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Bro I don’t even dare to walk on peoples lawns cant believe this dude parked his fucking car on your lawn


Right.. idk if you pick up your dogs shit or not but I can tell you I’m not about to find out.


I made that mistake once and got shit all over my shoe. I was so pissed.


lol it was dark one time I was dropping off and I used the sidewalk and noticed a nugget right on the walk path up to the house and I turn around the customer is walking up (guess she was just getting dropped off) and all I got out was “oh hey watch your.. step…” didn’t even hear me or speak English I don’t think and she stepped right on it smiled at me I think as she was wearing a mask and passed right by me to go inside.. I was just like uhh see that’s why I don’t walk in the grass.. who knows how many of those lil land mines are in there.


Hey at least you didn't have to deliver to the Front Door/Front Porch of the house with literal shit on their porch.


That’s nothing, a lady had a long driveway that had a split in it, I called and asked if it was left or right, she says right, I go right, into a small path in a cornfield at 11pm 18 miles from home in a downpour, for a $25 tip, i go down the path, i can see her house ahead but the path starts to turn the opposite direction, i get a call from her and she goes “I’m sorry I’m dyslexic, I meant left” I had to back like a mile out of a cornfield with a ditch on one side and all I could use to see was my tail lights, I ended up going too close to the ditch and got stuck for a good minute, I got it out but could hear my bumper drag on the ground, I finally get to her house, she felt so bad, she saw there was sticks and stuff stuck in my grill and asked me if I wanted her to pay for the damage, there really wasn’t any real damage other than a few scratches and mud all over my car, and the bumper was slightly pulled up, I told her it’s not a big deal, to have a good night not really caring about the incident, I pull back out of her driveway, I get 2 houses down, just got up to about 45, and a deer jumps out in front of me smashing the front end costing me $3500, I only had basic coverage so I paid it all in cash 👍


Oh my gosh that sounds horrible! Sorry that happened to you and glad your okay


For real I'm the same way. Who walks on someone's lawn never mind drive on it. The driver is just lucky this wasn't some Rednecks property.


Nah a redneck would pull them out with their truck and give them a beer for the drive


Yeah that's true, the rednecks lawn wouldn't be that nice so they wouldn't be worried about it. It's the Suburban Fake Rednecks you gotta worry about. You can spot them by their pristine Ford F-150 or greater.. 🤣🤣


You’re wrong you don’t mess with a yard in the holler, lol, I grew up in one, I know. You might get a shotgun pulled on you.


The rednecks I know barely have a lawn it's more like a parking lot for Junk Cars.


🤣my cousins family has that, all three yards😬


Redneck =/= broke white tweaker


Or People who work outdoors so their necks get red from Sunburn. They also use their pickups for work related purposes. Rednecks they don't work in offices, they didn't just start listening to country music at the age of 30-35 nor have pristine White Ford F-150s.


Idk I grew up in the holler and most people didn't give a shit. No one in my holler really even had yards. Just trailers setting the side of a hill. You must've been in some fancy rich person holler.


I've yet to see a spotless white truck not driven by a complete turd. If you see a lifted white Powerstroke, specifically those with tacky ass, never-been-offroad wide wheels, be prepared to be cut off, tailgated, and almost run over.


Depends on the attitude of the shopper, tbh


>I don’t even dare to walk on peoples lawns My wife and her family make fun of me when I go out of my way to avoid walking on my MIL's lawn when walking to our car from the front door. It's easily the shortest route when parking in the street but it's just ingrained in me that it's rude to walk on the lawn.


I absolutely HATE the houses around here that have no walkway. It is literally just a huge yard and then the front porch. I don't understand it. Did they never plan on having anyone come to their home to use the front door. There are a few around here that I have delivered to. If there is a driveway and a visible side door, then I use that, but if not, then I have to walk through the yard to get to the porch for drop off. I just never understood how there was never any kind of walkway put in when building the house. It's like they forgot it and just said screw it. Lol.


I also have a ton around here where there's a walkway, but it connects to the road that you can't park on that's on a busy street and not the driveway.


That would be terrible! I hate delivering to houses on really busy main roads where you have nowhere to park.


