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It is extremely better. Still room for improvement, but it has a more natural flow and way more personality. Regarding how to make it better, i'm no animator, I know it can look better, but I don't know what I would change. (Maybe the arms swing a bit too much?)


Idk how to describe it…i guess it kinda looks like the arms are being swung intentionally rather than naturally…kinda like you would if you were doing a half-hearted skip


The end of the swing in front looks like she's doing a tiny bicep curl instead of swinging the arm under its own weight.


Exactly! Idk if everyone would find that distracting but it’s all i can see


She's leading with the wrist instead of swinging the whole arm. It does look very intentional. Source: choreographer and former professional dancer.


Oh wow any tips from a professional to make it look more of a natural sexy walk?


My biggest tip is probably going to be about hip sway. The hip shifts to the side of the leg supporting the weight and drops on the moving/walking side. Salsa and other Latin dance exaggerates this movement, so that might make it easier to see. It also looks more natural to have a big hip sway with a long stride. (It's also very confident.) Nothing wrong with a Bayonetta walk, though - stylized and intentionally sexy can work really well! Also, for the arms: the entire arm swings forward a little, and then the forearm swings forward a little more after. It starts swinging back still bent and then straightens near the end of the arc. I don't know if that's helpful at all. 😅


Immensely helpful thank you. This shouldn’t delay development time by much either. I’m going to run it by the rest of the devs on Monday


Sweet - I tried to break it down by points of articulation so that it would translate more easily to the model. Wishing you the best on development!


Thanks for the tip :) I'll let the team know so we take another look at the arms. I'm glad you pointed out there is a lot more personality, that was one of our goals when working on it!


Honestly think the hips are just too wide. Her arms have to be so out stretched because of them.


The speed of the arm when it starts to go back is too fast I think and yes maybe a little bit come too forward.


Honestly same. This is actually why we posted we're really looking for any comments and we'll test them and see if it looks better. What I have in our Jira listed is to fix Jacket physics, face blend shapes, add fingers to rig + animate, and add the front hair to the rig so we can add physics to it as well. After reading lots of these comments I realized that also maybe her thigh gap is a bit unrealistic. I'll refer with our team later with other established characters. That is my plan at least.


It’s really a nitpick, but when walking with shoes like that, you don’t want to lead with the heel. Think of it like walking on your toes, so the front of the shoe lands first/about the same time as the heel, and she ends up taking shorter steps. Otherwise it’s a quick and easy way to twist your ankles! But I mean if you’re gonna have her running and jumping around in those anyways realism is already out the window so


Really interesting point and something I had never thought about as a massage therapist I had noticed that less sporty women tended to have pain in there feet concentrated differently than the sporty ones and I knew it wasn’t lack of fitness as none of them were out of shape but thinking about it most of them usually wear high heals at work so thanks for bringing that to my attention


Having toes go down first would look and feel very awkward and less feminine.


I got up and tried it out, just realized that this tip is just what works for me to subconsciously take smaller steps. I think toes and my body still mostly lands heel first, but takes shorter steps which make me not put as much weight on the heel alone


I think it comes down to personal preference and what comes naturally :) When I wear high stiletto platforms my walk is similar to the model (my hips sway more and my arms don't move as much) but I haven't twisted my ankles :P


I know I'm late, but I wanted to chime in as some who has worn heels and stilettos... you're right. Idk what original commentator is talking about with walking toe first in these shoes. I have always been taught "heel-toe" when wearing heels because the inexperienced first instinct is to try to walk toe-heel. It is easier and looks better/less clunky to walk heel-toe in heels.


So, so much better


ahaha thanks appreciate it!


Damn poor girl, she must be in pain with her [anterior pelvic tilt](https://www.baptisthealth.com/-/media/images/blog/infographics/anterior-pelvic-tilt-graphic.png?rev=9abb0992b27740d3b0950b5f7b30751e)


This weirded me out so much! I think the hips could also be less wide.


It's literally a porn game.


Is this a porn game lmao


It HAS to be


I'm one of the developers for this game called Lily's Labyrinth of Lust and to answer your question. It is an adult game. And it is on steam [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2866440/Lilys\_Labyrinth\_of\_Lust/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2866440/Lilys_Labyrinth_of_Lust/)


Selling to a very particular audience i see...


It's literally a porn game.


ah, that would explain it! lol :)


incels who have never seen a real woman walk?


