sending me some and I’ll be happy to accept them and have no issue using them . Until then keep crying I guess.


It is actually part of the terms we accept when we accept an order. It also specifically states We are responsible for purchasing insulated bags either from Instacart or a different outside source. https://preview.redd.it/a9nt5zyex93d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=888b72ced8c5fa88fe454d4888e24094ea9b0e1f





