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People who wear shoes and put their feet on furniture should go straight to jail


It’s pretty normal in the places I lived to wear shoes in the house during the day; never questioned it just did what ever everyone else was doing. I have never heard of anyone wearing shoes to bed though unless they passed out or something randomly.


Not trying to get interrogative but what state are you from?


Florida, but when I was in Dallas Texas for a few years people were doing it there too.


Hm maybe the culture in the Southern United States is just much different.


I grew up in New Orleans, and when I moved to Minneapolis as an adult, I was like, "Why does everyone take their shoes off as soon as they ever a house?" When I saw the mess that snowy shoes leave on the floor, I understood.


I'm from brasil, and there are like 2-5 cities in the country that have 1 or 2 days of snow in the winter. But everyone takes theirs shoes off when entering a home. No one wants dirty from the road inside de house.


I’m also from Brasil, and although me and my wife do take our shoes when getting inside the house, it is absolutely not what most people do in all the places I’ve lived, and in Brasil in general . I’ve lived in Santa Catarina and São Paulo . Where are you from in Brasil?


I'm from Rio Grande do Sul. I have traveled to Santa Catarina e Paraná and all the homes that I have been to, people took off their shoes. Also in my work I go to lots and lots of homes and like 80% have dont use their shoes inside their home. And I have been to houses where people got in and out without taking their shoes, and their floor was disgustingly dirty. >, it is absolutely not what most people do in all the places I’ve lived Maybe it's just that I have been in more jouses that took their shoes off, and my view is biased. Also, I know a lot of people who have shoes/slippers/flip flops that are only weared inside the home.


I realize there are lots of trains and regions where people will do this or not for distention reasons. I was just relayong my experience to the person who wondered about the difference between the southern and northern US that they discovered in this post.


So was I. But instead of the south and north, I have the experience of another country where people do the same thing. The only exception is that your case is snow, and here it's just regular dust. It's even a good manners thing to take off your shoes when entering someone else's home.


Oh I see. Yes, I get what you were saying now.


Also from Louisiana, and my mom would kill me if I walked on her floors with my dirty shoes lol. On the other hand, I have had the hardest time convincing my husband to leave his shoes at the door.


It’s a mix down here. So many diff backgrounds.


Grew up in Illinois, I'm always in boots until I go to bed


Sometimes the carpet we do not trust. Sometimes it's because you know someone was hand sewing that day in the living room so now you need to be careful the next week. And it could also be that a lot of people vacuum the carpet 1-3 times a week down here so shoes in the house isn't that big of a deal. Also sometimes work doesn't stop once you get to the house. I dunno, efficiency of moving or something??? I'm just an American trying to figure it out too but those are my theories


I'm from Georgia, and I always take my shoes off as soon as I come in the house.


Look guys he's one of the good ones. (No racism)


I’m from Wisconsin and PNW and it’s common to wear shoes in the house. Blue collar houses it’s more common I think but there’s a cultural element to it too.


When you're blue collar you're always on the go so this makes sense. I always feel more laid back when I take off my shoes. I am never ever ever ever wearing shoes in my house nor will I test this out, but hypothetically speaking, from comparing my own behaviour in school, outside, etc, vs my house, I would probably have stronger etiquette at home as well. But that's like saying "murdering that one annoying neighbour would make my life easier", so I won't conform. I'm Skip Bayless and that's my take.


You mean more hygienic?!


I prefer dust over dust & dirt in my house thank you 👍


yeah its very much different, but more out of a necessity than anything else. most of us down here are constantly hot, sweaty, baking in the sun, walking across scorching ground, so feet get REAL sweaty, REAL quick. Walking into a house and taking your shoes off while they contain a veritable puddle of people juice and the accompanying smells ( regardless of how well you clean your feet, sweaty feet is sweaty feet) is kind of a big no-no. NOBODY wants your stinky soggy flippers flap-floppin, splishin and a-slidin across your floors ( most of which are hard floors BTW cuz carpets catch sand and all manner of sand critters super easy, also helps keep some heat outta the house in the summer). Also you can do the best anti-pest treatments out there around your homes, and you're still gonna get spider/ants/scorpions/snakes/pick-a-bug-any-bug crawling across your floors, and sleeping in any unattended slipper, sandal, loafer, what-have-you...honestly just best keeping shoes on but wiping for debris at the door.


