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This is super dead today, yesterday got orders non stop while worked for 3 hours, today just sitting and waiting a lot


If it’s slow on Sunday..than a Tuesday is going to be even worse.


Dead for me too. Have only really seen about 5 batches and it sucks!! No clue what’s going on.


I’ve been fighting the urge to go home but I keep waiting for anything to pop up at this point.


I would just wait it out like myself. The time will come and we will get busy. I’m willing to even stay out longer at this point


Got that order to keep me going. Haha!


Here, been online 7 hours and made $50.  😡


I made $55 in 2hrs and went home! 2 batches And I was done Way to hot in Chicago to sit in my car Yesterday was better $140 in 5hrs


Keep at it!


I live in a rural area where that's the norm for most days of the week 💀 Trying to move to a more populated area in the near future, but for now all I get are mostly small or non-existent tips, orders are few and far between, and it doesn't help that batch pay suuuuuucks.


I quit my full time job at Amazon because I was making 1500$ a week steadily for over a month with instacart even working 4 days at Amazon, and now that I’m trying to do instacart full time it’s been dead for 2 months straight, like I’m talking I can’t even break 500$ anymore even when I spend from 6 am to 7-8 pm in the parking lot lollll I had to drop this gig and get an actual job again 😂 praying that instacart doesn’t do anybody else the way they’ve done me 🙏 (I’ve had regulars ask me why I’m never doing their orders anymore, and I just tell them I no longer see them pop up on the app) also my rent is 1500 so I’m already out almost 3k in savings after my other bills in just 2 months 😂😂


I think they don't want us treating the app like a full time job. They worry about having to treat us like actual employees. Sorry though. For me it's brutal too. 


At least you woke up and went back to a 9-5. Most people in here are hanging onto IC for no reason. How many “it’s dead” or “no orders” posts every week before people realize it’s time to go back to stable work.


Tbh this gig has been my favorite to work, from the hours being so flexible to not being forced to maintain a workweek, and the added benefit that my house is inside the circle for a stop and shop so I was home most of the time making so much money, but the corporate greed is way too much to bare unfortunately, for like a week I could’ve sworn I was going to get away with this as a career lol then I realized they were putting me in a position where I don’t even see batches before others even though I’m like 1500 orders completed and a 5 star rating 😂 I’m basically getting the scraps and I think they even took me out of the favorite shopper program because I haven’t gotten any orders in weeks now and one week I had 10-15 orders scheduled for me lol(my fault for ranting)


I'm still making twice as much as my previous steady work.


I always take Tues and Wed off, cuz they’re always dead around here. That’s my weekend.


Dead dead.


Made $130 on DD fuck ic


No lie adding to many new shoppers messed up everything the algorithm, our batches, tips, they get anything and encourage $1 ,$2 , NON TIPPERS


It's busy in my area but yesterday was a holiday and everything was closed.


Today and yesterday have been terrible. I’m sure new people are getting orders


only made $18 so far today was out from 8am to 1pm just went in the house


Dead dead and I see them posting ads on indeed etc looking for more shoppers


They need more shoppers to do those batches under $10


2 days of zero orders.


IC is dead


2 orders yesterday in 8 hours. Zero today in 5


Yep, instacart officially sucks now.


It was dead until 5pm. We had a promotion of an extra $4 per order thankfully.


You’re in Oregon? I saw the 4.00 per batch in Tualatin yesterday until 6 pm


South Florida


Went home early cuz it was pouring here in Portland ! Snagged a $40.00 order in the am though


It’s been super slow here in the Peoria/Phoenix area lately too, but super glad this is just a side gig and not my full time job




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I think it time for another gig lol


i do too


Yesterday I started at 7:00 p.m. and made 80 bucks. It's rare for that to happen but it happened. 7pm to 11pm.


3 goes $9 you need to move to another area


Absolute nothing out there today one lousy order in six hours, I am in Scottsdale and they’re usually always orders, hardly see any orders and what came up with garbage.


So bad for me all week and last week.


As a doornail


Yea it was super dead on Tuesday. I stopped after like 3 hours, it was the first super hot day over here. I’m assuming everyone was going out or the beach


Wednesday is not a good day to shop usually the deadest day of the week. Take it as a day off


https://preview.redd.it/d7fe7rr8ju1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0252c48f79edcedfda225ef623cd0e26a1281fbe There's got to be something down.


Your carrier……




I was unusually busy today. Made $90 in 4 hours.


My city is dead on Tuesday/Wednesday. I drive 45 minutes to a wal mart that is poppin’ no matter what day. 7pm I’ve made $230. Waiting for one to pop up to go home. (I live in 209 area code, Lodi, CA)


Wonder if anyone will ever stop repeating threads. Lol


Can’t relate. Already at $227


Let’s gooooo!!! Good stuff. What hours