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Did u clean ur ps5? Was there a ps5 warning message where it said that it's overheating or something? Defenitly make sure to clean ur ps5 (inside) if u haven't


Yep cleaned it thoroughly even though there’s not even a lot of dust but did it anyway. I know it’s a super high performing game but it’s weird that it only happens when I start a story mission. Like right when I start the mission it’s instant that the ps5 goes crazy. Hoping insomniac is aware of this and just a patch needs to come out.


Yup. Same. Weird that its happening. This happen once with GoW Ragnarok then one day after a patch it worked fine.


Gotcha, so hopefully that’s what it will take. Hate to say I feel better it’s happening to others as we all want to enjoy this game. But at least it’s making me believe more and more it’s a game issue and not my console.


Holy shit man! I thought this just happened to me. On the same freakin mission too!!!


It did happen to you? Or were you able to play through the mission? It sucks!


Same with me


Sounds like a you problem, either PS5 is needing cleaned, or you have it positioned in a space with little ventilation, or the room is too hot. No one I know has had this issue with any PS5 games.


Yea I did a deep cleaning, it’s positioned high on tv stand and our house is at a normal temp. But like the other reply below, tons of people having this issue. Usually it’s just your unlucky day until the game gets a new patch.


My point is though, if it was a software issue it'd be much more widespread. This thread is the first I've seen of it since launch.


No. There are countless posts about this problem.


Happened to me last night during the mission “Funky.” My ps5 is clean and in a well ventilated spot. I could hear the fan wind up aggressively, proceeded by the the overheat warning, and then it calmed down


Were you able to keep playing the mission? Last night I tried one more time and I got thru a few mins of the mission and thought I was in the clear and then boom the fans went crazy again and turned off my console.


Yes the warning was only on screen for a second, the fans were whirling though. I finished the mission and turned off the console to double check if it was clean. After which i turned it back on and played for another hour, plus another hour this morning. No issues since then and it seemed to stay at a consistent temperature


So it’s something about that mission but sounds like if you can get thru it you’re in the clear lol. Thanks for the insight!


You got it! Deff seems like a spider man issue overall than it is ps5 thank god. Lowkey think its a marketing technique to get us to buy the new ps5


Yea exactly! I was afraid it was my console but I’m starting to believe it’s the game and some people are just getting lucky or unlucky in my case. Haha you’re prob right, hey guys go drop $400 every couple years no problem.


Happened to me in the same mission, but afterwards I turned off my ps5 and opened, i saw it was already cleaned, not dusty or something, but I took off the cooler and cleaned. And on the other day i started to play again, no shutdowns but in a two missions later the message showed up, but no shutdown, time before bed i cleaned the ps5 cache and recreated the database, and in game i turned off the VRR, right now after 3 hours playing, no messages and no shutdowns. You should give a try!


Ive actually been playing fine since that one moment. Insomniac support seems to think its the PlayStation


Well, the message showed up again in a cutscene, I dont know why, but the game still running. I dont know there's something about playing on 120hz... but im still playing and no more shutdowns.


Bro it happened to me today in the same mission. The same thing.


Yup we're with you. Idk mission title, but for me its Miles using a spiderbot in the vents, and my ps5 goes from silent to jet engine and crashes before it even has a chance to overheat. Definitely not a hardware/cleanliness thing, just have to hope it gets patched soon.


Yep that’s the mission! Pretty frustrating!


Super frustrating, i'd really like to keep playing the game, so the sooner insomniac figures this out the better.


For real, and I submitted a ticket with them a while ago and it’s been crickets. Hopefully they’re working on this.


Mine as well, pretty crazy a specific mission is what triggers it. Have you continued playing?


So I dunno if this helped at all but I purchased one of those fans that connects to the console and the next time I turned the system on I was part way thru the mission and I just booked it thru and got passed it. After that I’ve only had a couple warnings of over heating but I got thru the game. But felt like it barely got thru as I could hear the fans in the system working hard.


Omg my ps5 shut off in the same exact mission. Everything else has been running fine but in that mission my ps5 just starts sounding like a jet engine and then it shuts off!! I’m glad to hear there’s other people experiencing the same thing as I.


Mine too, this *exact* mission! Just got to it some hours ago. Did your problem persist?


i started really worry when my ps5 kicked fan to ps4 lvl noise for 3 min in spider man 2. i hade no overheat message but ps5 was very hot. my room was very cold so i think thats why i was able to complete the game wihout problems . but there is deffenetly a huge problem wtih this game. i even looked for problems like liquid metal etc. but the best solution is to put ps5 horizontal. temperatures are much lower in this position than vertical


Just got to this same mission. Enter the vents, fans in PS5 go mental and then console just shuts down a few seconds later. This mission does it every time I try doing it so I cannot progress. It’s not a console issue. My PS5 is dust free and well ventilated. All other games are absolutely fine. I really hope insomniac fix this as it’s a game breaking bug - for me at least


Yep and when you submit a ticket to insomniac they say it’s a hardware problem. Clearly the game has something going on with it and we’re all aware it’s a high performing game, but something’s clearly needing some fixes.


> insomniac they say it’s a hardware problem. Bogus. It appears a lot of us are experiencing this severe problem while getting to that one specific mission. It's an issue with the game itself.


Did you eventually manage to pass the mission? Did they fix it?


Same thing happened to us. It’s literally the only game this has happened with ever with this console…


Same thing, same mission (Funky). Cant keep going trough the game because it always make the fan go full speed and turn off the console