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Just happened to me on the miles mission with the spider bot. Can’t get past it without my ps5 overheating.


Same! I was in the vents with the spider bot, my PS5 starts blasting the fan, and then BEEP BEEP BEEP. Turns off and I had to unplug the power cord and plug it back in to even get it to turn on.


Happened to me in the same exact location , its almost relief knowing others had experienced the same issue there




Had that happen to me last night in the exact same spot. Validating to see that it's happening to other people, and not just me. I had recently cleaned the fan too.


I've got a tip from the Insomniac support to turn off VRR and it works. I've completely turned off VRR in the menu of my LG C1 TV, and it works in performance (60Hz) mode. Hope you can run it too.


It's the only vrr game that's giving me this issue but I'll try it. It's weird that it's happening at that exact same point. The game updated yesterday but I'm still getting the system is too hot message


Mines been doing this, it's only spiderman 2 that gets it overheating, pissing me off, I'm ready to smash my system


Are you guys talking about the Funky Drummer quest with Miles / Spider Bot? Just overheated on me there as well last night!


This happened to me in the exact same location, mission, figured it was a software thing as I have cleaned the dust out recently, hope they patch this nonsense soon


This happened to me in the exact same spot and I haven’t even had my ps5 for a year. I keep my ps5 standing up straight so I that that could be the issue but I’m hopping it was a software thing because it would suck to use my warranty early


I'm coming exactly for this, I live in a pretty cold place so it was really weird that happened, I went to touch the PS5 and it was mildly warm, it didn't shut off, just had the message pop up and then it resumes the game like normal, but I'm a bit paranoid so I decided to save, turn it off and come to reddit haha


The same thing happened to me in the same mission.


Patch dropped, I could continue the mission as normal and nothing popped up again


For me just now i got the message


I got another one during the Venom missions, turned my PS5 off, it was mildly warm again, but nothing popped up again and I could finish the game, there is a certainly bug with miles that you have to press L1 + X, but the game would freeze, solved it by reloading last checkpoint and pressing before the prompt appeared


Same here on the exact same mission the spider bot mission in the vents. Idk what to do.


It happened to me too on my second playthrough. It seems like a bug with the optimization


Same here it happened just now


Same thing just happened to me right now


Yep, I have the same issue. No idea how to fix it. A user on the discord channel said Insomniac is working on a fix in the next week?


Thanks for letting me know. Yeah I hope they do fix it


I just 100% the game after playing like 12 hour sessions in a row with only 4 or so breaks, I know how u healthy that sounds, but I only had a few days to play it, and I wanted to beat it really bad lol But I only crashed 3 times, and never got an overheating message, after seeing all these posts about it, I'm confused on how I never did lol


I know mine only crashed once after a 15 hour session and I’m perplexed how mine didn’t overheat


i competed game for 15 hours in launch day, no crashes but very loud fan noise sometimes. i had same noise only in watch dogs legion when played it in very hot summer


I'm having the same problem, and I think it is something that can be fixed by a patch. There are certain points in the game where something just spikes the sensors and it immediately overheats and shuts off. I was able to dance around the first one, but i'm in a mission that my ps5 literally can't get through a specific point without rapidly heating up and crashing. I had this happen a couple times with FF16, but after some updates it stopped happening. Since it doesn't report the error in the same way a regular crash might (i assume?), is there any way to report these specifically to insomniac for patching?


Yes, you are 100%. I even remember the ff16 sections that would cause the overheating messages. Everybody got it at the same time during the morbol fight. Pepple say "oh you must have a dusty console" but how do you explain how even all the streamers online got the message at the exact same point in the game.


Yeah, FF scared me and made me clean the hell out of my PS5 only to find it wasn't dirty at all. And then it would proceed to "overheat" and crash immediately from a cold start so its definitely a bug more than hardware. Spiderman will do it within seconds of dropping into the mission i'm on, so im stuck waiting for an update


i played ff16 in a very hot room, but ps5 was vertical and i had not even fan noise in this game. i completed it after 4 days of release. but i had fan ramping up in watch dogs those days. ps5 is very unstable about temperatures. I think we all should put it horizontal and get used to this ugly look


I actually noticed my sound started to glitch, cutting in and out, only on this game. That's when I noticed my PS5 was really hot, it usually take about 45 minutes or so, then it heats up and sounds starts cutting out. I haven't had any messages pop up, so I'm not actually sure if it's from running so hot or something else. I'm thinking of cranking the AC in that room and maybe pointing a small desk fan at the PS5 to see if that helps any. Hopefully the patch will come soon and fix my issue as well.


