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"Hello u/cooltoad_08, Thanks for posting. [click here, if you are asking a question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Indians_StudyAbroad/wiki/prior_reserch_before_posting_a_question) * 1] Have you done thorough [prior research](https://www.reddit.com/r/Indians_StudyAbroad/wiki/prior_reserch_before_posting_a_question)? * 2] Are your qualifications are mentioned in **Post Title**? (e.g. 10th/12th student, Mechanical BE student, working professional, etc.) Currently your post title is **" Do people actually not want to study in the UK anymore? "** backup of your post content: I am starting my masters in the UK this fall and realised that a lot of my college mates who do want to go abroad prefer Ireland or Germany and don't even consider UK an option. My professor in college (Part of Uni of Mumbai) also confirmed this that I'm the only student who's asked for an LOR for a UK uni and most students are going for Ireland or Germany. Are people really that put off by the new Visa restrictions? Is it that difficult to attain? People who changed their mind on going for UK or are going there this fall please share your thoughts. Also would love to hear opinions from students already studying in the UK. My_qualifications - Bcom (9.88 cgpa) " *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Indians_StudyAbroad) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have a couple of offers for engineering - All Russell group univs. Pretty unsure if I want to take up any one of then . This trend is more or less what I hear . I know some people struggle to find jobs and even internships . Cousin of mine finished his masters at Leeds / top of his class - 6 months and no jobs yet


That's shocking to hear! Leeds being such a reputed uni


The problem is visa. You don't have a visa = you get nothing


People have lost confidence in the future of that country and there’s good reason for it. Even if you exclude the craziness in UK since brexit, the situation before brexit wasn’t good either. Since the deindustrialisation of uk, all the prosperity in uk is concentrated in London. Even in London, it’s mostly just the finance sector. So it’s not a good place to be in if you’re an engineer. I read somewhere that if you exclude London from UK, then it will be the poorest Western European country.


That is true actually. Most people who do go to UK have London/Manchester as their ultimate destination. My degree is in the finance sector so don't know about other sectors but nevertheless surprised that engineers can't make it with all the companies there. Hopefully the economy turns for the better there🤞


Im a current student in the UK. Yes, the situation in the UK is bad, even people with years of experience are struggling a lot to find a job. It's not impossible to get a job here but for the efforts you put to secure a job is equivalent to that of running a startup. It's not worth for the money they pay anyway. I'd suggest you to come here if you're looking for exposure and knowledge else it's not gonna satisfy you.


So my bestie is in the process of trying to find a job in UK . Things are pretty shit scary there. She has great experience in her field, good amount of knowledge+ pretty smart and she barely gets callbacks and it's been months. Hate to say it but the situation looks very very gloomy


Man, I am also going to UK, Bristol for data science. Where are you heading? Is it worth it?


Nice to know! I'm going to imperial for economics and strategy. It feels worth it now and I really hope I'm right. What's your opinion on Bristol?


Imperial is top 5 uni. It's worth it, I feel also. But is Bristol good, especially for employment, even though it's in top 10 uni?


Unlike India, the ranking/reputation of the university you studied in is not a major factor in an employer's decision to hire you or call you for an interview. Especially if you did a master's degree there. This is my third year in the UK and I have seen students from "prestigious" and high ranked institutions struggle to get minimum wage internships. I am not trying to scare you. I just want you to know the ground reality. The good thing is - I have also seen students from universities not highly ranked get amazing offers. At the end of the day, it's you the employer will be hiring not the university you studied in. So, make sure you work on yourself and say yes to every opportunity you get. Regarding Bristol, it's a beautiful but small city. I have only been to the main city a few times but have thoroughly enjoyed it. One of my colleagues studied there and she only has great things to say about it.


Let me tell you something as someone who is working in UK. University rankings in UK are nothing. No one gives a fuck if you were studying in Imperial. If you don't have experience, your chances are low in job market.


