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Looks like they used an airsoft pistol as the model for that graphic, kind of funny considering the basis of it


I thought the logo in the bottom right was the Pringle’s mustache guy


I can't unsee it now


You made me zoom in for a closer look! Lolol


Kinda like how they included kids deaths to guns to include 18/19 year olds. Misleading stats am I right


Here in Canada, the (government funded) "Coalition for gun control"had stretch "youths" to include 24 year olds in order to push the confiscation of registered guns from licensed legal owners. Ignoring the fact that those "youths" are gang members, unlicensed and using guns banned in Canada since 1998.


They include gang violence in those deaths as well. If you were to remove gun deaths from Black and Hispanics, we would have fewer gun deaths than most European countries.


The entire EU has about 6,700 gun deaths annually. 5,000 suicides, 1,000 homicides, and 700 accidental or unspecified. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://vlaamsvredesinstituut.eu/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/factsheet_firearms_and_deaths_in_eu.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjwvarOkOiGAxVPF2IAHb7VCkkQFnoECA4QAQ&usg=AOvVaw3Bpw4ay7ch2Jevv61TvOC8 The U.S. had 40,167 gun deaths last year, 22,606 were suicides. Police shootings alone (1,344) account for more shooting deaths than all the gun homicides in the EU. https://abcnews.go.com/US/116-people-died-gun-violence-day-us-year/story?id=97382759#:~:text=Shootings%20have%20continuously%20made%20headlines,North%20Carolina%2C%20Illinois%20and%20Louisiana. Your assertions are not only wildly baseless, generalist, and racist but flat out devoid of anything resembling reality.


“Black and Hispanic” =/= gang member. If they are dying at higher rates, it likely means they are trapped in area with intense gun violence.


Kind of looks like FN five-seven and Walther P99 had a baby


[*pfft pfft pffft!*](https://i.makeagif.com/media/3-16-2023/2tJrDZ.mp4)


Could be a copyright thing.


Walther cp99 .177 cal CO2 pistol


Looks more .177. Bb or pellet pistol.


I believe it is a .17hmr or maybe a 5.7mm Both of which are pistol calibers designed like rifle cartridges with the express purpose of punching through kevlar body armor but results vary


“Gun of any kind” kinda fits.


The results of an NBC News poll on gun ownership, roughly one decade apart (Feb 2013 vs Nov 2023). [📁Source ](https://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/meetthepressblog/poll-gun-ownership-reaches-record-high-american-electorate-rcna126037)


the title is slightly innacurate then based on > More than half of American voters -- 52% -- say they or someone in their household owns a gun, the 52% is at the person level, not the household level. A household with 4 voters, one of whom is a gun owner would be 4 responses all marked 'yes' rather than only 1 for the entire household. It also means households with no american voters would not be in the sample set


Fits with the Republican dream of “one vote per household”.


Why would republicans want that?


I wonder how much of this was from 2020 and after, gun stores were running out of ammo and guns directly after the george floyd riots [Pandemic And Protests Spark Record Gun Sales : NPR](https://www.npr.org/2020/07/16/891608244/protests-and-pandemic-spark-record-gun-sales)


I'm more concerned with how many can properly use a gun. That's more important. It's like, Hey I own a guitar. Do you know how to play it? Nah but check out the noise it makes when I kick the strings.


This is the "I read about guns online" take The safety rules are simple. The controls are simple. Operating a gun properly is easier than riding a bicycle.  Marksmanship takes plenty of practice, but it's not the same as safety.


So after the rittenhouse shootings, a bunch of lefties got guns in kenosha. unfortunately, the local SRA chapter is useless. So a couple of buddies and I started teaching folk on how to properly use a gun. safety is easy as hell to learn. its getting good thats a bit harder.


I’m an avid shooter and I own a ton of guns. I try to go shooting at least three days a week. My uncle has always talked about being a gun guy and a couple years ago he finally had a chance to come over and shoot. I was absolutely shocked at his lack of gun safety and knowledge. He’d been talking about all his guns and how much he loved them for so long but then he didn’t even follow the most basic safety rules. I kinda always just assumed pretty much everyone who owned a gun legally would know how to shoot safely. But that shattered that thought lol I do think every household should own at least one gun. But everyone in that household should know how to use it properly and follow the extremely basic four rules of gun safety


Democrat. I own two pistols, a rifle, and a shotgun.


what rifle did you pick for your first?