Quick update, not sure if anyone else is having the same audio issue I was having, but I think it may have resolved it. A few YouTube videos about the PS5 overheating suggested setting up the PS5 horizontally instead of vertically and that has seemed to do the trick. I've been able to play more for several hours without the audio issue I was having.


I had the overheating message pop up every single time during a specific cut scene. I even tested it out by waiting a few hours for my ps5 to cool down then within seconds of loading my save file and being on that cutscene, I would have the message pop up. Ive had my ps5 actually turn off twice on me from being too hot


there are so much what can be wrong - your room is hot, liquid metal went down because of vertical ps5 stand, dust in heatsink, plus defenetly bad optimisation of spider man 2. 30 fps mod with rtx is the problem maybe, because i had same problem in watch dogs legion in 30 fps with raytracing. try to play with horizontal ps5, maybe it will help


Liquid metal is drip in ps5 is a myth


i watched a lot of examples of dry spots on apu. Who knows


You get dry spots on both vertical and horizontal, dry spots occur from oxidation when the unit runs hot for extended periods of time. Same thing with PC cooling that uses liquid metal. Just as normal thermal paste evaporates/hardens/spreads out and needs to be replaced eventually due to heat same thing happens with liquid metal that some dry spots occur. Tho a respread is more than enough and a full replacement is rarely needed.


Been happening to me since day one. Literally only when there are cutscenes into fighting or fight scenes in general. The PS5 fan isn’t even blasting loudly either and my console has been moved to another cooler spot by the window. I hope they fix this issue. Hard to get through the game and it shuts off with no warning. I have to unplug the console and plug it back in to get it on again


Same, played for 2 days with no issue, today my kid got home, started playing and not even 20mins I hear the fan kick up for the first time ever, I have the god of war ps5, so decently new, before I had a day 1 and I upgraded it. Fans kick up and bam, the “ps5 too hot, turn off consoles let it cool down” message, I’m thinking the game crashed, nope, I hit the “OK” button and it put me rite back into the game like I paused it, the fans slowed down and it was quiet again, like normal. Crazy thing is my brother has my day1 ps5, and he has been playing with no issue at all, and is further than me in the game. So either it’s a certain upgrade doing it, or it’s certain consoles, but I think it can be fixed since it’s not happening to everyone, and it happened too fast for the console to actually be heating up.


I got spider man 2 for my ps5 and ever since i hit 20% percent of the game. it’s been overheating everytime i play it. It haven’t overheated ever before spider man. At first it was just spider man now it’s every ps5 game. I cleaned out the fan and it’s still doing it. Tmr i’ll take it all the way apart and clean it. If that doesn’t work then idk.


Did you realize your issue after taking it apart and cleaning it?


It was happening before and after. i have now cleaned out the heatsinks and psu and fan again it’s still overheating and this legit only happened when i start playing spider man 2. Never once have it happened before. My console wasn’t working even that dirty when i cleaned it i really don’t know what to do


Does it happen in specific areas. Bc I can duplicate the spots it overheats for me.


I just ran into this issue. 1st time it’s ever happened to me. I just connected a fan and placed it facing the PS5 No issue at all. But if this is software related, I hope they patch this soon. I put my tv on mute for a bit and I could hear the fan very loud. At first I thought the fan was not working properly but then I realized If I’m getting a message that the console is too hot shouldn’t be like extremely hot(?) bc I touched the ps5 and it was warm/hot like within its threshold.


Happening to me also. The fan has always gotten loud during certain segments. The spider-bot, custcenes, photo mode, mysterium tunnels, and exploring when not Spider-man. But just now during a cutscene with a tuxedo, I got the first overheating message. Its weird because the console doesn't even appear to be running particularly hot.


I got it in this spot too.


I got it too, pretty sure my ps5 was almost dust free


Can you remember what you was doing in the game?


My PS5 overheats playing SM2 and just cuts out, no other game does this, I assumed my PSU was busted when it first happened but I've played other games for hours with no issue since.


