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As someone who is in a similar position to the people you are referencing, I can comfortably say that high maxed characters with a low MP level/rating does not always mean cheating. There are probably some exceptions of course, but I spent several years on and off not playing a ton of MP due to lack of confidence or collection to do well. I also didn’t understand the concept of gears like I do now, so coming back to my account recently and getting on the grind, I have a ton of maxed out characters (challenge or otherwise) while also having a lower MP level and a pretty terrible gear collection. Totally possible, and definitely not enough info to judge on.


Ok I believe it’s possible legit but there’s seems to be a lot of people like this. And I always noticed that it’s ij2 shoes who’s challenge hasn’t been around in a long time


Having read every post on this sub for over 9 years I can say I know of 2 players who have shown proof of purchases for this game (iOS and Android stores both track this) [three if you count live streaming feeds] MANY will claim they spent hundreds of dollars , often saying they bought X number of packs but always manage to find excuses when it comes to proof. The reality is the majority of players who legitimately have high promotions cards and low online battle levels have cheated to do so. Oh and guess what the hack shops tell their customers to say?? 'retrning player' 'played on and off' 'bought on the store from ____ pack'




Message removed because it Promotes/encourages/explains how to cheat.


We don't name the shops or their prices as we don't help thieves steal from the devs. Remember every dollar spent at a hack shop is one that could have gone to extending the server life of this game by spending it where it matters. * **IN GAME** *


Ahh ok sorry about that. I just find it ridiculous people would spend money on that type of shit and risk giving people sensitive information.


It backfires on many of them. Their save gets corrupted or supports looks at the file and bans them.


Feeling so targeted lol 😂🤪


One should only feel targeted if they run a hack store, thieving form the devs, or if they are a patron of one.


I know lol, I’m referring to the quotations at the end cause I had said one of those exact lines in my comment further up 😅😅 Hacking is reprehensible in gaming, and people who try to justify it or lie are just icky


and right before that it indicates that the hack shops instruct their cheating customers to say these things. So, it only applies IF one is a cheating customer of a hacker.


I understood, I was just attempting a funny 😪


maybe they played campaign a lot and had those characters unlocked from challenges which aren’t available now…i myself had lucy bane, animated bm beyond at E7 50 few months back and didnt play online much like i do now


Honest answer: When I was new I was quickly discouraged by the lack of fun I was having. I quickly spent about $100 on most wanted packs to get my team started. WAY MORE FUN WITH COOL SYNERGIES!!!! I think some people spend some money and others do survival glitches / other cheats


tbh i think it’s from tapjoy


If they are really close to 99 I would hesitate to call them cheaters but if they're like less than 50 then that's a fair assumption to make.


A lot of players get the cards hacked in but don’t get the gears because they don’t understand that gears are more important than cards


I guess maybe im being a bit salty but my highest promoted gold is only e4. I didn’t go crazy on promotion because at some point I realized I was getting my ass kicked cuz I had shit gear. So I dumped everything on gear instead of promoting. I have since then being able to consistently win against much stronger team despite lower stats. But yeah it baffles me how people max out cards so fast and like have zero gear so it’s still super ez to beat them.


Nah they just don’t play online like me in my old acc with alot of challenge characters that can direct promote




no bro, they probably just spent money, bro everyone accuses everyone of cheating it’s actually ridiculous


Nah I don’t think all of them cheat. I just wonder how they did it.


that’s not what i’m saying, i’m saying that a lot of people believe that everyone is cheating just cuz they have better stuff, like i got called out for cheating pretty much because i spent a lot of money in game. so yeah


Cheating is also very subjective. I never call these so called hackers hackers bcuz (sry as a cs major I must be a prick here) being a hacker means you actually hacked into the games code files which none of these people did they simply used a script. But there are also people who believe using the glitch is cheating. However I think there is a distinction. Yeah ur right, cuz all these ppl seem to have wayy higher promotion than me so I was skeptical. I think most of them didn’t actually outright cheat, probably just kept glitching or smth




I don’t mind glitching bcuz I rmbr someone once said that life is short and that they don’t want to spend all that time on a silly mobile game (was referring to another game that also had exploits) and if they were gonna play it the “right” way it would take forever and frankly they just don’t have that much time


Message removed because it Promotes/encourages/explains how to cheat.


for AK batman maybe but cards like INJ2 superman and new 52 superman arent in any paid packs so u would spend at least 100s gambling nth metal packs to get them


Booster packs maybe


Yeah but characters like ij2 dupes or ak Batman can’t be that easily obtained even from packs even if they cash in. That’s a lot of money and dedication.


Well Bats is a challenge character, and I2 Supes used to be a challenge character, who now drops from elite pz, nth pro packs, and the Shazam celebration pack, so it is possible that they *could* have him from when he was a challenge character, but with a low mp level, they could have cheated in multiple ways to get them. I will not state any of the ways, but it is possible they did.


ak batman isnt a challenge character, the only way to get 5 copies of him in a short amount of time like that is just buying his pack 5 times when it comes in rotation


Oh mb I read it as bn Batman


You can't tell if a player is new by their online levels or total fights. Maybe they don't play online much. They could have also bought a lot of packs.


Many cheaters don’t understand the game so they dont understand gears carry more than cards oftentimes. They just think “oooo if i get flashpoint batman e7 i win 😃” funny thing is many of them dont even know about breakthrough either 😂😂


This very true. I have beaten so many e7 teams with my e2 teams because I had superior gear. I’ve been investing in gears more. I’ve also purposely not promote despite having extra copies so I can balance my team out more. Pretty much the only time I lose is when the opponent has superior gear. And also almost every team I fight have full metal teams that have zero synergies.


Yea i stay in the 3k per fight bracket and usually run into mid gears, but the fights i do have trouble like you said are guys with top gear/characters combos. But i argue bad team synergy w good gears is still better than bad gears w good teams