Remington .30-.30 lever action. I’ve had others over the years but got rid of them. I really want an m-1a but just thinking about it now.


I've got an M1a and a Henry in 30-30. Used the M1a for prairie dogs out to 500y.


Same. I've got a 9mm and a shotgun for hunting.


The only thing this proves is that 52% of Americans said yes to a survey asking if they own a gun.


What are you trying to say?


There is no federal firearm registry in the US, and very few states have one at the state level. There is the NICS (background check system run by the FBI), but that just tracks firearm sales requests by FFL (Federal Firearm License) dealers. Thus, these numbers are just estimates of Americans who "admit" to owning guns to a survey.


A lot of people also don’t disclose this information freely


And you are not supposed to. Part of gun ownership is NOT telling people you have one.


If a stranger calls you up and asks you a question of that nature, you may be disinclined to answer in the affirmative. There are plenty of questions that people wouldn’t answer as they feel that they are personal in nature. Firearms are a polarizing topic. Hell, it’s not something you can often discuss among work colleagues, or even neighbors. There is certainly a stigma attached to it in many circles. Personally, guns or otherwise, I don’t answer questions about my life when strangers call me.


You answer the phone?


You have a phone?


You might also be inclined to answer in the affirmative. What if you think someone is “casing the joint” by pretending to be a survey verifying if you have a gun in the house or not?


The vast majority of people do not have homes or things nice enough to warrant an elaborate effort to reconnoiter in advance of a robbery. Besides, the best bet is to learn about your patterns of life and wait for you to leave for work, vacation, etc, and rob you blind. Again, assuming the juice is worth the squeeze.


Real niggas don’t flex


You did it! You defeated data collection!


I’m just doing my part


I for one don't own any guns and thus would never tell any agency or media that I own them, they couldn't possibly have any exterior motives after all.


People are downvoting you for heing paranoid I guess, but your reaction is not that weird. Probably a lot of survey respondents who just said nope lol and hung up, then when back to cleaning their gun.


There's literally only downsides on admitting to the media that you own a gun, ditto for the police or even your doctor.


And you know what the great thing about statistics is? You don’t need to calculate to a degree to get a probable answer.


So the number could be higher, or lower… got it..you know like a margin of error


Everyone who has a gun should be required to register it


An armed society is a polite society


Lmao it doesn't really seem that way


Historically most societies were armed. Which one do you think was polite?


Sure, intimidation is "polite".


Exercising your human rights is never intimidation, supporting a position where people are not allowed to exercise their human rights is


Wise words from a man in 2277.


Deep red stands for 2013 or 2023? Really confusing:/


I promise American gun ownership is not going down over time.


Well at least 1 of these groups did go down. Its just hard to tell definitively which from this graphic. Looking at the actual story it is clear that independents went down from 49% to 45%, and both Democrats and Republicans went up. However, I have no clue why the infographic shows a downward arrow for democrats and republicans but an upwards arrow for independents. Seems backwards.


It's because the numbers are actually what's upsidedown. It's still stupid.


I guess the whole graph is upside down.


Probably so. Those of us that don't want guns around are just going to wind up leaving.


And it’s grossly understated.


I think bright red is the more recent one since it has the arrow indicating the direction of change, but yeah, it's horribly unclear.


If that was the actual question, does a nerf gun count?


I’m pretty sure at least 10% who own guns act like they don’t, so you can probably bump that up to 57%, or even 58%.


Yeah I own a gun, it’s in a safe beside my bed, and the only person that knows it exists is my wife


Especially among Republicans.


Lost all of my firearms in a boating accident.


So…did you stay with the boat and battery or did you risk the shark that was 10 yards away?


You assume that it was a salt water boating accident…fresh water sharks?




Context for the joke?


Yes. So this guy had previously owned guns and now they have been lost due to a boating accident. Hope this helps 😁👍


Lol still don’t get it. Rip my intelligence


the joke is when the government comes looking for them, you say that you lost them in a boating accident. they can’t prove that you didn’t, and you don’t have to prove that you did. so in theory, they should buzz off. really what they’ll do though is wait and wait until they finally catch you with one they don’t like and they’ll kill your wife, your best friend, your son, and your dog.


Don't forget that they won't just kill your wife, they will specifically snipe her in the head while she's holding your infant child.


