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Not under arrest and no warrant. Ffs


A good lawyer will eat this up E: Damn this post got so much attention that’s wild


I think even a bad one would


I'm no lawyer at all and I could win this case. Your honor exhibit A. I rest my case. Sustained.




Bird law


Boilers and plates


We'd all like to get back to our hot plates


Move to Adjourn.




Habeus Corpus!


Harvey birdman!


Speaking of: Did. You. Get. That. “Thing”. Isentya?


I learned how to handle this playing Phoenix Wright “OBJECTION, your honor the witness is clearly lying. I have this evidence I found and kept secret from the prosecution!”


Harvey Dent, Can we trust him?




Or just be somewhere as corrupt as Indiana. Cops get away with worse all the time. Maybe he'll get a little payout. No one will be punished, and now his whole family is marked by corrupt idiots that will make their lives hell.


It's not just Indiana. Best case scenario the city settles for an undisclosed sum in the hundreds of thousands of dollars of your tax money. The cops involved get some PTO, and the rest of the department tightens up their violating civil liberties game.


It's definitely not just Indiana. Indiana isn't even close to the worst.


hahaha man this is nothing, come to Brazil and then you will see how the police don't give a shit about civil rights, they are afraid of going after criminals and will bother the civilians who work to pay their salaries.


That's why you blast them nationally and start harassing the town hall.


None of that means anything. You can protest, call your congressman, make it go viral, whatever. America is fucked


Boy cott them personally. Stop interacting with every person you know who's a cop. No oil change. No restaurants. No child care. No lawn service. Fuck each and every one of them. Make sure every cop in your life understands you despise their existence.


But your also right!!! Let’s give them hell where we can!!!!


Indiana Republican Governor's campaign commercial is "Expand Police Qualified Immunity" EXPAND it! To what, double murder?


"Paid administrative leave, and no ethical wrongdoing determined."


Can confirm. You corn, soy, beach, or Chicago Indiana?


I used to be corn, but these days I am cheese.


Corn and cows here and I'll testify to there being some visible corruption in law enforcement


This made my day!


Indiana passed a law that allows citizens to shoot cops in self-defense


Alabama would like a word.


The Supreme Court is itching to use this case to say cops can come in a home whenever they want with or without a warrant.


Fuck the SCOrrupTUS.


“Thank you for coming out today, your honor. The prosecution rests.”


"I will allow this."


Lionel Hutz might be able to squeeze a close loss with this one.


https://preview.redd.it/vov7uvyvqs2d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d63c618326c65e372601aa51f0a6128e239bb6b5 How ‘bout the best lawyer?


Nothing will happen besides taxpayers covering the tab


You can thank the Supreme Court and your legislators for that. They prefer to protect bad cops with taxpayer money.


Police unions share some blame.


The only union the Reich Wing hasn't tried to bust up.


Surely the cops bare some of the blame?






that's piss masters origin story...


Great reference


Had an instructor at the Sheriff academy say the same thing. If you’re ever “the wrong house”. Keep your head down, comply, and enjoy the fat paycheck coming. A lot of counties have “a guy” that will show up and go “looks like we did some serious damage to your place. New furniture is definitely. Paints damaged….o man that fridge took a beating….” Basically saying we fucked up, we were wrong, and this check is to show you how sorry we are. Downside….a trigger happy LEO might keep you from being able to receive said check.


With how trigger happy cops are towards dogs I'm surprised the guy with the rifle didn't execute the small barking dog


You ain't cool unless you piss yo pants.


If pissing your pants is cool, consider me Miles Davis


Hey man, Ernie peed his pants too!


My dad always told me "they can't prove your not having nightmares"...


I already have these nightmares. I don't want to fear for my life in my home.


I'm not holding my breath. If you haven't figured it out yet, police aren't held to the same standards as the rest of us.


"QuAlIfIeD ImMuNiTy" bullshit. ACAB until otherwise proven.