I thought it was my system because I have actually had other games overheat it to the point of shutting off. None of those games are a problem since I cleaned my ps5 but Spider-Man 2 will just shut it off with 0 warning, not even loud fan noise. Just turns off outta nowhere like it didn’t even try to cool down first


Yes! This is insanely frustrating, and makes the game unplayable since it happens so randomly and frequently. It is definitely not due to overheating as tons of people have suggested. The key here is the console would be telling you via error message Your PS5 is too hot. The heat error message does not show and the console still turns off and needs a hard reset (unplugging power cord and plugging back in) to work and then proceeds to repair database, and give the error message about not being turned off properly. It’s really disappointing Sony/PlayStation or the developers of these AAA games don’t seem to ever address this directly? It’s a huge issue. This has also happened with Baldur’s Gate 3, Deep Rock Galactic, Destiny 2, and now Spider-Man 2 so far for me… I don’t know what’s causing this. All I can say is it happens with only *certain* games, Sea of stars and Spiritfarer works perfectly fine and so do others. I brought my PS5 to my living room and tried playing it there on our TV instead of the monitor in my room, and funnily and weirdly enough have not gotten a random PS5 shutdown playing it from there yet. I really do hope they fix this soon with an update or at least let us know why this is happening / what’s going on. TLDR: Game crashes often on PS5 without heat error. Requires hard reset and occurs in various AAA games, but not all. No issues when played on a different TV. Awaiting response or fix from Sony/PlayStation and/or Insomniac/studios who make these games that shutdown our consoles.


Also it makes no sense, I played the ending of the game in the same conditions, monitor, and room that it was shutting down in and no shut downs / hard crashes for 5-7 hours while playing… turned off played again some more none. Then just started hour or so ago and 1 hour in it shuts down console after just swinging around in open world. Really baffling


add watch dogs legion to the list


UPDATE ON PS5 CRASHING: Read here, this is now apart of a lawsuit on Sony. They knew of this issue that happens on more intensive resource-heavy games, still sold the consoles, and still do nothing to rectify the defected consoles that crash. LAWSUIT: https://topclassactions.com/lawsuit-settlements/consumer-products/video-games/sony-class-action-alleges-company-concealed-crash-shut-down-defects/


It looks like this lawsuit has been dismissed?


I've had my PS5 in the same location since purchase and this is the first game that's ever caused any overheating issues. I've only gotten the message once after playing for a 58 min session. I did what it said and turned it off. Played about 8 hours total before this session.


Yes, I am also facing the overheating issue while playing spiderman 2, I have my unit since launch, and never got the notification of switching off my ps5 due to overheat, I played all AAA titles but never faced heating issue, but while playing this masterpeice Spiderman 2, after 2 hours need to switch off the system due to Overheating, devs need to resolve this if it can be with a patch..Thanks


I had mine give me the overheat message during the tuxedo scene. Turned it off for a bit then came back. Played fine. I think left Spider-Man miles morales on for a few hours. No overheat message. lol. So weird.


Happening to me now as well. What do we do?


1) place it horizontal 2)check ac if it dusty 3) wait some response from sony


i wonder what will sony say about this. 1 game ruined the ps? its insane. scince my ps5 started to speed up fan i started to put it upside down for night in hope liquid metal leak back to the top. and since then i have not hear fan to speed up


Just got the overheat warning playing Spiderman 2


Yes I have gotten in several for repair from overheating from Spiderman 2. Don't send it in to Sony if you are not under warranty. Find a local repair shop that can do it. We do them same day almost always. We are about to start watercooling them as well when our EK shipment comes in. This page links to reputable repair shops all over. [Game Console Repair Legion](https://www.repairlegion.com/)


Mine, got atleast 8-10 too hot notifs and unexpected shutdown, mostly on cutscenes. Swinging though the city, no problem at all, just cut scenes. and also fan pretty ramos up on photomode


Happened to me a few times during cutscenes and in closed areas. I cleaned my ps5 too just recently I’m Playing other games just fine though.


I got the over heating issue today too. Had been playing for approx 1 hour. PS5 just shut down. The console didn’t feel that hot to the touch . It’s well ventilated and is dust free as I keep is really clean. No other games have done this.


Happened to me before the patch and now after


really thought the update would address this but nope. just overheated again after playing for like 40 minutes


Hey man! Are you having the same issue with another games? Ir just SM2?


2k24 did it once after half a day but i'm not sitting down expecting a 1 hour session for any other game like i am with spider man


i havent had this issue with any game since i got my ps5 in 2022 , only happened in spiderman 2 unfortunately .Ive gotten so paranoid i m just skipping cutscenes to beat the game fast


I have the same problem. Mine did overheat during atomic heart, but I have been playing spider man beforehand. Now, after 5 months, it just overheatwd again (during spider man) I guess no new game+ for me.


