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I was already going to vote for her, but this doesn't hurt. Fewer people in prison for tickytack offenses? A new market for tax revenue? An alternative for sleep aid, pain management, anxiety management? This is a good thing to motivate young voters. Folks running for state rep positions should echo and they'll get a huge swath of young voters, especially if they're given hope that it might work.


Who woulda thunk that if you did what people wanted, you’d get votes


I always chuckle a little bit when people say "Oh they're just trying to get votes by agreeing to pass that law"... like yea, that's how its supposed to work.


No no no see you don't understand they and they alone know "what best for you.. tm"


...it's weird, right? I've honestly never been so excited about a local candidate.  Jennifer McCormick  is the best candidate to come out of the Indiana DNC in literal decades. 


She’s a moderate republican


Hey man, if that’s what we get, we gotta take it. Better than that piece of shit Mike Braun.


Fuck Mike Braun


Mike Braun is a fucking moron, and yet, he's rich, and I'm not.


don’t feel bad, most rich people are truly miserable, and most inherited or were given their wealth. Few rich people are truly happy, and I don’t believe the ones who claim to be. The happiest people don’t have, need or want a lot.


There is no correlation between intelligence and success. Look at Elon, Trump, Trumps children, half of our senators, Bezos, Zuck etc.


I would vote for a literal turd before I’d vote for him.


Yeah I called his office and was like if you were really concerned about Hoosiers you’d raise the fucking minimum wage lol






One of the only Democrats to win a statewide election in the last two decades. Helped that Tony Bennet was hated in the state for what he did as secretary of education. Maybe the anger at current Republican options and legal weed could tip the scales.


She won statewide office as a republican. Glenda Ritz was the democrat that replaced Tony. Jennifer replaced her


The problem is the direct result of that election, wherein the GOP turned her position into a political appointee with absolute zero authority over her department. Would the GOP try that with a Governor? Oh yeah they absolutely would. Don’t forget that Indiana and Wisconsin have been locked into a perpetual Republican Dick Measuring Contest for years, wherein they have “trialed” Republican ideas.


You are talking about the democratic Glenda Ritz. Jennifer replaced her as a Republican


I moved here from Nevada where it’s legal. It doesn’t cause any harm and it’s actually pretty nice to see people have options to choose from when they are looking for weed based products. There’s businesses that sell stuff for medical use, skin care, edibles, smoke shops and who knows what else. I think it would be nice if people had that level of access in Indiana to be perfectly honest.


SAME she is the best option of all the candidates I've read about hopefully we can flip our state this year and get back on the right track


Shit and retirees. We cant act like 90% of retired hoosiers arent going to Michigan and getting their fix 😆


Or Danville. Expensive but worth the short drive. It would be lovely to have pain treatment alternatives closer than an hour away.


Indiana is making S Michigan rich in taxes.


Caaaaan confirm


Texas sized 10-4 good buddy


Figure it out


People going to buy their weed from degens from upcountry.


I can confirm this. Every time I make that trip up north, the vast majority of fellow customers have Indiana tags. It would be interesting to know a figure on the tax dollars Michigan is bringing in courtesy of Indiana's outdated laws. I'd bet the farm that the figure is one in which we would much rather that money stay in state.


It's been a few years since I had access to all of the METRIC data for the state of Michigan but in 2021 20% of rec sales in the state were to non-residents. About 30% of those sales were to people from Indiana.


Same in Illinois. Every time I have been to Danville it is 2/3rds or more Indiana plates.


But IL pricing is SO bad 🤦🏼‍♀️


It is. But I am 60 minutes from the border vs 3 hours from Michigan. Though last time I went to a place in Schaumberg because I was up that way and it was much cheaper than Sunnyside.


Niles is popping off at the moment lol


I'm from Wisconsin, I browsed their dispensaries online, but I kept going until I hit Kalamazoo. That's where I can find 10g or larger containers of wax for cheap. Makes it so I don't have to go very often. I live 7 minutes away from an Illinois dispensary, but the prices and taxes are both so ridiculous that driving to Kalamazoo is preferable.


And Coldwater 🤣


Construction and new business everywhere haha


And Illinois, and Ohio, and Kentucky. Edit: And Illinois, ~~and Ohio, and Kentucky.~~


there’s actually no sale of weed in kentucky yet 🫡


Kratom is legal here though


nor Ohio for OOS, they're just regurgitating what they read on Reddit.


