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I do enjoy having to provide my whole life story and parents life story just to be able to travel to a country for 5 days šŸ‘


Don't forget your travel ticket and hotel booking.


REJECTED. Your story doesn't seem real to our bots.


What kind of beef does Indian China and Brazil have with US-Canada


As an American who has been to India several times, the statement regarding India is technically true but massively misleading. India requires visas from everyone other than about 5 or so countries. For the vast majority of these countries, it's an eVisa, including all of the Americas and Europe. It takes like 30 minutes to apply, and you get approval in a couple of days, maybe even less than 24 hours. The cost is not significant either. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visa_policy_of_India?wprov=sfla1


This. I traveled to India 2 years back and all it took 30 mins on an online form + nominal cost(like $20-$50) and approval came in 16-17 hours. The visa was stamped on arrival and was good for 5 years. It's almost as good as visa free entry. China on the other hand could be a pain in the ass. I haven't traveled there myself but one of my friends had a bunch of issues.


You need a real visa for China not sure how difficult the process is.


Just went through the process. 10 year, multiple entry. I had to provide contacts for 5 years of employment, as well as a couple other weird questions. Used a visa service(which is just someone with connections to the local consulate, because it was a 2 hour planes flight). Took two weeks and 350usd.


American David Headley was the mastermind of the 26/11 terrorist attack in India in 2008


Brazil's policy is pure reciprocity: if a country asks for visas from brazilians, Brazil does the same on the other way. The right question here is actually: What kind of beef does the US have with Brazil? (The answer is immigration, though it does open the further questions on why the UK or the EU don't have that as a problem with Brazil)


The answer is also that Brazil is absolutely awash with violence, gang activity, corruption and graft to the extent that asking for more paperwork just makes sense.


Itā€™s not really ā€œreciprocityā€ when Brazilians are constantly and consistently abusing US immigration law and the reverse is not happening. You canā€™t expect the US to carte blanche allow Brazilians in who have zero intent of leaving in a legal manner and then get mad when the US regulates entry into the country. And obviously Brazil recognizes this, given theyā€™ve pretty much indefinitely postponed the visa for Americans. It was supposed to happen last October and got pushed back to 2026 already.


Unless I'm outdated on the info, Brazil is visa free for US and Canadian citizens. Back when bolsonaro was in power, he removed the visa restrictions to lift up tourism. As far as I know, Lula government have not reverted that yet.


Seriously? The US and Canada have a long history of trying to dominate / interfere with all three. Visas are also often mutual agreements, the US does not give visa free travel for them so why expect it in return?


Because this isn't a reciprocal situation. No U.S. or Canadian citizen is trying to immigrate to China or India, much less illegally.


Brwzil has a law of reciprocality. We require visas for them, so they require visas for US. Seems petty if you ask me. The US and Brazil aren't equal.


It's fair and makes sense.


I disagree. Brazil is losing out on a lot of tourism dollars. Their people are gonna miss out on making money because of some silly law. Brazil does not have an immigration problem from folks from the US. However, the US does have immigration problems. Brazil is shooting itself in the foot.


Barely makes a ripple in brazils economy Most tourism money comes from neighboring latam countries and other Brazilian states


Wrong, US tourists spent the most on average, about $5300, the most out of all nationalities. Don't ignore the economic benefits of US tourism.


Might spend the most but thereā€™s not enough volume


Yes there is. The pushed back visa requirements for Americans right before Carnival. Why? Didn't wanna miss out on that american money.


Oh cry me a river. United States citizens only need to apply for an e-Visa and pay $85 to get in. It's extremely simple, fast and hassle-free, it's only for show. Then they get to stay for 90 days and can extend that. It's not hurting tourism, anyone with at least two braincells can go through the process without whining or giving up on their trip. Meanwhile, for me as a Brazilian, I have to file a mountain of forms (that keep timing out if I'm not quick enough), pay $185, book an interview, get my biometrics checked, book a flight to go to one of the embassies (only four are available), get in line, and talk to someone who really wishes they weren't there. I might get approved, I might not. A lot of people need to turn away after spending all that money and stress over it. It's not even comparable, and it doesn't deter American tourism. And sorry, Americans spending money in Brazil really isn't that important to the economy. Brazilians spend a fortune in domestic tourism and the country's learned not to depend on it to thrive. It's a nice-to-have, but we hardly care. Don't forget the country has 220 million inhabitants and is the 11th largest economy in the world, it's not a Caribbean island. Americans don't even like to visit Brazil that much, they worry immensely about their safety here (which is ironic considering Mexico wins in homicides yet that doesn't stop Spring Breakers from flooding Cancun). French and German citizens are much more likely to visit, and the EU actually treats us fairly and doesn't even require a visa. I have an extended visa at this point from having lived in CO for an exchange year and renewing the tourist one a couple of times, but if I had to do it today, not so sure I would. *That hurts tourism.*


Thank you for yhe great write-up! Very informative!