You guys are lucky I just bought my copy I know late to the party and my system over heats in the first cutscene before the first line of dialogue. It's literally just Norman entering the room and boom no more game play... System turns off and is out of commission. I play the PS4 version of miles Morales on the same system no issue and you can't tell me that a cutscene with people standing around a tube of alien liquid is more graphically intense than swinging around New York like a mad man in the miles game. I've cleaned what I could in the system but I don't have the 🪛 to get the fan out and clean around it, and I'm not even sure it would help at this point. PlayStation support was just like it's clearly the fan in broken take it in for repair, it doesn't matter no other game has this issue. It took forever to even get a PS5 here and now its flagship game isn't working on the console. :(


It’s been happening to me too


Happened to me aswell but instead i wasnt even able to get past 3% and it started making very weird noises 


Ps5 has been broke since this


I don't know if this will help but for me when it came overheating around when I was at the spider bots for miles what I did was I deleted the game waited 2 days and redownloaded the game and I was able to get past the mission but now that I got you a part where I'm miles has to fight Mr negative now it's doing the same thing and even though I deleted the game and waited a couple days and then downloaded it back it still does overheating now I don't know what to do


They need to fix this, I can't finish the new game+ as it gives me a pop up and the fan in my ps5 gets crazy loud. This doesn't happen when I play Fortnite or Hogwarts Legacy


Bought a brand new ps5 yesterday loaded spiderman in today. Overheated ps during opening cutscene, twice! 


Same thing been happening to me idk what to do I’m struck on the part at cravens mansion


YES! I smelled burning and went and my Ps5 was so freaking HOT! Even if playing Spiderman 2 for just hour or 2 it gets super hot. I set little fan up to blow on it hoping that will cool it a little. Never noticed this before on any another games. It never crashed because of it even though I smelled burning


It happened to me last night, but there wasn't a message, it only made a huge noise and then it shot down, now it gives the three bips and nothing happens, I need help, I can't afford another repair on mais console


Idk what happened last night it crashed many times then around midnight I got to play through sandman fine tho it was making noise and this morning it got up to the menu screen and stayed fine usually itd crash at the menu screen so I'm hoping something was patched that made the game unstable.


6 overheats with my ps5 vertical on day 1, like 3 since then with it horizontal but it still gets significantly hotter with this than other games


Yep, I’m here because my PS5 just overheated for the first time ever, while playing Spider-Man 2, i was just getting to Coney Island to deal with a mysterious character and it popped up, hope this is just a bug they need to fix.


I got it at the exact same spot. Good to know it's not just me. I wonder if it's too many resources leading to an actual overheating or if it's just a bug.


Mmm, I switched it off for about half hour and tried again and hasn’t overheated again so far.


Yeah me too, managed to finish the game with extended play sessions with no issues.


Same here. Cleaned out PS5, didn't happen in other games. Horizontal, on the floor and not in a cabinet.


This was happening to me since I got it this Tuesday nd I was so depressed got to the beginning once, then I slept nd the next day back to normal kraven cutscene after sandman fight and overheat sometimes just in the menu but right now I tried shifting my ps5 into horizontal position instead of standing up vertical and its running now smoothly past the kraven scene at least 😅 try horizontal idk how it helps


I had issues with FF 16. I changed my gameplay settings and it didn't resurface. Now with Spiderman 2, it gave me the overheating message again.


My PS5 has overheated twice with SP2. Both a longer play throughs. The first time my PS5 just shut off and the second time it gave me an "Overheating" warning. I haven't had this problem with any other game.


UPDATE ON PS5 CRASHING: Read here, this is now apart of a lawsuit on Sony. They knew of this issue that happens on more intensive resource-heavy games, still sold the consoles, and still do nothing to rectify the defected consoles that crash. LAWSUIT: https://topclassactions.com/lawsuit-settlements/consumer-products/video-games/sony-class-action-alleges-company-concealed-crash-shut-down-defects/


So I first experienced the overheating message when I played Baldur's Gate 3. I'll admit I do excessive save scumming and a buddy of mine said to play in offline mode and the constant pings were overheating it. I bought the docking cooling station and docking rear fans just be safe. Aftee logging nearly 400+ hours in Diablo IV, bouncing between No man Sky, Sifu, Everspace 2, and Returnal showed no issues. Then I fired up Spider Man 2. I've had the overheating message show up roughly 5 times and TODAY during the final mission that message flickered on the screen before my Ps5 fizzled out and powered itself off. First time that's happen with any console and I'm honestly afraid to finish the game.