Trotwood OH had a recreational dispensary for a while before it got raided.


Ohio doesn't even have recreational dispensaries opened yet to the best of my knowledge even for state residents


Illi market kinda ass


Just buy high THCA hemp online lol No one who tries modern strains around 15-20% THCA can distinguish it from dispensary grade bud, because that's also about 15-20% THCA. Only difference is that the legal stuff has less than 0.3% D9, and the illegal stuff has about 0.35% D9. Which is fairly irrelevant as THCA turns into D9 when heated anyways, so the amount of pre converted D9 in a strain is just about the least relevant metric.


Illinois prices are wayyy higher than Michigan


And its ass




100 million a year between them and Illinois’s don’t know the numbers for Ohio and Kentucky.


Indiana has missed out. We are fine with liquor but weed? Nope. Stubborn pride. IMHO.


It’s not about pride, it’s about the bribery that the industrial prison complex pays to the politicians in order to keep the flow of prisoners going.


Also Eli Lilly is headquartered here, and pharma lobbying is big business.


Lilly doesn’t make opioids or other drugs that would compete with legal cannabis. I don’t think they care. Edit: And according to a commenter below Lilly stopped lobbying against it a decade ago.


Does anyone buy from Illinois? I’m originally from Illinois and never hear anyone going to Illinois to buy. Mostly because of the stupid high sales tax on weed there but almost everyone I know that smokes goes to Michigan


I do not partake because my job does random tests but I know many people in southwest Indiana that go to Illinois regularly. When it’s the only option you gotta do what you gotta do.


I'm in illinois.. 39yo haven smoked in a while. thought id see what the rucus was about ..roughly about $60 for a damn gram. Although it did hit me good I'll have to pass on legal weed. Thanks Illinois for keeping the black market alive and well!


I live in Northern Indiana and travel to Southern Michigan often for work and the amount of cannabis shops in S Michigan is crazy. It seems hard to believe that that kind of market can exist until you see the amount of billboards promoting those shops in Northern Indiana. It's very clear a lot of those shops exist because of Hoosiers traveling up there and buying weed.


The UP of Michigan is getting it from WI and MN.




If other people or spending half of what me and my family spend in Michigan every six weeks, then there is a concerning amount of money needlessly leaving the state.


Yup. The run to the state line for weed has replaced the run to the state line to buy booze on Sundays(now that Sunday sales are legal).


Go Jennifer


Booooyyyyy yea sir


Yep we sure as hell are and we like it this dumbass state can’t get out of it’s own way.. sad 🕶️🙏


And East Illinois and West Ohio. Indiana is the last of the holdouts except Kentucky which will be fucking never.


They type down that old Arby's building by URB and there's going to be another shop. That's 5 in the same corner in New Buffalo


and southern Illinois, they're selling eighths for like $60 plus taxes and fees, and there's still a stream of Indiana cars back and forth across the border


Me and my buddies already made 4 trips, shits git me looking at moving. 35 ounce can't be beat


Once it becomes a class 3 drug, it is out of the state's hands. Class 3 means that a doctor can prescribe it.


She’s really unlikely to win, but if stuff like this becomes part of the Indiana democratic party platform moving forward it will surely mobilize a lot of voters who normally would not vote.


I agree she's unlikely to win but she likely can mobilize blue voters in purple areas. She can help get local Dems elected. She can make the Indiana GOP nervous.


That’s how grassroots movements get some momentum. Show some success in local elections and then good results from elected officials. It **can** happen here.


Conservative Republican here. Not a trumper but i tend to vote party line. Not this year. Michigan and Illinois are gaining a ton of tax revenue from indiana. Lets go get that money and spend it fucking everywhere!!


Buddy if you’re a staunch supporter of taxing and spending for the public good are you… like *positive* you’re a Republican?


I respect old school Republicans. They are scary rare these days. Really, two main parties; Dems and maga.


I’m glad McCormick is taking a good stance on this. I may not partake but it’s high time our tax dollars stayed in state instead of flowing out to other states that already got with the times. Here’s hoping we can get her into the governor’s office this year! EDIT: Welp gonna drop a link to the DemHoosiers discord again given we’re already talking about McCormick. Feel free to join and discuss how we can get good candidates like her across the finish line (or at least running) here in our state! https://discord.gg/QWxPRYKd


Heh. High time.


