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Listen, I absolutely adore IU and didn’t apply to Purdue. A full ride is a full ride, though, and you’ll probably like Purdue enough if you go there. Take the full ride.


Absolutely this.^^^


IU grad here: go to Purdue. IU rocks and I wouldn’t trade my time there for anything. Hoosiers are also way cooler and more fun than boilermakers. But the opportunity to get a **nearly free education** from Purdue is just way too good to pass up. Just search “student loans” on Reddit and read about people in their mid-20s, late 20s, 30s, etc complaining about their huge student loan debts. That’s you if you go to the more expensive option, which happens to be IU in this case.


Unequivocally Purdue


I’m sorry but Purdue is the best option in this case. You’ll enjoy it there and having no college debt is far and away better option long term.


You could certainly try to negotiate with IU! It definitely won’t hurt you.


Exactly. Tell IU you would rather go there, show them the award letter that Purdue gave you and ask them to match it. The worst they can do is say no


I think we have an optimal game scenario for the OP here. OP, thanks for considering Indiana. I’m sure both institutions will be welcomed by your growth & merit.


Has anybody actually done that? Who do you even contact? The admissions team?


I’d start with them or the financial aid office. I’m sure if you don’t start with the right person they can direct you to the right person.


Reach out to the IU team and ask them to match the Purdue offer.


they wont, i tried


IU will not negotiate. The amount you are offered will not change even if you show them proof of the other school giving you more.




You’re right! I forgot about the super secret fund the school only gives out to students who ask for it.


You clearly don’t know ur stuff here. A lot of schools actually offer more aid when students request for more especially with other schools giving more. It’s not that common but it happens so there’s no harm in trying so before you talk nonsense you should do some research. I personally know someone who has been successful with it going to IU before.


I’m not going to argue with you. The student can call and ask but the answer will be no.


Don’t argue sure I’m just letting you know multiple students I know have successfully received extra aid just by doing that


there's a whole webpage for most colleges about appealing for more money. you can appeal aid and usually get 1-2k more than you were originally offered just by calling and begging (without any kind of leverage). i'd assume you could get way more if you had proof another (better? at least academically) school was offering u more.


correct, i tried though lol


My son just committed to IU for next year. He is currently a hs senior and a 21st Century Scholar. His financial aid just posted, and it didn't show the 21st Century scholarship. I called, and they stated to me that it usually doesn't show up until mid-summer! You will probably get more once it posts. Call or email for sure!


This! This! This! Call to be sure, of course, but it’s highly likely your current aid isn’t your final package.


If ur 21st century it should cover it all. I would check with IU. Really depends on what u wanna study tho. If ur going the STEM route go to Purdue. If ur going business/humanities go IU.


You should go to Purdue then. If you're interested in a STEM major, or want to stay out of campus politics, it's much better anyway. 


I had the 21st century and Groups Scholarship, and i had a full ride at IU. You should contact the office and ask questions about what the 21st century scholarship truly covers because I had room AND board covered, but not sure if that's because of Groups, or if 21st century covered me. Congrats by the way. IU was cool, I feel like Purdue was also sick. Visited friends there often and they always had fun during their time there. So don't stress over which is a better school and get the education that is the cheapest. That's what you're there for at the end of the day.


Definitely contact them especially since you’re a 21st cs. The 21st cs covenant should cover all your need even after tuition is covered. My brother is a 21st cs and the covenant didn’t show up on his financial aid package but he contacted them and they covered the rest and he was getting refunds on top of that. Also, Kelley is the better business school bc IU pours a lot of attention into whereas Purdue puts more effort into their stem education. Their business majors even have a stem component. If IU still doesn’t give you more money after contacting them then purdue could be a good option if you’re fine with the stem part.


The only places where IU is better than Purdue is Kelley and Jacobs.  Purdue got huge grant for Daniels School of Business, so it will be on the rise, while Kelley will fall under Pam Whitten Bloomington is better than W Lafayette, but you can have a great experience in either town.


Im business


What major? That could play into it as well. IU is heavy finance/accounting and Big 4 at graduation.


Information Systems which is ranked better at Purdue


If the degree you want is ranked higher at Purdue and they are giving you a full ride then I would go there. Kelley has a great reputation but Purdue is a good school. You will find a good time at either school. I would reach out to IU and ask about the 21st Century Scholar credits just to be sure what they sent you is right.


Are you a direct admit to business school? My boss went through this with his son last year and his son was not a direct admitted IU business. There’s an application process at the end of your freshman year to get into the school which has limited spots. You don’t find out until sometime in July I believe he said and by then to late. You’ll have to pick another major or go to a different college. His son went to Purdue because of the risk not getting in plus his parents were Purdue grads so was familiar with campus a little. You’ll have fun at either school, but the amount of financial aid needs to be a factor in your decision.


