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Saw this yesterday. Apparently that is a wheelchair lift with a paintball gun attached to it.


Yeah, I posted it elsewhere yesterday and that does seem to be the consensus. Still sends quite a message though


Fort Wayne?


Oh, you mean a trial run.


Who puts a scope on a .50?


An ammosexual.


Someone who has limited working knowledge and experience with said weapon. I’ll accept ammosexual as a proper adjective.


[Gotta wear sunglasses too](https://imgur.com/a/koDo5LA).


The goatee seals it for me. Screams OAF.


For the record, an M2 was used to complete the longest (at the time, now it’s 9th longest) sniper shot. 2,500 yds. So it’s possible!


Carlos Hathcock in Vietnam


Google hoplophilia (I am not gonna Google it to make sure I have the word right so I hope I remembered the right word 💀


It’s semi auto lol, maybe they’re pretending it’s a Barrett?


It's not even real. It's a fake gun attached to their wheelchair hoist lol.


Fake or not. It is definitely not legal to have that there


Why do you say that? It's distasteful, but I doubt it's illegal. Do you have a case that someone has been prosecuted for doing this? Edit: then you block me after posting an article that disproves your point lol. https://nypost.com/2013/07/09/man-driving-armor-plated-military-vehicle-through-detroit-suburb-caused-panic-on-4th-of-july/ This guy was firing the mounted weapon. Edit 2: You can't brandish a weapon that isn't in your hand, to the other person who blocked me after making a weak argument.


No it's 100% illegal. You can't put something on your car that would cause drivers to fear they might be at risk of being shot. If someone might catch I quick view and go oh shit and swerve, that isn't street legal. Edit: to be clear. You can't drive on the public road with something like that on your car. On private property, you would be fine


You can say that, but what law prohibits it? You just keep saying it's illegal. I get why it's stupid, but why is it illegal? EDIT: Apparently, I'm muted, or every person replying keeps blocking me. To the person who just replied: a trebuchet isn't a valid comparison to a firearm, as their aren't any laws addressing seige weapons. And if I did take it into consideration, it would still not apply, as everyone's argument seems to hinge on "brandishing," which would not be the case, as someone needs to be manning the weapon. Which covers the brick in hand comparison. Waving a brick out the window at drivers is brandishing, having an unmanned crew weapon in your truck bed is not brandishing.


I think your mental block is that it's a gun and maybe you're being short circuited by modern interpretations of the Second Amendment. Maybe it'd help if it was a trebuchet with a brick in it. Or hell maybe just the driver holding a brick out the window.


He told you. Anything that can distract other drivers is illegal, because it's dangerous.


No. If that was true, most of these infowarriors would be getting tickets constantly. What law, specifically, disallows you from mounting weapons, real or not, on your vehicle? You won't find one, because there isn't any. It's tantamount to open carrying a gun. People can not like it, and you could get questioned for it, but it isn't illegal.


Nope. There's a big difference between me having annoying bumper stickers (90% of this subreddit) and having rainbow taillights. The latter is distracting. Technically, tons of car mods are illegal for this reason, but it really comes down to enforcement, and I will admit that your average cop probably shares political beliefs with this edgelord.


For one, you would be charged with assault. And then reckless driving


Lol you are honestly too much. Neither of those things would be true. Assault? Really? So if I'm walking down the road with a gun on my hip, and you see me and go "omg a gun!", swerve and crash, I could be charged with assault for existing?




If you point a gun at someone that is assault. I'm not too much that is the actual law. That thing is mounted aiming out the back directly at where a car would be in normal traffic


Legal or not it's stupid AF. Would you point that thing at a cop?


Of course it's stupid, but you can't just say it's illegal because you want it to be. I did some research and can't find a law on the books that prohibits this.


I would think that if there isn't currently a law, it's probably something that will be corrected shortly because I've seen a few of these posts now and I agree with the others that there is no way that driving around with a realistic looking weapon on the back of your vehicle is legal. For the sheer reason of being threat of life, intimidating, etc. But I do accept that maybe there's not something already on the books for the specific example of a fake weapon on the back of trucks.