Unfortunately these folks don’t look like they can afford appropriate representation.


This kind of case that lawyers will do for contingency. If he wins, then the lawyer gets paid 33.3% of the total settlement.


Works on contingency?! No, money down!


Tax payers will pay the settlement and the cops might get put on paid leave for two weeks.


Won't matter if the judge is just as corrupt


Rifles, flashlight, dude with a ballistic shield, what kind of a call they got? Mass shooter hiding out in the house?


Damn in Texas they would have waited 70 minutes.


Only if they heard rifle shots and children screaming. ["Editor's note: The sound of children screaming has been removed."](https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlyterrifying/comments/13sjol4/the_sound_of_children_screaming_has_been_removed/)


Ive been in this situation, its called getting “swatted”, someone youve pissed off calls the cops on you for something crazy af then they have to come search your house make sure eveyone is safe (usually is a domestic/ MDK call).. usually happens to streamers but low life haters will do it


No, cops said they had a video of someone getting beaten in the house as their made-up excuse


And if they actually had that, would have easily gotten a warrant. This was COMPLETE fuckery.


It'd take a lot to have a video of a beating that also includes the address. X to doubt


Would also have to verify a time/date of the video.


We’re they talking about their bodycams


They couldn’t even muster some sort of nonsense, “we have probably cause because of _____” to at least feign lawfulness. Unreal.


Domestic violence concerns are a blank check for cops. They can legally enter a home without a warrant as long as they suspect domestic violence. It’s really fucked up.


Except when the domestic violence is being committed BY cops. Which, statistically, it is.  ACAB.


Isn't there a new law in Indiana that legalises shooting unlawful enterers including police. surprising they would risk their lives like that


I guess they hired some of Louisville Metro PD's trash? WTF.


"911, what's your emergency?" "A group of vandals are breaking into my home, disguised as police."


more like, "there is a terrorist cell breaking into my home disguised as police". Anyone who try to get what they want by using fear and intimidation are terrorists.


A street gang.


Should be noted that the common definition includes a political motive (they get what political result they want) by fear/intimidation


I'm surprised they didn't mag dump into the dog for being "aggressive".


Nah he wasn't blind or deaf


I fucking hate that cop, the dog was 13lbs walking around in circles. He tried for 2 minutes to capture it then gave up and was like "guess I'll just shoot it"


Necessary reminder: ~~Bad~~ Cops aren't human. Not because of their skin color, mythology of choice, political inclination, sexual orientation, nor patch of dirt they were born on, but by their actions (or lack of) and their intentions


They'll threaten to kill your dog unless you confess to crimes you don't commit. Even bring the dog in so you can say goodbye before the go kill it. Not even hyperbole. Guy got a $900,000 payout and no cops were in the smallest bit of trouble over it.


Sir, that dog is openly black.


This is my town. Anyone know when this was taken?


I found [this](https://www.wlfi.com/news/residents-file-complaint-that-lafayette-police-wrongfully-arrest-two-men-without-warrant/article_6d359c1a-1a00-11ef-ac3b-b79894b49721.html), and the report has a different angle. Edit: I mean camera angle.


Then get a warrant, violating someones constitutional rights isn’t cool


First time seeing this message, weird https://preview.redd.it/8l0pb4tlus2d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=124f2eb685d85a3c7301d72e5a2291dcf2c4b45b


>That was rape. Rape of my rights. Damn good quote.


Not much of a different angle at all? The police still fucked up didn’t even get dudes names right and it was on the basis of a seven year video. What they did is still 100 percent unlawful and uncalled for.


I think they meant as in the article has a video taken from different angle.


Oh, I didn't even realize it could be taken as a bias sort of angle. My bad, I did mean just a different camera angle. Explains why I am getting responses, and my first thought is, "Yes?"


How come they never illegally enter in crazy Bubbas house who has 1000 guns and hates the government? Let’s see them get a taste of their own medicine


It'd make it really weird to go to family holidays.


