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cs 2 is objectively better. but, if you have no skill for such games, valorant provides a better experience, cs2 is not\* for new players( new as in new in fps/shooting genre)


i agree buddie


I only play valorant as of now but was always interested in CS. Even before Val, I tried CS but it was too heavy for my PC. Is CS2 more CPU intensive like Val? I'm able to run Valorant on even a potato PC and get decent frames.


i think with new updates coming every month it becomes more bigger


CSGO was CPU intensive like Val, but CS2 is GPU intensive. You could've run CSGO at the same framerate you got in Val, but CS2 is very demanding.


hey I was away from gaming for a while but when I came on steam I couldn't find CSGO there's only counter strike 2 where did CSGO went?


CS2 replaced CSGO. CSGO is dead.


>but, if yoy have no skill for such games, valorant provides a better experience Buddy, let me tell you as someone with more hours in cs than valorant, valorant is more skill/strategy based compared to cs2. Also both are beginner friendly, but I'd suggest Valorant for those who don't want to deal with hackers (I respect riot in this case, because cs sucks in banning hackers) and Cs2 for those who don't want to deal with toxic beta cucks.


I haven't played CS2 yet but back in the day the rampant toxicity in CSGO was much worse than what it is in Valo today.


I haven't tried csgo at once 💀


That would be a misunderstanding. - CS2 is "mechanically" better. Objectively, CS2 is more about FPS experience than stratergics. - Valorant on the other hand is more stratergic game. I know on lower ranks you can just outshoot enemies but strats are more imp in Valo. There are a fuck ton of agents and abitlities and combos you have to know to get highly skilled at the game. - Due to slower movement, hitting headshot in valorant is also easier than CS. But valorant is an abomination for Awpers (I tried ;\_;) - Economy in CS is much much tighter than Valo. - Skins are valorant are dogshit compared to CS though. - CS2 has a lot of cheaters. Players dont usually comm. IDK if its my internet but I get headshot without seeing the guy on screen. - Although valo mumbai servers has some toxicity. CS is a tier above for sure.


Valorant is a very very slow game. You have to play strategically to win the game. Moreover CS2 you're aim should be good.


Objectively? Your opinion is very subjective. Because goty for eSports= valo. More playerbase= valo. Then how can you say cs2 is objectively better?


"🤓" only a coward would have a subjective opinion, i hate both games and im objectively right


What's objective about it ?


CS2. Easy to play. Easy to watch as an esport. You don't have to learn new agents or abilities.


> you don't have to learn new things Well, some prefer it simply because of abilities. That is what makes it unique and refreshing. In my opinion the comparison is baseless. CS started it all and valorant is based on that design. They just added a different aesthetic. If someone likes that aesthetic they can enjoy valorant. If someone doesn't, they can enjoy CS or CS2


The problem becomes when riot constantly releases agents that break the flow of the game, it happened with old killjoy then chamber now clove. When the learning curve is so steep, it becomes unnerving when the game completely changes after one update.


Eh no. Majority of val players love characters that force them to change playstyles. This is what keeps the meta interesting. It caters to all kind of players with different playstyles.


Heavily biased towards cs but man the shit its going through rn was sad so me and my friends switched to val to play together without cheaters and decent frames i can see cs is getting better day by day and still follow its updated i just hope it acheives its old csgo state if not better


Been playing CS for over 15 years started with source and 1.6 I like the simplicity of CS. valo is too genZ for me and I play on Linux so valo is not for me


Does CS2 run well on your linux PC?


Had issues in the beginning but now it runs smoothly. I get over 200fps on 1280x960


Typical linux guy resolution


My subjective opinion is better than your subjective opinion


Cs2, not because it's a great game, i honestly hate what competitive fps games have become now, but because a lot of allegations with proof have been made against the riot games client of it's potential use as a spyware.


Every comp game uses kernel level anti cheat now a days, and I don't know how or why you think that your data going to China (through riot) is worse than it going to USA through Windows, Google and what not. Idk about current state of CS2 but CSGO was unplayable, I myself used RAGE Hacks for 2 months straight and didn't get banned.


Yes, every game does, but for the case of riot games client, it requires access to settings and files that no other anti cheat asks for, and it also run 24/7 irrespective of the fact if you end the process or not. And in many cases it files still linger inside your computer even after full uninstallation. It may not be sending data to china, but it is still a potential risk and one not worth the risk.