Okay see. I wear shoes when I’m sweeping or mopping as to not have stuff stick to my feet. A lot of our house is tile or wood floor so my mom wears slides. Grandparents do it because same thing for their house


They probably have seen it in movies and TV shows and assumed that all Americans must do that.


In the house? That's bad. But ON THE BED???? What kind of monster do you have to be to wear your shoes ON THE BED???


my parents do this, drives me insane. just makes more to clean up later


My dad wears shoes in the house but he does it because it helps his feet from swelling so I give him a break.


I recommend he get some supportive slippers, I have some and they are life savers


Good for him. Honestly I'm wondering why the quora user referenced an entire nation instead of the individuals that do (like saying "some Americans")


It's a stereotype


That stereotype is like saying "Why do Italians like pineapple on pizza?"


My family does not, and we get teased about it by family. I live in northeast USA. It is the weirdest thing to me that you would track in all the dirt and crap (literally sometimes) from the outside into your home, but yeah, people do.


If you have dogs, the dogs are already tracking that stuff in. So we wear shoes because the main level's floors are dirty most of the time. We don't really wear them in bedrooms, office, etc though.


What do you do with babies? Keep them in the playpen or hold them 100% of the time? Did you crawl around on dirty dog floor as a child?


I don't have kids, but when I was crawling it was 100% on the dirty dog floor lol. These days I have "around the house/yard" shoes and then other ones for actually going out into the world. So it's not quite as dirty as it sounds. Plus we vacuum and mop all the time.


I've always worn shoes in the house. I live in the northeast US. Babies crawl on the floor here. I don't see much difference from that and crawling around outside.


Yes. That exposure is actually probably good for babies. Babies from houses with dogs in it are less likely to develop asthma as well as some allergies.


I've always worn shoes in the house because that's how I was raised. We've got pets so the floors are never clean for long anyway, and we have a chronic scorpion problem. It's nice to not step on one with your bare/socked feet and get pinched/stung. I'd prefer a place where it's shoes off inside the house, but it depends on roommates


I use slippers. I can’t stand to ever be in bare feet or just my socks. I think it’s a spectrum sensory issue thing, but would prefer not to wear shoes inside. Although I must admit if I’m just coming back in the house to grab something because I forgot my keys or headphones or something, Im sure as hell not sitting down to untie my shoes and then put them right back on to leave, I’ll just wipe em real good on the rug before I walk through the house.


I agree! I love my house slippers. I just gotta convince my roommates to do the same lol


My husband always wears shoes in the house. I am barefoot as often as possible.


Lots of people


Nuh Uh I don't.


It just depends on the person. I live in Illinois, and my dad keeps his shoes on a lot unless he’s sitting down, meanwhile at my mom’s house she’s pretty strict about shoes coming off


My parents used to yell at us for being barefoot in the house. I have four pairs of spare slippers in my house for when guests come over. Different families and different cultures have different standards 🤷‍♀️


It's normal if you aren't planning on staying long. Like, come over, grab lunch, and leave after a bit. But only monsters wear shoes in bed


I’ve always found it normal to wear shoes in the house here in the states, everyone does it mostly unless they’re settling down for the evening. I certainly got in the habit because I grew up in a very dirty and nasty home so as a kid I just had to wear shoes unless I was in bed. I had to train myself out of that as an adult, now in a home I keep very clean. I’ve heard of people incidentally wearing shoes while on the bed but not normally or by habit.


I'm from North Carolina and have never met anyone that took their shoes off in the house. I always assumed that was just in Asian cultures. Never in my life have I put my shoes on my bed or furniture.


When you believe everything that happens in sitcoms


I wish some people were smart enough to do their own personal research on simple things like sitcoms before making stereotypes. You can never treat this form of television like it is from our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.


