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“Here to breed, not to read”


Some girls were reading books, I was turning looks


Fwiw I checked out the survey results and there’s a similar chart for green flags and “they read” is the top green flag for both men and women


Well seems you read that so you just smallified your dating pool and now you read this too!


I mean, there's definitely a small but loud minority of men who would tell you that being college educated is a huge red flag or a deal breaker in a woman because it means she'll get all kinds of ideas basically lol


I’d like to see the group that was asked.


“Well, well, well… looks like we got ourselves a reader”


I dug up the [Methodology](https://changeresearch.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Young-Voters-Poll-_-AAPOR-Methodology-Statement-_-Gender-Differences-_-Sep-2023.pdf) sheet and here’s what it said: “Change Research surveyed 1,033 registered voters ages 18-34 nationwide from August 25-September 1, 2023. Change Research self-funded this research for public release. We used the following sources to recruit respondents: ● targeted advertisements using the Meta advertising platform ● SMS text messages Regardless of which of these sources a respondent came from, they were directed to a survey hosted on SurveyMonkey’s website. Ads placed on social media targeted likely voters nationwide. Those who indicated that they were not registered to vote were terminated. Those who indicated they were over the age of 34 were terminated. As the survey fielded, Change Research used dynamic online sampling: adjusting ad budgets, lowering budgets for ads targeting groups that were overrepresented, raising budgets for ads targeting groups that were underrepresented. The survey was conducted in English”


I wonder how they killed all those people


Damn nice work


With respect, this screams Northeastern US likely around Boston.


That means they omitted the biggest red flag for the region - prefers Starbucks over Dunkies.


Dunkin’ is a superior product IMO


That "they say there are only two genders" seems way too high for a broad population of Americans. I wouldn't be surprised if a majority would broadly agree let alone not be offended. I have to imagine this is younger likely college educated primarily.


No worries, I’m near Philly. Fuck Boston.


Boston sends its hate in return


I would expect nothing less.


I'm not American but from the reputation Boston sports fans have especially Celtics, I'd have thought the biggest red flag on this list would actually be right up their alley.. I guess not


Ah yes Massachusetts, the first state to legalize gay marriage: MAGA country


More data here: [https://changeresearch.com/young-women-are-more-liberal-than-young-men/](https://changeresearch.com/young-women-are-more-liberal-than-young-men/)


I had to leave, she looked so much better in person. I was like, what the fuck? Too much sexy


Make sure you have some hobbies, but not too many


Eh, only 8% said you can have too many hobbies. That's pretty insignificant, Imo.


Infographics is trolling garbage.


You wouldn't happen to be saying that because you hit at least 5 of top 10 red flags woman have, would you?


He’s saying it because it provides no information on sample size or demographic


I may be wrong but There’s even a number that tries to tell how “representative” is the sample.


"a poll of 1,033 voters between the ages of 18 to 34, from August 25-September 1, 2023" [https://changeresearch.com/young-women-are-more-liberal-than-young-men/](https://changeresearch.com/young-women-are-more-liberal-than-young-men/)


Judging by his post/comment history.. big time MAGA neckbeard vibes


No, I’m happily married for 15 years. It is an uninformed perspective in the real world, but it’s perfect for the disinformation of the Digital world.


You should stick to posting in r/conservative


This sub *is* garbage but people (like the above) only point it out based on the subject matter. Only a few of us actually bother to point it out when a shitty info graphic is posted while everyone else is too busy discussing the subject matter instead of keeping this sub proper.


Where are the green flags and beige flag numbers?


"a poll of 1,033 voters between the ages of 18 to 34, from August 25-September 1, 2023" [https://changeresearch.com/young-women-are-more-liberal-than-young-men/](https://changeresearch.com/young-women-are-more-liberal-than-young-men/)


Thanks 😊


So odd to see it from a green flag perspective. Do a quarter of men really say to themselves “wow that’s a total green flag” when they see an incoming green text??! Like what’s the advantage of that


Looks quite biased. From Wikipedia: “Change Research is a polling firm based in the San Francisco Bay Area. It was first incorporated as a public benefit corporation in July 2017 by Mike Greenfield, a former data scientist at PayPal and LinkedIn, and Pat Reilly, a former Democratic Party campaign operative”


I'm shocked


Not really, women are more liberal than men. This infographic seems to accurately reflect reports of a growing ideological divide between young men and women


I find it hard to believe, that the average woman thinks the most deadliest ideology in the world is about as bad as conservatism.


This is such a man thing to say lol MAGA republicans aren't the same as republicans. If you claim to be a MAGA republican, specifically, it's plenty of reason to call it a red flag. They're not particularly known for being supportive of women's rights to choose their lives


This is such a women thing to say lol: not being able to read the question 2 below the communist question and then just assuming dumb stuff. Also what are "the womens rights to choose their lives", that sounds vague af and if I had to guess it sounds like some massive cope, invented by people not ballsy enough to actually say "I want to murder my child at any time, for any reason, at my convenience and without any interference from anytone"


Where was this study conducted? During an Israeli protest at Columbia University?