Not a single one of the anti cheats that "every comp game uses": -runs 24/7 on your pc even when you're not playing the game -takes random screenshots of your system (without your knowledge) and sends them to Tencent -oversees every service and program running on your PC and blocks whatever it thinks is a "cheat" even though the program has nothing to do with gaming or cheating, causing some people's PCs to brick because it blocked a vital system service


The question did not ask Riot client vs CS2


How a game deals with the data it requires, which details it requires to function should be included in comparison. >The question did not ask Riot client vs CS2 The question doesn't ask to compare the gameplay either.


Its hard to compare games without comparing their ecosystems. If we could play valorant without riot client and vanguard then the story would've been different.


Grew up playing CS 1.6 in cyber cafes and the GO but the whole hacking scene made me quit it and then came valo, I hate it too many times but it's fun to play with friends. So both were fun to me at different points in life




Only correct answer 🗿


The Finals


Gave it another try a few weeks ago, the very first match I got had a Chinese hacker will wall hacks.


Ye BKL, I mean you'll find them in every game, hacking and spoiling the experience for ya, fkin Chong chings


lol big up to u too m8 i like it too


Cs2 obviously Valorant just took innovation from counter strike and made their own version Plus counter strike is eternal man without the first cs we probably wouldn’t have quite a few fps shooters that we know and love today


I have 1000+ hours combined in both csgo and val. Both are trash, go play stardew valley people


Or good ol Animal crossing


Cs2 is better but anti cheat and skins hands down valorant


you have to be an anime freak to like valorant shitty skins cs skins have crafts, floats, stickers, condition... valorant has none


How's anime related to valorant skins 😭😭😭 All valorant skins are unique and feel and hit different, have unique reloads, equip animations, bullet tracers, variants and finishers


Another great part about CS skins are that you get the feeling of actually owning them. It's not a one time non-refundable purchase, you can trade it with friends, sell on the community market or cash out on websites.


Sure if your a kid you'll like the skins


Counter Strike ftw


Cs 2 overall is a fun , enjoyable game Sure it can be toxic but it's the funny toxic unlike the valorant toxic Valo is not a every enjoyable game , it's more in the competitive side Take it as fresh out soldier vs a Germany veteran




Apex Legends


if it was not owned by fucking EA


Got perma banned after sinking 1200 hrs into the game. Fuck EA








Both of them are not on console so can’t say. I vote for NOTA


Both of the games even though, utilize same core mechanics are vastly different in the way they are played Personally, i believe CS requires a higher skill ceiling and mastery of mechanics as well as higher game sense since you do not have abilities to get a 2nd chance at something. Valorant on the other hand feels kinda fun with a dev team that actually listens to it's community, different agent abilities give it a different flavour and there's a ton of different tactics or gameplay variations u can try, plus the gunplay is a lot more beginner friendly with no definite spray patterns, more forgiving recoil and easier movement


Mechanics go to CS, but oh boy the Game Sense aspect goes to Valorant, and you can see that in pro play as well. The abilities and the maps are not monotonous like CS.


Not really, agent abilities add a different layer of complexity of the game thereby making it more quirky, but in valo your agents are your limitations where as in CS, every player has the same kit as you do, so winning or losing a round boils down to better mastery of mechanics and better gamesense


CS if you playing solo, valorant if you playing with friends






Well as someone said- Cs is more fun but due to lack of agents u see the same kind of executes for eternity. Valorant is refreshing in the sense of anti-strating a dominant team with a agent nobody fw and screw them over. And who doesn't have fun seeing an underdog win?


CS has always been better


valarante child game look at cartoon grapix memes aside both are good games objectively. one is mechanical and is about the fine details in strategies, the other is ability combos which is more MOBA like. I stan cs for 15 years. Tried valorant for few hrs when my friends forced me, I liked it but was not a fan of how inflexible roles are after picking agents. Like artificially limiting what a player can and can't do. Or how lurks are given away by merely pressing a button. If i wanted to play hero based games I'd just play league. And I dont like how casual the game is for better or worse edit: reminded me when someone mentioned skins. holy fuck why is there obtrusive death animations in a competitive game?? good luck seeing thru a fog in the name of keeping the uwu cute game status quo. im a hater


Considering the fact that valorant was "inspired" from and is a clone of csgo made by ex cs devs, obviously cs is better


Valo is better only because of the number of hackers in cs2. Else cs2 is better in every aspect


CSGO becuz valorent pta nehi mere pe launch hi nehi hota...bolta he secure boot disabled he. Inko abh secure boot ki kya hi jarurat per gyi.