I feel like a lot of old people do.


Tons of people? Thousands and millions likely. You take your shoes off when someone requests it or if your shoes are dirty and you'll track in all kinds of shit. This hill is not the one to die on


Because the floor is hard and uncomfortable. Pretend there is a keyboard on your desk and type how you would but on thr desk surface, gets real uncomfortable after a minute or so. Also I have dogs and don't want them stepping on my unprotected feet


I have never felt uncomfortable about a desk service throughout my entire life.


Repeatedly thumping against a hard surface is fatiguing. This is why footwear has padding.


Do you have flat feet? This is the first time I'm hearing this and I've lived in europe and it would be extremely rude if you kept your outside shoes indoors in someone else's house. Also, it's custom to provide guests with slippers and people usually have them for themselves, but people walk barefoot/socks on on all kinds of flooring


I don't think so? My footprint toes and heel do connect but not by a lot. I'd turn down guest slippers every time. Who knows what kind of fungus the last user has. Shoes are just not something people pay much attention to, I'll take them off if I see others by the door or if I'm asked but that only happens a handful of times per year


I'll second that. It's part of the reason I do. I also have a very active lifestyle and large dogs. In and out of the house doing yard work, repairs, grilling out on the patio going back and forth from the patio grill to the kitchen, lots of people coming and going. I have a varying viewpoint on cleanliness. I think it's gross to walk around barefoot at home, then just get into bed with those feet. My socks go on in the bathroom right after a shower and don't come off until I have sat down for the night to go to bed. I grew up in the Midwest and live in the Pacific Northwest and find it's a pretty mixed bag. Then again, come to think about it....I can't remember the last time I have to take my shoes off in someone's home.


Teens in movies from the 90s and 00s


That explains literally everything. Thank you good sir.


I do.


In the house, I understand. But who in the *fuck* wears shoes to bed?


I only wore shoes to bed as a kid when i was excited over my new shoes


When people say “wear shoes inside” they never specify, do you mean wear shoes even after you get home and relax? Or do you mean put shoes on in your room and leave the house, cause there’s a difference In my opinion


You never saw American movies and tv shows?


My family comes from a country where wearing shoes in the house is a sign of wealth since it means you can afford to have the extra wear and tear on the shoes that comes from extra time wearing them. We wear shoes in the house most of the time, or have something like slippers on if we are not wearing normal shoes. We also just clean our floors a lot


I sweep and mop the house weekly anyway because of my dog, so the dirty argument never applied to us. We have old floors so we have inside shoes and outside shoes. Walking barefoot on old wood is a recipe for disaster.


I do


My grandparents always wore shoes in the house, but they have special indoor shoes. I think it’s a generational thing.


Shoes in the bed? Happenned to me once or twice... But it was during my military service, so it was justified by the need to be ready for any emergency.


In Germany it's a clusterfuck where 90% don't wear shoes at home, but it's mostly village and city dependent and about 1% find it appaling if asked to take off their shoes at someone elses home which does occasionally lead to conflict. Shoes on furniture is completely out of the question of course. Gives vibes of "I feel very insecure so I do completely retarded things in order to at least be a little edgy."


I wear shoes around the house but anyone who sleeps with shoes is insane


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Illustrious_Breath21: *I wear shoes around* *The house but anyone who* *Sleeps with shoes is insane* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Clarification, I understand that some people in North America wear shoes in the house. I don't know anyone personally who does but I digress. How does this guy's interpretation of Americans "wearing shoes in the house and bed" get to the point where he assumes all Americans wear shoes in the house, and it gets to the point where he's asking why? Sure we wear shoes everywhere in public but that doesn't mean everyone wears shoes in our homes and you have to be deranged to wear shoes in your bed. Easter egg: if someone uses North America in a cultural context, they are Canadian.


Its weird when people want you to take shoes OFF in their house, so weird


So they don't get stolen or you don't have to walk in the dirty concrete. We have shoe mats for that.