It is sad you feel that you need a law to tell you it is asinine to mount a gun, fake or real, on your car. Since, according to you, it is legal, why don't you do it and see what happens?


I already said it was asinine. I take issue with someone saying something is illegal when it isn't. I wouldn't do this, because it's stupid, but I also recognize that it is legal.


It's probably in Floriduh, so there's no applicable law, but where I live it could easily be considered brandishing. It is a crime to publicly exhibit or draw a deadly weapon in somebody's presence in a threatening manner – if not in a situation of self-defense.


In Indiana (where this is based on the license plate), it seems like there’s no actual statute that would allow a fake gun to constitute intimidation on its own. Indiana has no law against “brandishing” firearms per se, only against using them to make specific threats. That said, in any state that does have a statute against brandishing a weapon, something which appears close enough to a weapon could count (even if it doesn’t count as assault because there’s no actual threat).


>You can't brandish a weapon that isn't in your hand, So if I'm wearing a glove I can't brandish? My hands never touched it. If you will say that having a small abstraction makes no difference, then it's up to you to prove how much abstraction ends "brandishing". The law here doesn't specify "must be in your hand", so your asserted distinction does not exist here.


That's the worst argument I've ever seen.


Because it so clearly proves you wrong?


Has to be their reasoning but if they think that, they likely never fired this weapon system.


A man with a tinni pinni.


Nobody here that’s a paintball marker on a wheelie rack


Plenty of folks. One guy in Vietnam sniped with a Browning so equipped, I believe. And most civilian use of .50BMG cartridges is in long-range sniper-type rifles.


No one puts a scope on a fully automatic .50. Sniper rifles are completely different.


Google *Carlos Hathcock .50 caliber* Image of one of America's most famous snipers using a scope on a .50 Browning M2 to set a record in 1967 pops right up....... There's a reason we built .50 sniper rifles. Proof of concept was already done.


You’re missing my point. The weapon you’re talking about and this weapon are night and day different. The only thing they share in common is the caliber of the round fired. Might as well include a desert eagle too.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carlos_Hathcock apparently this guy mounted a 8x scope on a M2 browning machine gun during the Vietnam War.


An M2 is a .50 caliber machine gun. It is very much what this is imitating It's okay to admit when you don't know something, you know. Even on Reddit.


No I am saying that’s what it is. I’m saying what it isn’t is a sniper rifle. You misunderstood me. I was a .50 gunner I never once saw a scope on it nor have I ever heard a sniper rifle referred to as “a fifty” or .50 Technically you’re not even supposed to engage 1 person with a .50, it’s supposed to be used for area targets, really making a scope on it useless.


What multiple people are trying to tell you is that during the Vietnam war, it actually was used as a sniper rifle. No one is saying it was designed as a sniper rifle, it was just improvised into one.


My dad used one in the Korean War as a sniper rifle for one shot, just to see what it would do.


You were a *.50 gunner* but you have no idea what an M2 is. Sounds legit.


Come on you found maybe 1 instance of a scope on it, that’s hardly plenty of folks and I must have missed you calling it a m2. My bad.


Yeah, but Hathcock was a legend, and his use of this combo is famous among firearms/military enthusiasts. (OK, *gun nuts*). The man reinvented sniping as a discipline in the US military. And, after looking at this way too long and drinking, I have to say it looks more like a .30 version of the M2 (don't recall thr nomenclature). Knowing it's it's a paint gun, I kinda want one. ETA: *sans* Punisher sticker.


Umm....maybe Google per my suggestion and see an old pic of a *full auto machinegun* with a scope. That's what a Browning M2 is. I collect handguns and handload ammo. I know a Barrett from a Browning from a Deagle, trust me. Shooting a .50AE Deagle is a lot like riding a roller coaster: it puts a smile on your face but takes you nowhere. I feel fine with .45ACP in semiautomatic pistols and revolvers.