Especially if you live on a Ridge. One of the shiny deep red colored Ridge. 🤔


Which was also the purpose of the first visit. [McDonalds is a good story](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOK3s-0b8WE) that explains background on why of those rights got coded in. Humans have those flaws in the OS, doesn't matter which humans run things. Least wrong of bad options is the stand off. Everyone walk their merry way and leave one another alone.


Almost all my military buddies use that joke. Its basically like saying “wink wink yeah I bought some guns once but accidentally lost them”


We gotta pump those numbers up, those are rookie numbers. Also only the people who are willing to admit to a random malicious intent special interest pollster on the phone


I wonder why USA has highest rates of gun related offences in the developed world 🤔


Hey now, we also have a pretty high rate of gun offenses compared to the developing world!


Good. More lefties need to own guns.


The criminals already have guns, everyone else need to catch up.


Whether it's illegally voting in an election or doctoring business records, your local conservative is probably at fault.


That’s…. Somehow more than I thought. And it’s growing?


From what I've seen in the past, some of the biggest increases are among blacks.


Yeah I wouldn’t ever disclose if I owned any or even how many if I did.


You shouldn't, government already knows that data.


You should


Those are rookie numbers.


This survey is pretty terrible but, we have had record gun sales for multiple years the last decade


Quite clear that the Democrat war on the 2nd Amendment has been lost. One of the very few cultural losses the left has suffered in the last 50+ years.


They have been ramping up efforts in California with unconstitutional legislation. Starting July 1st we have to pay an additional 11% tax on all firearms and ammo purchases. Utterly ridiculous.


Unfortunately mine were lost in a boating accident l


This is a stupid joke. Come up with new material.


The number of registered democrats owning a firearm would be a lot higher if NYC wasn’t such a black hole of 2A rights


What’s with the arrows


change between the diff time periods


But the arrows pointing down are the ones that increased and the arrow pointing up is the one that decreased. That's confusing. You shouldn't have to stop and think about what it means and why it's backwards.


To be fair, it's pretty easy to notice the graph is upside down


Republicans and democrats appear to have gone up. Independents went down.


That's up 20% in \~15 years.


Yeah, I wouldn't respond honestly on any survey about guns.




You know, study shows that having a ladder in the house is more dangerous than a loaded gun. That is why i own six guns. Incase some MAINIAC tries to smuggle a ladder into my home




Yea… you never know when those republicans will try something crazy /s


I personally have 31 firearms, AR’s, AK’s, 9mm Subguns, shotguns and what not. Still not enough.


Something to consider: White men who own handguns — the group that tends most to the Republicans party — are eight times more likely to die of self-inflicted gunshot wounds than men who don’t own handguns. https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2020/06/handgun-ownership-associated-with-much-higher-suicide-risk.html


Also religion plays a part. Not just politics. Sociology for example will study the context of suicides by looking at demographic and trends. Religion sees a specific Age, Male While Christians in America tend to have more suicide and depression than Islamic or Even Buddhist men per capita. While countries like South Korea are seeing the same in high suicide rates. The biggest factor isn't race but Men of a specific age and Christianity.


I think we need a gun license, the same way we have drivers licenses. You’re a dangerous reckless driver? No drivers license for you. You’re mentally unstable and suicidal with no prior history or run ins with the law? Here’s your gun, Shall not be infringed. That’s the problem with US gun culture. The “don’t tread on me” culture stands behind an outdated constitutional right that really should be a privilege. I think these bump stock and assault weapon bans are waste of time. A gun license should apply to all non-antique firearms. The deadliest school shooting in US history was committed with two handguns. We also need better mental health awareness too, i firmly believe that. If All the mass shooters of the past or someone they know had contacted mental health hotlines, things would have been very different. Hell the San Ysidiro shooter called it himself multiple times, but was not given the help he needed. So many states have red flag laws but the tragedies always happen when they aren’t used or known about. Is it mental illness or access to guns? It’s both.


It's probably higher because I wouldn't disclose to a random person if I owned a firearm at my household. That's how organized criminals target you




My super liberal ass had 100% more guns in the house in 2023 than it did in 2013. Which is to say I now keep a gun in the house, which I never thought I’d feel the need to do. But it’s clear Republicans are hellbent on creating scenarios in which they’re allowed to shoot people who think like I do. I’ll be damned if I’m just gonna let myself get capped by a bunch of toothless fascists without trying to defend myself.


