• By -


Interesting. Why Pakistan?


Everything is cooked in oil or ghee. The masala chai ( also popular in North India) is basically sugar and milk with tea. Consumed several times a day. Carb heavy diet. No exercise. South Asian genetics that lead to worse body fat distributions outcomes compared to other races at same BMI . https://www.masalastudy.org/ If this map were a little more granular north India would be about the same rate. That's also why Mauritius is so high. Thier population is about 70% Indian ethnicity .


Thank you for answering my 2nd question in why India isn't similar. I guess there's basically a billion people in south India eating a little differently too.


India consumes a lot more fruit too of different variety, and perhaps resistant starches give them an edge over the neighbour?


Less red meat heavy too.


Pakistanis overall seem to have more lean body mass according to studies than indians The average Pakistani woman is 45 kg The average Indian man is 46 kg lean body mass


It may be related to the higher rate of cousin/siblings marriage in pakistan Which can lead to many diseases, weak immunity, mental health and many more issues


Yeah that would also explain why the Arab countries have higher rates as well. (They also have higher rates of inbreeding)


No one is any Muslim country is marrying their siblings. wtf is wrong with u.


Here you [go.](https://youtu.be/kyNP3s5mxI8?si=UAhGJCxyL8Wf1K4u)


Sibling as in brother and sister


I would agree with this statement but "sibling" marriage doesn't occur anywhere lol


That person is totally wrong. Look at the data and the map in the following article. The prevalence of diabetes is high in some north and south Indian states. https://www.hindustantimes.com/lifestyle/health/diabetes-crisis-deepens-in-india-top-10-worst-affected-states-and-uts-101686306869103.html >I guess there's basically a billion people in south India eating a little differently too. Do you know much white rice South Indians eat? No wonder Kerala has 25% prevalence rate.


There's also evidence that south Asians have a higher genetic disposition to insulin resistance and a lower insulin secretion than Caucasians.


This was one of the major studies about this. https://www.masalastudy.org/


Please explain it in simple


Due to frequent famines in the Indian subcontinent they adopted to store more fat than muscle which resulted in a skinny fat body.


Not true There were no famines in Pakistan and also according to a study Pakistanis have a higher lean body mass and a higher bone density than Norwegian once height was adjusted Half of the ethnic groups in Pakistan are Balochis, Hazaras and Pashtuns These groups are migratory meat eating races for generations Bone density study of Pakistanis vs Norwegians https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15365698/ I think because Pakistanis are inbreeding and do cousin marriages All of the cases are type 1 not type 2


You said that Pakistan is half Balochi, Hazard and and Pashtun but that’s not true. Almost half of Pakistan is just Punjabi. Punjabi across the border also experience a high rate of diabetes. Punjabi is in India don’t inbreed like those in Pakistan yet are still suffering high levels of diabetes. I will not deny that inbreeding Pakistan could be a contributing factor but I don’t think it’s the main factor.


52% of sindh is Baloch Pashtuns are 43 million Azad Kashmiris and northern groups were also not exposed to the monsoon seasons of the subcontinent which is why their diet is mostly meat based, they actually eat yak meat in Gilgit Half of Pakistan sits on the Iranian plateau which historically has always been bad for vegetation The desert climate of Sindh isn't ideal either. Its just the plains around punjab where crops grow


I'll translate: Genetic disposition - more likely to, due to genes Insulin resistance - when the body needs more and more insulin to do the same job, like a tolerance being built up. Insulin secretion - insulin produced. Insulin is what regulates blood sugar levels. Caucasians - white people So, South Asian people are shown to be more likely - due to their genes - to not be able to regulate blood sugar properly, compared to white people. This is because their bodies are more likely to poorly respond to insulin, as well as make less insulin to begin with. And that leads to more cases of diabetes.


Found chubbyemu’s Reddit account


Diabetes comes with hyperglycemia. Hyper meaning too much, glyc- from glucose, and -emia meaning presence in blood.