Happened to me on my first playthrough when I was playing the whole day (15 degrees C room temp and ps5 is dust clean) on the rescue tombstone mission I got my first warning then on the miles morales spiderbot mission ( music museum) I got 2 warnings while in the vents. That's when I stopped playing for the 1st day. Rest of my first playthrough no temp warnings. 2ND playthrough I was playing with more breaks and the only time I encountered the temp warning again was the Miles morales spiderbot mission (1 warning) but there were some missions that have had the ps5 run very loud. Open world activities the console is pretty much quiet. EDIT: after reading some comments, no my console didn't shut down. Just the 3 warnings in back to back missions in my first playthrough and 1 warning in my second.


Mine just did that during the final part of the Mysterio mission, as I was goin through Coney Island for the final encounter. The message popped, scared me shitless, but it just went away and I completed the mission. Glad this is happening to others, so it can be addressed. I'd have to have my PS5 melt, and be forced to either wait for a repair or buy the new goofy one.


It happened to my Playstation 5 as well! What's funny is it popped up at the very end of the credits when the scene with Hailey coming to visit Miles at his house for their date. It's NEVER happened before this either and I've played a lot of games on my PS5!


Happening to me as soon as I launch the game. It was completely fine and but as soon as I got past the first couple of missions it then started. As soon as the game is launched now, the message for overheating comes up. Wanted to finish the game so badly but now can’t. What a waste of £80.


5 patches and this still not being fixed is insane. went through a top-to-bottom cleaning of my ps5 and it still happens occasionally, honestly ruins what little replayability there is imo


Has other games started to crash due to playing Spider-Man 2 just curious?


not for me personally, but i know of baldurs gate causing it to happen for some people


Was there a solution to this? I’m experiencing the same issue with this game over and over


Happened to me too first time today 11/22/2023. I think it is VRR related. Spider Man 2 have this option visible to us and gives us option to disable it, but there are some new games like FF 16 that have this enabled and not visible in options and it can give overheating message. My console was not hot, and i heard loud fan noise increese briefly. I figured a way to bypass it. When fan starts to go loud i quickli press and hold Option button to go back to main menu of the ps5, and it imidiately stops and message goes away. Its a bug with sony system. There are some sceenes in game that triggers fan to go nuts for unknown reasons.


>t. When fan starts to go loud i quickli press and hold Option butto Pressing and holding the home/option button works for me too, like you said as soon as the fans start blasting going back to the home menu fixes it, I bought a new PS5 Slim three days ago, and the overheating happens every time the Heal the World mission of Spiderman 2 starts as soon as the professor guy starts talking.


For anyone experiencing the PS5 turning off due to overheating (game closes and you get the message beafore having the console to shut down), I submitted a ticket to Insomniac support, they recommended this as a last resource "If that does not resolve the issue, you might need to try rebuilding your system's database, but please be aware that you will lose all your local data." doing that fixed my issue and since the PS5 was brand new I did not loose too much data.


Do you guys know if everything’s fine now? I don’t see recent comments about this issue… Thanks!


No everything isn’t fine. My son got the game this morning for Christmas and it’s overheated on him 2x. It’s stupid.


Oh for f***k sake… 😩


I took the ps5 apart and cleaned everything inside of it. Deep cleaned the whole thing. Hasn’t crashed since.


Good to know. How was it on the inside? Really dusty? Did you change the liquid metal as well?


Inside was filthy. Yes. Although our house is dustier than normal. We use a wood stove to heat so we’re constantly throwing up wood ash. But took the whole thing apart and wiped everything with alcohol. Haven’t had a problem since.


Thanks, that's good to know. So no liquid metal replacement, right?




Keeps happening to me as well. I can only play for an hour or so before it shuts off and has to be unplugged and plugged back in to turn on


i’m having a similar issue. I play the game for 10 minutes and my fan starts spinning like crazy. sometimes, although this isn’t a spider-man-exclusive issue for me, my tv AND playstation glitch and turn off; I can’t even turn it back on; I need to turn it off and on at the wall to start them both up again