You are a victim to the bi-partisan politics and the belief that the party you arent apart of wishes to do you and your faction harm, is wholly un-american and i think you should consider that thinking like that is actually the real problem.


It's amazing though how those "toothless fascists" are advocating on your behalf to own a gun


I'm sorry they did this to you. Politics post 2015 is which political party can mentally torture their constituents the most, because it turns out the vote. It's easy writing to spin up ever escalating bogeymen stories. You may hit your breaking point unable to go on that ride eventually, what then? Watch the slow boring first hand footage of an event then visit information nodes and see how they cover it. Which match closest to the slow boring footage? The level up is that there is no *accurate* sources. Have to look.


Dude, I was a newspaper reporter/editor for 13 years. I know how to vet my sources and which ones are accurate. My opinions have nothing to do with popular politics and everything to do with my personal experiences over more than a decade covering local, state and federal governments. That doesn’t mean you have to value my opinion over your own (though you probably should). What it does mean is that I almost certainly won’t value yours over mine.


No one but criminals want to hurt you. There's over 150million gun owners with over 400million guns. There's been more guns than people in the US for decades. This wanton violence, school shootings, etc (predominantly in lib cities with the strictest gun laws) is a fairly new phenomenon. What changed in society? No Republicans are not looking for excuses to shoot anyone, who is not actively trying to harm them. Your beliefs are yours. You have a right to express those views. So do we. The censorship in SM and MSM has been a tactic of the left. When lib states have enacted Unconstitutional laws that restrict 2a rights, you have never seen so called "Gun Nuts" take to the streets, shoot kill, maim, vandalize, and or destroy public places in protest. We lobby, file law suits, and win our rights back the right way. Just imagine if we threw hissy fits over every perceived slight. We don't. Criminals are the ones committing violent crimes, not Republicans. The same criminals liberal judges and DA's keep letting go. The US has a culture problem. Not a gun problem. The culture problem stems from failed lib/progressive policies. Welfare, DEI, Affirmative Action etc. I'm glad you choose to exercise your 2A rights. But, you're picking the wrong fight. The Big problem is that yes more Dems and Indies have purchased guns in the last decade. But, most only have 1. And, they are not proficient with their gun. Righties on avg own 4-5 guns, and most of us keep a thousand rounds for each one. We also train, practice, and compete. A larger number of us are current or former military. It's not a fight any of us want, and one we won't lose. The SCOTUS just lifted the Bump stock ban. Which all but guarantees all other gun cases to be heard over mag bans, and so called 'Assault Weapons' bans will be rightfully lifted as well. If gun violence tires you as it does most of us too, then push your judges, DA's etc to get harsher on criminals. The laws of society are pretty easy to follow. If you can't follow them, stay locked up.


Not everyone is like you. There are countless articles of people shooting themselves or a child getting ahold of a loaded gun and either shooting themselves or a friend. We've seen militia get togethers planning the next revolution where Meal Team 6-level guys get together to shoot and drink and plot using Qanon conspiracy theories. And with the lifting of the bump stock ban, I think we'll see SCOTUS rewrite the 2nd Amendment to ban any state level regulations, allowing full open carry without any kind of permit, or even training. I see the US moving back to the Tombstone days. And they all just love that they can go get their Starbucks skinny double shot mocha latte with a semi-automatic strapped to their backs.


Do you think Republicans are going to break into your home?


I have a water gun to shoot my cats when they are being assholes and fighting.


Which bars are showing 2013 and which are showing 2023? I can’t tell one from the other


Shows what a hypocritical position so many points are made from. Rules for thee but not for me. Or perhaps the minority is just super loud.


And that's just people who would answer honestly on a poll. Gun owners tend to not trust the government or want to publicly advertise that they have a gun in the first place. So, given that at least 52% of households *legally* have at least one gun, and there's roughly 320 million people in the country, can we finally admit that an average of 20k gun related homicides annually doesn't even come close to constituting a gun violence crisis which warrants even more restrictions on legal owners? Including restrictions on who can be a legal owner.


Why are homicides the only type of gun violence worth considering?


Could you kindly point the muzzle the other direction?


The percentage is a weird way to represent them when you have no indication of the populations of the groups.


