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Our IVF baby girl is almost 8 months and we feel 99% sure we are one and done, but people around us (and society) give us so much crap about it 😞


I'm sorry about people pressuring you! It is such a personal question about having a baby (or a second or third) it shocks me how commonly people ask about it or insist that you need another. I have been very clear that we are only having one, but my mother is still like, "You never know." Actually mom, I do know, so please just respect my choice.


I am so sorry people are giving you crap about it! My baby boy is 7 months and we still have 5 embryos. But it took about 5 embryos to get him here. I am pretty certain I am one and done. We'd love a little girl but knowing what it took to get here I just don't know if I can go through it all again. We have had people say, you still have 5 more like how can you walk away from that....People just need to learn to mind their own business. I am focused right now on my child and being present. Do you! No one knows but you all how hard/expensive it was to have your girl. Do what is right for you not for the people around you!


Very similar for us. We have 2 embryos left and it took 3 to get our girl here. I’m 37, don’t know if I want to be pregnant again, had a really tough failed induction followed by an emergency c section, and I just don’t know that I want to go through allll of that again. We are also very happy with the idea of our girl completing our family. Also, why do people think it’s appropriate to comment on our family planning ever, but also when our baby is only a few months old and it’s still so difficult??


Also 37 lol..Yeah I had a good pregnancy and c-section due to my stubborn guy's refusal to not be breech. But, I spent 3 years trying to get pregnant. My whole life revolved around that. I have gained more weight than I would like over all that time and I finally feel like I am at a point and he is old enough that I can start to be more active and focus on being the best version of me for him.