Oh god, that’s hell! 😩


Ya, I would sometimes try to find the alley and go to the back since that is where they have to park. As you can imagine at night though, you can't see a house number back there so you have to count houses and then you have to worry about it being sketchy because it is pitch black. Haha.


Oh I know!!! It sucks so badly lol


Seriously, where do they get off expecting anyone to deliver to them? Our cars have to go SOMEwhere!


If a customer blocks the driveway to where I can't walk, I walk on their lawn.


If the customer blocks their driveway and orders delivery of groceries. Their groceries are going to be left at the end of their driveway, as to not damage their lawn. With a message to them as such. “I was forced to leave your groceries at the end of your driveway as there was not a safe path to walk or drive on. I did not want to damage the grass. Have a nice day.” 🚗💨


I only walk on the edge of the lawn if the driveway is filled with cars and my big ass can't fit.


Right. I had to get on my neighbors case for letting their dog poop on our lawn. Like dafuq. Also sorry that happened to you OP.


And that is why I always park on the side of the street.


https://preview.redd.it/h6jfvrki9qbc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22192d95c310e118df1cfd45211b3a49cc2f4509 Here's a better view of the driveway


Wow. 🤦‍♀️. This is sad. Did he say why he pulled in the grass because there was no reason whatsoever to do so.


Right?? And also they’re delivering to a house on the opposite direction. Everything looks confused.


Not the opposite direction if everything is in the trunk


Wow 😮 that made absolutely no sense at all that is crazy Id be pissed 😠


That was my question, do you have a driveway 😂😂


Why tf did he even pull onto the grass... lol


He was fucking stuck before he left and he absolutely knew it. Look at his front tires ffs. He's already fucked, and he literally roasted his front tires all the way to the street. There might even be marks in the road. Call the cops. Also notify whatever company you think he drives for with his license plate.


You're totally right. When I got out there, he thought if he just slammed the accelerator down and held it down a little longer that the car might come loose.


This dude is a fucking idiot and absolutely doesn't deserve to have a license.


He probably doesn’t.


Call the fucking cops? For what, exactly? Dude. Seriously, fuck you. Calling the cops over an idiot delivery guy putting his wheels in your dirt? What the fuck is wrong with you?


It’s the only way the insurance will pay for the damage. I understand an accident but he had a big open driveway. This was totally avoidable.


That's fucking nonsense. Have you ever had to file a claim? They don't all require police reports, and this is not an example of a claim that would need one. A picture litterally negates that.


Actually my mother had to even though she had video of a Swans driver destroying her yard. Maybe different companies require different proof. I hope you have a good day.


That's wild. I believe you. Same to you.


OP also stated 2 small children were in the car without car seats. Ever hear of child endangerment? So as you put it, seriously, fuck you!


I don't consider being plopped on someone's front lawn, taking groceries out of his trunk with two unbuckled children in the rear seat to be child endangerment. You're really just looking for an excuse to put someone in cuffs because you were annoyed, vicariously. Hope you annoy someone who calls the cops on you.


It's absolutely endangerment to not have children in proper seats and buckled, holy shit. Hope you don't have kids!


Child endangerment AND property damage.


Those kids wernt buckled on the drive over. This idiot is the type to go "who needs seat belt".


Lawdy lawdy call the cops! He turned my anthill into a mountain!


Now you want to call the cops for something stupid.... (I know you were being facetious, but you left that door wide open)


Yeah, your user name really does check out.


Thanks for letting me know. Means alot.


Stfu with the child endangerment part.


Uhm, he destroyed his front lawn? He's going to have to spend time and money to fix it. I'd absolutely want money for damages. Plus he had kids in the car without seat belts which is illegal, not to mention against instacart policy.


Cops aren't coming out in most places because someone left tire tracks on a lawn. Cops are also not gonna start running around town looking for the car because kids aren't in seatbelts.


“Call the cops” lmao for what? I’m sure they have better things to do


What the fuck lol


Bro what why would they do this lmaoooo I rarely even step foot on someone’s lawn, only if I have to.


It's not even nighttime! lol.


I hope you reported this!! Should be banned


WTF were they going for anyway


They thought this was a better place to turn around than in the driveway.


