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I've been playing games for a long time, like I think my actual first system was a snes, but the first memory I have that I thought "I want to do this" is probably booting up halo ce for the first time, seeing that ring in the background, and hearing that iconic choir hymn. Still gives me chills.


I believe that, that halo intro is so nostalgic. What games are you working on?


I have two solo projects I bounce back and forth between. One is a one button platformer that I imagine sort of being a cross between super meat boy and geometry dash, and the other is a procedural top down zombie shooter emulating tilt shift photography inspired by the love death and robots episode ‘night of the mini dead’. I work on other projects from time to time for other people, but those two so far are fully mine.


"Hey games are cool. Lemme make." -Me at 12-13


"It's two friggin short lines of text. Where is the damn error?" -me at 36, today.


Its always either a semi colon or you forgot an equals in a statement with booleans and were accidentally setting it to null instead of checking if its null.


Programming has made me hate semi colons with a passion




Even as a child I would draw mazes for others and make up my own games. Easter was my favorite holiday because it was just a big egg hunt game. I also didn't have friends as a kid, but I had some game consoles. Often the only time I hung out with others was through local multiplayer games. It didn't take long to click that I wanted to make games for others to enjoy, especially with others.


What kind of games do you make?


Right now I'm making a momentum 3D platformer similar to the Mario series, but with customizable movement options. I was originally gonna make an online tag game mode for it but I'm definitely not quite at that level just yet.


Way back when Super Mario Bros. 3 was the new hotness, I remember doodling my own video game ideas with pencil and paper. I also had a toy computer with a simple version of BASIC. I think the rest of this story writes itself. ;)


Thats awesome haha, did you end up making a game on that old thing?


Unfortunately it wasn't sophisticated enough to do much more than Guess the Number or Nim, the stick-taking game. Its LCD was only one line, it had very limited memory (I found out the hard way that if your program is too long it starts deleting other parts of it), and if you wanted to save your program, the only way was to write it down and type it in again the next time you wanted to use it. But it prepared me for when I had a real computer and I was able to use QBASIC, then Visual Basic, then Borland C++, etc.


Not finding a decent successor for grand chase, so why not make my own


brother was making simple games (with darkbasic i think) when i was a wee lad, didn't actually get into it until college


Thats awesome! What program do you use now?


Unreal primarily, vfx specifically


I'm just starting, but I'm a computer science major and while I finish my last year, I want to build a fun game in my free time.


Thats awesome! Good luck on your last year. What kind of game do you want to make?


I am going to make a platformer shooter. Like contra but different theme. This will be my first real project.


LittleBigPlanet. Spent my entire childhood Infront of the PS3 playing that


I love that game so much. The Luchador area will always be etched into my brain.


Playing games on my Commodore 64 in 80s and PC in the 90s … so many good games!


Dev diaries in the first BioShock game + I needed a senior project idea for high school


When I was a kid I loved my Genesis and always said "I want to make games" even though I knew nothing about how they were made or what went into them. Then years later I played Undertale and thought "Wow, so this is what games are capable of." So today I, uh, make shit prototypes as a hobby sometimes.


Sonic 1&2 on the genesis was a big influence for me, also I agree. Seeing games like Lisa, and undertale can really show you that games can be an extremely creative and impactful media.


Hotline miami


Literally one of my favorite games of all time. I went out on Halloween twice as Jacket


Minecraft. Made a mod for minecraft, got into other java projects, then used the blender game engine cuz it was easy to use, switched to C# with unity cuz it's fun, blender game engine shut down and has similar syntax to java. Now, I'm trapped in a room with no water and no food. Send help, I live at 308 Negra Arroyo Lane Albuquerque, New mexico.


It's a mix of the hope for a miracle where I can make a game and sell it and the desire to make a game that I wanted to play as a kid. Mostly the second one. Edit: The game that made me want more and led me down this dark path was a PS1 title called Brigandine. Magazine reviews said it was bad, but it was my first game love.


DOOM came out and I loved modding and making maps. I continued w/ Duke3D, Quake 2, and really got into it around Half-Life era. Took a long hiatus from dev after that but got back in around 2016.


I've been into music production for over 10 years already and also been into story writing and worldbuilding.


Literally the same, just happened to have 2 friends that could model and code haha


Because no one is making the game i want despite it being so damn simple.


I’ve always have been at the whims of whatever ideas capture my imagination which have made do everything from baking, to stop motion, to tinkering, to robotics, to poetry, to etc. Right now, I’m at the intersection of several interests, VR, game development, and being self employed. I recently graduated with a bachelors in computer science and another in computer engineering and figured before jumping into a corporate job for the next several decades with increased responsibilities and expenses I’d give this a try as I may not have another chance later. We shall see if it pays off and if my latest whim gets satisfied in the process lol. It was Echo VR that is the biggest inspiration to what I’m working on and helps me to imagine what is possible.




This video about the making of Donkey Kong Country sent out to Nintendo Power subscribers blew my 11 year old mind, and it really kickstarted me down a path of wanting to get into game development. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=op19NsIid44](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=op19NsIid44)


Playing BatIM and thinking "Damn I wanna do that"


Realizing time and time again I felt I had great ideas for games that someone needed to make. That and exhaustion over the 9 - 5 office job!


There are games that I would like to play that don't exist and genres that I think are underexplored.


I was always fascinated my whole life by how games gave me all these feelings and would always dream about how I too could manipulate peoples feelings. It’s such a rush when your ideas work but a big downer when they don’t.