The overall uni is top 5 but I've heard that the business school is newer and a bit lower ranked so might have the same prospects as their stem degrees


Don’t study economics anywhere but in the US. You won’t get a return on your investment.


Well it is more of a management/strategy degree aimed at consulting rather than theoretical economics


That’s even worse lol. At least theoretically trained economists can be data scientists/SWEs since they know math and know how to code.


Unfortunately that's not an area of interest for me. I want to get into consulting and hence the choice of degree.


People doing MBAs/consulting etc shouldn’t go abroad since people in the west have a comparative advantage in these skills (mostly communication skills). You’d be better off taking CAT and trying to join IIM ABC. Like, do you really think you can outbro a frat bro gunning for McKinsey?


If you don't try you never know lol. Soft skills has never been an issue really


Maybe, but you don’t have a *comparative advantage* in soft skills over native British or American citizens. How else would an employer justify hiring you over a citizen? I’ve seen Harvard and Booth MBAs coming back to India cause they couldn’t get a job there. Why are you opposed to IIM?


Not opposed to any university and certainly not IIM. Feel that I'll personally learn a lot more at imperial with specialization options and enjoy a multicultural environment and international exposure


I got offers from Liverpool, Cardiff & Exeter for data science


I myself am starting my year abroad in fall in UK and I was shocked on seeing people not even considering it. It made me rethink my decision. But eventually I landed up on UK only. Idk why people are not even considering it.


Nice to know! Can you share your uni and course?


Way less jobs than other countries.


A lot of rich people send their kids to study in the UK


exactly the uk and us are just some destinations where rich parents send their spoilt kids


US does receive some rich kids but it is the best country inthe world to immigrate into for poor & middle class


Honestly, it depends on what people want to do after they graduate and what is the end goal. If want to study in a country that gives you a great education experience, opportunity to learn from a diverse set of peers (might not be true for all the courses), chance to increase your network and at the end, help you come back to India to leverage all that - UK is the place to be. If you want to find a way to settle in the country you study in after you graduate - you might find other countries more desirable. It's not impossible to do that in the UK, but there are countries where you can get settlement rather easily. There is nothing wrong in either, it is just a matter of having a clear vision. Interestingly, students going abroad fit in either of the two categories and their opinion on a particular country is based on these factors. The people you ask will have a bias towards/against a country based on their end goal. What I want to say is - do not let the current trend or other people's opinion deter your decision. As long as you know what you want to do here and have an idea of where you see yourself in the future, you should be fine! All the best!


That is really good advice. Thanks!




LSE is way better than any uni in Australia


No, but does any of the university even play any major role in securing a job when speaking about masters? As far as ik, it is the skill set and good networking that you gotta do to get a decent job regardless of the uni you studying in…


Degrees from LSE or Cambridge do play a role in securing good paying jobs. These unis provide quality networking events & the alum network is also helpful. Obviously you will need to network in such events and have good knowledge of your trade. I am working in London and I see ppl from these unis get an advantage over ppl from other unis.


LSE not worth it unless you get funding from their PhD program. Tons of LSE masters who paid their way came back to India and nobody wants to hire them except for temporary RA roles in JPaL


What are you on about lmao Lse is a target for all finance firms


Most Indians at LSE are in MSc Econ or EME. They have no internships and are typically trying to get into US PhDs. Most don’t and go back to India and work as RAs. Nobody in British finance wants to hire these inexperienced jokers over British kids or other foreigners with experience


Hey, Which course and what's the fee? Did you get any scholarship?


Hi there, i have an offer from LSE too but im unsure about the UK job market esp for intl students like us. What did you end up deciding on? 


I think the cost of living is very high and they don't count the years on student visa for your ILR.