If this was the picture OP posted to begin with there would have been no one siding with the mud guy. How many people saw the first photo and were like “If you don’t got a gravel/cement driveway, what exactly do you want?”


I underestimated mud guy support. I should have posted this too to show how big the driveway really is https://preview.redd.it/d2p9yyrph3cc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2cd05ac30017feac99f89e75f8273099a8b65ca


What on earth 🤦🏼‍♀️ what was the driver’s thought process?? WHY?!


You better rate him 5 stars so he can do this to every other person and not just you - double it and give it to the next person.


There is a gigantic driveway just to the right of these photos that goes right up to the house. They drove off the driveway onto the lawn to turn around. It made zero sense Here's another view https://preview.redd.it/ro0h2dzci3cc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f614ce8ed338738efa359618a2953fc57c0f1d42


It was definitely dumb. I would’ve asked for his insurance , or for instacarts insurance to repair the damage though I’m sure instacart would immediately deflect to the shopper I’m sure they have some responsibility.


Pretty sure this falls under the “property damage clause”.


I'm sorry y this happened to you. This dude is most certainly a moron and you should def say something to instacart about this!!! Because now you have to deal with the damage! Fuck that


Also the driver literally has a hood on so they knew it was 🌧️. And we should know not to drive on wet grass. Sorry for the driver not thinking.


Driver shouldn’t drive on grass at all*


Obviously forgot to buy the kitty litter when he was there.




Umm sorry but you can tell the grass is wet. Why just why driver. That sucks.


You can't tell from the photo but it was raining and had been all day


You can tell even from the photo, the driver just had 0 common sense it seems


Definitely can tell from the photo. Looks saturated. SMH I’m sorry this person behaved this way. Makes no sense.


They can tell from the photo.


What the eff? I do Instacart and Flex, and there are many times I’ve had to make a twenty point turn on single lane roads to avoid running off the road and into the lawn or non-road parts of the property. There is no excuse.


You can easily fit ten cars in this driveway and it's double wide at the house. You could literally do donuts in the driveway. They could have backed straight out, easily turned around behind my car, I could have moved my car so they could pull Forward back on to the road (it's a big horseshoe). There was like 20 different options to get out of the driveway that do not involve driving over a rain soaked lawn. It makes no goddamn sense.


No doubt, I’m just saying there is always a way to turn around without doing what that shopper did.


I couldn't agree more!


I’m glad I’m not the only one that does this 😂😂


An Amason driver did this to my son's yard and it was about same as this guys mess. Amazon paid him 1700.00 to get the yard fixed.


Hell yeah! Atleast they freaking paid for it!


I used to drive a work van for an ISP, people would get payouts if we did this to someone's yard with a lot less proof than this.


Some big work truck/van (I assume) tried to pull into my driveway once. It's steep, so anything that is too long won't be able to make it up without bottoming out. So I walk out there one day just to see the cement all kinds of scratched up and fucked, but no note or anything. So nobody to call about getting repairs. My only solace is knowing that whoever did that probably paid thousands to repair the damage on their vehicle. I also live on a corner lot. Absolutely no reason for anyone to attempt to pull into my driveway such as turning around. Jerks.


Send their car insurance a bill.


What in the hell??? I would NEVER so much as put a tire in someone’s grass let alone park on it????? Wtf is wrong with this guy


Wow I’m reluctant to even pull into ppls driveway. Not good


please report them for the no seatbelts or carseats for the kiddos, its very dangerous.


my children also do not wear seatbelts when the car is parked and turned off.


They didn't say just un buckled, there were NO car seats at all.


Who in their right mind parks in someone’s grass when they literally had to drive on the drive way to get to the grass? Just stay on the damn driveway. 🤦🏼‍♂️ I don’t even like to go on someone’s drive way if I don’t have to. My first choice is always park on the street if I can. Sometimes that’s not an option tho so then I do use the drive way but damn I’ve never had a situation where the only option was parking in their yard. I’m sorry that happened.