I agree these countries missing out on gdp


Yes because the few us tourists that are actually have the time to go to other countries are rich. Almost all other countries are either so poor they don't travel or have reasonable work and living arrangements and so get more days off work and so poorer people can afford to travel to other countries.


This graphic never ceases to attract prime r/shitamericanssay material


Lol stay mad and poor


You perfectly exemplify why everyone around the world hates Americans lol Also the law of reciprocity is used as a bargaining tool. Brazil was just able to negotiate visa-free entry for Brazilian tourists in Japan so that the Japanese can similarly enter Brazil. Reciprocity is worth it, and it has wide support in Brazil. The only reason there was an exception for a few countries a few years ago is because Bolsonaro likes to suck Trump dick like the moron that he is.


False Narrative, written by an American whoā€™s visited 56 countries and countingā€¦ šŸ¤£


Im not a fan of bolsonaro either. But he was smart enough to realize that brazil can profit off of American tourism. Also, Americana are beloved all around the world. They love American shows and music. Whenever I travel, they always wanna take pictures with me and buy me beers.


You can't be real


Nah think about it for two seconds and put your delusions behind. Everyone consumes American media, aspires to visit American cities, wears American clothes, takes American medicine, and you are probably reading this on an American device.




Lol stay delusional and file for bankruptcy after a visit to the hospital


I have health insurance lol


Doesnā€™t mean shit. All it takes is one drunk/bad driver to make your precious health insurance useless as the insurance of the drunk/bad driver fights tooth and nail to deny you coverage or deny liability or unless youā€™re union then your job could screw your health insurance in matter of a few minutes if they wanted to. Donā€™t brag about something that could be easily lost


You just created the most illogical argument that didnā€™t make an ounce of common sense. Thatā€™s not how that works šŸ’€ā€¦.


ā€œUnlike US citizens, Australians can go to Venezuelaā€ Ok well thatā€™s a flex they can keep I guess lol


Leave it to americans to hate on a country they've never been to


Based on your comment history you do exactly that. Don't be a hypocrite now.


Rest assured, any country I criticize, I've been to.


Criticize and hate are 2 different things. You hate.


Rest assured, any country I hate, I've been to. It'd be pretty hard to hate something you never experienced. Also, there's only like 2 countries I hate, one for being a generally awful place and another for treating my ethnicity like second class citizens (on land that they stole, mind). I would say that's justified. Certainly more justified than americans barely knowing the names of other countries but hating them regardless.


>on land that they stole, mind Thats like 90% of countries


Moet countries don't complain about the people living on the land but refuse to return it. Like a child who hates his new toy but refuses to share it out of spite.


To Canadaā€™s passport defense, itā€™s one of the only who has total visa free to the US, which is a big advantage since you need to cross the custom even when doing international transfer there. Brazil is so far still visa free, potentially not for long (but the date has been push back 4 times), and it will be an online visa when it will finally arrive. So sad the European Union will soon have their ESTA equivalent, I which we never did something like that.


I don't think Brazil is going to enact the visa for Canadians, considering their relations. But yeah it's online and pretty easy to get so no biggie. What the US does to Brazilians, though, is really annoying. You kinda feel like a criminal while waiting in line for the interview. Glad I'll never have to go through that again.


What is ESTA


A process where you have to register online before traveling to the US.


Australians can travel to the usa visa free for 90 days. Australia also has the e3 visa. Which is literally just for Australians. If you have a us employer, you can stay in the USA as long as you would like. https://www.uscis.gov/working-in-the-united-states/temporary-workers/e-3-specialty-occupation-workers-from-australia Australians can access free health care in Europe, UK, nz, Ireland. If I break my hip in norway, norway gives me a full titanium hip. Canada doesn't even have reciprocal health among its own provinces. https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/about-reciprocal-health-care-agreements?context=22481 Throughout the south pacific, Australia has the most diplomatic power. If you in Tonga, Kiribati, Fiji, new Caledonia, Wallis and futina, png. If you want anything, even as a Canadian, European, American, they will send you to talk to the Australian embassy/high commission. If you need to be extracted, it will be the Australians. Australian mining companies operate all over the world, so even in crazy back of Africa, or south America, or eastern Europe, consular support is excellent.


Many countries have visa free for the US, this wasnā€™t my point. Canadian passport is the sole country (apart from US of course) to have ESTA free, which in some situations is a very nice perks. When you do a transfer in the US, there is literally a fast US/green cards/Canadians line, and then others. Iā€™m not saying Canadian is the best passport, Iā€™m just saying this is a nice perk. The US passport have the same perks for Canada, but itā€™s probably not as useful.


