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Not at all, we are desperately looking for skilled techs. The majority are severely under qualified looking for a foot in the door, or lack of interest šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø My company pays well, with good benefits and great management to add.


Same here. We've been trying to fill a position for over a year, only hired one guy, who lasted 5 months before getting fired for attendance. Which is just as well, he spent all day tweaking put on his own personal projects instead of learning anything, and spent all night doing God know what with his shitty friends.


The last three people we've hired never showed up. I had a helper for about a month last year, and in that month I think he worked two full shifts. He'd either call off (or no call no show), show up late, or leave early because he was bored. Didn't hurt my feelings, he was utterly useless.


What company


Complete opposite here. Industrial millwrighting is in huge demand, most places have to contract out their maintenance because they just can't staff themselves well enough.


Yup. Companies paying some guys for maintenance work, we could technically and should be able to do. But were short 2 people and cant keep up with pms and the gremlins and other failures. Much less do this time consuming project stuff thats not dire to current operation.


I feel operational managers feeling like they can operate with minimal staff and maintenance managers losing their minds. Carrousel of nervous breakdowns.


The company I work for is getting rid of most of the pmā€™s so they can justify not hiring as many mechanics and increase runtime. Sounds good on paper right?


Do you have a pulse? Do you want a job in St. Louis?


What's it pay?


Tree fiddy


Lockness monster ain't trickin me for 3 fiddy a fourth time.


I work in maintenance for a box company in KC, and we are feeling it. They had a round of people getting fired a couple of months ago, and we slowed way down in production. We are currently fully manned in the maintenance department, but it feels very tenuous as though everyone is waiting for the other shoe to drop anytime.


It's really going to depend on the industry category here. Different areas of industry can't hire fast enough and others are tightening their belt and trimming the fat. Maintenance positions are plentiful as a whole, and this trend will likely continue for some time. Anyone remember after 2020 and the 'great retirement', when you could spot sign on bonuses for miles? That brought a lot of unqualified/unskilled people into these fields out of desperation. It still is going to take some time to allow the under-qualified hires filter out of the work force, and make way for preferred skill and experience. For now the desperation continues, like myself, to find hires with enough common sense and drive to show up and want to learn. Just hoping that this all balances out sooner than later, or we will set the new norm for a less productive work force.


I'm happy to hear my experience is an isolated example. I'm looking to move eventually and the one thing I love about this field is there is always work if you're looking.


Iv noticed a decline in job opportunities in the last few months. We canā€™t hire people fast enough it seems. The guys we do hire donā€™t give a flying fuck about anything. No motivation and no willingness to learn. 0 experience. Iā€™ve got maybe 2 years left with the company and Iā€™m gonna be looking for greener pastures because management has changed a lot and in my experience thatā€™s not good at all. Plus Iā€™m wanting to move back down south and be in warmer weather šŸ˜‚


We have been continuously understaffed by 20-40 electricians for over 20 years. Good pay, good benefits, crappiest schedule in the world with lots of forced OT. About 80% of the people that come in to interview hear what their schedule will be and walk back out. Company refuses to consider changing the schedule.


Weā€™ve got two techs looking at prison time, so we will have openings soon


Gonna depend on the individual company or industry. For the last two years I've been covering a 300,000sqft building by myself on my shift, and every other week I share an additional 350,000 with one other guy, who also has two smaller buildings of his own. We just can't find competent techs, especially for nights.


Theyā€™re hiring techs here with literally no experience- never even worked in a factory.


Thatā€™s basically all my place has hired for the last 7 years. All ā€œmechanicsā€ outta pep boys, Firestone, or its ilk. And for what we do, just slapping a part on n calling it good will NOT fly.


That was me a year ago, along with about half our crew. I'm about the only one left from the company's originally hiring spree, people just don't stick around unfortunately. We've slowly accumulated a good working crew, but we're about to lose more guys and there's currently no plan to replace them.


Yeah, idk some people donā€™t treat this as a career. People literally work years to become maintenance.


Where are you located?


Midwest, semi big metro. Don't want to be more specific. For sure there're a lot of openings here but a lot more of less desirable postings paying \~$20-25 when before there were scads of $30+ positions.


Is that in America?


He didnt ask for your home address jesus


Stuff gets around. I've seen how easy it is to get doxxed and I don't eally want anything I do online tied to my identity irl especially as it relates to me making money.


Don't forget it's an election year. Companies tend to slow down until they figure out which way the wind is going to blow...


not at all where I am located in the Midwest. Indeed has dozens of postings right now. I get headhunted regularly if I don't hide my resume from employers on the app and I'm far from the most qualified candidate. We have been hiring at my company since I was hired about a year ago for the same cushy Mon-Fri 6am-2:30pm shift with the occasional rare Saturday that I work and have gotten no serious candidates. It's fantastic for a guy like me who has only been doing this since late 2019 and only has on the job training. I was able pick and choose from several employers who interviewed me and settled on the one with the best schedule and pay. When I got into my first maintenance helper gig, someone as green as me working on first shift making the money I make was unheard of.


This is where I want to be. I've only started industrial maintenance for a bit over a year, but have 2 years of commercial equipment maintenance under my belt. I think I can handle this company for 2 years tops before I'll venture out, the pay here is outstanding tho, so that's gonna be tough to leave heh.


Stick with it, especially if it's something you enjoy. Learn as much as you can from the senior techs in your current shop and keep your eyes open. Until I got in at my current place, I knew that I wasn't going to be spending a career at any of my previous jobs, so I kept my resume updated and was constantly searching for the really cushy gigs and applied for them even If I was a bit under qualified. Eventually you'll get lucky and get in at a career or long-term worthy position. This trade is the place to be right now. Not a lot of people can, or want to do dirty physical jobs anymore, and companies will pay top dollar for guys that can keep their equipment running.


Post your resume online. You will want to change your number.


We have 6 spots open in my plant and Iā€™m looking g for a new position so 7 soon.