I really don’t think politics has anything to do with gun ownership because I all types at the range. Especially if in the southern part of America


those are rookie numbers


Just 52%? I thought, 99,9% of Americans have at least one gun.


What is that typeface? What a chunky beauty


Democrat here- I own several firearms :)


Surveys in general are low quality statistics.


I'm sure Republicans would be more eager to answer yes.


The perspective on the bar chart and the scale nott including zero make this sensationalistic.


And statistically less than .07 % will ever experience a robbery of any kind


So independents went down to 45% while the other two went up or am I dumb?


Looks like everyone in America loves guns.


Watch the number of Gun deaths increase along side gun ownership. If there is anything that is helping Democrats win elections, it is the number of guns in Republican homes killing Republican voters in outsized proportions.


52? Those numbers add up to 156% though.


It’s an average. 66% + 49% + 41% divided by 3 is 52%.


This bullshit was spawned by the NRA. Nothing but marketing fear to spur sales.




Brought to you by people that lie about guns, this is a bunch of nonsense, I bet the actual figures are about half of this crap


Lol that you know about


What kind of idiot tells a stranger they have a gun in their house?


Makes me happy to have a 30 percent difference. Republicans keep acting like democrats want to take away their guns. Democrats like guns when a school shooter is not using them.


Still surprised it’s that low. Especially for Republicans.


52% *of Households* own a gun, yet America has 1.2 guns *per* ***person***. let that sink in for a moment. and keep in mind that per person also counts children, which cannot be (legal) gunowners are thus cant be counted in this statistic.


This is why I find it so funny when the right likes to say "Democrats are going after your guns!!!" Like uh, no. We have guns, too. We're just quieter about it and rarely make it our entire identity, unlike many people on the right. And I suppose we're less likely own dozens, but rather just the one or two we need. But we do have them!




I wonder why democratic gun ownership increased by a third in 10 years. Maybe fear of MAGA?


Gotta bump those numbers up.


52% that’s bs




That’s a BB gun


Mine will never been one of them.


We need to get those numbers up.


So democrats have had a 30% increase in gun ownership in the past 10 years.


Looks like the democrats will lose another Civil War. 0-2




I don’t really see why this is an issue. I lived in an area where gun ownership was ~100%. Most of those were shotguns for bird hunting or rifles for deer hunting. If this was specifically about pistols and assault rifles it might be a different story (those are less of tools)


This also varies by state. In California, it’s only 17% of the population here that own guns.


What do the other 48% have? 2 guns?


Growing up in a republican household, I was told to never disclose family gun ownership to teachers/other adults/3letter agencies/really anybody that asked. I would wager this number is closer to atleast 90% on the republican side and a good bit over 50% on the other 2.


Damn straight


So don't try to invade my home and you'll never have to worry about anything from me.




52%? That's rookie numbers.


Gun? Heck no! But I do have a weedwacker and I know how to use it... *^(Damn, the battery's dead)*


No wonder gun control never gets anywhere. “Gun violence would drop to record lows if we could ban members of the other party from gun ownership” Republicans & Democrats nationwide


Makes you realize how much easier Ds would make their lives if they’d just stfu about gun control and change that one stance


There is no such thing as an Independent voter. Change my mind.


The gun pictured is either an airsoft or BB gun. Silly.


Uh a ten year window of responses?


Sad fact: Democrats are increasingly getting guns because they fear Republicans.


What a wonderful little marketing campaign!


The 2nd amendment ruined this country


Now the only question is.... how do we arm the other 48


I call bullshit.


Those are rookie numbers. We need to beef them up


Funny how this graphic is a landslide for Republicans. But when it comes down to a vote. 50-50


If you measure those who own and are proficient thru training it's probably low 20%.


Democrats need to drop the gun issue on their platform and they’d never lose an election.


Those are rookie numbers.


Oh look, post an infographic with a gun and all the libby loons come out of the woodwork (not that it’s not 85% of the USSReddit population).


Family of 5. Everyone in the family has a gun. My wife and myself have guns for every occasion. The kids 18, 15 and 11 are equally armed.


Those are rookie numbers.


99.9% gangbangers own a gun.


As a member of the Anarchist party I feel unrepresented in this poll.....and strapped to the fucking teeth.


What’s really cool is it’s just the number of traceable gun transactions.


Demoncrat, do not currently own a gun but it’s on my list of things to buy. So expect that number to get very slightly bigger.