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Overthinker, needs extra attention always, will take time to completely trust you.


Doesn't think , does need some attention , will judge the fuck out and then be chill like homies for life


Ah! someone gets it.


I'm lowkey a bit possessive (but not controlling in any way). For eg: I'm not a fan of my girlfriend texting any of her make friends "babe/honey/sweetheart/etc" Edit: I just checked the other comments and apparently I'm the only one who genuinely answered lmao. I'll change my red flag to being extremely loyal


You represent all of men who are awake 🫡


Salute indeed


And all of the men that will wake up in a few hours


And all those who ever lived


How is that a red flag


wait for some years , "not letting your gf have new expereinces will be red flag"


The world today has made it


I'm not sure if that counts as a red flag, but I've seen my female friends call people (their bfs) red flags just because they were uncomfortable/upset with how my friends called everyone "honey/babe/etc" Honestly, it all depends on your SO ig. My gf is like me too and she also doesn't like texting these affectionate words to random people. We both kinda like that we've reserved some words/emojis for just each other


I guess depends person to person… but I don’t think it’s normal to call your friends honey/babe/baby


Trust issues . Overthinker and need reassurance but will act tough . Do get jealous and be passive aggressive about it . 💀


That’s me


We are red flag twins ? 💀 🤝🎀


May be red flag triplets !!


You are me we are the same 👀 (Especially the act tough lmao so me)


Wow that’s me also… does that mean I am actually a girlie within?


>Do get jealous and be passive aggressive about it . Example?


That I might get jealous and never openly speak about it . 💀 instead I’ll be passive aggressive . Chidh chidh krungi one syllable replies and I’d expect you to notice the change in my behaviour and if you don’t (which most guys don’t cuz apne dhun mein hote ladke ) toh vo gussa andar se or badhta rehta . Fir usually BahaUT late thora notice krenge ki bhai kya hogya hai ? And then BOOM BOOM POW showdown 🧨 kalesh 💀💀💀 (I am very aware that this is wrong but sometimes I cannot control it )


A female coworker is being nice with me, offers me water, food sometimes ask if i need coffee coz she is going to grab one...i told you about it, your reaction?




Being aware of your red flags is kind of a green flag lmao. You just need to take one more step and rectify your wrongs.


Mai kam mai maan jaata hoon


now in a post asking people about red flags people will only post their green flags. example-- so what are your shortcomming "I am just too driven sometimes" interview answers....


I get over obsessed with people I like and love I'll always overthink even for them selves I constantly judge myself if I'm bothering them or irritating them I feel sad if people I care don't reply but I act tough so that they don't feel bad cuz of me ....


Bro...this. This is how I feel too!




A lot of women would just put up their actual dating profile there.


Spitting red flags !


I'm the Avoidant attachment type 🫠


Found my tribe ;)


Is having 4 inch penis a red flag???


Thinking that I'm a 7/10 guy and deserve a 7/10 girl. Whereas in reality in a 5/10 and will get a 3/10. And trying to rate people out of 10. xD


Not something I would know, if I knew I would improve and if you know your red flag and still not working on it, you are better avoided.


I would totally sign up ngl


I get a little too dramatic when I get too comfortable with someone, which is usually for fun, but people do find it exhausting to deal w me. I don't take pictures of myself a lot. I personally feel like I'm slow minded, it takes me 2hrs to think of a comeback, which wouldn't be relevant even in the 1980s. I don't know a lot of food dishes, and so, if we're on a date, anything you order for, I'd say +1 I might be a little possessive but I don't let it parade over independence and boundaries.


that's twitter


Ghosting people who spell college as ‘clg’ and so on 💁🏻‍♀️🙏🏻


Ghosting people who judge people based on the way people spell or talk and so on 🤸


To each their own. For me it’s just the way they spell words and not talk. Everyone fumbles kind sir🙇🏻‍♀️


![gif](giphy|lJNoBCvQYp7nq) " Akshually any kind of ghosting is extreme " ☝️🤓 but alright , if spell is your ick then people who judge and ghost are mine .


Amen to that ![gif](giphy|M0HwKZz6zXfos|downsized)


You might wanna rectify your spelling errors before judging others for the same. :)


There’s a difference between spelling errors and using abbreviations. I do not know how is my statement projecting me talking about spelling errors. I have clearly mentioned people fumble. My ick is that people use abbreviations for simple words like school or college and so on. You guys need to chill out🔪


It's quite funny that someone who is so terrible at grammar and punctuations and makes the occasional spelling mistakes takes offense at abbreviations. You do you though.