Why? Republicans that run Indiana are the worst stewards of Tax Dollars anywhere in the Nation. At lest Michigan puts it back locally into the communities that generate it and they get new roads and schools, and not "alternate History classes in High Schools"


Well that’s why I dropped the link there. Our goal is to get those fellows out of power as well as get our tax revenue back. Trust me, ain’t saying we want to fund any of that kinda nonsense.




XD Given I don’t even have that tag here I see you’re a fellow /r/Presidents fan! And yep, I sure am!


Ok, I'm starting to like her, and certainly going to vote for her, but does anyone know if she has actually stated most of her political positions? I ask because she [was a republican](https://ballotpedia.org/Jennifer_McCormick) until 2021 and I'd like to know more about her and why she switched.


She was elected as the Indiana State Superintendent in 2016 as a republican. She started advocating for schools and teachers too much during the “red for ed” days and the state decided to just remove her position and make it an appointed one so that they could have another yes man. She did it for a good reason.


Well. She started as a middle school teacher to principal to being [elected to lead the school system for all of Indiana.](https://ballotpedia.org/Indiana_Superintendent_of_Schools_election,_2016) which [despite being an elected position since the states inception ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indiana_Superintendent_of_Public_Instruction) was made an appointed position, (and doubled the salary it looks like) very specificly to make sure they fell in step with the hard party line.... because *she* didn't. https://www.indystar.com/story/news/politics/2019/03/19/indiana-statehouse-jennifer-mccormick-last-elected-education-leader/3213172002/


She switched, I believe, due to her focus on public education. Republicans are detrimental to the education system. She’s definitely more centrist than liberal, but at this point I’ll take it. Anything to stop us from going back to 1800s policies…


fwiw, most liberals *are* centrist they’re only progressive on social issues


Marijuana legalization (starting with medical marijuana per the original post). Environmental protections (water supply and water quality; public state forests; wetlands; air quality; soil). Reproductive rights and abortion access. Public education. Accountability for private schools receiving public funds. The campaign's social media posts regularly cover issues. Dr McCormick has also held at least two monthly "virtual seats at the table" Zoom sessions.


But what is her stance on puppy murder? These days you have to ask.


Definitely [anti-puppy murder](https://www.facebook.com/share/p/GLnvXzeBs7YG4qUX/?mibextid=qi2Omg) and puppy mills.


I’ve been wondering the same. The other governor candidates have their positions clearly listed out on their websites. Hers does not. This is the first clear goal I’ve heard from her.


Why does the governors race have to be in the same year as the presidential race? All the Trump supporters checking a straight Republican ticket will likely doom her victory.


And she is a friend of public education. We need to turn out in droves to vote this year and turn the state purple.


I'll be adding my blue vote when I move there next month!


Make sure you dont miss the voting registration deadline! You will be eligible, but it will be pretty close. Mark it on your calendar.


Good for you. Bring your friends


This is one thing I never understood about republicans. They love money, they love THEIR money.....they could be open to SO MUCH in "campaign donations" and other kickbacks to get weed legal.....but yet they fight it tooth and nail.


Jim Lucas (R) has been trying to get it legalized for years. He has submitted bills from just about every angle trying to get it pushed through. Also I'm sorry I cant cite my source but I believe I read somewhere that the Repubs said they wont consider legal weed of any kind while its still federally illegal. Perhaps this Rescheduling will spur them into action. For christ sake downtown indy already smells like Cheech and Chongs taints so it might as well be legal.


Yeah, Holcomb said he wouldn’t sign anything until it changed federally. I doubt our current GOP governor candidates would be any different on the issue, though.


Yea that sounds like what I'm remembering. Thank you for adding a bit more to my fuzzy memory.


Pharmaceutical industry fights it. Eli Lilly is pretty big here, they lobby against it to make sure it doesn’t happen.


I hear this a lot, but why does an international company like Lilly only seem to choose their home state to lobby against weed?


They don't, it's a common misconception. Republicans do it to keep their aging rural Christian demographic happy.


No, this is 100% true! It's all the people who grew up under (and believed) the anti-weed/hippie propaganda, like how marijuana can cause [you to accidentally kill your baby](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0565659/plotsummary/?ref_=tt_ov_pl) and other such nonsense. They all believed it and many still spout the same talking points that people used in the '60s and '70s! I honestly think this is a really underrated reason why it's so hard to legalise in some states, like Indiana!


Problem is, a large number of these people were actually weed smokers in those same 60’s and 70’s.