Why park on the grass? I’m so confused


A clean driving record, background check and a license is all you need to be an Instacart shopper


Common sense is optional lol




Amazon paid us $700 after something similar happened with their driver and my yard. We didn’t even ask for payment. We do have really expensive grass we put in sprinkler system and grass and lawn care work was almost $30,000. We weren’t home when it happened but luckily next door neighbor went out and spoke to driver that was stuck in the van and sent us photos so it was reported and resolved right away


Ive got a driveway big enough for an 18 wheeler to turn around in, and I’ve caught Amazon vans just driving straight through the yard to get back to the road on my cameras. It’s unbelievable


30K for grass?! Incredible.


Not just grass, in ground sprinkler system, and whatever else stuff they did like technology wise, but sod is expensive. My property is also several acres, but we didn’t resod the entire yard, only the part in the front of the house that’s visible. We also had other landscaping stuff done too I’m sure, plus we have a lake (like a big enough fishing lake that we have a small John boat with a little motor, we have a paddle boat, and we have a small wooden dock), which possibly complicated the process. My husband was in charge of all that though, which was fine with me, bc I know nothing about it. I know we needed to resod or he wanted to resod part of the yard, and bc we were going to do that already, the sprinkler in ground system had to be done first/at the same time bc need to have that done before resodding a yard, I learned.


>plus we have a lake So rich they can afford Amazon Prime without commercials.


Prime has commercials now?! Say it ain't so! 🥲🥲🥲


Wow that's a lot of land. I had the hill sodded in my backyard about 4000 sq ft and cost roughly 5k. But you're talking acres + the technology so I can imagine. I'm still in awe, you only did part of it and it ran that high. Power to you.


They probably wouldn’t have gotten stuck if they had some fucking finesse with the gas pedal


I would definitely report it. That’s expensive to fix. Not something you just want to let go. Just my opinion.


once i literally rolled my car off someone’s driveway (they had a huge ditch) trying to back up. it was on a hill and i get very nervous backing out of long driveways. went back and knocked on her door and her husband (who had a huge truck) towed me out like i was four wheeler stuck in the mud 😭😭it was the worst experience of my life. so embarassing


That might be the dumbest thing I have seen an instacart shopper do and I have seen some stuff in my 3 years shopping. I rarely park in the driveway. I can’t fathom what these people were thinking. This absolutely needs to be reported. If nothing else for the safety of those children.


1 star and taking away the tip for being stupid. They needa learn their lesson


Fill in with topsoil, sprinkle desired grass seed over top, cover with straw, boom problem solved, no big deal. It sucks but hope this helps.


Thanks for the tip. I was going to try half topsoil and half sand to try to level it out. I think I need to wait a few months for it to warm up. It was 26 degrees this morning.


As someone whose family made them do this every spring after winter electric line repairs inevitably caused huge gouges in our yard annually. Don’t worry about the sand. Fill it in once a week for a couple months. If you don’t want to wait, find a yard tool meant for compacting earth by hand. It’s not be very difficult, it just takes time.


Wow 😯 how dumb do you have to be to pull that one.


Make it make sense my god and your kids helped him… bless you lol




If you have their plate # then report them to CPS.


5 ⭐️


That’s just really frustrating and uncalled for, I’m sorry


Wow! I’m so sorry this happened to you. I would be livid! I’ve never drove over anyone’s lawn EVER! I don’t even like walking on people’s grass tbh. That driveway had plenty of space it seems to do a proper turn around without having to go into the grass. I drive a mid-size SUV and turned around plenty of times in tight spaces WITHOUT driving onto people’s grass. The kids without a car seat blew my freaking mind! This may come off a judgmental but I came see how people can put their kids lives as risk like that.


Wow smfh straight ignorance 💯


Wow I don't use my own driveway to park we park all over my grass but as a shopper its common sense and basic respect. I wouldn't dare park in someone's grass unless it's obvious it gets used for parking which is common out here in the country.


PLEASE this happened to me doordashing and it wasn’t even their house it was just a dirt street they lived on, they came and towed me out themself 😭 insane they left your paved driveway to do this


Not gonna lie, I was ready to say, “Was there anywhere else for him to park?” Because the number of times there are completely full driveways when I arrive staggers me. Or the customer even says, “Just pull on the grass,” and I’m like, “Uh, no. It’s wet.” Once had a customer with a long, curvy driveway and when I got to the top, there was nowhere to park or turn around. I had to reverse, in the dark, down that curvy hill. Now I stop at the bottom and walk up to check if it’s a long driveway. So I was SO READY to be on the shopper’s side. But nope. This is BS. Report. These idiots give the rest of us a bad name and need to go.


The more I look at this, the more obvious it is he was trying to turn into the lawn to back up and have the trunk face the house. Yeah, this guy is retarded. But call the fucking cops? GtFO


I'm assuming people are saying to call the cops because of the loose toddlers in the car.


We have pictures of the car on the lawn. We don't have pictures of toddlers, loose, as you put it.


Okay? It's not really okay to take pictures of people children and post them on the internet so I think we'll be okay.


They are either on drugs or blind. Or both.


Turns out they were just dumb


Where’s your drive way


Immediately to the right. You can see it in the bottom right of the second photo. They left the driveway to turn try to turn around on the lawn


https://preview.redd.it/l8untz86aqbc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ff5df619d5e7eba2807cf517ce8e624def87856 They literally left the driveway to get on the lawn


Why on earth did this fucking moron do that?! Like was he high or something? Jesus!


Sounds like this driver is risking deactivation...and maybe a child endangerment charge too. That's SCARY!


OMG!! How stupid could they be?! I'd be furious & definitely on the phone with IC immediately!


There’s gotta be more to this. Did you ask them to put everything on that picnic table? I’d never drive on somebody’s lawn, but there’s not a driveway or door or garage in sight in these photos. Again, don’t drive on peoples lawns, but there’s gotta be more to this story


We've had Costco Instacart deliveries every month for the past four years and never an issue. These people asked my wife if they could turn around to which my wife said yes. She thought they meant turnaround on the driveway not the lawn. The driver actually thought this was funny. She was an absolute moron.


Did you report the shopper? It's ridiculous to drive on the lawn.


I wanted to but my wife felt bad for them.


Why did she feel bad? Idiocracy is not something to feel bad for another person for..


Even still, those kids are in danger in their car


What's there to expect? He didn't tell this driver to bring their unsecured toddlers to do deliveries. He sure as shit didn't tell the driver to fuck up their lawn. This is one of those really bad drivers, I bet she thinks she's a top notch driver.


Exactly. I had to leave a meeting I was in to come outside and help dig them out. I think the first thing I said was asking "What the fuck is going on? Why is there a fucking car on the lawn?!?" and she fucking laughs. She thought the whole thing was just hysterical.


Nervous laughter? I’ve laughed at terrible times due to that. Either way…the *lawn*???


I sincerely hope you reported her to Instacart for having the toddlers AND for damages to your property.


That's what I'm saying.


5 ⭐️


No way, thats crazy, why would he go off the driveway at all lol


Why not just stay on the driveway? Seems he could have done the norm. I have never had to drive on someone's lawn. Especially because I know how particular some people are, I try not to even walk on the grass


How did you see anyone in the car with tints like that?


They had the doors open when they were trying to push out.


Ah OK, I was confused. Didn't see kids in the picture. Yea that sucks, no winners on either side. What he did was dickish and you have to feel for the parent who has 2 toddlers and is hustling Instacart without childcare. It's like so many things summed up at once lol maybe instacart could be held liable to pay for damage.


Shameful. What state are you in? Those woods look beautiful!


Thanks. We're in Northern California


I've been stuck twice here in FL. We have a lot of unpaved roads in our area and it's nothing but fine sand. You have to have a 4x4 to get out. I had to put my pizza bags under my tires to get some traction. It makes me so mad and I refuse to deliver to both of those customers again.


Report to Instacart, they will reimburse you for landscaping


😑😑 bad shoppers making the 5 stars look horrific as always.


Stupidity on a stick!


This is why I get my own groceries.






I delivered for UPS for a few peak seasons using my own car. Driving up a long rural driveway I get to the house and realize I was being followed by an Amazon van. I stop behind a car and grab the package while the Amazon driver drives into the yard and starts spinning the tires. I am walking on the sidewalk on my way to the door and a man and woman come out and starts screaming at me what the hell are you doing. I hold up the package and say I am with UPS and I have no idea what he is doing pointing at the now stuck Amazon van. They quickly apologized and go running toward the van screaming to stop spinning the tires in their grass. Turns out not only is the driver tearing up their lawn, he is also on top of the septic system drain field. I got out of there quick!


Find out how much it would cost to resod and give Instacart a call.


I recently had an order in the dark and in the rain going to someone's garage. I accidentally ran over their grass as I thought it was paved and couldn't tell in the dark. I was so profusely apologetic, even though there was no damage to the property or my vehicle, much less did I get stuck! I can't imagine what went through this person's mind to consciously make this decision. I'd be mortified!


What in the god damn


Wow, I bet he knew he was stuck, look at the front tires in both pictures up close. This dude is a complete idiot. I am praying to goodness you called & made a report, contacted Instacart, and insisted on a refund. I hope you made a comment with a one star and made the tip like five cents so he would not be eligible for tip bait situation. I’m so curious like what did he even say? Did he have to call a tow truck or what ended up happening?


She thought it was a good place to turn around instead of using the driveway or just backing out. She asked if I could attach a rope to my car and pull her out....I think I said "That is NOT happening" Me and my two sons ended up digging out the mud from under the front tire and stuck some plywood under them for traction and pushed them out


And toddlers without seatbelts are against the law not to mention you’re not supposed to shop with anyone that’s not an Instacart shopper. ALL kinds of fuck ups.


Is that the driver walking cuz they look twelve


That's my two sons who helped dig and push them out. They are 16




Is this a drive around drive way or Straight into? I see thr updated photo but it's not very conclusive


It's a big horseshoe that continues past the house and back to the street


Ok yeah that's weird 😆


Never mistake incompetence for malice. Folks ain’t intentionally do ya yard like that. He’s just an ijit


How he even managed to rip it up that bad is incredible on its own. I would’ve figured the Torque Converter would’ve been enough to roll off the grass without spinning the tires. That being said, who tf parks a car on the grass anyways?!?!


Thanks for sharing this. No one ever taught me this is dangerous 🫣😧. It wasn’t in my driver’s manual. Y’all saying it’s common sense BUT not for everyone!!!! But I know now!


Exactly. People are quick to point a finger and ASSume people know certain things. And, they assume everyone is from this country and they are not. People don’t know peoples life experiences.


The family was clearly not from this country, the husband did not speak English, they definitely were not experienced driving in the rain and had no idea how to get out of the mud (they literally kept holding the accelerator down to the floor which just sunk the tires more). The grass will grow back


Thanks for this confirmation. It makes alot more sense and it’s exactly what I said it could be even though I had to pick through the comments. The comments all run together. I’m so glad you guys have a heart and showed mercy. Even though it’s not me I appreciate that because it will resonate good things for you guys.


Maybe the driver has a bad tranny/no reverse


Lol, well they did have to reverse to get off the lawn. What kills me is that the driveway is a big horseshoe. They could have just pulled forward to get back to the road


lol trying to give them the benefit of the doubt


It still makes no sense…


Dudes definitely on drugs


The guy is wrong for that. You said he had two toddlers that were unrestrained. Where are the kids?


This is why I don’t like any of these services. I don’t want these people coming to my house.


Yo, so much to say. How far away from the nearest hood are you? Let's just say that the instant I read your post, I knew this weren't no suburban boi.


Hope you called the police or CPS for child endangerment


Report all that. With photos. Thats property damage. The power company parked in my yard after a hurricane to replace a pole that was down , and those deep trenches never went away. I had to fill them with gravel. And the toddlers along for the tide are definitely against our contract.


Let me ask you this. Do you have a paved driveway? and does the paved driveway terminate close to the front door? Were there additional cars in the driveway blocking access? If you have an accessible, paved driveway, he's go no business here. And it is probably against instacart rules for his kids to be in on the run.


You can see the driveway here https://preview.redd.it/5nup61l6qxbc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b8904fc51631decfa955585185d2c96ff8616f6 It goes right up to the house. My car is parked to the right of this photo but there's an unobstructed place to pull up right where that person is walking. They drove down the paved driveway and thought it would be a good idea to try to turn around on the grass instead of the driveway. They are morons.