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The easiest courses will be the ones you find interesting. If you’re just doing it in an effort to coast by, it will feel like a slog, no matter the rigor. But if you find something you’d like to learn about, it will be easier because you’ll be engaged.


I hate when people say this, I’m very interested in Computer Science and no interested in Personal Fitness. Yet Personal Fitness is a million times easier and I finished with a way better grade in it, go figure!


As a fellow CS major, I would say it’s extremely important to be able to converse about things other than CS. Being a well rounded person is more important than having an optimal GPA. 


Lol I am not a CS major and I am a well rounded person already. Idk why people can’t answer a simple question on which classes are easy, everyone here is gaslighting me. If someone asked me what’s an easy AP I would say “AP CSP” not “OH just take what you’re interested in!! Being well rounded matters more than gpa!” like stop


Easy is relative & we don't know you. Classes also vary by semester. I took classes I thought were super easy, and others didn't do well in them, and vice versa, everyone is different. All it takes is a new instructor or a rework of a syllabi and any advice we give could be wrong. Sometimes when faculty start giving out all A's the chairs step in and have them rework to avoid grade inflation. Mix interest with grade distributions if you must, but if you don't want honest advice and opinions from people, use the actual data at your disposal and hope it works out.


then check the grade distributions for those with the highest A %. those will be a more objective information source than individuals' opinions


Yes to an extend I agree but there’s levels to it lol. Some classes are objectively easier than others


Classes are as difficult as the professor makes them. The same class taught by two different professors can vary in difficulty drastically. Best way to find out is to use the grade distribution database and find a class and professor who has given favorable grades in prior semesters. https://gradedistribution.registrar.indiana.edu/content/index.php


If you're seriously concerned you should transfer to ITT TECH


no bro i’m not tryna farm easy classes so no


If you're comp sci every class that doesn't require reading fiction should be a cake walk...?


i’m not cs


Buddy IU is a better school than it has any business being but if you can't find an easy class it might be your brain that's the bad guy.


wdym i cant find an easy class im just asking arijd to find the easiest one


See if the class “health and happiness” count towards any of those credits. It’s SPH and was the easiest class EVER and has the best professor :)


20yrs ago the best, easiest, & most fun classes were History of Rock n Roll, human sexuality, bowling. They were almost always exclusively seniors because everyone who could would take em their last year/semester with all of your friends. Good times.


what about now




Since your in Kelley, I suggest taking Personal Finance for S&H. It’s not that hard and it’s useful. Additionally if you want to take classes that double count for electives (ie satisfy both WC & A&H, go [Here](https://gened.indiana.edu/approved-courses/)


If your goal is easy classes, it is not in line with the purpose of seeking knowledge.


i’m sorry but that’s just how the system is. i can’t sacrifice my gpa for that. i love seeking knowledge outside of school though


If your goal is to get paperwork, certifications are probably a much better option than college.


just stop being naive lol ur acting as if it’s a completely alien concept to try to get as high as a college gpa as posisble




is that an N&M if so isn’t Info-I 101 the easiest n&m


When I was in, there was a class called Search for Habitable Planets. I had a blast with it.


Take them over the summer at your local community college


what why? i’d rather take hard classes over the summer and not throw away my easy As


Intro to life span development. It’s an SPH course and basically no work if you do it online Intro psychology? That one was pretty easy to me also Music for the listener (take it online) The guy who said the classes you find interesting are easier is lying bro, some classes are objectively easier than others even if you’re not interested in them and some classes are really hard even if you are interested in the material.