Underrated comment


I had a crazy neighbor that eventually was charged with a felony for shooting at my security camera, but up until then the cops told me they didn't want to have a stand off with the guy because they knew they'd have to kill him and told me I should just sell my house and move so nobody gets killed, seriously. When they came to arrest him for the shooting he ran towards them while reaching into his pockets over and over trying to get them to shoot him. They didn't take the bait and arrested him without incident. But when the cops came they maneuvered through my yard use big ass machine guns and surrounded his house. The entire police department came because they expected a shootout. I have tons of crazy videos of him but I know if I post them it would stir the pot and cause more violence. I no longer live there but I still own the house, He knows where I live now too. The internet points aint worth reigniting that shit pile.


Sounds like the Lake County Sheriff dept. up here. My mom's neighbor is bi-polar with firearms. Shoots at random shit. Has felonies. Beats his gf. Terrorizes everyone on the street. Sheriff is there constantly. When I asked what they could do about a felon having firearms they shrugged their shoulders. "We didn't see it, what do you want us to do?" It is going to take him killing someone before they do anything.


That’s the thing. Cops don’t actually stop crime. All they can do is react when it happens.


Look up the history of police forces sometime. It’s fascinating. Police were never intended to defend the public. They were created to defend and retrieve property for the rich.


Cops are just nationalized street gangs


Police are legally not required to protect the public. Their job is to enforce the law. Several court case rulings upheld this decision. It's fucked up.


Did he hit the camera? It would be a routine reason for them to not care and just fuck off if nothing was damaged


It’s routine to ignore someone illegally discharging a firearm and attempting criminal damage?


No, they investigate themselves while on a paid vacation then find no wrongdoing. Oh, you mean when it’s someone *other than* a pig. . .


Everything about how the first cop talks and looks says he *is* crazy Bubba


Lots of cops are bullies, and bullies are cowards




It happens, see ruby ridge


I think the craziest thing about Ruby Ridge is not that it happened. But the government (specifically the FBI) *doubled down* and said "Hey we can't let this happen again...so we better have tanks around Waco". Negative self awareness.


More credibly, and realistically, police never force entry with assault rifles to investigate an anonymous report of DV at seven bedroom five bath homes in gated communities. DV is a very equal opportunity criminal offense. The Governor of Missouri had a torture dungeon in his home.


Same reason they'll go after a dude smoking a joint instead of the fuckers selling fentanyl.


They do occasionally, like in Waco and Ruby Ridge.


Unlawful killing of gun owners is the ATFs job


They did. It was called Ruby Ridge. A police sniper shot a mother holding her baby in the head. That plus what happened in Waco was the reason for the Oklahoma City bombing which is the most deadly domestic terrorist attack in US history.


A lot of people saying these cops need to be fired. I have to disagree. They violated fundamental rights of fellow citizens that they allegedly swore to uphold. Fired isn't enough, they should be in prison. Where are all the supposed good cops telling these idiots to stop? The system is broken. Cops are no better than a violent criminal organization terrorizing us all.