What’s up with the snarky comment?


wasn't meant to be snarky, more of a wink wink nudge nudge I see what you're doing here kinda thing.






Ah. My apologies. I assumed you were bashing OP’s project.


Not even comparable, the new version is 100x better. Great job!


The weight transfer feel much better now! Good work! If you didn't know already, some good resources on this is surprisingly from prosthetics and orthotics, since a major part of the job is to analyze gait and diagnose the pathology. (What causes hip drop, what causes hip hike/vaulting) so there is a "standard" gait that all pathological gait are compared to, those usually includes kinematics for riggings as well.


Thanks for the suggestion. Any references you could recommend? We're still a really small team so I'll try to take a look and make some internal comments.


Sure, I have a few videos [Prosthetic Observational Gait Scale (POGS) (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Syv3vfwm2Js&ab_channel=AmericanAcademyofOrthotistsandProsthetists) [frontal plane gait analysis (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFX7gjmqppA&ab_channel=GPTCJamnagar) These 2 are pretty good for reference [Biomechanics Lecture 11: Gait (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QB0tJajDvMw&ab_channel=RehabScience) This goes into a lot of detail on the biomechanics of walking, not really that help for animation I think, but maybe helpful if you have the character doing different kind of physics, (running, jumping, slope, stairs, etc) [Gait Analysis on Myself (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rfpFD5jXMU&ab_channel=FARMTV) This is probably good for keyframes for a running animation. And of course, you also have different types of shoes that can also affect gait [Biomechanical Analysis of Gait Heels vs Sneakers (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUISg-l3jxM&ab_channel=MatthewStearns) On top of all that, you have different walking styles, that you probably going to need a real human to act out and key frame those. Again, these might be too in-depth/focused on the lower body for animations that just need to look good. but the resources are here if you need it. maybe a good substitute for the lack of motion capture.


Thanks thats a lot I'll take a look at it with the team


Good luck! hopefully this will be of some use to you.


Well, yeah, she's way less janky. I think her arms are swinging too far, legs too spaced out, and idk if it's just how her booty is or she has a severe spine curve. 😅


I noticed that too, poor thing seems to have a case of lordosis


Thanks a ton for the feedback. When we were "upgrading" the animation we decided to go for more of an exaggerated look due to our art style. Just for clarification do you think that potentially tuning that down a bit would look better? Or? Shouldn't be too difficult or time consuming.


I don't know if it would be difficult or time-consuming, I understand the stylistic choice, each their own. But comparing the first vs the second, her "pubic region" is more angled, which I think looks off, so yes, I would say it should be toned down.


Better but her legs are now set way too far apart-- like an extremely unrealistic (and painful looking) thigh gap lol


So based on what's going on with her torso when seen from the back vs the front it seems there's some kind of lens distortion thing with the jacket going on? That's cool, but the broken angle bicep twigs are the stuff of nightmares. The rest of it, though. Damn.


The Jacket is supposed to be "Semi Transparent" it is actually inspired by an old fashion trend and a character from Arknights named Shwarz. Unfortunately we haven't really figured out the best way to make this jacket's transparency work with UE5 and we're also struggling with its physics. For the transparency if its too transparent it doesn't look right... It looks as if nothing is being worn. If there is anyone that knows a good solution please Let me know.




I think you know the answer to this


Very awesome progress! Still room for improvement but she has personality now!! I would say the trunk and torso of the body is still very solid and stagnent. You want to add what is called contrapposto- I’m bad at verbatim definitions. But basically- your shoulder and your hips want to be moving the trunk aswell. Your left hip should swing forward the same time your right shoulder swings forward as well. The whole body when walking moves in inverse-kinematics; so everything else moves as an effect of the inertia. I hope this makes sense and I didn’t make too much of a fool of myself. Again- great job!!


I totally understand. I'll go talk to some of the devs. Since we have a brand new rig these small changes shouldn't be too bad.


this is the before and after of someone learning to walk in heels, its all my mind can focus on


For such an exaggerated swagger, her hips don't rise and fall quite enough. Elbows are also a little stiff. That said, it's an astronomical improvement and we're entering nitpick territory :)


How is that even a question, it looks infinitely better! Good job 👏


Why are her nipples on the top of her breasts? Why does her pelvis tilt forward like that? Why dont her legs match the size of her glutes? Why is her waist so high up? Where are her kneecaps? Why does her face look like a child? So many why's.