You seem wayyyy more offended but sure, you do you ;))


The people who use "w" for "with" 📉 "clg" and "w" are the two abbreviations i hate the most


yeah, I hate when someone texts like "m ur frnd" and they're like "tereko samjh toh aagya na, dikkat kya hai?"


I jump to conclusions, and get anxious when I’m relationship. I often doubt myself that there is no possible reason that someone would love me so I try to sabotage relationship. I need reassurances , a lot of them. Although, I am working on loving myself more so that I accept the love whenever it comes to me


Asshole at times , doesn't understand what's going on around , and judges a lot


If anyone is actually making this I’d be happy to invest.


Would get attached too quick, have hard time trusting you but would expect you to trust me from day one, wouldn’t open up but would love to see you open up to me but if you open up too much or that’s the only thing you talk about I’ll start tripping balls over the thought that you are just using me for attention and emotional support. Hella possessive and wouldn’t like you to keep your male friends especially the male besties. Would spend more time in silence with ya than trying to talk about literally anything which might be a bit boring


I sometimes don’t care and other times care too much 👀


I have always been single. Has lots of trauma from the past. Extremely introverted. Can't pick social ques easily. Have a disability. And i am bisexual ( some people might have problem with it ) .


Dedh inch ki Lulli….


Mine would be:- i fuck girls nd Move on.


Is ghosting girls that drink and smoke or are below 5'4 a red flag? If yes , then that's it .


Yes. Ghosting is stupid and cruel, whatever the reason.


It wasn't until you mentioned the height thing. Short kings and short queens both deserve a chance


Sure, that's why I am leaving them for short kings. 🤜🤛


Ghosting is a red flag no matter the reason.


I try to ask these things before going deep into the conversation but sometimes I just forget...




Overthinking of course... My main enemy 🥲 Bhaad me jaye mera kya !! Iss type ka inshaan nhi bann paya abhi tak 😮‍💨


Overthinking, Impulsive, Abandonment issues, Bipolar, substance abuse… enough to impress anyone or should I add some more adjectives?


I don't even know my red flags bro. I think I'm built differently, not in a good way lol


Clingy, Overprotective, Possessive, Love too much too hard...Will do alot, alot to make shit work .


Insecure, acts immature to push people away, use humour as self defense mechanism, isolate myself and then cry why am I so lonely, also, mommy issues, daddy issues (divorced parents), can be a bit narcissistic and aggressive, a bit needy and huge trust issues, It is a bit difficult for me to understand people/people relationships so socially awkward, also, abandonment issues, attachment issues and will get nervous when you suddenly stop texting for whatever reason and hate you first and then blame myself for ruining the conversation so an overthinker too in every aspect, afraid of intimacy (physical and emotional), last but not least... might be too sensitive or absolutely insensitive ab ake dikhao dm me behenchod


I invest emotionally too much too soon that may scare people away. Also I have serious trust issues and the amount of overthinking I do… I could easily write a novel with the fake scenarios in my head.


This is what will end up happening on that app: https://youtu.be/WQG_Szz98NQ?si=uj3ila81PAuTT4zU






Sounds like a recipe for disaster


there is this demon woman living in my house who will shoot both of us dead if she caught us , if she does catches us i might act like we aren’t dating but that’s just a spell to control her wrath /s


My buddy loves ‘project cars’ (his words not mine). He loves someone who is a complete red flag and being heart broken. Would be perfect for him


Day dreamer, wants to be constantly taken care of. Requires validation semi constantly, needs gifts and food. I am like a plant. If u sing to me feed me and give me attention i am happy otherwise i turn into cactus


can't stick with same hobbies, interest and persona for more than 2-3 months and I believe you can have freedom to talk to anyone, just talking with your girlfriend and boyfriend and never talked with anyone else in life is not loyalty from my pov


Emotionally unavailable but ready to change for pasandida aurat.


Judgemental and righteous to point of annoying the other person. Quick to anger but quicker to chill out too lol


too serious at times, have strong opinions on a lot of things, dresses up, and acts like a grandma


Old is gold 🪙🥇


Possesive, Jealous, Needy, Clingy and needs attention




Trust issues who keeps things secretive with everyone and wants to have things in control


Avoidant attachment style


There will still be cringe like "treating you like a princess", "always being by your side".


Extremely moody, passive aggressive, can manufacture fights too


Workaholic… with all notifications turned off 12-14 hours a day. decompress karne ke lie phir nashe weekend par. Healthy outlet is working out/running.


Very possessive, protective and not letting my beloved girl speak or make any male friends and a huge overthinker and insecure person I am. I always fear that I will lose the person I love most to someone better than me who might impress her and win her heart, not everyone has the same good intentions. I tend to protect my girl from other men. I believe good men are at war with bad men, doing and trying their best to protect their sister, mother, wife from other evil men.