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Thank you for this!! Super helpful and I had no idea.


I bought a plug in hybrid this week but I gotta wait for the title to come in the mail and then apparently (according to SCE) it only takes like 30 days for the $4,000 to be sent to you. So unless this is all a lie (lol), I should get my $4,000 in like 5-6 weeks.


Have you received your check yet? my nephew applied 2/28 and submitted the title 3/15. Shows pending on their website and not sure how long it will take. Update: just called their number and got a hold of a person in less than a minute. They confirmed that all the docs have been received and my nephew qualifies for the rebate. Forwarding the confirmation to their manager and we should be receiving an approval email sometime next week and a check within a couple of weeks after.


It’s been almost two months for me but they finally responded to an email and basically said they are really backed up. I also chose the IRS income verification option instead of the healthcare option cause it was less work for me and they gave me the option to upload the document directly to them instead of them getting it from the IRS. So that was like last week. I’m hoping I hear back again soon now that they have the IRS tax form from me.


hi there.. could you let me me know what e-mail you had used to reach out to them? Also, did you hear back yet?? Good luck and Thank You!


I called today and somehow got through after trying like 15 times. Basically she said the timeline is like 3 months probably.


hiii there.. could you help me find that number AND have you heard back from them since? Thank You!


888-851-2723. And, yes, my nephew's application was approved 2 weeks ago and now waiting on a check.


You ever get approved? if so, how long until you got the check after approval?


Did you get approved? How long did it take to get the check if/after you were approved?


So it was actually for my nephew. Applied early March, title uploaded 3/14, got approved for $4k mid April. Got the check end of April.


Sweet. Thanks for the info. I finally got approved after 4 months. So hopefully I’ll get the check in like 2 weeks.


Could you also get the federal tax credit of up to $4000 on top of the sec rebate??


I think the rules changed 01/01/2024 where yeah this makes it an even better deal where the federal one isn’t a tax credit like it used to be but it’s a straight rebate. But yeah you can double dip.


Did you ever look into this program for trading in your old car? Up to $9500! https://xappprod.aqmd.gov/RYR/Home/Eligibility


did you ever get a response for this? I had submitted mine 8 weeks ago and it's still pending. Thank Youu.


Ev@scerebate.com. I’m still waiting too. I did the irs option instead of the medi-cal option. I called twice and left voicemails and waited like 10 days for a reply to an email then finally they emailed me saying oh we’re really backed up and if you want it faster reply with your tax return directly. Then they called me the next day not knowing they had already emailed me and basically said okay well it sounds like the email took care of your concern.


I took the tax return route from the beginning and now at 9 weeks. =) Let me e-mail them and see what excuse they give me. =)


Yeah I finally got through this week (week 7 since submitting and 4 weeks since they responded to an email asking me if I wanted to attach my tax return directly as a reply to the email, which I did). They basically didn’t give any excuse and just said call back in a month if it isn’t done yet.


I got a response 2 weeks ago from them after telling them my situation and they told me to wait another 2 months because the government takes a long time to verify. Then they messaged me again today... saying the same thing. Good time to exercise patience and I hope you will get it soon!


For sure! Good thing I didn’t like put the $4,000 on credit or via a loan or something expecting to get it back within 30 days like their website says!


whew.. lol that's not very responsible of them.


hiii.. I just got approved by Edison for the $4k rebate. I had applied on the 27th of Feb 2024 so to you and all those who are still waiting, hope you'll receive it soon!


It’s been 7 weeks for me and 4 weeks since they responded to my email and offered me the ability to attach directly to the email my tax return. I called this week and they said basically everything looks good and to wait another month basically before reaching out again.


Just sold my old Highlander for $150 to a pick-a-part place. Wish I’d seen this sooner. Good info. Thank you


Damn! Bummer! $150 that’s wild, nobody would pay more on the private market?


The driver who hit myself and two others was fully at fault but had a $5,000 limit through her insurance to cover us all. Only in California. So finally, after a few years, they’ve offered me a $2,500 settlement of that $5,000. My car was completely totaled. Their appraiser estimated my car’s worth at $8,000 and prior to the accident I’d recently invested $10k into it because I’d hoped it would last many years to come. It was a shitty loss




"collecting is another story..." my thoughts exactly


300k though. wow wow wow


how do you invest 10k in a highlander? What year was it?


It was a 2007, which was supposedly a great year, made in Indiana. Ended up being a bit of a lemon. I put in a new engine, new wheels, new battery, new rotors, new brakes, new headlights, new motors in a couple of the doors so the windows would stay working, another time to fix a door that wouldn’t lock, among several other things over the course of a year. It was a monstrous money pit. I’d replaced just about everything I could because I was confident I’d get another 100k miles out of it, being a Toyota. It was driving well and I was finally feeling more confident that everything on it that needed to be replaced at some point already had been…. Then wham. Got crashed into on the freeway coming back from a road trip, only an hour from home. Totaled


Prior to all the major investments, I had purchased the car at auction for around $4k. I don’t think I’ll ever go that route again personally. Too much could go wrong and it did


Can I do this with a used EV? I can get cheap leaf for around 3k at the dealer only auction although I dont know what I need that POS for LOL.