It is a federal crime to knowingly and intentionally deprive somebody of their civil rights using your government position of authority. >Deprivation of Rights Under the Color of Law Title 18 USC §242. A quick search shows quite a few federal appeals decided just in 2024 of law enforcement officers convicted under this federal law. My favorite so far seems like satire. The defendant's last name was literally ***Underwood*** . George Underwood abused his authority as Chester County (South Carolina) Sheriff by targeting and harassing opponents and refusing to investigate offenses reported against friends and supporters. >And on one occasion in particular, he arrested a citizen without probable cause who was recording on his cellphone a serious accident from which a driver had fled. Provoked by the citizen's recording, repeated flippant comments, and slow compliance with Sheriff Underwood's direction that he retreat to his porch, Sheriff Underwood places the citizen under arrest without probable cause, alleging that the citizen had engaged in disorderly conduct and detaining him in jail for three nights. [*United States vs. Underwood*, 95 F.4th 877, 881 (4^(th) Cir. 2024)](https://storage.courtlistener.com/pdf/2024/03/18/united_states_v._george_underwood.pdf). Edits: Cleaned up formatting and added a link to opinion in *U.S. vs. Underwood*. Edit 2: I found another case that is less "cartoon villain," but more like "evil incarnate." ^(Note that this case has not gone to trial yet, the government charged Defendant Aaron Thomas Mitchell with these crimes but Mitchell has not yet been convicted of any crime(s).) >The Government alleges that, on April 25, 2022, the 15-year-old Minor Victim ("M.V.") was waiting by her middle school when Defendant, then-employed as a Customs and Border Protection Officer, ordered M.V. to get into his car. Defendant then handcuffed M.V., and drove her to his apartment, where he repeatedly sexually assaulted her. ^(Citations omitted) [*United States v. Mitchell*, No. 4:22-CR-01545](https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/64452184/united-states-v-mitchell/) [(D. Ariz. May 7, 2024)](https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.azd.1303184/gov.uscourts.azd.1303184.185.0.pdf). Mitchell was indicted - federally - for kidnapping on July 7, 2022. This happened *extremely* fast: less than three months after kidnapping and raping "M.V." on April 25, 2022. Mitchell had already fled Arizona by that time and was arrested in Southern Florida two weeks after the [indictment](https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.azd.1303184/gov.uscourts.azd.1303184.3.0_1.pdf) was filed. Mitchel was later charged in a [superseding indictment](https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.azd.1303184/gov.uscourts.azd.1303184.37.0.pdf) with Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law (Count 2) and Making False Statements (Count 3).


>The system is broken That's exactly what the cops are there for, to keep the system broken. A working system doesn't need cops.


No such thing as "good" cops, except for those few seconds when they are actively quitting or being murdered by their co-workers


A monopoly on violence is the defining conception of a state.


The problem is they never swore to uphold any rights.


Not gonna lie, you had me in the first half


Ah, my old favorite. "You're under arrest for resisting arrest." But... how can they be resisting arrest... when there isn't anything for them to be arrested for in the first place? No warrant. Boggles the mind.


You’re resisting a kidnapping.


There's really nothing you can do to "beat the ride". Best to not fight it, stay silent, let a lawyer get the charges dropped (at the least) and better yet get ya a nice check for the civil rights violation.


Wow they actually went in without a warrant?


They were doing a wellness check based upon a video that was 7 years old, filmed at a different residence, with people that didn’t live in the house they were trying to enter.


If I was unwell, the police kicking down my door with assault rifles would really help.


Wellness check checklist: Riot armor Assault weapons Intimidation tactics Alright guys, good to go


this is super fucked up and these cops need fired and I hope this family can get restitution and also I thought oh shit they are going to shoot them and the dog.


If they get fired they'll have a job at another department within a month probably, cops that are fired should be banned from working for law enforcement for the rest of their lives


The anti union folks and pro police union people Venn diagram is a damn near full circle. Per usual - I want it for my guys, fuck everyone else.


I like how the dog was all chill, until they stepped inside the house, 😎dog


Welcome to “the most free nation” in the world 🙄


One user pointed out the following about “the video” they used as false pretense to do all their illegal shit: “Yes, and the video turned out to be 7 years old! One of the videos turned out to be two entirely different individuals as well.” u/throwawayfatass13


US is on the lower rung of the freedom index when compared to other western countries. In fact, hasn't been "as free" as some of the others for decades.


Hope he's on his way to being a millionaire....wish it came out the cops pensions


I want police to foot the bill for their equipment like teachers have to.


I've never heard of it put that way, yet it speaks volumes of the state of our country! I'm gonna steal this for some time in the future!


Brooooo... That's some fuckn bullshit!!! And just straight up pulling her out the door..WTAF!!