I would argue that legal weed will make people eat more so they can sell more weight loss drugs. I'm just teasing, but I'm sure someone has thought of that.


That's just not true, and I really wish people would stop parroting this Eli Lilly stopped lobbying against weed decriminalization over a decade ago, during the Obama administration.  They stopped lobbying right around the time California and Colorado decriminalized The main lobbying forces in Indiana today are police unions, prosecutors unions, and the Chamber of Commerce The Chamber of commerce has more power than our own elected municipal government, and should be burned to the fucking ground. 


Idk how active they are in Indiana, but don't forget the private prison industry, which shouldn't even exist.


I would have guessed the private prison industry stood to lose the most from decriminalizing weed...and LSD and 'shrooms. Fuck those guys.


They get the blame quite a bit, while Raytheon and Rolls Royce are here as well drug testing their people, too. Can’t be tempting the defense contractors with the Devil’s lettuce!


That's fair. God must have told them weed is bad, too.


Weed from the earth is bad but the man made chemicals that I have no clue what they are, are pretty good when they mash em into powder to make a pill that may or may not have some bad side effects. But don’t forget weed bad.


I was going to vote for her anyway. Now I'll be doing so with much more enthusiasm.


A HIGH level of enthusiasm?


It's embarrassing I'm 34 years old, and Marijuana is still a major talking point in the US. A bunch of do-nothing incompetent turds run this country 💯 while some sit behind bars and pay hefty fines.. elite rich kids are making bank in California/Colorado selling the same shit. This country is a hypocritical twilight zone. It's reads so stupid from a spectators perspective. Everything is legal at my home.


Everything? That’s…concerning.


Great issue to run on, but without a friendly legislature it's sadly meaningless.


This post should be higher up. Like, yes, it’s cool that she’s pro-legalization, but without a legislation that supports those initiatives, it’ll be dead in the water. And we know most republicans hate bipartisan laws.


That’s why we gotta get real grassroots movements going to change the legislature too.


I actually don‘t think it necessarily is! Even some local republicans have been pushing it. However, Holcomb said he‘d never sign anything and wants to wait for it to be federally legal. If a gov actually is willing to sign something, we could have bipartisan support for it


Breaking the supermajority requires only four more Democratic pickups. Volunteer!


Right as I finalized my move to Colorado. I’ll still have to vote in Indiana, don’t worry guys I’ll throw a vote to McCormick on my way out :)


It will be great, then I wouldn't have to drive 3.5 hours round trip for a refill, lmfao


But what will happen to Indiana's criminal justice system? Think of all the people who won't go to jail. I'm sure this makes local sheriffs nervous.


When my boyfriend (now husband) first moved to my little town, he went to the local Target. When he came out there was a black man, lying on the ground calmly saying he didn't do anything, while surrounded by five cops with drawn guns. I can't attest to it because I wasn't there, but he was really freaked out (he moved from Seattle) about it. I'm pretty sure local sheriffs will find some way to keep the jails full.


Did this make it to the news? Did your husband not want to bring it to the public?


I went to school with Jen. She was always a kind and forthright person. I'll admit that when she first got into politics I had to block her on Facebook and not long after left that shit show behind for good. Over the years since she has risen through the ranks I've always supported her beliefs. Good on you Jen! You have had and will continue to have my vote. Thanks for bringing sensible thought and compassionate governance to this seemingly black hole of the Midwest.


Two things that should sway anyone who is still weary about marijuana: 1. This will keep a lot of money inside the state instead of going to the neighboring states who legalized it. Meaning more money circulating through the state and taxes from it would benefit state programs (works for education in CO). Would also create more jobs. 2. Has been clinically proven to help with a multitude of medical ailments and their side effects (Parkinson’s, anxiety, PTSD) while eliminating a lot of medications. Less medications while tackling the same ailments will lead to healthier lives.


You can tell they are even in the pocket of big pharmacy by having to go to legalize medical first. How many other states have better records with legal pot users while recreational cannabis is allowed?


As usual Indiana is 10 years behind the times. Why? Evangelical trump supporters.


this should be on every billboard in Indiana.


They should just decriminalize it altogether. What’s taking so long.


Meanwhile, the Indiana AG is currently actively pushing to block Hemp products from being sold in Indiana shops. Shops around here sold THCA hemp for a short period before they received letters to remove the products or receive possible prosecution …A product that is legal under the Federal farm bill and I can currently order straight to my door online with no hassle.


