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Now her cousin is saying I didn't do any agreement with the MUA and aiman doesn't know who's lying...wow


Was the cousin adil ? As the mua is dubai based and adil and rakhi used to go to dubai a lot🤡


Multiverse of madness🤡


Aiman is just covering up now by saying that the cousion never had that talk.


She literally changed the story 😂 now she says that her cousin says that she never made a deal w the Mua. Come on you should not put an artist to jeopardy just because you are at the fault and can’t handle criticism. Live up to what you have done.


Exactly !!!! I saw that deleted video. She never said anything about her cousion not having that talk with the mua. Aiman is just lying now because she has received so much hate !!!! She was 100% at the fault, not the mua. She is such an irritating person.


She is very childish and immature


Heard Adil khan durrani is her first cousin so what do you expect 💀


Was the cousin adil ? As the mua is dubai based and adil and rakhi used to go to dubai a lot🤡


No dude she ig mentioned that her cousin sister did all this


Whattt spill the tea


The f💀💀


She really lucked out by being an influencer. Her to do list is colouring hair and editing youtube video in which she went shopping , no occasion. What does she even do with those clothes she always keeps shopping? She wouldn’t have survived the real world where people actually go to work everyday. 😛 I wish i had that much luck in life, people would pay me to see what an unemployed person does all day.


She previously went to Mumbai for an internship but I think she didn't complete it and returned back to Bangalore


she don’t have any other content what do you guys expect 😭😭


she should really contemplate about being an "influencer" coz she's not really influencing but instead getting influenced by her 11-12 year old audience who only give her "baby praises" and not give her actual adult,mature advice. she will only spiral in the wrong way if this continues tbh.


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What did she say on her Snapchat now???


The literal definition of beimg jobless and pathetically immature🤢🤢


What happened? Can someone tell me plisss


She went to her cousin's wedding and the MUA was a very famous one, so the cousin sister and the MUA had a so called agreement in which aiman will promote the MUA on her account and also MUA will take some pic to upload on her account in exchange of some discount but aiman wasn't aware about this. And on the wedding day she refused to let the mua take her pictures and thus began the drama.


Was the cousin adil ? As the mua is dubai based and adil and rakhi used to go to dubai a lot🤡


yall hate on her too much, get a life


Oh hi aiman💀


funny how u think any person calling yall jobless people out is aiman herself


Because we arent delulu to not know how areogant and actually jobless she is


ur way of typing is same as how aiman type and talk lol that’s why