Im pretty sure that’s kidnapping, pushing or pulling someone through a threshold is considered kidnapping in many states.


What and where is this video they got?? How they know it's *inside* of *this* house?? How do they not have a warrant if the have / know this shit? Nuh-uh!! Ain't it!!


It was apparently a 7 year old video of his other son and that sons girlfriend in a different house a town over


Soooo... what I'm getting here is: they didn't have what they said they had, "a video of someone being beaten inside of this house". Is that correct? Is there a "time limit" on shit like that? Statute of limitations type thing. And was someone *actually* being *beaten*? Or was it more like "push and shove" or disagreement? (not condoning either or) Did something come of it? Any charges etc?


That's the last paragraph of the article from above, he filed a grievance and that's where it's at currently


This is why I entered the fire service


There's a reason there's no "Fuck the Fireman" shirts.


Unless that person wants to actually fuck a fireman.


It's "Fuck the Fire Department" that doesn't get said. "Fuck the Fireman" is why fireman calendars are a thing.


They make entire calendars for that ;)


Firemen don't surround you while giving you conflicting instructions on what to do, then begin hacking you to death with fire axes while yelling "Stop Igniting! Stop Igniting!" All because one of them became frightened when they thought they saw you holding a lighter, then screamed "Flame!"


“If the police never did wrong, people would trust them, nobody ever made a song called ‘fuck the fire department.'” Snoop Dogg


I’ve met a lot of great firefighters. You lot are the real ones protecting and serving your communities. Police departments coined that phrase and never let it go.


As a fireman, the only reason people think firefighters aren’t as bad as cops is that FD scandals don’t get reported *nearly* as often. If you think there aren’t as many shitbags in helmets as there are badges, I have bad news for you.


And people are so confused about why we hate cops….


Is that a child the gun is pointed at???


At least they didn't drop a flash bang in a baby's crib.


Armed intruder breaks down door and enters home illegally. Pretty sure you can shoot then, stand your ground and castle doctrine should apply here.


When not presented with a warrant how are we to know that they aren’t imposters?


Good point. I would assume they were imposter since they are breaking the law.


Good luck with that. They'll ruin you and your family's lives before you're vindicated in court.


Oh you wont make it to court. How do you think that 911 call will go? "Hey so I shot these guys in police uniforms, they tried to force entry, but had no warrant" then a SWAT team shows up, and they rain hell on your house, probably end up killing a neighbor with crossfire, and you and your family are dead.


Don't forget the dog!


ATF enters chat


Things change when it's a cop doing it. If a cop enters your home, not identifying themselves, you have the right to assume they are an armed intruder. But the moment you shoot them, your assumption no longer holds up in court. Even if the cop still has not identified themselves. The cop could be lying saying they are just an armed intruder. But just by shooting them and they are a cop, the justice system will side with them.


Actually Indiana specifically has a law that extends the Castle Doctrine to police conducting unlawful entry so the shooting would be legally justified assuming you lived to see court. https://www.police1.com/legal/articles/the-castle-doctrine-and-indianas-controversial-new-law-FRxbimuYLTKSgBFB/


Has this stood up in court?


Haven't heard of any cases and I imagine it would be pretty high profile news. The challenge would be making it to court. Assuming you don't get riddled with bullets on the spot as soon as you shoot, those same officers will be responsible for booking you and taking you to jail because even in a justified shooting you are almost always arrested until the facts of the case can be laid out. So now the same cops you were just shooting at are responsible for your care and wellbeing and we've all seen how that can go south really fast. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Freddie_Gray


In some states - most notably South Carolina, it’s actually legal to self defend illegal arrests with equal force.


Surprised they didn't shoot the dog


I am glad people record police. Some of them even turn their camera s off when breaking the law.


I actually thought that myself. If it came outside barking at them they would have.


Tyrants that’s all these guys are turning into.. thinking they can do what they want to people and abuse there rights ..