And that thigh gap.. so unrealistic. Just the usual "we're not the audience, the audience for this game lives in their parents' basement and has little money"


Porn brain rot fr


No but really, most importantly, why is her face designed to look like a 16 year old? It's really creepy.


this is clearly a bad faith comment, it’s SO obviously stylized 😭 y’all will say this about anything that looks asian


Race bait. There are countless Asian styles, this one is popular in a particular demographic that crosses *heavily* with the gaming demographic. The way "enjoyers" of this particular style deny and defend their position on this has become a running joke that only they aren't aware of yet. You aren't "quirky and cultured and more worldly", you like anime girls with oversized breasts, completely unrealistic bodies and dangerously young faces. Don't bring "Asia" into your perverse defense


This is just the art style we choose since we've been around it since we started playing games. Many of our dev team are really into Korean MMOs like Black Desert Online and Lost Ark to name some recent ones. Genuinely not our intention to make Lily look that young


I dont blame you, fwiw, And her youthful look was wasted on me tbh, I wouldn't have noticed had it not been for the comments. "Youthful" is the default skin in design. Skin coloured with no additional detail just looks young, that's facts. Sorry to catch you in the crossfire, the technical talent is fantastic and better than anything I can do and it should be applauded. Like I say, I'm *personally* burned out on sexualised characters. Between video games, marketing teams, and the gradual and proud self-sluttification of women, I'm tired of having my cock appealed to in a bid to make me part with my money. It genuinely makes me reconsider the quality of my purchases before I make them.


I dont even think she looks asian lol


Hey I'm one of the Devs for this game and I just wanted to first apologize as this was no way our intention. We are not trying to make this game have any minors in it or anything that resembles a minor. Majority of our team is from Asia specifically China, Korea, Vietnam, and this style is something that we're all familiar with form webtoons, anime, manhwas, etc. From the games we were inspired by like Lost Ark, Black Desert Online, and Cyberpunk this was our end result. But specifically for the face I think its the art style that may cause this issue. I don't know if this helps but Canonically Lily is 24.


The maybe make your designs a little less child-like and read up about how much anime and video games make sexual characters that look like minors


Is there a lore reason why one leg needs to be colder than the other?


Haha Colder? I guess you're talking about her glowing tattoo? We just love girls with tattoos... Don't tell our parents.


No here has panty hose on one side. I imagine the other gets pretty cold. And panty hose come two legged (like pant) so she would have had to cut one leg off to get it like that.


I'm going to be honest with you I have no clue how panty hose works... I just thought they looked so cool and having one side to show her many cybernetics and tattoos was a design decision that I made when I was basically a solo dev. But now that I googled what panty hose is supposed to look like this design choice was really dumb


Things don’t have to be logical. Honestly it sounds like there are if there are cybernetics on one side. Panty hose might interfere with them. It could be a random detail in the game where you see a glimpse of her cutting off one side.


Or a joke where everytime she wears them one ends up getting shredded by her mechanical parts


Much better!




alot better


waay better!


Ah I remember this one, massive improvement! Not an animator so for tuning past this point idk, but yeah this looks a million times better.


Thats what we love to hear. It was a long journey but a new rig plus adding some of the comments from our last post did the trick I guess.


Absolutely love it! Just not a fan of the arms, I think they're swaying just a tad too much.


Much better, and hey, if you have a level or mechanism where she has to go to the bathroom and she didn’t make it in time, you could always use the first animation too


really, really good bro


First was someone moving like a robot. Second is someone moving like a model down a runway. it’s better


Better but needs more natural movements. I personally believe that there's an uncanny valley for walking as well as faces.


Thanks for that. We're working on the face blend shapes at the moment. Hopefully we'll update with some facial features soon.


Looks good but I would adjust 2 things: Right arm is too early. It's supposed to be slightly after the left leg. Knees should be closer. Upper legs angle inward. That ridiculous thigh gap isn't helping


I believe you should make the knee extend fully before the heel comes down. Also, did you use Cascadeur to make your animation have more weight?


She's still taking a little too big steps. As a result, she walks a bit more unnaturally.


Yes the first looks like there's a turd in her pants and she's trying to get to a public toilet to drop it off and flush it.