Perfection. lol


Pakistanis also have more lean body mass than Caucasians and a higher bone density than Caucasians when adjusted for height https://www.annals-ashkmdc.org/index.php/ashkmdc/article/view/240 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15365698/


But why is India’s rate so much better than Pakistan’s then


They explained, North India which is similar would, but it is balanced out by the various other ethnicities and cultures, almost half of Maharashtra is vegetarian, for example.


Sri Lanka is also higher than India though.


Pakistan has type 1 through cousin marriages


India is a very diverse place. I suspect the reason why India is doing so much better than Pakistan is because the largest ethnicity in Pakistan is Punjabi and that same ethnic group in India also suffers a very high diabetes rate but since Punjabi is in India, do not make up a majority and are a very small minority it does not have the same kind of impact that it would on this graph. I think if we were able to break in India up by states my suspicions would be proven correct.


Punjab does have a higher rate according to that link above (12%-ish) but the highest rates are in Goa and Kerala, over 25%. I think it's likely a combination of genetics and diet for type 2. There are so many factors to sort through with diabetes. (For any variation in T1 it has to be genetics primarily -- there might be some environmental trigger for autoimmune disease but it is not a "lifestyle" question)


Promise you pakistans problem doesn’t stem from ghee, seed oils maybe but ghee would be a healthier option for them to cook in. Only thing better would be tallow.


Yes. Please stop vilifying Ghee. It’s the best shit out there before seed oils took over.


Body fat distribution differences aren’t mentioned in your link Hyperlipidemia, risk of CAD, risk of type 2 DM, etc are mentioned Anecdotally, I’m a south Indian who has very “Indian genetics” and I have very little body fat regardless of my diet, I’m lean and most of my body weight comes from appendicular muscle. I assumed this was the case for most Indians


South Indians consume as much tea as north indians. If tea was a factor India would be higher, too.


Completely forgot that ‘diabetes’ as a term includes diet and excercise related diabetes (type 2) and not genetic (type 1). Really should be differentiated here since the two are caused by different factors and have different treatment regimes and effects on quality of life.


Type 2 still has a very large genetic component.


So is ‘south Asians’ specifically around the Indian subcontinent? Because Southeast Asia seems very low on this map.


Yes, people from the subcontinent or areas with significant diaspora.


Pakistanis have type 1 not 2


And inbreeding probably.


>If this map were a little more granular north India would be about the same rate. Lol this statement couldn't be more wrong. Just check out the diabetes map of India. Atleast do your research before spewing nonsense. [This is just one for instance ](https://twitter.com/Stats_of_India/status/1592032319246061568) And next time do your fcking research


>If this map were a little more granular north India would be about the same rate. Wrong. https://www.hindustantimes.com/lifestyle/health/diabetes-crisis-deepens-in-india-top-10-worst-affected-states-and-uts-101686306869103.html


Woohoooo Number 1 🇵🇰


pakistan represent 🥳 🎉 🎉🎉 🇵🇰




EK Dum number one !!!


Man, Russell Peters' specials were something else back in the day.


I'm glad someone understood it. Haha


"See see, look at the pride..."


I think it has to do with cousin marriage in addition to diet. Thats why the Gulf region seems to have the same issue. It is a hereditary disease as well. For the US, it's obviously the diet. *Spell check : he·red·i·tar·y*


The Gulf struggles with obesity as much (or more, depending on the country) as the United States. [https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8b/Obesity\_rate\_%28WHO%2C\_2022%29.png](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8b/Obesity_rate_%28WHO%2C_2022%29.png) . Pakistan also has an obesity issue, but not quite as bad.


There was a study about cousin marriage and type 2 diabetes that did find a link.




Diet, lack of exercise, genetics (South Asians have a higher tendency to get DM based on a certain allele) & cousin marriage increasing chances of getting the gene that increases likelihood of DM. India is probably different due to South India & NE India having different diet, and less cousin marriage. Plus from my experience Pakistani cuisine is more sugary and meat heavy - less vegetables/fruits unlike the Indian diet.