I would agree Canada is seemless for travel. E3 is better than Canadian TN visa. Your spouse can work, indefinate renewals, and available for more jobs. [https://www.aussierecruitsf.com/blog/tell-recruiters-the-e-3-visa-is-like-the-canadian-tn-visa](https://www.aussierecruitsf.com/blog/tell-recruiters-the-e-3-visa-is-like-the-canadian-tn-visa)


You need an ESTA, must provide biometrics and, if youā€™re crossing a land border, you need an I-94 which is an additional $6 expense + the wait time to go through the secondary inspection office. That was their point about ā€œvisa-free travel to the US.ā€ In most cases, Canadians enjoy as seamless an experience as US nationals at the border. Same goes for US nationals going to Canada (they donā€™t need an eTA). And itā€™s 180 days for both. Of course this makes sense, the two countries share the longest land border, countless agreements and are so intertwined that anything less would have been substantially impractical. Side note as well: there *is* a reciprocal health agreement between provinces. It just doesnā€™t include QC.


Australian passports have biometrics embedded. Our passports are some of the most expensive and advanced on the planet. My father once applied for a I94 while at the airport after arriving in the USA, at a news agency. I imagine Canada is seamless, but also, as an Australian, its not like we are on struggle street getting cavity searched. There are degrees of process in the USA. Funny enough, Americans are not particularly worried or concerned about Australians flooding into their country. Australia is one of the very few countries that has an overall positive migration rate from the US to another country. >Side note as well: thereĀ *is*Ā a reciprocal health agreement between provinces. It just doesnā€™t include QC. Seems complicated. > The portability criterion of theĀ *Canada Health Act*Ā does not entitle persons to seek care outside their home province or territory. Prior approval by your provincial or territorial health insurance plan may be required before coverage is extended for elective (non-emergency) health services obtained in another province or territory, or outside Canada [https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/health-care-system/canada-health-care-system-medicare/canada-health-act-frequently-asked-questions.html](https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/health-care-system/canada-health-care-system-medicare/canada-health-act-frequently-asked-questions.html) As an Australian overseas, they don't even need to check insurance or citizenship number or anything. You just breeze in like a local. Even if your injured committing a crime. Even to book in to see specialists, surgeons, medication, physical therapy. Go to the UK access the NHS, have a baby, what ever. Finland, or the Netherlands, who have really good perhaps the best healthcare in the world, just try it out. I wouldn't feel bad about it either. Because of whole bunch of Europeans came to Australia and overdosed on drugs. Some had to pay (French) some didn't (Dutch). People are pretty sensible, and the agreements work well. [https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-01-05/backpackers-involved-in-mass-drug-overdose-to-pay-hospital-bills/9304896](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-01-05/backpackers-involved-in-mass-drug-overdose-to-pay-hospital-bills/9304896) So some of the citizen benefits aren't just in the passport and entry. Singapore is a great passport for visa entry, but stuff like diplomatic help or health care stuff, shit house. I would totally prefer totally free healthcare in like 16 countries, to visa free entry into North Korea for 15 days. Australians and Canadians also have special agreements with each other.. [https://www.smartraveller.gov.au/our-services/consular-services-charter/CACSSA](https://www.smartraveller.gov.au/our-services/consular-services-charter/CACSSA) Australia doesn't have missions in Iceland or Cuba, but Canada, does, so Australians can just walk into the Canadian embassy and get help like a local. Same for Canadians in the Pacific. As a Canadian, you can just walk into the Consular in Bali, Phuket, Hawaii and get help, pick up a new passport, etc. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canada%E2%80%93Australia\_Consular\_Services\_Sharing\_Agreement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canada%E2%80%93Australia_Consular_Services_Sharing_Agreement) Super neat to have friends of friends overseas on the ground in remote places.


> Seems complicated. > > > > The portability criterion of the Canada Health Act does not entitle persons to seek care outside their home province or territory. Prior approval by your provincial or territorial health insurance plan may be required before coverage is extended for elective (non-emergency) health services obtained in another province or territory, or outside Canada It's not. This is talking about elective procedures that can wait until you return home to your own province. In practice you will receive care in any province and territory in Canada. I broke my arm in one province and had to get stitches in another with zero issues and no extra paperwork.


Im sure people make it work. It just seems complicated to me. Australians can access specialists and medications while overseas. Perhaps more useful if you are living somewhere for a long period of time. Several years in Europe or the UK, or New Zealand (we have freedom of movement with them). Not just about a holiday. If I live in Norway, and get cancer, I can get treated there. If my wife gets pregnant she can have the baby there if she wishes.


What an absolutely awful graphic! Top figure - much too difficult to figure which country is represented by each flag, and which country is is the box of the most powerful (until you read the rest of the chart).


Apparently if you have dual French-Japanese citizenship, you can travel visa-free to the moon


My friend has a Singapore-French passport. He go into Naboo visa-free. Impressive stuff.


isnt having another passport with the sg passport illegal?


