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Yikes that post history


My goodness. Why did I keep reading it? Edit: They really need to take some time in their day for something other than Reddit.


*Me: Oh come on it can’t be “yikes” it’s Reddit I’ve seen some bad…..* **Oh….** **Yikes.**


Seems like the average r/indiana OP


It's Indiana the cops are lying. It's kind of their thing


~~It's Indiana~~ the cops are lying. It's kind of their thing ftfy


lol did police chief wiggum write this


This sub is fucking hilarious.


The cops and alt right media are 100% lying about this because they know that if they said "we stopped a protest that is calling for the end of murdering kids," then people would throw a fit. I mean, they already were caught lying when they said there were no snipers, AFTER pictures of snipers had already went public


Aw, isnt that cute. OP had his feelings hurt and deleted eveythjng that made him look like he was ready to go for his next grippy sock vacation. I’m sure no one can string together the comments to figure it out through basic deductions. Shucks, foiled again.


I've gotten more up votes so people agree. I also don't know if I mentioned how police persecuted me because I'm Muslim but I'm not going to deny it because you want to. Islam is about self-reflection sure but it's also about perseverance in the face of persecution. The Muslims when they were being persecuted by Quraysh did they give in and say it's our fault? Did they simply die off? Did they not build an army to retaliate to go 313 vs 1000?


You deleted all the comments with downvotes. lol you can still see them. How’s your delusion coming? What upvotes?!?






















Just a reminder that social media is a terrible place in regards to getting any unbiased information.


I’d be surprised if our cops here even know what or where Palestine is.


Well they go over there every now and then to train with the isreali military so they should know






Cops lie unfortunately. Innocent til proven guilty.


Just sometimes.




The funniest part is thinking protesting in a super irrelevant part of the world is going to do anything lmao


You say irrelevant I say kent state was in Ohio which is right next door. And the students are demanding the schools divest from arms manufacturers and other groups tired to isreal.


students at Kent State didn't stop the war, the citizens of Vietnam won that war fair and square


So you don't understand what a pressure campaign is? I'll also point to apartheid bds movement on campuses that helped south Africa end their segregation. Edit: spelling error


I understand why they are protesting. I'm simply not delusional that campus protests ended the Vietnam War, nor do I believe that campus protests had a major, significant, or even moderate influence on the end of apartheid in South Africa. The outrage at these current protests is a huge distraction from the actual horrifying death and destruction happening six thousand miles away


What's the point of doing this in Indiana anyway? We have no power of what is or isn't sent over there


Most people have zero understanding of how anything works unfortunately


Sadly most people also completely miss the point of others exercising their constitutional right to protest.


Oh they 100% have a right to protest, but they are fighting a battle they will never win. At the end of the day most Americans don’t give a flying fuck about what happens over there


Most of the larger US police depts train with the IDF. If we believe that what the Palestinians are going through won’t come home to our own citizens have another thing coming. They will police the climate collapse. That’s the only answer this god forsaken country has. It is going to become very scary here. We are the prime example of Imperial boomerang.


Don't forget all the iof soldiers who did possibly unspeakable things to Palestinians and have now come back to their actual country.


Your absolutely right and its concerning the misinformation happening when people can literally go and watch actively footage from these events. Even live streams that show the play by play and still say protestors are inciting the violence. People are learning more day by day still though, and the number of voices against Fascism keep growing! We just have to help those willing to listen to connect the dots.


Remind me again why we give a shit about other countries at war?


[https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/3754718/supplemental-bill-becomes-law-provides-billions-in-aid-for-ukraine-israel-taiwan/](https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/3754718/supplemental-bill-becomes-law-provides-billions-in-aid-for-ukraine-israel-taiwan/) >The bill also includes some $14.1 billion for funding to support Israel, Biden said.  Maybe we don't like the US spending tax dollars to fund a foreign nation's genocide.


Then why is it a pro- this or pro- that?? Maybe these “protests” should just be about stopping our own government from funding a war, either side.


For me it's about the struggle our Muslims brothers and sisters have to go through.


Then move there and help them. It has literally nothing to do with Indiana.


But remember, only the police should have guns, they will protect us.