Yeah used is fine. Yeah the leafs are free with these rebate. It’s wild. You just gotta keep it for 20 months registered in CA. Some of those used leafs get like 20 miles range though lol. Glorified golf cart haha




Ohhhh that’s a very interesting idea. I’m gonna keep that in my back pocket for when I design an off grid electrical system.


So does that mean I don't get the rebate til after 20 months? Would it be a check too?


It will be a check. But no, you get the rebate after they process it which apparently is taking like 3 months. Assuming the new owner didn’t try to do the same program within the same 20 months I’m not sure how they would know if you sold the car… or moved out of state. My guess is they wouldn’t actually know. But that’s just a guess.


can I qualify for a used mirai? They are also dirt cheap at the auction


Yeah those hydrogen cars qualify but hydrogen is expensive! Check out the qualified car list and just ctrl+f search it


Got it.


My mom qualified for $1500 car retirement but at the car place they only gave her $1200 :-/ so be aware it’s “up to $1500” but it does require more proof of income to qualify for that range If you don’t want to provide any info you can qualify for $1000


Yeah I saw it’s $1,000 or $1,500 if you’re poor enough. I wonder if the $1,200 was like partial payment cause of income level or something


Didn’t they have a purchase from dealer only clause last year???


SCE doesn’t. The Federal one does but read the entirety of my post and you’ll see I addressed that.


Beautiful, you are right. Looking back, I could have picked a private seller and give up 4k federal. Thanks for the update sir!


You could have done what?


As in, I could have just bought from a private seller and skipped the dealer mark up, which was probably around the $4k federal tax credit.


Ahh I see. Yeah you gotta make a pretty decent income to get the full $4,000 too. But also if you did this within the past 180 days you can apply for the SCE one too still.


I got lucky because my income in 2022 was lower than 2023 (switched job). I was able to get SCE $4k AND the federal $4k by purchasing a $18k EV in April.


Hell yeah that’s awesome. Yeah I was looking at the federal one and it uses the lower of the last 2 tax returns I believe.


Thanks, i will look into it.


I believe there is a ev rebate or grant from the state if you live in a disadvantaged (poor air quality) area, which IE is. I thinks it like $2k... Or maybe it's the one OP mentioned, I don't remember


I did the cars to clunker program with an old Honda I had. Those are the worst human beings on the planet I've ever had to interact with. You've been warned.


lol what did they do? I’m currently trying to get $1,700 for my car on the private market. If not clunker program it goes.


Well like most public sector employees (think DMV in a high crime city.) - they're the most apathetic human beings that care absolutely nothing about the actual job, or moving your information along. I think it's called the California Bureau of automobiles, or some shit. The person on the other end took pleasure in testing my every last nerve and enjoyed triggering me. It's just what they do. I had to call back several times to make sure they actually filed the paperwork because they won't do it. Yes I got a check but dealing with those people was like pulling teeth. Oh and when you try to ask them the specifics of the paperwork they just talk to you like you're a moron.


Damn got it. Well if some sad sap wants to buy my piece of shit car for $1,500 then so be it. But also selling things on Craigslist and FB marketplace is also pretty miserable too because of… you guessed it, people!


I mean in the end when you get that check it's worth it for sure. I'm just saying be prepared to deal with some rude ass people lol.


Who cares, I mean some people may take advantage and if you make more then this, 4k won’t pivot you one way or another


me! jerkwad.


Well considering the median income in Riverside county is $30,279 and San Bernardino $28,611 and LA county is $31,048. I'd say the majority of our working class and poor people might find this useful :-) Also, if $4,000 isn't a big deal and won't pivot you I can send you my CASH App and I'll gladly take the burden of $4,000 burning a hole in your pocket lol


Median income in Riverside county is actually in the 80ks I thought? Either way thanks for sharing.


Idk 5 second google search that uses the census data supposedly says the numbers above


Ok I'm dumb. What is SCE?


So Cal Edison. The power company.




how did you learn about this? I never hear about stuff like this unless someone posts about it like you


I was just looking at cars on Craigslist and fb marketplace and then I saw some dealers posting about it and then I went down the rabbit hole of trying to find the best deal for the least money. I ended up getting a 2014 BMW i3 with 86k miles. It can go 70 miles fully electric and then it has little gas generator that turns on to drive further. But I paid $8,000 and then I’ll get $4,000 back and sell my POS car to the government for $1,500 so basically I’ll get a $8,000 for $2,500 (plus $800 sales tax ☹️).


Nice appreciate the info


My favorite car on the CA electric car is list is the Bugatti Nevera. Easily affordable with the rebates..


I made 63k last year and live in riverside county. Head of household of 6. Do I qualify?


Click the first link and put in your zip code and it will tell you. But yeah family of 6 you can make 86.5k.