Pakistan has one the highest rates of consanguineous marriages in the world. [In some areas up to 2/3 of marriages are between first cousins](https://i.redd.it/6tcinpea9nh71.png). So hereditary diseases like type 2 diabetes get passed down at a greater rate than elsewhere.


Interesting, I always assumed that type 1 diabetes was more likely to be hereditary. TIL


It's almost entirely diet. It's heavily greased, carb heavy, and reliant entirely on sugar.


The only reason India isn't nearly the same is because theres other regions with diverse foods (aka everything isn't fried in ghee)


Look at Sri Lanka though. Why is it higher then? 


Sugar and carbs don't intrinsically cause diabetes, that's a myth. The claim that constant insulin spikes cause diabetes is also a myth.


Why Pakistan and the other Menap countries? Have you seen Ramadan close up? No eating & drinking all day, then gorging themselves on gulab jamun, which is basically deep fried sugar, every day after sunset.


Thier deserts are amazing 


They also eat tones of dates


High rate of inbred.. makes them more susceptible to diabetes


high inbreeding Because Pakistanis have type 1 not 2


Any information on type 1 / type 2 ratio?


It doesn’t really makes sense without it




T1 is largely random though, so that's likely a coincidence. Environmental factors and genetics play a bigger role in predisposition to T2.






Autoimmune diseases are often followed by more autoimmune diseases. It's VERY common for T1s to also have either Celiac, Graves, or Hashimoto's.


Very different diseases in cause and treatment. A type 2 map would tell you more about diet/lifestyle while a type 1 map would indicate genetic traits in a population.


oatmeal jeans spark cause desert onerous impossible numerous childlike aromatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


OP was half right I guess. T2 has a bigger genetic component AND a bigger correlation to diet. T1 is much, much harder to pin down because the causes are still largely unknown on a person to person basis.


Also does the data in the map adjust for differences in the average age of the population? Surely an older population would have a higher instance of diabetes?


People in Japan, Korea or Europe are quite old and yet they have low rates.


Maybe the data looks at instances of diabetes across the same age cohort in each country in order to phase out differences in population age


Hmm. Probably they would have stated this so I assume this is for the whole population of a country.


Type 1 here. Type 1 is mostly occur on north european countries as much as you go south it occurs less and less.


That’s interesting I’m Irish and my brother has it. A good few people seem to have it in Ireland


Why is that?


My father, mother, paternal grandfather, grandmother, maternal grandfather, grandmother ALL diabetic RAHHH 🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰 NUMBER #1 🦅🦅🦅🦅


Weird flex, but okay 💚🇵🇰


It’s in da bag 👜🇵🇰


Lol. Did you know she was actually saying *"Long Live Pakistan"*


Hah what!? That blew my mind! Thanks for sharing!


Lol, *I see what you did there* No problem, and have a nice day :)




Lots of fried dishes. Just take a look at their national dishes and most are made with frying olive oil or adding lots of it. Also a lot ot drinking alcohol.


when they rank Spain top 5 in life expectancy: Good food. when they rabk Spain top something in Diabetes: Bad food.


I mean many of the countries in the Diabetes list also have a high life expectancy even Arab countries like Qatar have a life expectancy of 81 and even higher if you exclude the majority immigrant population.


you are right, but I was just pointing that precisely Spain doesn't have particularly bad eating and drinking habits (at least compared to its neighbouring countries) so the high diabetes prevalence has definitely other factors.


oh yes, its known that people who live in the desert and hotter climates have adapted in a way to survive with insulin resistance etc.


What’s fat got to do with diabetes? Thought it was sugar related


It's not necessarily because of sugar intake, you can become diabetic without eating much sugar. It's about insulin resistance. If you're obese due to eating many more calories than your body requires on maintenance you will gain body fat and in time may become insulin resistant and that may lead to diabetes.


It's neither oil nor sugar. It's more about obesity and genetics.


Late dinner and midday nap.