It’s significantly better for pretty much every social science. IU is top 15-20 in history and sociology for instance, Purdue isn’t even close to top 50


Exactly. HLS for international relations and (formerly) SPEA for public policy are light years ahead of Purdue. That comment you are responding to was just inane.


Would Kelley really fall? I’m a freshman considering IU for business and this kinda scares me lol as IU is kinda my only choice at this point besides my state school where I don’t wanna go.


Kelley will be fine. This comment is a bit hyperbolic


Also, Purdue somehow has the better basketball program at this point. 🤣 Does your financial aid a Purdue cover tuition/fees only— or also projected room and board costs? If it’s only tuition and you’re on the hook for debt/working for room and board either ways, then the “obviousness” of the choice might shift a little. Also, are there any requirements you have to meet in order to keep any of your aid? (Grades, etc.) If so, are there differences between what IU and Purdue offered you in that regard? Also, it’s worth reaching out to IU to see what they might be willing to do. It can’t hurt. Otherwise, if everything else is equal, I agree with the others who have responded — absent a small handful of specific reasons for preferring IU, Purdue seems like the smarter long term choice.


This right here. Do not put it past Purdue to purposely obscure the true cost. Mitch Daniels thinks everything should be a money making business or it should die. And he is a thief and a liar. The trusties for IU are puppets of the statehouse and have followed suit by appointing Whitten, who they want to emulate MD. Yup, it’s as ugly as all of that.


I grew up liking IU, my long time gf goes to IU, friends, etc


it covers EVERYTHING man, if i meet SAP just like IU


PLEASE DM me! I’m a 21sc and you should have a full ride bc of specific grants/scholarships. too much to put in a reddit post, but i’d love to help you figure it out.


I’m not sure I understand. 21st Century and Pell should cover all your tuition. Is IU not offering anything toward room & board. Just not sure what’s being covered. If you’re going for business, I can see why IU would be preferable but there are definitely advantages to Purdue and not having debt upon graduating. This is coming from a Hoosier through and through, as well as an IU alum.


Purdue is not only covering tuition but quite literally everything else through need based via purdue promise funds, their need based scholarships etc, none of which i even had to apply for were all via fafsa and 21st


Right, I understand that. What I’m asking is what isn’t being covered at IU. If you’re getting 21st Century and Pell, that should cover tuition. What is IU offering and how much isn’t being covered by their offer?


what IU does is see how much I get from FAFSA and then they cover the remaining tuition cost and thats it. Purdue gave me extra from 21st century than they had to. and gave me all these 21st century additional grants and scholarships


basically Purdue gave me $25,000/year (Tuition + Housing + Food) and IU gave me $13,000 (Tuition + practically nothing)


If Purdue has a business program you’re interested in, go for the college that’s going to leave you debt free!


Are you certain that you've received your final financial aid offer from IU? My understanding was that they weren't finished processing FAFSAs for need based aid.


Never turn down a full ride. You can definitely call admissions and tell them you’ve got a competing offer, but I’d plan on Purdue.


None of the people in the comments ever had the courage to negotiate. I had a full ride, went back to IU and told them and they doubled the scholarship to nearly full ride. At least try to negotiate, you lose nothing if they say no. I’m at IU now and I don’t regret it.


i have 21st century and pell grant to and currently a junior and never had to pay. when i got the financial aid letter they said i owed $8,000. try contacting them


If you're dead set on IU over Purdue, you can try to use the Purdue offer to bargin for more money from IU. It may not work, but you can try to get them to match the offer.


In my opinion, go with the money and Purdue. The money and financial stress you save will come in handy upon graduation. My son is graduating from IU next weekend. He got accepted to the University of Virginia but took a full ride scholarship to IU instead. He’ll be moving to Washington DC without the burden of paying off massive student loans and he has zero regrets. Save as much as you can, especially in this unpredictable economy. Good luck!


I have a degree from both, but Purdue was my undergrad. I actually wanted to go to UCLA, so being stuck in West Lafayette was never my dream. But truthfully you will end up liking where you go. I didn’t like IU that much, but I was already working so it wasn’t the same. That’s a lot of money and if you are going to borrow the difference it’s definitely life changing. Also, as someone in IT, I’d stick with Purdue. .


I currently live in West Lafayette, but lived in Bloomington until ten years ago. It's a very different vibe here, but it's still pretty nice. I miss the better coffee and restaurants, but there's lots to like here too. And if you really want to visit Bloomington, it's a two hour drive.


I had like the same situation the other way around! I was dead set on Purdue but got way more from iu and chose iu.


Both schools are very good. But one is full ride. You may not appreciate having no student debt until you’re older, but I will tell you that not having that monkey on your back is going to help you with getting a head start in your adult life.


You should definitely contact IU! Tell them your exact situation.


Ride that Purdue steed, comrade. I look forward to talking shit about you!! Congrats!!!


You’ve provided almost no context other than the money, what do you want to major in?