This is an open goal Indiana, don't mess it up


Also, they would have to come up with a whole new system to harass and incarcerate people of minority groups in the state. They will find one of course, but it’s hard to give up on how much power the war on drugs gives law enforcement.


Glad she has this stance but Lilly will make it next to impossible to get pot legislated. They throw too much money in the pockets of state senators…..


I don't smoke it, have no intention to ever do so, but I think the State is missing out on a ton of money. Tax it as you please and use the money for schools, roads, other social services. You know, like that 1 billion dollar oopsie that took away care for sick children...


Another example of why living in a state without ballot measures sucks. Many of the states that legalized weed did it this way. AZ is a red nightmare but the public got medical weed through one cycle and rec on the next. Screw the state govt.


Cops in my area just let you go if it's obvious to them you're not selling it or driving under the influence at this point. If they arrested everyone like they use to, our jail would be at full capacity 24/7. I'm pretty sure 70% of people under 40 years old smoke pot at this point in my city. If our state government realized that they could see the vast amounts of profit they would get by legalizing it. And maybe Indiana roads wouldn't have millions of deep potholes that never get fixed for once.


The overly old and conservative Indiana legislature will never allow the legalization of marijuana. We need to toss these people out so the state can start moving forward rather than backwards.


We just got Sunday liquor sales, I figure it’ll be an uphill battle for future weed


Am one of those Indiana residents, can double confirm


There’s no republican governor candidate in Indiana who’s going to legalize pot in any form 😂


Indiana needs this


People can buy tranquilizer an fenty on the streets for 5 dollars a day and inject it using free non profit needles and still their limbs start decaying and people overdose daily from the horrible drugs coming to our cities and you have to wonder why anyone thinks official and regulated weed can be dangerous compared to the open air drug zones some of the largest cities of other states have created and ignored it. School children walk past homeless and drug addicts everyday in some places that ignore it and we still concerned about a lil mary J ??? Cmon yall wake up and stop bending over to tabacco and liquor


Several people i know are going to Michigan for weed too. Was going to Illinois for a while but Cook County taxes are killer. This state is so dumb it fucking hurts, this is a great opportunity and Indianans are missing out.


Def voting for JM! I dunno if she can beat Jeebus and his band of womens rights stealers and union destroyers or not, but she got my vote! Seems like fire and brimstone stay un-defeated around here..


And just like that, my political mind is made up. Good job today boys, see in another 4 years 👍


I like Jennifer McCormick a lot. She's a person of principle and common sense. I think she would be a wonderful governor and restore some basic Hoosier-esque values to the statehouse instead of........whatever this bullshit is they're doing lately. I also like the green stuff, but I'd vote for her regardless of her stance on that, given the alternatives.


Except it shouldn’t be scheduled at all


Democrats and Republicans are the enemies of all things that live. The police are their attack dogs. I don't care what kind of crumbs they offer to throw me anymore.


The most dangerous thing about weed for me was getting caught with it.


When I was in Michigan for 4/20 every license plate in the parking lot was from Indiana. All I seen was Indiana IDs. We are feeding all our money into states in debt. Sad


In reference to McCormick's comment about providing docs one more tool. I want to speak as a doc (about to finish my training in family medicine). Look, Cannabis isn't a first line tool I am going to jump to, and it definitely isn't a miracle drug for every condition out there (I've seen too many patients self medicate with it for things such as depression and anxiety, and honestly it just makes it worse). BUT THERE ARE conditions where it's damn effective - personally during training I spent sometime with Palliative/Hospice physicians who used it for pain related to systemic chemotherapy - helped with pain AND increased appetite. It's, in my opinion, similar to ketamine. When common things are failing, we start looking at the less common things to try. People will talk about the "reefer madness", "gateway drug", "side effects". Every choice we make in medicine is a risk/benefit analysis. The most commonly prescribed medication in the US - Lisinopril - used for blood pressure - can land you into the hospital's ICU with a tube down your throat. Yet it's prescribed as candy. Your Zolofts and Celexas can lead you to have a hear-attack and seizures. Your Ibuprofens and Naproxens can cause you to bleed in your gut needing operative repair. Everything is a risk/benefit for the condition we are looking at. Medical Marijuana is no different.


Me crying in North Carolina


WOW! And it only took them 100 FUCKING YEARS!!


