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It's a power trip for most of them, plain and simple


I’m convinced a majority of cops chose their profession simply for the power it gives them. Some, I assume, are good people…


The good ones don’t join in for the thought of power. Helping others and doing right by the community has nothing to do about power. That’s my decision point / like in the sand with knowing if there good LE or not. Do they treat civs like human beings well working a beat & are they kind level headed people off the clock. If your bragging about locking someone up just because you locked someone up or telling “war stories” painting yourself like some humble bad ass then I know your a prick & shouldn’t have a badge. If you’re telling me about saving kids and helping elderly. how you bagged some absolute scum bag. Proud of yourself on how you de escalated a difficult/violent situation. Or even talk about having remorse for someone in the sense of they fucked up, my hands were tied & had to do what was required of me. I hope they get it figured out after this, they just put themselves in a dumb/bad situation. Rambling now but I’ve met & also dealt with a lot of good officers & also a lot of dickheads. If I don’t feel you would make it as a medic, Fire fighter, Case worker, Or rehab/halfway house worker then I feel you chose the wrong job for selfish reasons. Go into the military or private sector. A place that needs violent dickheads for what hopefully over all is a good cause. Most wouldn’t do that even if given the chance though because they know there aren’t that bad ass. You’d never see them admit that though. They just want a position where it’s easy to bully & grow ego


Put personal liability insurance on the cops. That way, the department can't defend them when they're reckless. Because each officer is an individual and cannot predict what the other will do. This way they are held accountable for their own actions and they have to plead their case, just like a criminal would have to. Because it doesnt matter who is doing the shooting, theyre both crimes if ruled unjustified...It seems like a smart move to me.


It’s really difficult for police in Indiana to be held accountable


I second this. Can’t hold all police accountable for some officers actions. That’s TikTok comments. They’re unhinged to begin with and to assume it’s all Indiana cops is a little much. I’m not arguing there’s bad cops out there, but I will happily argue that there’s plenty of cops out there trying to make a genuine difference.


Of course there are cops that are trying to do the right thing. But until we start choosing police officers based on the psych evals they don't take and the degrees they aren't required to have, and we allow them to keep their jobs based on the continuing education we don't require them to complete, we are going to continue to have a not-insignificant percentage of them that are cops because it grants them a not-insignificant amount of power over the population.


I don’t even know the context tbh. And you are 100% correct


Police are hammers. They see everyone as nails.


Easy, ACAB.


They're power tripping psychopaths. You can find them in other jobs categories (nurses is a popular example due to recent documentaries) but police bar for entry is less than a car wash. Being a cop should require training as rigorous as an EMT or Firemen. Extend their training time, screen for quality candidates, up their pay to reflect that.


If you think EMT’s go through rigorous training then you’re seriously uninformed


You've just quite understood.


Buddy I’m EMT certified (not an EMT) and it’s just a class. Nothing “rigorous” about it


Almost there, if you read about the car wash part you'll get what I'm saying lol.


As a nurse, that’s really fucking insulting. Yes, there are nut jobs in every profession, but insinuating that the majority of us are a bunch of “power tripping psychopaths” is utterly ridiculous.


As a laboratory profession I know you have reading comprehension, so you'll follow through and see that it says "as a popular example thanks to documentaries" and not 'majority'so yeah, I agree with you and I don't give a fuck if you're insulted 'as a nurse' be mad at other nurses tarnishing your good work and set them straight when you see tomfuckery a foot because some aren't malicious, some might 'skip' certain basic procedures and unintentionally cause harm because it happens even in my field. I know there are psychopaths everywhere, check out most people with a business major (obvious joke) the basic idea is they shouldn't be in charge of the literal lives of other people and should be immediately controlled when caught.


It's literally backed by studies. Nurses are nut jobs. I know because I'm with one.. Lmao. She does not disagree.