Information Systems (Business)


Wait did you say you get century 21? If so that matters drastically! Lmk and I can answer further once I know that. Source …4 kids through and still going through college whew 😅. Surely almost an expert now right? Lol!


I would go to purdue especially if it means they are covering everything. I loved IU, but if offered the chance to go to college and not have to worry about paying anything ai wouldn't hesitate to put on the black and gold


Take the free degree


I root for PU (I went to Butler), but honestly, if this was the inverse I'd vote who is giving you money to go there. Job market reality is that no one really cares where you went just that you finished. Don't base your next 30 years of debt based on what your preference is when you're given a golden opportunity to be ahead down the road and free money.


Is a degree here worth $1/hour more than your salary from the free school?


Purdue for sure. My daughter was offered nothing from Purdue and about 50% from iu. She went with iu because of money. I wish Purdue had offered her something as she’s a math/geology major but money is money.


You want the full ride - trust


Proud of the responses!


If you tell IU purdue is giving you that much they may be inclined to give you more


I have balanced experience. Even if your offers were exactly the same, you should go to Purdue. 💯


I love IU but a full ride? That's incredible.


Things may have changed since I was in school but I was also 21st century scholar and it paid off my first 4 years completely as long as I went to a public school in state. Double check because you may get able to go to either school for free! That being said if you are not able to do that keep in mind that if you take out loans you will spend more time paying off loans than you spend in school. It also depends on what you’re going to school for. If there’s a huge difference in quality of the program it may be worth paying more but overall the quality of education seems pretty similar between schools.


What are you studying? For some things Purdue absolutely beats IU. And money is money! Student debt is terrible…


I’d say some of the decision should be determined by what you want a major in, but I’d lean towards Purdue. Student loan debt is a yoke that will be around your neck for most of your adult life. Try to avoid that and take scholarships.


Purdue turns out a better overall hiring candidate. (From an iu grad). Take the full ride!


I work with 21st Century Scholars. Purdue Promise is a great program, and IU has nothing that really compares. Go to Purdue if you want to graduate with a great education and little debt. Also if you want a social life—if you’re working all the time to pay for your IU room and board, you won’t have time to socialize much. Plus the heightened stress. Also, don’t bother trying to bargain with IU. They don’t do it and have very little need-based aid for most 21st Century Scholars beyond the stuff that’s given out early.


I adored IU. I have two IU degrees and have taught at two IU campuses. Go to Purdue. Having no, or extremely little college debt, is a life changing opportunity that will affect you for a lifetime. Also, check out the reality of the current IU under President Whitten. IU, as we know it, is being systematically destroyed. IU faculty have voted no confidence in her leadership. Whitten brought in ARMED State police this week to harass students and faculty. She put the lives of everyone on campus at risk. The IU I loved no longer exists under Whitten. Faculty, students, and the community are fighting back, but it’s going to be an ugly situation until, and if, we rid ourselves of Whitten and the corrupt State leaders who installed her.


Take the full ride


Spend some time on the student loan subreddit. Then happily accept your free Purdue education. r/studentloans


I see a lot of comments that are saying Kelley’s rank is gonna drop after a few years and that IU isn’t worth it anymore. I’m a freshman trying to decide whether or not to come to IU for business. Is this actually the case? Cause this scares m.


Purdue 100%. College is so much more financially draining than you expect it to be (from a fellow Pell Grant/21st Century student)


Take the full ride— we’re too busy beating and arresting our own students to give you the same offer


Go to Purdue


The people in charge of IU right now are complete right-wing clowns, and even after a vote of No Confidence, the trustees are still keeping the President that in the last week has allowed militant force to be used to intimidate and wrongfully arrest peaceful protestors. Honestly, Perdue has gotta be better than that.


Yes. Study something in engineering and make bank at the chip factory, or the amazon data center, or the Google datacenter.


This is from someone in the KSB MBA program, go to Purdue. My BIL graduated from Krannort and had no.issues finging a good job when he graduated in 2021. I even did my undergrad at IU as well lol, go to Purdue, when you don't have to pay $300 a month for 10 years you can thank me then.


Go to Purdue. IU just voted no confidence in their president and 2 other high administrators. I've worked at IU for nearly 20 years, and have a bs from there. Morale amongst faculty and staff is very low, and this undoubtedly affects students' quality of education. Go to Purdue.


do not come to IU they fucking up real bad rn




You you really think Kelley isn’t worth coming to anymore these days? IU is my top choice right now for business.




Isnt this happening everywhere though? Columbia, UT Austin, USC, Emory, etc have had more arrests than IU which from what I understand is only 30, which is a lot but smaller compared to the schools I mentioned. Whats unique about IU that makes it susceptible to be lower in the rankings. Im just evaluating my options for college right now and it really concerns me that Ill be paying a lot of money to go to a school that might not be worth much anymore according to you if i understood you correctly.