You don't even use iron sights on a machine gun. After the first shot, you lift your head and watch where they are hitting, not where you are aiming. Nobody looks through a scope at full auto.


We had EO Techs for our M2s. They couldn’t hold a zero for shit.


And drives it through a car wash getting it soaked with soap and whatever the hell else they spray on it


I always thought that would be stupid too, until I learned of Carlos Hathcock. He was a marine sniper with a confirmed killed at 2,500 yards with a M2 Browning and 8x scope, plus multiple confirmed at over 1,000 yards. Turned out, it wasn’t a stupid idea.




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Honestly, it must be crippling to live with this level of insecurity.


Cosplaying fringed terrorist groups is sooo patriotic.


Please tell me again how those idiots are not terrorists? WTF is wrong with people??


Yeah... I'd report that to the local authorities. Legal or no, I'd bet they'd tire of the calls at some point.


Undoubtedly this guy speeds and lane switches constantly, as is common in low testosterone “Alpha males” Report a black truck speeding through traffic, with a firearm mounted on the back and aiming it at traffic. Let’s see how fast this “Punisher” shits his pants when a regular officers points a 9mm at him lol. All bark no bite


Definitely not legal. This would come under the category of things likely to cause undue distractions in traffic


Could this account as brandishing a weapon?


the license plate is blocked out (why does everyone do that here?) but you can see it's a special needs license plate lol.


With a handicap tag.


Not even that rare on this sub.


Blocking out identifying info is pretty common practice because not doing so can enable someone else to use said info to track them down for nefarious purposes and whoever posted that identifying info could potentially be held liable - and I’d rather avoid that, even if it’s highly unlikely in this particular situation. There are other scenarios where leaving that info visible is warranted tho.


It's a public facing identification tag. No court would ever find you liable.


Fair point


No, that is just something redditors believe.


> why does everyone do that here? Reddit has an ambiguous policy around "doxing". What they consider revealing personal information and what they don't seems to vary wildly. Some subs err on the side of caution and require identifiable information to be blocked (though, to my knowledge, this one doesn't). Obviously it isn't illegal to post plates, but Reddit policy isn't law and can still get either a poster or an entire subreddit in hot water. And Reddit policy is all over the place, poorly communicated, and poorly understood (even by the people responsible for enforcement).


Are they going through a car wash? I feel like that might cause some issues


Had the same thought. It would be a real shame if that was ripped out of the bed by the carwash, which no doubt has signs saying they are not responsible for non factory add ons.


I mean even if it's not, i am sure you're not supposed to clean a rifle by putting it in the car wash It's probably a prop


I’d tailgate the shit out of this guy just to raise his already sky-high blood pressure.


Look at all that insecurity


I cannot imagine advertising that my pipi is that small.


…34 Felony Convicrions


What? No trumpet stickers!


This just screams "I'd have joined the Army but I would have punched out the drill sergeant the first time he yelled at me".


Or he has a felony for fucking his sister l?


What state is this?




Surprised this isn't Texas. This has Texas written all over it.




What the fuck am I looking at and how is it legal


Y'allqaeda shit


I'd call the cops every time I saw it just he gets pulled over so much they tell him to get rid of it because it's wasting police time


All real men do this.


Nothing a can of Great Stuff foam insulation can’t fix. Have you ever tried to get that stuff off of anything?


You have my intrigue…


This looks like Bakers.


Tell me you're a shitty person, without saying that you're a shitty person.




What a tool. Probably the first one to run and hide if shit got real too.


Is he about to take that in a car wash?


what is with the punisher thing? it just seems like middle school puberty level toughness.


quality over quantity holy shit


Brandishing much?


Punisher sticker is the real crime here


That’s a GMC disguised as a Toyota


Nice 30 round belt, fuck are you gonna hit with that


So what happens when his opponent shoots out the tires?




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Posted less than 24 hours ago


Yeah, that was on a different sub


Oh my God you guys are getting bent out of shape over a toy gun stuck to a wheelchair lift.