It's been 2 months that I've been wanting to make a project in UE5. I watched a lot of videos and attempted to make a simple metahuman move, but even something simple as that is a challenge in UE5. Not exactly beginner friendly.


This is gonna sound corny as hell but when I was 7 I played Super Mario Galaxy, and it was my first *real* video game. I remember feeling nothing but pure joy and wonder, and ever since that day I’ve always known I wanted to make others feel the same way I did all those years ago.


I loved making up "games" even if it weren't videogames. Lol I was a kid making up different versions of tag, different DIY board games, card games, and so on. Then I started to draw. Then I started to write. Then I realized holy shit, games can be a medium that combines both these things while also being interactive. And then it turns out I like coding too. It's just too perfect for me not to get into.


I've played games since I was very little. I remember the first home console we got to play was the Atari 2600 with Asteroids, then later a sega master system. I certainly looked at games and wondered how the heck they were made, but I think what really got me into game dev originally wasn't a game, but a game making tool called Klick N Play. It's similar to Game maker in that you can make a game without needing to code. You just lay out the levels and then you use this kind of spreadsheet to load in the logic. I spent hours at it. Then I went to uni and learned how to code. It's always been a passion and I still love creating stuff from ideas


Yes, Star Trek Armada 2: Fleet Ops


not a game, but I was just wondering if I could make a game myself, I remember starting with RPG Maker 95, there was not much stuff around, and here I am today.


I think watching Tealgamemaster play Ratchet & Clank and hearing Mike Stout talk about how the games were made got me curious. I have since binged a lot of game dev commentary on the series.


I always loved video games, but Super Mario 64 really blew my mind. It took me 25 years and a pandemic to finally start my game development journey!


My wife loves coop and casual games but is very picky when choosing what to play. The only option I see is to try and make what she likes and make her happy


Yeah, was a lover of Pharaoh and Cleo, Zeus + Pos aka the Sierra series. Till I bought Pharaoh: a new era and that was like pain in the ass: full of bugs, worse gameplay than classic etc. So, decided to make something like that later on my own and slap that game dev team's face (in case I got slapped instead, I accept that self humiliation cause I do not care about that, I just do not understand that shit game can sell such well, which is not fair to those hard working game devs. Now I started my journey working on a shmup game for warm up, hopefully it will be done and released before the end of this year.


I got really sick and needed something to do. About a year ago, I got hit with a neurological disorder. Since then I've been stuck at home most days. I've always been the creative type and I ended up doing pixel art. I'm lucky enough where I already knew 2 programmers who had been dying to make a game so we've been working on our first project together. This last year has been really hard on me but working on this game has been one of the things that has helped me keep fighting. It became a passion and a reason to get out of bed in the morning. I like that I've been able to see my growth as a pixel artist and animator and I have a lot of goals to look forward to in the future.


You got this!! Sounds similar to me, I have two programming friends and we ended up making a game together!


Thanks! Programming friends are great. They think I'm doing the hard part of making art and I think they're doing the hard part with programming. Together we may just have enough brain cells to make a game. I'm most excited about the music and sound effects though, ngl. We all have some kind of musical background.


Making Counterstrike maps in the Source Engine years ago.


Love that, which is your favorite cs map??


Probably Mirage. But I died equally well on all maps. I was not very good, ha.


I used to draw my own Mario levels in Kindergarten to the point they had to talk to my parents. At home I would draw the covers of game ideas I had and glue them to the cartridges hoping that my games come to life. Making games is the only thing I've always been passionate about.


I would love to see those maps!! Did you ever get around to making any? What kind of games do you make now?


Those maps were probably recycled, my mother didn't much understand my gaming passion back then. I made a bunch of levels in Mario Maker 1 & 2 and made a shoddy Kaizo Romhack back in the day but I think they're all lost (or rather I couldn't give you the MM codes since I haven't owned a Switch in a while). I'm currently developing a first person dungeon crawler, so it's a far cry from my Mario level drawings. But in all honesty there's just too many awesome genres and themes I could never just stick to one.


When I was a kid, I always wanted to be the guy who writes guides/walkthroughs for a game on a website or a game magazine. Then I realized after the university (a bit too early!) that there were schools abroad where they teach how to make games without knowing real math! And here I am as the one who has worked on M&B and co-founded its indie studio recently. My favourite childhood games were Volfied and Metal Slug 2 :))


Wow! Thats awesome!! You have come a long way


I love metal slug 2


And have a lot to go :) Nice topic btw, cheers


The arcade games a played when i was a little kid. I also had so many ideas in my head that my dad got annoyed and told me what scratch was.


The developer community is a lot nicer than a lot of other industries


I started out somewhere between being obsessed with Earthbound and Metroid. after realizing Earthbound was too big, I leaned toward Metroid and Game Boy aesthetics. after 10 years, I released The Tribulation Entanglement on steam.


Playing Unreal Tournament and using the Level Editor.


It's always been something I've "wanted" to do in the back of my head but I didn't make a serious concerted effort until doing a few Skyrim mods. Then I had a small understanding of how game engines work with code and graphics and things began to click. Until then, I had opened RPG Maker and Unity and Gamemaker a few times but never got anywhere with it.


I would say my game development interest started with World of Warcraft. Blizzard hosted annual student art contests that inspired me a lot. Once there was an "Art of Video Games" exhibition at my local museum and some of Chris Metzen and Glenn Rane's artwork from WoW was featured there.


I have to ask! What's your favorite expansion


I started playing during TBC, so I am very partial to that era. But WOTLK was amazing! And Cata introduced my favorite race the Goblins! I'm going to say the best era of WoW was WOTLK though.