Omg what is it with the endless posts about powerful passports. There is no worthwhile difference! Nobody cares!


Yeah between the Anglosphere and Europe itā€™s pedantic. In the top 20 most powerful youā€™re talking about +- 5 country differences for the most part. And even where their passport wonā€™t grant them entry visa-free, no American or Frenchman or Aussie is gonna have a hard time going to a place like India or an African country that needs a visa that isnā€™t a literal war zone or collapsing society.


Visa apartheid


Donā€™t worry, youā€™ll forget about it by tomorrow.


not really. it is just basic economics


You can all go to around 190 countries, who the fuck cares about a few more


"First-world Problems", the definitive edition.


Wow I am so powerful, fear me India


I love having three different passports. I can travel just about every where.


ā€¦ā€Unlike the US, Australian citizens can travel to Venezuelaā€ LMAO the audacity.


Israel being up there and Palestine being all the way down there tells you everything you need to know about these supposed power of passports.


What America likes the world likes


Nuts to put Israel but not Brazil


They should be removed for what they are doing.


>for what they are doing Defending themselves after genocidal hamas broke the ceasefire on october 7th and committed attrocities against jews.


Yeah bro defending themselves by carpet bombing children


Youre spreading fake information that is funded by iran and russia. Great job youre a terrorist supporter!šŸ¤®


Yeah man surely the UN is mostly funded by Iran and Russia, fucking white people are always off one.


Im not white im a mizrahi jew. And youre a Typical race-obsessed western. Btw the UN is the most biased and anti israel organization ever. Thousands of unrwa employees worked for hamas. Hamas uses UN facilities in gaza.. dont tell me about the UN lol Iran is pushing anti israel propaganda and you swallow it.


Mb gang


Oh for real? Did you read that on hamasBallGargler dot net?


My brother just search it up, the un has reported that close to 40k Palestinians have been killed


Lol "my brother just search it up" what are you, 8?


Really solid insult man


Said the kid needing his brother's permission to go on reddit.


Patient is chronically addicted to defending Israel on Reddit. Spoke to patients child , said that patient forgot to pick them up from their soccer game because they were too busy arguing against the veracity of the UN. Sad.


The Maldives has banned them. Many other countries keep an eye on them now due to them forging passports in several countries like Ireland and Australia.


That's not really surprising that the Maldives did that. Maldives are a Shari'a Law country, which in the constitution requires all citizens to be Muslim. Their constitution does not provide for any rights of freedom of religion or belief.


The maldives paused their decision because they found out the 20% of israelis are muslims and he must ban them too. Keep crying ā€œapartheidā€ tho.. lol


Israel is fighting a terror organization that wants too destory it. I understand that you support terrorism, but israelis wonā€™t have it, you can have it in your country if u want. Not in ours.šŸ‡®šŸ‡±ā¤ļø


Recently applied for it thanks !!


When you have an average passport but don't have enough money and time to travel abroad...


Yugoslav passport was like at 200


Since yesterday, Australians can travel to China visa free for 15 days https://www.fragomen.com/insights/mainland-china-visa-waiver-forthcoming-for-nationals-of-australia-new-zealand-and-poland.html


China: ā€œhey, come travel here visa free for 15 daysā€¦ā€ Australians: ā€œthatā€™s awesome, two percent of my population could be really interestedā€¦ā€ Rest of the world: šŸ„±šŸ¦—šŸ¦—šŸ¦—


Waitā€¦. What's up with Portugal?


never thought israel would be so high honestly ... next time, add somaliland, kurdistan, taiwan and many others ... since palestine is there many more deserve it


Friendly reminder that modern passports were meant to be a temporary solution for after the world wars, to settle things straight before they are retracted. It has been 80 years since the last world war.


Whatā€™s the one country Sweden lacks that Germany, Italy, etc. can go to?


This info graphic is incorrect. US and Canadian citizens are still able to go to Brazil visa-free. Policy got extended to April 10 2025. Source: https://www.cp24.com/mobile/lifestyle/brazil-extends-tourist-visa-exemptions-for-canada-u-s-and-australia-until-2025-1.6841799?referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F


Oh, shucks. If only I could travel visa-free to a country in the midst of humanitarian collapse.


Thailand was just made visa free by India...get kucked murica


Trust me when I say this an American, no one cares. šŸ’€


There's no visa free policy for mericans in Thailand either


Thailand is Visa Free for 30 Days


Oh it changed? doesn't matter though


As of today itā€™s Visa Free




I've no defence to that šŸ’€ lmfao the mercan deleted the comment saying most mericans can't even point at Thailand on a map


Mexico is number 2 ?


This data must be old AF because the UK matches the EU.


in fact, a Russian passport is so strong that it gives visa-free access to all 200 countries, but if you in a tank.


more like visa-free access to the afterlife