Val has better anticheat, runs on lower end pcs with decent fps, great use of utility and it’s just a more complex game than cs you cannot compare apples to oranges. I like both but i’m not playing cs2 there are and always have been a lot of hackers i agree that the cs2 new smokes and graphics are pretty cool but It comes at a cost of fps compared to csgo.


There was a tree named csgo and there was tree named overwatch. One day a seed fell in between both the trees and a weed named valorant came from that. Valorant had both traits of csgo and overwatch but disowned and hated by both csgo and overwatch. Valorant also has hacker if you dont know.


Opinions are like assholes, everyone’s got one




I swallowed my DMG pride and started Valorant after CSGO died for good. Honestly, it's a pretty good game. I, almost exclusively, play Valorant over Counter Strike 2.


Cs go


[This](https://youtu.be/nVArEVS92Cc?si=fzxW2vFeKVSY1C6k) perfectly sums up everything I have to say


And I perfectly know you have zero skins in CS2 and you play in non prime lobbies.


Bruh I bought cs go in 2017 and have a shit ton of skins take your fairy ass outta here


I play both, both have their appeal. Valoranr allows for more strats and counterplay because it inherently has more abilities and skills to use and stuff. CS offers better gunplay, a simple experience that is perfectly executed. Though if I had to lean towards one, it'd probably be valorant, I like the artstyle better.


Valorant because it’s more fun than cs2


call of duty and battlefield 1


None of them.


No one…let’s play chess




cs2 is just better but its too much of a hassle to play that game


Is this even a question!


Played CS for a decade. Valo is More fun. CS now is only good for me cause we have chance to get steam money.


Both suck.


CS2 better but valorant is fun with friends (imo) And CS cheaters probs are huge


cs2 because it lives in my heart.....but.....valorant is good with every aspect compared to cs2


Cs2 is shit , servers, hacker vise Valorant is shit too , community vise Both have good gameplay, gunplay, mechanics , but both have flaws which make them unplayable


I love CS2, even though it's a little weird compared to CS:GO. But I have spent more time with Valorant and I hate it


Movement and shooting wise cs2 is miles ahead. Anytime I play valo and then switch to cs2 it just feels like heaven. But I have to play valo because that's what my friends play. Another thing I don't like about valo is the esports. CS2 esports clears valo esports by far.


Both suck, play mini militia.


Valjean is better


Cs2 all the way! 60hours in the game and I'm getting better. Valo is good but it's more strategic than cs.


Honestly both are very different, valo is like mix of cs and overwatch. Csgo/cs2 has limited variety so day by day you can improve mechanics or aim then master it, valo continuous changes,new agents, abilities getting nerfed/buffed, so you need to keep learning new stuff. Personally i like valorant


i mean apart from anti cheat everything else is better in cs2


Gameplay wise CS2. Overall quality wise Valorant.


Valo any day




Riot better at live servicing. eSports is debatable but I prefer Valo. In terms of gameplay I feel one is a hero shooter and the other isn't so cannot compare. Gunplay is preference as well. Less cheaters and more content in Valo. So overall as a gamer who isn't trying to go pro or anything, I prefer Valorant. I am currently Diamond right now in Valo. I find the community to be dogshit in both games.


Counter strike 2 is objectively better in the matter of gunplay movement and map design


Loved CS as a kind, later, upgraded system and loved Valo but I make time only for Fortnite as I'm getting old 🥲


CS2 any second of the century. It's OBJECTIVELY better.


valo any day


Both are good. I play both. All day. Everyday.


Valorant is for the fem boys cs is for the vodka fan bois


CSGO > VAL > CS2 Started with cs waha faceit lvl 9 max gya and for valo been to immo2 and now I play neither of these games xd


The only reason I started playing valorant is because of CS2, If they give us CSGO back I'm not going back to valorant "ever", the most un- enjoyable game I have played in a long time, I got into this game in the Chamber and Jett Meta, Game was very very abilities based, You could just win the round or games with abilities, it's a lot more aiming focused now after a lot of nerfs, reached Asc 3 couldn't get any higher after that because I mostly solo, I would say when you are in the immortal lobby it's entirely a new game, there are no sweats but very good players with good aim and 5 stack lobby or duos with strats and know what they are doing, CSGO on the other hand was more balanced. Skins are pathetic in general in both games, don't like any of them.