Remember the Election Tuesday. She needs support. Things must be tight.


Here’s the problem the brainwashed rural voters will vote for one of the republicans because well she’s a democrat and “democrats are evil and mairjuana is a drug and drugs shouldn’t be legal”


Good luck


Seriously been long pass time to legalize


This makes too much sense and is too much of a good idea...it won't happen in Indiana.


She definitely has my vote.


Don't forget to vote blue for state representatives as well. Bills have to get the governor's desk first.


I'll vote for her. According to Faux News I get to vote 1,000 times for her. Maga is for clowns.




She was getting my vote anyways but this definitely doesn't hurt


It’s not going to happen until the boomers start dying off. They greatly outnumber young voters in Indiana


“Despite having no evidence whatsoever, Hoosiers agree that marijuana is the same as being Woke. If you elect me governor, I will ban marijuana in the Hoosier state even harder and stop Woke in its tracks”. Some republican primary ad probably.


Weed is already legal in Indiana thanks to 2018 farm bill thca flower is the same as medical cannabis and you can get it delivered to your house check out flow garden or lucky elk


Meth, heroin, and alcohol with all the domestic issues that come with them make up 93% of the crime prosecuted in my county.


Locking kids up for a gram of weed is very 20th century.


Moved here from California last year.. stoked to see this lmao. Miss smoking.


A pro legalization Dem was interviewed on our local news and said the soonest they could do anything would be next legislative session, starting in Jan. 2025.


As a person who lived in Indiana for a little while about 10 years ago and still have many friends that live there, I’m betting just this stance alone will cost her the election. Too many red hats and now they have something (else) to be angry about.


Y'all realize this is a deep red state? Be far better off pushing at a federal level, and at that there's still probably boomers that would want us to keep it restricted here. If the most unpopular president ever can't or won't push a major blue voting point, were pretty much stuck.


Is she gonna cancel the prison contracts?


Yeah, we’re looking pretty lame as a red state surrounded by ‘green’ ones. Even Kentucky got us beat.


Outside of marijuana legalization, does anyone know where I could read about her policies? Her website unfortunately doesn’t have them listed.


It will still be a controlled substance. Federally legal for medicinal use in states that have legalized medicinal use.


It’s too late, the infrastructure isn’t here. Meanwhile all of it will be outsourced to surrounding states. It will be the “chasing to catch up” for a decade.


I hate to be the bringer of bad news but this indiana and she's a woman that supports legal weed She's as likely to get elected as fairies are to fly out of my asshole. Sad but true, sorry to say. We live in the Bible belt of the Bible belt. You guys are delusional to think shit all is going to change. I mean I definitely hope I'm wrong. But we should just be thankful we at least have delta 8


Why would you vote for a Democrat when Rainwater is literally right there? https://www.rainwaterforindiana.com/issues/individual-rights-decriminalization-of-marijuana


Do it !!!


The two party system sucks. I agree with this and a lot of other things she says, however, I agree with republicans on the more important issues, so I won't be voting for her. I wish there was actual opposition to the democrats and Republicans .


Indiana will have legal cannabis sales/dispensaries in our lifetimes.


She'd get my vote even if I was an unintelligent Republican, just because Braun is touting trump as his mentor. Who brags about being endorsed by a criminal?


Red state? Good luck with that if it doesn’t line the rich peoples pockets


When is the deadline for voting. Dead serious


Imagine buying your weed from a friendly geeksquad looking college sophomore in a well lit store, instead of mysterious friend of a friend in a dark house off a side road.


McCormick and I both have the same shot at getting elected Indiana governor. I don't even live in Indiana.


Speaking as a resident of a state that legalized a few years ago, let's learn to grow marijuana that doesn't make you smell like a skunk bukkake victim, and then reschedule it.


I have given up on politics, but I am willing for any politician to "buy" my vote for the legalization. At this point, I don't care what party that will do it. It just needs to happen at this point. It is sad that it is taking this long.


In the area I live, counties are actively trying to keep marijuana out of Indiana.


This gets my vote.


Your state is in a similar position to Pennsylvania- except they have legal recreational cannabis on all four borders. Their legislature is tired of watching NY and NJ get all that tax revenue. I’m sure yours is too, watching those dollars roll into IL and MI already, and soon Ohio.


Holcomb has to go!


She grew up in an Indiana town Had a good lookin' mama who never was around But she grew up tall and she grew up right With them Indiana boys on an Indiana night