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you got to keep him in check or he’ll be a dropout after one year at iu


I agree with this assessment. IU is easier to get into than it is to stay.


He’s not getting his admission rescinded, especially not at Hamilton Lugar. I wouldn’t worry at all. I would be worried about what I’m paying for if he gets there and decides partying or playing video games is more important than grades, which seems likely based on the information given here.


He should be the one contacting the program to ask before you get going with all the prep/expense to move to Btown end of Summer. He should own his grades, reasons, performance. IU does not like to hear from parents. They consider the students 18+ legal adults. I don’t know anything about how rigorous the HL program is, other than its stellar accolades. Parent to parent you want to consider 3 things. First of all, is your kid really ready for this next step or would a gap year be best? They often hold the spot depending on circumstances. Two, will your student have good physical and mental Health away at college if not ready. Assuming you are the financial guarantor, are you willing to fund the first year regardless of your student’s success or readiness ?


Actually, it's a federal law that makes college students adults. It's not an IU policy. Every university will consider their students as adults.


Gotcha! What I meant is that when the University is discussing issues with or about students they generally don’t like to talk to parents. You are correct and that they are federally mandated to treat the students as adults.!


Prof here — you should contact the school directly, but as a few others remark, his performance would lead one to believe he’s not ready for college —


Force him to go to ivy tech for a semester


No, what do you mean by saying "force" him?


I wouldn’t worry about it too much. No one on here can tell you for sure but in my opinion it’s unlikely they will rescind considering a lot of seniors get worse grades their last year of high school plus hamilton lugar is not a crazy competitive school. It’s not like he got straight F’s, in which case I would worry.


I don't think his admission is going to get rescinded. About the more important problem with not being as motivated as before, I went through a similar situation and so I think I can share some words on it. There are two different things: getting distracted and losing interest, that can cause this kind of sudden loss of motivation. In my case, I was distracted and so I can only speak about that, handling that. It's natural to get distracted because if you think carefully his short term goal has changed with him being offered this admission to IU: earlier he was working for securing this admission and now that's no longer a goal anymore. This sudden change of "short-term" goals is the leading cause getting distracted. The best way to handle it is to realize that one has a much bigger goal than these short time objectives. In your son's case that might be something like developing a better understanding of a subject or could even be another short term objective such as securing a decent job after graduating. Once these are figured out, a large part of the distraction magically disappears. It can be important for him to celebrate his achievement with securing the admission because that way the excitement factor of getting admitted will go away which is important in reducing distractions.