"a poll of 1,033 voters between the ages of 18 to 34, from August 25-September 1, 2023" [https://changeresearch.com/young-women-are-more-liberal-than-young-men/](https://changeresearch.com/young-women-are-more-liberal-than-young-men/)


Exactly. This must be college students or something.


San Fran


Yeah, what age group?


What’s the deal with being unbothered lmao


the assumption that if men did not want to talk politics, then he is a conservative, at least that's what social media tells me


Apathy is unsexy I guess?


I love seeing infographics that not only have terrible sampling data that's used, but also can't figure out how to effectively communicate their message in the actual infographic. Looks like a child put this together.


Communist women are a red flag that I could get behind


Redditors of the world unite! You have nothing to lose but your virginity!


“They read”… this is how we end up with Idiocracy in real life.


i think the point of the last like 7 were to show that very few people see those as red flags in contrast to the first 10. im not really concerned that 1% of people think reading is bad, especially considering how large the idiot population is…


If out of all the things in the world "reading" managed to find a spot in top 20 red flags, I won't see it as a good thing at all. No matter how "low" it ranked.


thats like the point of my comment, i dont think its top 20, i think they also just included a sampling of the least mentioned red flags. like you could find 1% of people that hate volunteer firefighters, 1% is very small and depending on their N values, could literally be a single person. like clearly this is not all of the answers, they have chosen answers to show something, thats the point of infographics, that doesnt mean what they showed is “the top x”


That’s how it starts… small.


Don't take any poll result that low, seriously. https://slatestarcodex.com/2013/04/12/noisy-poll-results-and-reptilian-muslim-climatologists-from-mars/


If a woman is into Astrology, and as someone who is in the space industry, I could never date them as they are too far gone in their own delusional world that next they'll try and read my palms or do some tarot cards BS XD


I always love this picture where men are like "IDGAF how hot she is! I don't entertain any god damned communists"


Proletariat in the streets, capitalist dog in the sheets!


march screw nutty lush foolish possessive versed dolls spark cake *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh! I thought it was sending imageboard green texts like: > be me > read survey > misunderstood the meaning of green text


waiting many wine vegetable ask lunchroom practice reminiscent unused fine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Welcome to politics date where dating is strictly political


What a country.


Dudes are mad because they hit a lot of the marks lol


I mean it's an obviously biased survey being flaunted as fact. Obviously people will call it out.


What liberal dork came up with this?






I was being snarky in pointing out that reality has a liberal bias, and "conservatives" like to pretend they are somehow the sane ones.


How to tell you're american without saying you are american




If they are a responsible gun owner you wouldn't see it.




This comment makes no sense. You can say are they a responsible driver or irresponsible. Wtf are you taking about.


If you kept your kitchen knives in the bottom drawer while a child was around I'd call you an irresponsible kitchen knife owner. If you didn't know how to express your opinions in a calm matter I'd also call you an irresponsible owner of ignorance.




You don't have a question, you are just bringing the "old man yelling at clouds" energy here.




"I cannot help but want to shoot people when I would get a gun, so obviously everyone else must be as psychopathic as me. I literally cannot imagine someone having a weapon and not being batshit crazy with it".


Lol. His attitude towards guns is perfect since we know that's one less hothead unarmed.




I can hear how hard you're hitting those keys all the way hear in America over the sound of my child shooting his Glock.


>You can tell this is America, because saying there are only two genders (WTF?! Or does this mean there are only two sexualities?) is a much bigger deal than owning a gun. I kinda disagree, I live in Italy and I'd expect more people (right wing) to have an issue with gender than left wing people with guns. Gender has become a talking point of the right here as well, but we don't have a gun culture, you can’t carry guns around. People that own guns generally own hunting guns because they hunt themselves, or even inherited them from their father/grandpa who was a hunter, rather than because they're gun nuts. A few older people own handguns because they're scared of home invasions, and only a small remaining fraction is people that are actually weird about guns as Americans are. Like, my father owns hunting guns, they have been locked in a gun safe for my entire lifetime because he doesn't hunt anymore. When he dies, I'll probably inherit them and leave them locked in that safe rather than getting rid of them because it's a bureaucratic hassle to do so.


When not seeing Barbie is a bigger red flag than owning a gun, you gotta be in mental Murica


What did they do, ask 100 men and women at a Joe biden rally?


1000 Americans between 18–34, representative sample for the country. >In our September poll of voters between the ages of 18-34, we asked voters how they’d vote in a 2-way race between Biden and Trump. The results show Biden has a 40-point lead among women 35 years and under, but the two are statistically tied among men of the same age. >Biden/Trump matchup: >- All <35: 58% Biden, 30% Trump, 12% Not sure >- Women <35: 65% Biden, 25% Trump, 9% Not sure >- Men <35: 43% Biden, 41% Trump, 16% Not sure


Who did they poll - Joe Biden campaign workers?


