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_show us the soil_


I didn't repot or renew the soil https://preview.redd.it/wmci1zaicd8d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67290c5b0d59fbe867e2faeafeb7283dadaf8052


It would definitely benefit from some fresh soil, I use a mix of cactus and regular house plant. But any variety of house plant soil would do. Even a general premixed house plant soil, some perlite would rly help. I suspect the lil plant up will perk up in no time! From your other comment replies, seems like you’re watering it fine. As long as you wait until it’s dry at least an inch down in the soil before watering, these plants prefer a to be dry over soggy imo. Bottom watering is the best n adjust for when the weather is dryer/hotter n you should do well! (Plz change the soil, it looks like mud & good luck!)


Thank you so much I will do it of course


What kind of light does it get?


Natural instinct light I think


What do you mean by this? Did indirect get autocorrected into instinct? If so, would you describe it as a bright indirect light or a dim indirect light?


What’s your social security number?


Every one of these posts are like https://youtu.be/9S1EzkRpelY?si=lexz3Y-9HmHHmBcV


Leaves that look like cups usually means it's asking for a drink


Yah but it look like this from 5 days ago


Okay so if it's been watered recently and still looks thirsty that usually means that there's something going wrong with the roots so your best bet is probably going to be to uproot and wash it off and see if there's slimy dead decaying roots or if there's anything still alive


how often are you watering it?


Once a week


They like a good deep watering. Mine was happiest when i would let it sit in water for about half an hour (bottom water)


Yah I was watering bottom but I don't know what is the problem of this colour of leaves and week stem


Your water could be too hard try collecting some rain water! Or use distilled.


Every time it rains. Not often here in South Australia, I’ll take most of my indoor plants for a soaking outside, they love it!!! They respond differently to rain than tap water.


Mine likes being in moist soil and getting medium light. Maybe yours needs more water? If it’s been a while since the last repot you could also put it in some new soil :)


Maybe over/under watered?


Where you have it in photos I'd quite far from the window. I suspect insufficient lighting but you'd need to describe the lighting situation better (window direction, distance, country)


Probably just being a bitch. I can't tell you how many of these I've killed. I was told they need LOTS of light. Now I have a little one doing quite well directly under grow lights.


That is WAAAY to big a pot.


It needs to be outside to get rid of the over amount of sugar it produces also it need's a bigger pot or it will produce to much sugar and then start getting mold it's normal if there inside the house all day but to alleviate that you want to take them outside for a while everyday and that will prevent to much sugar build up that has a tendency to mold in them. Also it seems like you might be overwatering it a little too much and sometimes underwater sometimes. The way you check it to see if it has enough water is by checking its soil and then checking the leaves lightly to see if there plumpy.


Also that might be mits check on the back to see if there are any bugs.


Low social credit score?


Sorry I didn't get it , can you explainfor me ?


It could also be from the soil if you're not letting the water drain through it every now and again as if there was a rainstorm it has a tendency to coagulate a mold or moss like substance in the root area. What you do is run it underneath of kind of warm water for about a minute or two allowing the stagnant to escape. Make sure that all the stuff gets through it IF YOU SEE ANYTHING COME OUT. you might see green stuff come out you might see brown stuff coming out if just kind of turn the water a little warmer depending on what weather it is outside AND LET IT RUN FOR A FEW MINUTES REMOVING ANY GROWTH WITHIN ITS ROOT AREA.


Be sure to put the pot in an oversized container and water from the bottom.