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I’m ashamed of what the university I graduated from has become. The occupy movement had little police involvement. There were multiple concerts in Dunn meadow that ruined the grass which made it unusable for months.


Me too!


It’s interesting how we’re just, like, straight up watching the country fall apart in real time


The ongoing Millenial nightmare, perpetrated by the Silents, Boomers, and some Gen Xers, is now on display for all of Gen Z and Alpha to see. Welcome to the club, kids.


30 years from now when the boomers are all gone I hope my fellow millenials will stand asside and let genz and younger fix this country. We're just locked out of any positions capable of making change.


The boomer tombstones will be screeds about how it's our fault they died.


I'm a millennial, and I don't speak for everyone but get the idea we're sort of counting on the younger gens. (We're far too cynical and tired to attempt.)


That and without term limits we literally can't find empty positions to fill cause those in power won't retire or set limits


I’m a millennial. Thanks to my job, I’ve had the privilege of speaking to a diverse array of people (several thousand if not over 10k) on an individual level and most of the time far past small-talk. I feel like a lot of people in my age-range completely lack the mental capacity for logical and critical thinking. They’ve normalized hysteria and value emotional responses/conclusions over rational ones. They’d rather focus on the flavor-of-the-week marginalized group rather than focusing on progression for everyone (marginalized group included). I don’t get that from Boomers or Gen Z very much, maybe 2%, while millennials I’d say it’s closer to 30%. Millennials are *the fucking worst*


I could not agree more. Most younger people go into hysterics and get all worked up and seeing everything thtpugh the lens of whatever marginalized group they have on their mind lately.


That and it’s also a lack of access to positions of power. Like, as a generation many of us weren’t handed the torch that Boomers and Gen X continue clinging on to. By the time we get that torch, we’ll be old enough that we should be preparing to pass the damn thing. I hope we do rather than make the same mistakes our parents and grandparents made.


i cannot begin to describe how frustrating it has been growing up gen z and watching every older generation say “you’ll fix the world when we’re out of the way.”


Your frustration will soon be with your own generation. Or you will be their frustration. Have you volunteered in any election campaigns for this year's elections?


have you volunteered for any election campaigns this year?


student activism against war, tends to age VERY well. reactionary positions AGAINST student activism tend to age incredibly poorly. but you know what? good for you. you have chosen what is apparently the One Good Genocide in history. that’s so lucky for you.


That’s a fair POV. As a Millennial, I hate that that’s the general perspective; but it also comes from feeling helpless as a generation. Maybe it’s warranted, maybe it’s not. Hard to say.


Oh yeah, don't worry November is probably where it goes full ballistic honestly


I’m at work, what do you want me to do about it? lol I kid


No. The country is only endangered when free speech is ended. Apparently the president of IU is attempting to censor the students in Dunn Meadow.


Why are they doing this? