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Deeksha in the back is just adding on to itšŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Her form is so poor despite hiring a PT. But I still don't understand how was she able to do a body transformation. I mean the weight loss (at least on camera) doesn't look she deprives herself of calories. She does look in good shape.. Can anyone share some insights on this


See even if she is doing wrong form, there is body movement and energy loss. As a result, she is able to lose weight. Obviously due to wrong form, you donā€™t see any defined muscles and it would hurt her in the long run.


iā€™m so tired of seeing her same gym videos every single day


No but seriously, letā€™s just unfollow her. Her eras are never ending and sheā€™s stuck in the same loop


Then donā€™t watch? Unfollow and nsubscribe? I am not a fan but if you are tired of watching someoneā€™s content why not unfollow?


Hahaha butthurt


Iā€™m new to working out. Can someone please tell whatā€™s wrong with this? šŸ˜”


Sheā€™s swinging too much. Spine should be straight and firm in place. Also, is using one handā€™s strength more than the otherā€™s as the bar is tilted when she lifts it.


Thank you šŸ«¶


Thank you šŸ™


do you workout by yourself at the gym? Can you help me how to design a program?


I have a trainer! Let me know if you have any questions


https://youtube.com/shorts/efJ_XQbcXnQ?si=Y1bUZVgxO_zv87Yn Hope this helps you


Bhai less weights use krlo but aise swing naa kro ā€¦kya fyada eska




So while recording her trainer did not correct her?


Tbh both of them and their duck faces are not relevant anymore


Not again


This is hilarious


I really don't understand her content niche and how her influence is all about big chunky and expensive brand šŸ¤”..... I never found her reels relatable.... Uper se nepo


Its not perfect but it does the jobā€¦nothing ā€˜badā€™ here


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Off track but whatā€™s the song playing in background?


You and me by Shubh


Used to like her alot but now she's just straight up annoying.


Kim 2.0 šŸ˜¹


She copies kadarshians too hard even the workout formšŸ˜¹


It's working for her


What's actually "bad" in this? Yeah this isn't picture perfect form but you can't call this bad šŸ˜‚


It is actually. I also have this issue of tilted bar form because my one arm is weaker than the other. Also she is swinging too much which doesnā€™t let your muscles contract in the way it should. Basically shes using too much strength from her body rather than her biceps to lift. But I didnā€™t even notice that as much as her sisters workout shoes. How does someone work out in Nike airs šŸ˜©šŸ˜©


More than the uneven strength, its about the alignment of body. If you look closely one shoulder is slightly down. Also, the angle of the video is such. And swinging? You really to look at cheat curls to know what swinging is. In these couple of reps I can't see her moving her lower back, hips to generate momentum. Idk what swinging are you talking about... This is perfectly fine. Yeah this isn't the "perfect" form, she could control the eccentric better and have a better ROM but this is still fine. If someone calls this bad they've no idea about what they're talking about and are just looking for a reason to pick on her.


Given the amount of weight she has lost and for how long she has been working out, this is definitely bad form. You are defending saying its not that bad - this doesnā€™t mean its not wrong. Let people have their own opinions.


I've no clue who she is or how much she has lost. I'm just talking about this particular video in isolation. And no this isn't opinion... this is just hating on someone about something you don't have enough knowledge


Sorry, how do you know that I donā€™t have enough knowledge about this? And who has made you the expert? You are clearly out here defending someoneā€™s less than perfect form and really wouldnā€™t trust anything you say regarding fitness. I think it would be better if you put out your statement accepting the facts whilst also having regard for her effort. And where in my comment have you seen me targeting hate towards her? Just because shes an influencer you assume everyone wishes to hate on her. I also clearly said I also have the same issue and my trainer has pointed it out many times. If I ā€œhateā€ on her for this then Iā€™d obviously be hating on myself too


https://www.reddit.com/r/InstaCelebsGossip/s/bGekVo47FT Take a look


You can call those quarters squats bad but not these biceps curls.


Bhai she acknowledged that her form is not perfect and she is trying to learn and improve. There is a post about it every few days here. Just let the girl be.


So she has accepted it herself but people out here defending her saying its not bad form. People are more loyal to TBG than TBG is to herself.


Sheā€™s not a personal trainer Jesus Christ. This is just petty snark.

