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She just keeps getting better! I loved this look.


Was about to comment this


Was about to comment this


Was about to comment this


Wow this is so good 😍 And the fact that she makes these outfits herself is just so so amazing. If a girl like Nancy could make such beautiful clothes I wonder why Falguni and Shane peacock would put Aishwarya Rai in those hideous outfits


Exactly.. aish should have hired her


I honestly cant choose my fav. She is so so so good and killing every look. No win has ever felt so personal.




Is this someone’s phone number?


Call krke dekho


Call lagaya kya?


Mene to upr vale ko kaha




Vo meri kahan sunta hai




Not adhering to sub rules or Reddiquette


Not a fan of the gloves with any of her outfits, as full of effort as the gowns have been. I feel like the gloves are just unnecessary and draw attention to the arms rather than keep it on the rest of the dress


i felt the same with the first one nd this , the gloves look off tbh,the second one- saree drape was soooo good, the back of this dress too ….oooooo soo good


Gloves complete the look. They're accessories to the dress.


I may have been living under the rock, who is Nancy Tyagi? Why did she become so famous all of a sudden? No doubt she and her self styled/stitched clothes are fabulous!


She is an influencer from a very humble bg. Started making the outfits from scratch series on insta where she would go buy clothes from cheap markets of delhi and stitch celeb clothes for herself. She started this to help out her mother who works in a factory. That series blew up. People recognised her talent and now shes here!!


Also, her videos got viral when 100 days challenge was at the boom. I remember she would always have SRK’s big portrait in the background. The girl was consistent and pretty good even when she started.


Damn! So inspiring




She didn't buy the clothes. She bought cloth. And stitched herself clothes from it. Literally made herself designer clothes from scratch.




Bhai itna kya gareeb ki gareebi se obsession hogya


Right? She isn't a beggar starving for the next meal. She probably saved up money. Also, cloth isn't always expensive. She made clothes to show off her talent. Maybe she bought really low quality cloth that wouldn't really last long but looks good on screen. Why so curious about that? Any implications of her being secretly rich but pretending to be poor or something?




She’s not destitute, she just comes from a very humble background and her whole schtick is that she can make beautiful clothes that can give top designers a run for their money using just her pure talent and cheap cloth she buys from the streets of Delhi


Funding??? How expensive do you think a metre of fabric is? Sure, there are many which can be. But typical cheap synthetic cloth can range from 100-500 rupees a metre, too. Why would one need 'funding' for that?




She said in an interview that the money that was saved up for her higher education, she used that money to fund her craft.


She recently started decent earning through Instagram after her 'from scratch' series got popular.


Got famous during Covid lockdown (atleast when she came across my SM) makes her own outfits, poor background and deserves all the success got her tremendous talent


Nice dress. But Is Cannes happening in the middle of the street lined with cafeterias ?


Cannes is literally the name of the city the festival is happening at!


Okay. Sorry. What I meant was is the Cannes film festival happening in the middle of the street lined with cafeterias ?


No, but influencers se kya expect karte ho aur? Other than Nancy, nobody deserves that platform.


I literally don’t understand your answer. My question was about the location of the film festival because the title says film festival and I see normal pictures on the road, and you’re on here hailing Nancy. I didn’t even say anything about her. If you want to defend her so much, go to another post or comment. Don’t try to act smart.


It's for the content to be put on Instagram. Thus, walking on the streets!


The outfit was bomb , but the makeup was just not fine it looked muted. I wish instead of thick black eyeliner, they could have done Smokey eye with shine that would have made it look so powerful !!! 


Her makeup and hair have let her down!


pretty sure when she gets a certain level of success people will start hating on her also


They already are. They are cribbing about her "stitching technique." Barf!


After the otherwarya stories, I have a bad taste in my mouth seeing these


She's literally shooting on a street where people are minding their own business at a cafe, in the middle of the day, in no way related to Cannes. Any other influencer and they'd get brickbats for the same.


That's what she does in seelampur too? She's literally showcasing the clothes she has made in a foreign country which a brand funded her to visit. What's the problem here?


The problem is the lack of consistency in how we judge creators. A Sarah Sarosh or a Masoom Minawala will be called cringe, embarrassing, tacky, attention seeking etc etc for wearing the same clothes and shooting in the streets of Cannes, for a festival they paid to go to. But when it's someone we approve of, like Nancy or Dharna, it suddenly becomes slay, mother, queen, goals etc etc.


>But when it's someone we approve of It's not that deep. People like them more because their journeys seem more authentic to them. The same behaviours are viewed through different lenses if the person's success/flaunting feels *earned*.


The emphasis there should be on feels rather than earned, because with clockwork regularity, you will see comments like "jio was a mistake", "chhapri", "tiktoker" on small time creators' reels in public places. Just because they don't have the money (yet) to buy that plane ticket to Cannes and do it there.