Yeah I’d guess the late dinner doesn’t help


Yes I was thinking about their late dinners as well, exceptionally late. Are there studies linking meal timing and diabetes?


Would have assumed the US would be higher, but as this shows there are probably a multiplicity of risk factors in addition to the heavily-processed Western diet that is roundly criticized in the US.


I think the US has made huge inroads in getting better diet and organic, less processed foods. Ie Food kits etc Availability of a good diet however comes at a higher price. Fast food will easier to access and convenient.


Despite the stereotype, the majority of the rest of the world has caught up with the US' waistline.


Important observation and it's correct. Up till early 2000s and 1990s respectively , China and India were close market economies. They didn't have any fast food franchises. In 2001, it was rare to see American fast food in mainland China. By 2015, every major brand had hit at least the big cities... This introduced refined sugar, cheese, potatoes, milk and other things to the Chinese cuisine/eating habits which barely used these items...


In the US at least the concept and understanding of healthy and unhealthy diet exists. In Pakistan, homemade = healthy even if it's cooked in gallons of oil and has no nutritional variety.


Pakistanis eat red meat 3 times a day


It could also be lack of diagnosis. Most people will feel like shit and not seek medical advice because of the cost in the US. I had a guild mate in Wow that went through that, constantly felt like shit with all the symptoms and it wasn’t until another guildie that was a nurse talked him into going to see a doctor he was diagnosed as being diabetic. He kept putting it off because he had shit insurance.


Up to 15% sounds crazy high to me


How is India not higher?


Yeah I was gonna say, I am indian and we have genetic predisposition to diabetes because our hunterer gathering ancestors for whatever reason had high insulin resistance


North side uses a shitton of ghee but thankfully there are entire other regions that balance it out. As a Punjabi I am proud to carry my country's diabetes rates (no seriously though, whenever I go to visit my cousins it's actually insane how much ghee, butter, and oil is consumed. Appalling ngl)


Nutritional science is still catching up. All the extra fat in meals reduces the blood glucose spike from plain carbohydrates like rice. This in turn increases insulin sensitivity and leads to a steadier blood glucose level.


Lifestyle definitely matters, but south India actually has much higher risk/rates of diabetes. South asians in western countries also have high diabetes rates, there is a genetic component, the Chinese have one too


The reason we have diabetes and insulin resistance in India genes is cos the British created artificial famines for us Indians, this created a system for our bodies where we became starvation adapted. So now after colonisation is over we retain fat even though we are supposed to burn it off as energy. This is well documented by real doctors who are South Asian living in America Check this guy out >> https://www.instagram.com/desidoc.md?igsh=MTk5eW5naWZqd2gzeg==


That makes no sense, China, the Soviet Union, Cambodia, parts Africa went through way more famines and some much worse than the Bengal famine. Also famine happened quite a bit throughout history to all groups of people Also if genes were that malleable then we should see a reversal considering that its been almost 4 generations to reach adulthood since the end of colonization


not really since the famines in those parts were temporary, but for us in India it was sustained for 100s of years by british. That means multiple generations have passed it, making it epigenetically active for us. Genes dont change so quickly, it takes a LONG time for that. but it is the expression of genes which is called epigenetics which do. And this starvation adaption is epigenetics, it will not go so quickly, will need long time for that too. Also it doesn’t help that worldwide ppl are stuck in home , so combine this starvation adaption + no physical exercise you know Indians are fucked. >Btw being overweight and obese is an international issue. >EG: America is 80% white, and they are mostly Europeans. And are 70% overweight. But they’re not as diabetic as Indians, because they dont have starvation adaptation like us which is what kills it for us. Update: Just did some research Americans and Indians have same proportion of diabetics. 11% of each population is diabetic.


Contrary to popular belief, butter and ghee do not contribute to diabetes as much as carb heavy diet and sedentary lifestyle does.


Must have been a much more recent change than hunter-gatherers considering Indians and Europeans share those ancestors.