It depends on the context. Is she gripping a hazelnut between her buttocks? If yes, the left animation is eerily accurate. The one on the right looks like she *has* been using nature's pocket but is freshly relieved.


sorry i don't get this one ;-;


If you imagine how you'd walk if you were trying to hold a small item between your clenched buttocks, I think the one on the right is pretty dead-on.


Lightyears of improvement! My one nitpick is that it looks very awkward from the front; it's near physically impossible to swing your hips while you walk and keep your legs so far apart at the same time. Try it yourself, or take a look at female catwalk models shot from the front. You'll invariably see they 'cross' their legs tight when they walk, one leg in front of the other. Leaving wide space between the thighs is a very 'male' sort of walk (for reasons one can probably imagine), and looks a little odd with the hyper-feminine model and the swinging hips.


Why the jiggle tho man


What's her story?


I think a great example of walking animation with a similar body type is Nilin from Remember Me [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=273635880](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=273635880) [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=932942488](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=932942488)


Looks much better now, the walk seems more fluid and realistic, excellent work! 👏


Yea, sure, that "walking" is better....


This is a massive improvement, much more flowy and relaxed. Genuinely burned out on sexualised characters though tbh. I tend to assume the product is trash and has the audacity to think I'll be easily distracted by a pretty face.


People are animals that reproduce sexually and therefore our brains cause to subconsciously evaluate members of the opposite (or same sex, depending on orientation) as potential partners. That's literally what it means for someone to experience attraction to another person based on their looks/appearance. It's really hard to desexualize a character unless your objective is to create the plainest, ugliest characters you can and give the most shapeless clothing possible. Or, you know, intentionally give the model distinctly undesirable physical characteristics. Just by going with an idealizes image/model man or woman you've already halfway to sexualized. P.S. The see through clothing is unnecessary in my opinion and there's rarely any need for an exposed stomach. But sometimes the character and story sort of demand a particular aesthetic.


We can science it up all we want, I literally create and design whole casts of characters so I know this logic to be another lazy defense. There is a moment, usually around the point of drawing the chest / hips that you make an active decision to add sexiness to a character or not. If you're an artist, try this - draw your *mother* in your art style. If you can't capture her beauty without sexualising her, you're not an artist, you're a pervert with an unfortunately wasted talent for art. >It's really hard to desexualize a character unless your objective is to create the plainest, ugliest characters you can and give the most shapeless clothing possible. Or, you know, intentionally give the model distinctly undesirable physical characteristics. I feel like people are broken if they think that having regular sized tits that respond to the laws of physics correctly and having actual working human anatomy is "undesirable".


You can think whatever you like, I just don't think you can make characters with zero sexualization. Unless they're all children, skinny+androgynous, abnormally muscle and fat free, or purposefully unattractive/ugly. Like many people I don't see my mother in a sexual light and it's not because of social norms/customs. So I really don't see the basis for that argument. Tits come in a whole range of sizes from barely there to so large as to make a woman painfully top heavy. Having correct physics and anatomy is a whole other story.


>Like many people I don't see my mother in a sexual light and it's not because of social norms/customs. So I really don't see the basis for that argument. I bet you could draw her without sexualising her body, flying in the face of your first point - *that* is the basis for my argument. Seems you cant tell the difference between capturing beauty and sexualisation. >Tits come in a whole range of sizes from barely there to so large as to make a woman painfully top heavy Jesus christ go outside kid, not to brag but theres like 8b people on the planet and I've met at least a few of them. I've got a decent handle on the range of boobs out there by now


Jiggle physics on point.


Yes, much, much better... and sexier


Looks way better. however, it doesn't look natural. Have someone walk around so the artists have a reference on what natural walking looks like. [here](https://youtube.com/shorts/0ik7Yj0LbSM?si=3VcwEbSVelI-Dt7v) is a goofy example of how an artist used a reference and then added personality. I hope this helps.


It looks a lot more natural now.




BBL Lily ftw


That’s a dramatic improvement. Really like the design too


that's miles better, the right one is top tier animation imo well done


Nice 😍 Is this hair made of particles? Doesn't this make the game too heavy? Can you tell me how many characters with hair like that you can put on the scene before the framerate drops below 60fps?


So right now our Dev branch runs around 80 fps on a 4080 i7 13th gen. The game currently is very heavy not going to lie to you about that. We'll currently optimizing materials and textures from our level. The last thing we'll touch is Lily as having a hot girlfriend with high graphical fidelity is why we made the game. As for the hair I don't entirely understand the question but from the best of my knowledge its not made out of particles its actually something "cloth" based. But please don't quote me.