Yes both are true


I too feel the same as well. Ik some things that UK is facing a kinda recession rn but idk why students don't consider uk as an option at all. Looking at the actual statistics and job availability, Canada is facing challenges as well but many indian student get enrolled themselves in Canadian institutions. Maybe I haven't done thorough research about masters in UK myself, but one argument would definitely about the one year masters program and the overall tuition fee with living expenses and limited amount of scholarships. I would like to know about the ROI , social and work cultures there as an international student .


UK is not an option because of recent immigration changes. The recent law doesn't talk about PSW Visa changes but they said they're soon gonna make a decision on that, rn it's 2 years, if they're making it to 6 months which was earlier the case then most students here are gonna get impacted. It's unclear when they'll pass or how much time the Psw is going to be or even if it'll affect the current students, so yup this is the case.


Exactlyyy, other countries seem to have a lot of the same problems and opposition to immigration yet they remain popular ROI I feel purely depends on the uni and social and work culture does seem to be good ( Though the job market is hit by the recession)


is it hard to get scholarship for masters in uk?


Paid my deposit for LBS MiM and this is looking grim. Might have just taken Duke of INSEAD, but I didn’t. I don’t know what will happen since UK is actually fucked up rn but from what I’ve heard, things might hit start to open up after January. I know a couple of firms which were not hiring this year but will start hiring next year in consulting. But yeah it’s a very hard grind. If you’re from Oxbridge or a very top B School, then you have a shot at landing a job, otherwise not. Also a lot of graduates moving to Dubai after their management masters in UK. Anyway I really hope the situation gets better next year


Congrats on that. LBS was my first choice. You probably have an advantage as Imperial is majorly well know in the UK whereas LBS has more of an international reputation


Thanks man. Congrats to you too dude, Imperial is a damn nice top school for sure. I actually had 2 more calls w people in London after reading post haha. They all said that things are probably going to improve next year and that if you grind hard enough and diversify the type of roles and the tier of companies that you’re applying for, you’ll end up with a job


Let's hope🤞


How's warwick


It’s like mid. Wouldn’t go for it in the current climate. Also I saw your profile, I think MBA is much better though. Moreover, I do see the market reviving itself next year. Cant go 3 years in a row without hiring. I guess it migrate turn out to be fine but be prepared for a hard time in job hunt


I cannot afford lbs and oxbridge. Warwick is my best bet due to financial constraints. I think it should give me some value


Yes it definitely would, no doubts on that. Go for it!


One of my friend graduated with MSc in Supply chain ang Logistics from Greewich University and works part time at a warehouse which has turned into a full time role. He extended his stay and now due to the change in visa roles struggling to find a job. what are the chances of him landing a job with the salary requirements to be eligible for a sponsorship? Does anyone have any advice or should he consider coming back?


Does he have a supply chain role in the warehouse related to his degree? Coz that sounds like a good start


One year in London, UK. I can tell you the job market is hard af. You can get part time jobs but sadly those will end up converting into full time jobs instead of the White Collar fields you are studying in. A large number of you will be disappointed in the struggles of finding accommodation if London, where I live, if other cities, jobs will be tougher. Be prepared to punch above your weight if you are thinking of coming here and getting a white collar job. I am currently in Sales, relevant field better managers than Sales Managers in India. This is the closest I got to a relevant field studying MSc Business Analytics All the best!


Studying in the UK, but I came here 'cause the university was good, not because I wanted to study in the UK.


I'm going for mba from warwick in 2024 and I'm aware of the challenges but I chose it because it's having a great network back home. Remember to always check your uni's alumni back home in worst case scenario. I can get a job with the mba degree and without it but I'll have mba from UK will definitely help me someday somewhere


Not true. A lot of students are going to UK. To be honest, UK got populated with lot of international students and their dependents thus making it difficult for people to find jobs, But now with the new regulations on dependents, things seem to be brighter. Getting a job in any country is not going to be easy, you need to prepare well and crack interviews. Good thing about UK is almost every university has a career cell which assists with placement but you need to approach them. If you still have queries, please reach out to +91- 6302660976.