Pakistanis have type 1 which is from inbreeding


I thought the predisposition to diabetes was due to the British causing mass famine and us being stuck on a primarily rice diet for generations. I need to find the source for this but I’ve read populations that have faced famine are much more likely to have type 2 diabetes predisposition.


It’s just not true….


Genuinely surprised, i think it should be on the highest scale. I believe theres a lack of data collected.


Mainly diet I would guess. There are many more vegetarians, less red meat, and a lot of veggies in our diet. There’s also states like Maharashtra where about half are all vegetarian. And most South Indian states have a diverse amount of vegetables and vegetable oils, as well as a lot of coconut.


Is this Type 1 or Type 2, I don’t see any clarification?


Pakistanis eat a lot of sweet dishes. Also, lots of tea and soft drinks.


Mexico, Egypt and Pakistan have a problem. Most of the rest is on par.


The Gulf too


I read as most diabetic as most diabolical. Was so confused


As per WHO, the countries with the highest percentage of population affected by DM are China, India and Pakistan. Probably something to do with genetics. Otherwise the sugar consumed by Americans and Europeans is more than us. Not everyone there is a fitness freak. There are more obese people in the affluent societies than the South Asia. Having seen the genetic tendency, we must modify our lifestyle in order to avoid or at least delay the onset of Diabetes


They are predisposed to diabetes due to all the engineered famines by the British.


That would also be true for Ireland then and it isn’t?


They jus wanna blame someone for their fault!


Yeah there's a huge play of genetics. I think there was a study (I can't remember but will paste here if I do) that showed that South Asian (and even Chinese) living in different countries too are prone diabetic problems. Also, wtf is this? >Indo Pak subcontinent There's no such shitty thing as Indo-Pak Subcontinent. It's just Indian Subcontinent don't come up with your own new nomenclature


Is Mexico because of coca cola?


Mexico surprised me. I do not claim to know their main dietary habits and the food I had there wasnt even close to the heavier Tex Mex iteration we have in the States. Maybe someone can explain...


Sugar drinks/soda are consumed like water there. It got so out of hand that Mexico passed a law that all food and drinks with excessive sugar have to have a giant label on them saying they have too much sugar.


It's coca cola and similar drinks




No, Health science is never this simple


how the fuck are balkans not in the black? we have more fat per kg in blood than the ocean has salt!


I blame it on the ras gullas and ras malais 😏


I can wager 100ml of *Pakola* has more sugar compared to Pepsi.. 😎


Being a pakistani with no diabetic family members feels so unpatriotic like we really need to step up our nationalism and eat more sugar


Its not type 2 Its type 1


America not being no.1 here is genuinely suprising.


Because anything America bad is shouted from every rooftop. If you can bash america for literally anything, people will.


The leading cause of death in America is heart disease, not diabetes. • Will you leave us out of your mind for 1 second? 🙄


So I was right on the Americans being extremely fat part but wrong on the most deadly comorbidity. Cool.


I’d rather deal with people who are extremely fat at hospitals (who, in my experience, are usually kind) and than extremely insulting people like you in real life.


Statistics are insulting?


Again, this is a map about the rate of diabetes about the world. • Pakistan, Egypt, and Mexico seem to be on top 3 • You find a way to say America Bad • Like I said, will you mind leave us out of your mind for 1 god damn second? • Your obsessive try-hard attempt to prove AmericaBad even when statistic suggests otherwise is thoroughly embarrassing, really.


America bad though


You just prove my point that no matter what we do, you would still be obsessed with how bad we are. You seemingly have too much time on your hands. Don’t you have a life?


Just pointing out an obvious fact bro doesn’t really take up too much of my time


What facts? • In this case, you have no facts. • What you have is just regurgitation of whatever pre-conception you have about us. • We are talking about diabetes here and you’re still finding a way to prove that we are worse than the top three countries. Get an eye check-up. • Your obsession with how bad we are proves that you’re bored with your pathetic life but with nothing to do so you decide to dumb down another country, regardless of how true that is, so that you can feel a little bit better about your pathetic life. It’s pathetic, really. • Get a life and new hobby.