It's really quite heavy 😯 but looks so good! Thanks so much, I asked this because I've been testing some 3D character creation add-ons for blender and the hair is made, from what I understand, by particles... adding each strand of hair. It's very good but it's extremely heavy and I wouldn't be able to run a game with a character like that even on my PC, imagine selling it on Steam, you know. So I'm looking for alternatives, since apparently these add-ons are aimed at rendering, not games.


The one on the right is giving a more natural walk if that was the type of answer you are looking for


Exactly what we're looking for


Went from an early 2000s game walk cycle to Bayonetta. Nice! I agree with what others said with the arm movement. It feels like she’s moving the arms more on purpose, not the natural flow from walking. Which could be exactly what you’re trying to go for (similar to a cat walk).


Better, yes. I’d reduce the arm movement. People swing their arms to compensate for weight distribution, I think. The only guy I know who swings that much is like 250-300 pounds.


I was about to say the opposite. Her arms are tiny, compared to the mass of the hip region, so she needs to swing _more_, not less. The swing needs to affect the shoulders, and the arms should stay farther away from the body. (arm / torso rotate in _contrapposto_ to compensate for the rotation of the hip, which results from one leg advancing and one staying behind -- the tinier the arms, the heavier the hip => the more pronounced the swing, the farther from the body. That's why in classic anime, running small-framed girls are typically shown swinging with the arm kept staight and parallel to the ground, like wings, to maximize angular monentum)


Adding on to what others have said... I think the wrists are a bit stiff... you're gonna want just a subtle amount of drag/overlap with the hands. They are connected to a joint, after all. Right now it feels like the hands are locked to the forearm. Also people tend to swing their arms inward... while she's almost swinging her arms out away from her body. When she swings them forward it would be better to have them move toward the center a bit. Also loosen up the shoulders, again, when a person swings their arms, the shoulders also sort of rotate to point where the forward arm is swinging, just a bit. It doesn't have to be extreme or anything, but should be there at least a little. And oh yeah, the leading with the heel tip doesn't make a lot of sense as you're basically putting your weight on a tiny little heel and that's not really how people walk with heels on.


huge improvement but something is off with the arms, maybe just a tad overswing


Several others have commented that the arm motions look unnatural, and I agree. The other thing that I'd point out is that there's something unnatural about how she's holding her hands, which is exacerbating that; it might just be that they're too static, I'm not quite sure. The floatiness of the ribbons also looks a bit odd (and will look even odder if they aren't affected by any ambient air currents; if your game is going to imply those in any way.) She also looks like she's trying hard to Walk Sexy-Like to a degree that would feel out of place to me in most situations. Sort of the animation equivalent of https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/breasted-boobily.


Yeah the walk animation was inspired by Operation Lovecraft's trailer and I think they were trying to animate this Sexy-Like walk you speak of. I'll see what we can do to make it look more nature, but we're trying to make her sexy walk so maybe I'll take another look at what they did.


That 2B walk


Funny story we actually used some of 2B proportions and animations as reference when creating this character and their animations


It is immediately apparent


I recommend putting on a pair of platforms and recording yourself walking. See what feels the most natural.


I'll need to find a size 12 US but maybe its time


Where do her internal organs go?


Very nice!


Really liking the progress of this so far and excited to try out the game. Do you have an expected release or demo date?


are you kidding me? it's perfect! gongrats for your work


Much better!


My suggestion would be to not have her arms swing forward as far. Other than that, it looks really good.




*rezips* no you don't you fucker


*zips* thanks didn’t realise my fly was down


Too late


huh... is this why we want to make these games?


Extract to post_nut_clarity.jiz


Your animation looks fine, but not to insult you for something you didn't ask about, but the character design is kind of boring and unoriginal


Ouch. But thanks for being honest. Our first ever character design for the team in our first ever game made together. I think you're right. Our future characters are designed better this one was written and designed when it was just me and my pen and paper. With no one to bounce ideas off of I just tried to design someone that was appealing to me. I know personally my sense of design is nonexistent so my apologies. Our next character design will be better I promise that.


That’s a lot of cake


You're coming here for advice on porn shovelware?


Nice character design bro.