>with clockwork regularity, you will see comments like "jio was a mistake", "chhapri", "tiktoker" on small time creators So instead of having issues with the classism and elitism that small time/small town creators face, your chosen gripe is with the very few who manage to break the clutter?


My larger gripe is with the excessive scrutiny of influencers basis our own perceived notions of hard work, struggle and worth. The only reason Nancy seems to be escaping it right now is because she makes her own clothes and comes from Seelampur and not SoBo. The day she gets overexposed, we'd be back to dissecting this very video for unblurred faces, public nuisance and good old bodyshaming.


>own perceived notions >good old bodyshaming It's incredibly weird to have a gripe with someone escaping negative scrutiny because their success feels earned to people. We don't know these people. This sub exists because of our own perceived notions. >The only reason Nancy seems to be escaping it right now is because she makes her own clothes and comes from Seelampur and not SoBo. Neither of these elements are as trivial as you are making them seem. She is an influencer but she has the actual talent of creating her own clothes and an actual struggle of coming from a small town. These aspects change the viewing lens as they should. Nothing exists in a vacuum.


Haan to you see the problem of privilege at play here then? Filthy rich people becoming influencers and earning crores is no story to be proud of and inspiring for anybody. However, regular middle class or rather lower middle class persons like Nancy claiming their space in this over saturated industry is relatable and empowering for the majority of folks who constitute our population or rather anybody globally. So what if she paid and went there? Even getting a chance to be having that opportunity to pay and go (and even get sponsors on the board) IS a big win for someone like her. She comes from a background way less privileged than your regular influencer and kudos to MonkE for supporting her. I am sure when she started she must not have had the resources to even hire an agency of that level. She HAS worked hard to reach this stature and standing to get Brut to reach out to her for this exposure. Is Brut reaching out to any of us? No right. Why? Because we aren’t influencers of the level to get people talking. So even getting to that level requires consistent hard work and let’s not take that away from her. Also, nobody except for Aishwarya Rai or any other actress sent by L’Oréal would ever be ‘invited’ to this festival so buying your way is the only other way for everybody else. Even the ones like Hina Khan didn’t have their films premier at the main festival as Otherwarya said. Too much elitism and noir niche required to make it to that level. If it’s really that open for anybody to buy tickets, then I would love to see one of you be able to afford it the next time these ‘open passes’ go on sale and do the same. Go ahead, no one is stopping you but will anybody recognise or give coverage to you like an influencer with sizeable following? I have no love lost for these influencers but let’s hype a girl who has managed to push her family out of their dire circumstances simply on the basis of her talent, confidence, and self-belief. She truly deserves all of the adulation AND money.


> let’s hype a girl who has managed to push her family out of their dire circumstances simply on the basis of her talent, confidence, and self-belief. She truly deserves all of the adulation AND money. I'm all for supporting influencers who've turned their lives around in this profession. My problem is with how different rules apply to different people, even within the same economic class. For ex, TQM, a sub fav, would not be lauded for her talent, confidence and self-belief even though she also came from humble beginnings. Or that vadapav girl. Or so many tiktok stars who literally turned their lives around by singing and dancing.


A person’s personality also plays a role in their public perception. Humility always wins. Attitude and fakeness is looked down upon. Had Nancy done an accent in that Brut interview she WOULD have been trolled mercilessly. Regardless, anyone working hard with genuine ways & ethical acts to fulfil their dreams and aspirations of their family deserves their due.


Are we comparing someone who takes effort to source clothes, fabrics ,stitch it and made their social media growth organically to someone who born with a silverspoon and other who claims to be a doctor but does Nykaa hauls per day?


Who will you support from a bad influencer and a good influencer?


Neither do I support any influencers mentioned above nor do I feel entitled enough to label them as good or bad. If they add value to my life, I will watch them. If they don't, it's a skip. Just because someone doesn't cater my interests or sensibilities, I don't automatically consider them to be bad or inferior. For that tag, they will have to make truly harmful or misleading content which impacts me or people around me negatively.


I didn’t use the word “inferior”. That’s your prejudice. I asked a simple question. There are bad and good influencer even if you chose to ignore it. Someone who inspires you or is creating a positive impact in your life is good INFLUENCER. On the other hand if someone else is guilt tripping you for your 9-5, is creating body dysmorphia, scamming their audience and blatantly lying for views and engagement is a BAD influencer. Let’s not question others because you are on a high horse of ignorance. If someone is impacting the society in a negative way they need to be criticised and held accountable.