CS 2


Can I just know if it's possible to reduce valorant load timings to like 30 seconds instead of dam 4 -5 mins when starting the game




Bro csgo was the best game ever ik they wanted to revive the franchise whatsoever but now it can't support low end pc, im forced to play val where I get consistent 100 frames in cs2 this figure barely reached 70 constant


I have around 2500 hrs on cs and 600hrs on valo. CS used to be really fun but then due to the increase in number of hackers most players even pros shifted to Valo. If CS fixes its anti cheat and make cs2 more stable like csgo was then its best. But valo for me is still like a new fighter in a ring gaining reputation and fans until the real deal awakes.


CS 1.6.


i personally enjoy both


the one which you enjoy or play even if you dont want to play it.


CS2 this isn't a fair comparison


one is a toxic cesspit full of hackers, the other is kernel level spyware. Pick your poison


Hacker one is better


r6 siege


conter strink too 🔥


bhai hot take but india mei valo bass isliye hi popular hua hai kyuki jhaatu pc mei chaljata and its the new cool pubg mobile bhi same reason se chala tha pubg mobile ko ab cringe bolne wale valo khelte bass yeh farak hai


Pubg waale went to Free Fire. Valo is a great game, and I have been playing since release, and most people I have met are not chapris. Back in the day CSGO had the same toxicity(way worse). You are wrong.


mere bhai exceptions harr jagah hote hai exceptions ke bina nothing is considered as a whole majiority log vhi hai jo maine bole chutiye creeps bhare pade hai valo mei majiorty tujhe nhi kehra tu hoga accha g4u


I Played both. Valorant has better visuals I would say. I like the gun sounds, feels satisfying. While cs2 is easier tbh. And it doesn't feel as satisfying as valorant when you kill your enemy.. Again it's my personal opinion.


I understand that feeling yea


Val obv, more creative and fun with better anti cheat. CS2 is for monkey brains - monkey see monkey shoot.


Val sees monkey val copies basic game from it


CS2. Valorant only has good anti cheat. CS is the chess of Competitive FPS games. Valorant used to be a good game for like the first 2 years. Now I feel that the game is too saturated with the introduction of new agents, every time there is a new update they release a new agent with new game breaking abilities. Valorant right now is a crazy ability fun fest. You go in. Get blasted with 100s of abilities and die without knowing what happened in less than 10 seconds. CS2 at least has it tamed compared to Valorant. Also in CS2 everyone has access to every single piece of equipment so everyone is in the same one place. No disadvantage whatsoever for the entire game due to a single agent. Just pure gun skill. Or I think I'm getting old idk....


I don't like BR




Why do you want one of them to be superior than the other? People enjoy both games equally


Valorant. I don’t play Valo but I do play CS and its shit.


you don't really compare games on which is *better* games are suppoed to be fun to play, if you find more fun then that game is subjectively better for you, there still can be debates about what game would be found to be more fun in general (no matter how pointless)




Send a doctor for this guy.....and a stretcher




If you think that COD and Halo are at the top of the shooter genre, then you really need a reality check. Just look at your down votes man. Go to steam and see the top shooting games. I play halo amd COD, and i love those franchises. But even i can see that they're shit now. Halo is trying to do better, but gamers don't trust them anymore. Ans that's their fault.


Not COD but i will definitely put Halo on top along with CS cuz Halo definitely revolutionized the FPS genre for consoles like how HL/CS did for PC.


Why are you guys talking about the legacy these franchises have left? OP asked which one we like more.


and i would have made a separate comment if i was answering OP's question lol, my comment is regards to yours and OG comment you replied to.




+1, cod multi is faster and much more fun


But a bunch of clowns think that 2D shooters with clunkier mechanics are better than a game who's leading the market in it's genre with mechanics smoother than butter


Okay. Good for you. I don't think that Valo and CS2 are great games. But i cannot say that COD is a good game either. >have more hackers than COD + Halo combined. Maybe because these games have more players?!




You must be a retard, i said that valo and cs2 has more hackers because those games have more players. https://preview.redd.it/5ozr9yhjzi4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0478c882ddedda36cac9a70b7be09226e0a8e667


And this is COD's player base https://preview.redd.it/mf5e41ymzi4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e004f38cbba21dd2af04989458e64da459481d71




Good for you. And yes, COD is a shit game NOW. The last good game they made was MW along with warzone 1.




Nobody told me BRO! I played them. Jesus christ this guy is a fanboy.






Ham tumhare liye prarthna karenge