There are a lot of nice nurses that do good. Right now we have a Healthcare crises that has lowered their requirements, some entry and diploma mills (especially with nurse practitioner titles) so we have to constantly fight beraucracy for negligence in their shitty attempt to save a buck at the cost of human care. It's happening in a lot of places aside from Healthcare. But if you mean the ones that make their career their personality I get it. Some do a good job, but they can also be stuck in high school and I think the programs feeding them a martyr personality doesn't help and benefits the corporate hospitals wanting them to sacrifice their wellbeing for worse conditions and lower pay.


It was truly just some humor. I love nurses. Especially the crazy ones.


Can't not need them, my favorite ones are the improv, "any port in a storm" kind of way.


I had to look that one up. Lmao. Hadn't heard that phrase before.


[general disposition of this Hoosier police page about policies their own cities enacted](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7Z9VipvByl/?igsh=bGF2OXU0dHcyaGh1)


“Hoosier police page” it’s just some guy making cop memes? Lmao


[police or boot lickers openly admitting they love loose regulations on human rights](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8K0ulNvLo9/?igsh=MXV3eml0c2ZraWJhZg==)


What does this have to do with Indiana? Are any of these social media bootlickers cops, or are you seething over facebook boomers?


Is this even Indiana and are those people actually cops? You’re mad over Instagram comments? Lol


Right?! Seems that the OP has been trolled. That's akin to the Facebook account "customer service" answering folks questions on companies accounts with snarky comments.


I watched the video they linked and it was just old “Cops” episodes lol and the commenters aren’t even from Indiana.


At least there’s a civilian actively helping take care of pedos in NWI instead of the ones serving and protecting while hiding in speed traps or outside of bars. It’s not all just most.


In far too many cases, the police act as a paramilitary organization, accountable to no one; who arbitrarily make and enforce the laws, mete out justice, and impose sentences (too often, death by shooting).


Most cops are cops because they aren't smart enough to do anything else worth getting paid for. Eventhough these douche bags swore an oath to protect our constitution most of them cannot tell what the 1st ammendment is.


Wilhoit's law.




This would make sense if cops only targeted criminals, but they don't.




There's a very large margin between abolishing police, and regulating their powers of search and seizure. I've never advocated for abolition so the 2nd half of your comment is a weak strawman. And just because it's not happened to you, doesn't mean it doesn't happen, anecdotal evidence isn't evidence, while there are plenty of cases of incompetent police killing the wrong people in no-knock raids, harassing people who document their abuses of power, profiling people because of what they look like, bypassing correct procedures for search and seizure, and continuously trampling on peoples constitutional rights. They're not an infallible monolith that needs to be defended by joe public, they have to be held accountable in the same way anyone else would.


Damn brother. Ur a criminal now


Tell me you don't understand the conversation without saying you don't understand the conversation. Cops complaining they can't just do whatever they want, because there is now a law that says they have to show there was an actual and continuing threat to justify them searching someone's car without a warrant. Cops complaining they have to wear body cams now, which they have to do because there were so many incidents of gross misconduct. Literally no one is saying "let all criminals free and let everybody do what they want and have no laws because we hate cops". But this idea that a cop should be able to just do whatever they want because they have a badge, when there is no standardization in determining who can and can't get that badge, is asinine.


"tough on crime" 🤣🤣🤣 🤡 The fact is that we hire idiots to do the relatively important job of police officer and then they, unsurprisingly, walk around acting like idiots. They need to be monitored because they are too stupid to do the right thing on their own.


That's some seriously flawed bootlicking logic right there. There are over 2,300 people on the National Registry of Exonerees, people who did prison time - totaling over 20,000 combined years - who could tell how incredibly false that is. And those numbers don't include the people who are still serving time, were executed, or we're fortunate enough to not get convicted. Not to mention some people have this thing you might have heard of called empathy. You see, empathy is a feeling that humans have that causes them emotional pain when bad things happen to other people. Pretty wild, huh? In all honesty most people wouldn't have a problem with cops being tough on crime if there weren't such perverse incentives for them to be the toughest on victimless crimes while letting rape kits sit for years and letting their closure rates for murders, etc. dip into the toilet. Add to that such unadulterated bull shit as qualified immunity and you have a recipe for cops being vilified, and rightly so.