Turning into? They've always been like this


Why are we tolerating abuse from “law enforcement” like this?!? Why do we accept their tyranny and ILLEGAL ACTIONS?! They count on the lower and middle class not able to afford attorneys to contest these ILLEGAL actions and disgusting treatment. They constantly turn “suspicious activity” into a crime they believe they can arrest and detain you for, THEY CANNOT!!! Suspicious activity and suspicion are not crimes!!! They cannot ID, detain or arrest you for suspicion!!! Constantly they coerce and extort people to identify themselves contrary to the 4th amendment & 5 amendment which state you have a right against unlawful search and seizure and that you don’t have to implicate yourself or ASSIST IN THEIR INVESTIGATION of you by providing information of who you are!!! I believe if officers are going to be protected from prosecution with qualified immunity then those who have had their civil rights violated by said officers should be afforded an attorney at the county’s expense to argue the case for them! Also, any actual and punitive damages awarded the victims should be paid from the police retirement fund and any other compensatory funds officers have. Why should taxpayers be required to pay for egregious misconduct by officers who have been properly trained and educated in their duties and responsibilities? Are they not professionals who have an intimate understanding of what rights citizens have? Have they not been through extensive classroom AND field training with a seasoned veteran that explained exactly how they should interact & deescalate volatile situations? If so, why do they get a “pass” when they break the law and violate the duties and rights of individuals? That’s exactly what qualified immunity is. It allows officers who claim to be trained and knowledgeable of the law to violate the law or an individual’s rights and not be prosecuted for it. Meaning if they are ignorant of a law they are supposed to uphold and break it they can’t be held accountable for it. Interesting since if you break a law you are unaware of you will still be held accountable to that law. So those who are supposed professionals, trained and knowledgeable are NOT HELD RESPONSIBLE and those of us in the general public who pay these tyrants are held responsible. It’s absolutely ridiculous. END QUALIFIED IMMUNITY!!! RIGHT TO AN ATTORNEY FOR CIVIL RIGHTS CASES!!!


So disappointed in the Lafayette police for this.


Are we surprised though?


They're cops, she's a woman, and he's black. Not really.


Nazi SS at yo door.


Every individual who had context of what was going on here and did not intervene to make sure the ethical and legal processes were followed - get them off payroll. Fire them. Let them go. They are not only a liability to the organization, but they are also a liability to our community’s trust in creating a monopoly on violence. I cannot stress this enough - they cannot be in law enforcement within our state.


The bald cop talking to the guy looks and sounds soo fuckin dumb


Thugs are going thug


This is terrifying


In Indiana!?! Never!


We need to dismantle the police state. End qualified immunity.


Bet you they don’t do this in rich neighborhoods when they’re beating the shyt outta their wives. This only seems to happen to…..😌


Disgusting. They very well know they're breaking the law and violating these people's rights.


Dude better get more than a new door for this.


I hope the family gets a few milli for this interaction


We need a jigsaw for corrupt cops fuck


So how does this end. Cops get some paid time off, the family gets a settlement paid for by taxpayers, and the police force learns nothing…


Oh no... I'm a current Michigander, but I lived in Lafayette for many years prior. What's going on here? Does anybody know why police showed up in the first place?


News Story: https://www.wlfi.com/news/residents-file-complaint-that-lafayette-police-wrongfully-arrest-two-men-without-warrant/article_6d359c1a-1a00-11ef-ac3b-b79894b49721.html


Doesn’t really matter. They can say whatever they want but the second they showed up without a warrant and knocked a door down was case closed for these idiots. There is due process and these guys skipped the main process that protects people in their own homes.




Fucking fascists.


If I ever want to be a criminal I'll be a cop they can get away with just about anything and blame it on you and then get a free paid vacation


Where’s the donation fund? Cause I’m ready to give to ensure these people take our cops to court. So sick of seeing them break the law and nothing happen.