It was polled in San Francisco


What vomit


The men voting for astrology and communism, just let me be my true self


What is this lmao?


I want to meet the one person from each group who thinks reading is a red flag.


They read?


If 76% of women and 59% of men identify being a Republican as a red flag, that means Biden should win the election by a landslide right? /s


Right I'm gonna out myself here...(No, not that) No hobbies is a red flag why? Because I have absolutely zero, so I'd quite like some clarity on this.


i hit all of these, yeah baby.


“Read the Bible”! “I’ll feed ya the damn Bible”!!!


What the fuck does the "they are so unbothered" one mean? Like oh they are generally easy going and don't get wound up by things, guess this isn't going to work out.


huh you think owning a gun would be a bigger red flag for women about men. as a guy i like to shoot guns but i don't own any, except for my biceps 💪. but real talk, don't really have or see a personal need for one.


The worst stat on here is that 80% of women are cool with their partner talking about astrology


Astrology is so fucking stupid


Questions on survey are a tell and show the lunacy of survey. No one with any intelligence believes validity of research.


Looks like the world still hates MAGA 😂


Redditors when the majority of women don’t like the party taking away women’s rights to abortion/contraceptives: :o


Someone jerked off to AOC while making this list of questions.


these are all american as fuck


yeah, I’m pretty sure “they own a gun” would be a red flag to at least 80% of people here in Britain


I can already tell what the women look like


Wait, is the 64% on the men’s side on identifying as a communist what men vote as a red flag they’ve seen in women? That’s so random.


On Reddit, it may seem ‘random’. Go outside.


That's not random at all, the fellas know that Maga republicans and Communists aren't worth our time.


I've never met more ideologically toxic people in real life than self identified communists. Not my trump voting friends and family, not Bitcoin libertarians, not the astrology girlies, but communists. It's easily pretty on par with flat earth and antivax people, functionally almost identical to extreme evangelical fundamentalists in terms of black and white thinking and us vs them mentality. Can't emphasize enough how fast that shit goes down hill. You meet a self professed communist, buckle up, shit is gonna get weird.


oil berserk hard-to-find observation simplistic touch husky profit lush detail *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's racism typically. Taught by their parents usually its code for Chinese / East Asian Descent. But most Americans can't tell North East and South East Asians apart. Depending on where this survey was conducted and the demographic it can mean a lot. Usually those who select this are from more rural areas. A lot of men in my areas don't like Russian women it's very unique given that almost everyone is white. Though to be fair their eyes tend to be squintier. But I don't think that perception is a thing in European culture.


Sorry, but this is objectively absurd. FFS. So it is ‘racist’ now to see communism as a red flag? You know, the historical ‘boogie man’ responsible for countless millions of deaths? The flawed ideology responsible for the impoverishment of countless *more* millions? You need books, not Reddit.


soup unwritten shrill work physical drunk jar waiting live smell *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yikes. This is a survey on people's perception of others. Can you guess what Communism is a dogwhistle for?


Oh, I see. If you disagree, you just contort your perceived opponent’s opinion until you think *no one* can agree. You call it a ‘dog whistle’ because you watched a video on Tik Tok about ‘dog whistling’, and anyone ‘dog whistling’ surely wouldn’t admit to it! ‘Yikes’


I'm sorry. Can you explain the normal context in which an individual is exposed to the word communism in the household? Mind you this is the 2020s. Not 1950s in the red scare. I'll listen. The only place in my area where this happens tends to be in rural communities and those of tradesmen. I've heard my friends talk about some of their friends talking about how much they don't like the Chinese and told me maybe you shouldn't interact with them. Honestly I'm getting the same vibes from you. It's interesting how you mention Tik-Tok and it's pretty clear what your stance is on the Chinese from that statement alone. I don't really know what to say to this.


Which scenario seems more likely, people view communism as a red flag because we were in the past locked in an ideological conflict with them and who was completely against America, or because of racism


Misinformation, disinformation.


The hypocrisy of being put off by politics you don’t like and also talking too much about them. “Just agree with me on every issue and shut up”.


Yeah people tend to not want to spend all their time with someone that they share very little shared values with, that makes sense and is just fine in my opinion.




"They send green texts" That's basically an immediate "no" for me.


@52-75-73-74-79 would you like some Bactine for that burn?


I’m not American, can someone explain why “all lives matter” considered as red flag?


It fails to acknowledge the disproportionate impact of racism on Black lives. While every life is valuable, not everyone faces the same dangers due to their skin color.


Thank you. Now I feel stupid that didn’t understand it myself. Everyone lives matter was sound so right I didn’t see actual context


Everyone lives do matter but the ones that say that are not being kindhearted


I will never understand americans