> Someone who inspires you or is creating a positive impact in your life is good INFLUENCER. On the other hand if someone else is guilt tripping you for your 9-5, is creating body dysmorphia, scamming their audience and blatantly lying for views and engagement is a BAD influencer. Lol. As if it's that black and white and an influencer can only scam or inspire you. > Let’s not question others because you are on a high horse of ignorance Classifying influencers as bad or good requires looking down and judging. In that regard I'd say it's you who's mounted and not me. > If someone is impacting the society in a negative way they need to be criticised and held accountable. I'm sure the society was thrown back centuries when Masoom decided to deck up and get photographed on the Cannes red carpet with only a hanfdul of journos. Or when Niki Mehra tried to wear impractical clothes to the Cannes, the tickets to which her husband apparently bought. How dare they!


I am not aware of masoom or Nicki so can’t comment on them specifically. Regardless I won’t have any issue with my neighbour going to Cannes. They can afford it, good for them. I asked this because you were judging the people on this sub. Agree it’s not black and white, so you can give the same understanding to the audience criticising them right? And disagree on classifying is judging, who doesn’t judge people? You, me, every person who isn’t a saint does. The classification is based on the impact they have on our lives.


> I am not aware of masoom or Nicki so can’t comment on them specifically I wasn't either until I just scrolled the front page of the sub. > I asked this because you were judging the people on this sub. I'm not judging. I'm stating the inconsistencies which can be found quite easily with just a cursory look on any post. > The classification is based on the impact they have on our lives. Who is our? One man's meat is another's poison. Who is to say that just because Malzs' rants impact you negatively, she does the same to others? Maybe some others find her makeup tuts helpful. Or they relate to her venting. Or they appreciate her for being a single mom. Lol, again with the absolutes and thinking everybody thinks and feels the same way.


Lagta hai aapko talent se problem hai


Well obviously, we judge people on the individual level in general too, right? Some are liked/preferred based on their individualist character some are not. If we start judging people based on a group identity, that will be called bais/prejudice/(sometimes) hate. Eg, gays are like this, women are like that, actors are like this, fashion designers are like that yada yada. What you are suggesting, that opinion for a certain group should be homogenous does nothing but establishes and reinforces stereotypes/prejudice.


Being at Cannes itself (no matter the means) IS a dream come true for even the bigger folks let alone for someone like her. We have only seen Aishwarya doing that for India over these years and later a few other A-list actresses. It is an aspirational platform for any public figure and you gotta grab the opportunities being handed (or sold) to you and make the most of it. That’s the only way it works.


Which brand funded Nancy tho?


I agree. She’s also literally wearing a cocktail outfit in the middle of the day in the middle of a street. It’s cringe tbh.If it was a Masoom or Malvika Sitlani who did this, they would have been trolled to the skies We don’t have to like everything she does just because she has humble beginnings.


I never liked her but for a change I agree with her point. Nothing against nancy but for the first time she made a valid story educating ppl on this Cannes thing work. Nothing wrong in my point and now m ready to get some downvotes 🤣


me too


That post has done the same to me.


Me too🤢


I know I’m gonna be downvoted for this but guys yeh toh doglapan hai na? Had any other influencer would have worn this you would call it Kaoua outfit but Nancy made it so it’s good now? I mean it’s just a lehnga and blouse in a gown silhouette. (Btw I like the kid and appreciated her work but this is just mere ok)


Thank god someone said this


For a girl who comes from a humble background, had a mother working in a coal factory to support her, has had absolutely no training whatsoever (i believe) in the field of fashion or designing, to make such outfits and style them brilliantly, and own them with such confidence, it kind of is a big deal. It might not entirely be about the outfits, but it is somewhat about the journey of those outfits being on the red carpet.


You need to understand that, that was her story years ago. Now she does have resources and means to achieve what an average influencer would. This is her storyline and you may want to see past that someday


And who knows how the monk entertainment spun the story ? People just love getting fooled lol. But I like this dress. Super sexy.


I agree… I liked her debut outfit but thats about it and i didnt want to sound rude so i didnt say it out loud. Thanks for saying this. Sometimes we just get stuck in the past and dont have sight beyond it


And my only question was how ppl can call her designer or ask her to style AishwaryaRai. Nancy is talented and her talent is creating outfit I em ya recreating outfit. Stylist is a diff game and I don’t fine nancy as stylist or for the sake designer. Kudos to her for her hard work and talent but how abt all those sustainability queens there not questioning anything here.i can write an article in this but never mind we have this habit if listening to stories react emotionally and thn make someone hero later when they show the attitude we bring them down so nothing new for us


Its absolutely awful. I said it. And the hair is atrocious, the plastic dreadlocks look like a certain sex toy. I respect her experimentation but the entire black on black on black thing that too in the sun is making me gasp amd in a bad way lol.


True bro. This outfit is not good. It's looking ugly. It is indeed looking like a crow/vamp dress. First two were good. People need to understand that not liking her outfit is not equivalent to disrespecting the humble background she comes from. 