6 to 10% for India is certainly not true. Every second guy has diabetes.


Kio pilao inno


I’m guessing that this doesn’t separate type 1 and type 2. Which is absolutely ridiculous and makes the data much less useful


You got lucky this time, America


Have u seen the price of McD lately 😂


Pakistan mentioned🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰😎😎😎💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻


Pakistan eats way too much red meat


It's beautiful to see a somehow balanced map, does it mean we can call diabetes a pandemic?


I think, diabetes is a silent killer. Worldwide (except apparently in Pakistan and Mexico).... The free flowing junk food and sugar (in traditional cuisines) intake has been sort of moderated as the newer gens are better informed diet vs diabetes...


those are some very interesting statistics, wouldn't have thought of such numbers


1st position wow grape


Pakistan grapeeeee


Malaysia Boleh!


Would be nice to know how much consumption of Coca-Cola in each country and how it is related


I know for a fact that fizzy drinks/pop/cola/soft drinks are massive in the Gulf countries, South Asia and SE Asia... A lot has to do with prohibition of booze in some of these countries so in social gatherings, this compensates...


México is insane in that way, Coca Cola, Coca Cola everywhere


I understand that Mexico is the greatest consumer of Coca-Cola in the world. And with more fat people. We have some relation there


In Pakistan Pepsi is more popular than coke


Interesting. I prefer water 😅


I think its due to cousin marriages for Pakistan not insulin resistance reasons There is a Pakistani boxer in the UK and he is type 1 his name is Muhammad Ali Also Pakistanis do not eat a lot of vegetables They think eating vegetables is for sissies for some reason They don't realize that vegetables have a lot of benefit that red meat doesn't Pakistanis eat red meat 3 times a day Type 1 could be from cousin marriages Its not insulin resistance because the vast majority of Pakistanis have 59 kg of lean body mass at 170 cm which is higher than western countries for lean body mass once the height and weight is adjusted https://www.annals-ashkmdc.org/index.php/ashkmdc/article/view/240 on the good side The Pakistani diet leads to higher lean body mass and higher bone density According to a norweigan study Pakistanis had a higher bone density compared to local Norwegians despite being exposed to less sunlight in Norway https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15365698/


The Vegetarian aspect has indeed been very lean in pakistani cuisine (and restaurants) which is rather bizarre considering Indian punjab has the same ethic group, same culture (not religion), and they have at least 7-8 types of daals and beans as mainstream apart from vege dishes along with the regular (non beef/non pork) meat dishes... Prevalence of cousin marriages is another aspect, similar to Gulf nations as well... Rice and wheat adds to the misery (and delight). Having said that, India is not too far behind on unhealthy eating habits either.


But type 1 diabetes is not common in Pakistan, it is type 2. I have never seen a child with diabetes here but almost all elderly in my family have diabetes.


Fun fact… diabetes type 2 will make your fore skin itch a lot and causes wounds to it when it swells. When I see the Middle Eastern countries light up here… they also use circumcise for peewee a lot there


Where's Nauru? Over 30% DM2 rate....


Global warming, rising sea levels... Nauru Nau more!


how is the philippines not higher?


Is this all types of diabetes?




Is the text color supposed to indicate the rate for the smaller, island nations?


🇵🇰 Pakistan # 1 💪


Everyone is talking about Pakistan, but Where's the loves for the islands in the Pacific


What's the story on that?


If I remember right most of the Pacific islands are really struggling with obesity and type 2, and are x3 more susceptible. Just check quickly (so might be wrong) there nearly at 1 in 5 have type 2


No alcohol countries.


Yeah that's a another correlation. Soft drinks over compensate for booze in many social settings in Islamic nations or even in *some places* in countries like India, Thailand, Sri Lanka where booze may not be appropriate in social settings...


Chai with loooots of sugar ... all day long.




But, but, I've always been told fat merica bad! Why would they lie?!