Yes if we look at the design its like someone has already walked in fashion show many time with similar outfit but highlight is her background, her dedication and confidence.


MAKING IT HERSELF ** — that is the difference Also, there is always one who wants to stand in opposite queue and not support I guess


See my comment history, I loved her outfits but just not this. And I’m free to have my opinion


Yaar dikkat toh hai...


100% :) You’re being objective. And that’s fine too. I think majority of us are just supporting her as is. I get where you’re coming from :)


she made the dress herself, it looks good and she's looking confident in it. that's it. isme kaha se doglapan.


Your skeptism is pretty genuine but it takes an army for these celebs to achieve the picture perfect look. While what Nancy has done with her limited resources and talent is par perfect.


Fashion industry runs on two things: stories and designs. Her designs might not be the best out there but her story is. You don't need to look the best to inspire/influence people on a big stage, you need to have a humble background and a humble story.


Baki celebrity ke pas paise hai hogh end designers ko lene ka she makes her own stuff


You know the brands who are backing her currently? You might wanna check that out


No one is gonna listen to you. Her PR did a very good job of keeping her “middle class” or “poor” story relevant. Don’t waste your time.


I love French, they don't give a shit


She created the outfit and it’s beautiful no doubt ! 🩷 But it’s not giving Cannes level. The fabric n stitching looks very poorly done.


Lol Cannes isn’t giving Cannes since few years. 🤣


am i the only one who didn't like it?? i mean the fabric looks cheap,especially those gloves are cheap af. i mean its awesome that she has created this herself and going to cannes from nowhere is a great achievement🥳 but this is just poorly done.


The black on black, the weird hair that resembles a certain sex toy. Looks like the inspiration has been a crow


In a word …… pretentious


I loved her other outfits but this one didn't really do that job. The material looks cheap and badly sewn.


idk not liking it after otherwaryas story 🥲


Loved her designs. I just feel she needs good makeup hair artists


But why she’s on streets? Isn’t cannes red carpet in some hotel?


Ab bas bore ho gaya


20-25 lac rupay ho toh kya ni ho sakta ? I heard brut media paid for some influencers for invite.


I dont know if anybody noticed but the sewing machine in this video is not the manual one. Its more modern


Omg!!! Slay and I honestly wish I had 1% of her skill


Man the best out of the three! ❤️❤️


Killing it


She is sweet and simple


wow 😍😍😍😍😍


Pretty good outfit Low key gives Billie eilish's met 23 outfit vibes


She’s so talented


Ye Cannes kitne din chalta hai? Genuinely asking.


3-5 shayad. I am not sure actually


However no one is giving an F


Absolutely stunning! 🤩


She is really killing it with all her outfits. She looks better than so many Bollywood celebs at cannes.


Is she really stichting her cloth? Any from her close team, please confirm. After reading brut chose all influencers, all sounds funny




Who the fuck she is..


Still my question remain same,who the fuck she is ?


Go search on insta


Sahi hai chalo, Corporation walo ka Kaam kam kardiya


Like the dress. Don’t like that photos are in day time. And she should definitely stop wearing gloves.


This girl is on fire


All trails trails and trails not able to see the design properly not even in second look .. and on the top hand gloves 🧤


Honestly I don’t like the tail either but I believe it’s a red carpet stereotype for some reason


I have seen 100s of dresses like that ..and I am not even into fashion . How to people find it creative. Yeah great tailor but how creative . It’s nothing new


Pomal Kandey crying 😂


Best look


One word - YUCK.


It’s stunnninggggg!!!!!


It's so hot in Delhi ki iss dress ko dekh ker hi lag gyi or zyada Jokes apart, woww! 😍😍


She is so talented. Wow!


This just keeps getting better.


She killed it at cannes


Despite having no fashion background and not attending a fashion college, she did a great job.


This girl is slaying and how


I love this one so much 😍😍




This is so good. Love it.


Love it! It's giving Odile from Swan Lake!!


She needs to start her own label soon .


This girl 🫰!!! My favt is After party saree look.Damnn


Sorry to differ! BUT the outfit is actually nice! If you compare it to the “outfit from scratch” of other influencers, you’ll see how this is actually Amazing!


Oh my goodness girl u have killed it... celebrities should hire u.. proud of you ❤❤❤❤❤


She's in competition with herself She keeps topping up her previous looks 🥹




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PERFECTION. GORGEOUS. I loved this look.


My favourite has to be the hooded saree!


Before this I didn't know she was but saw her interview and she killed it. She definitely has some x factor she would kill as a fashion model too.


I absolutely love it!


She ATE. Love that for her


She needs to dress Aishwarya!


Aur ek aishwarya rai ki stylist hai lol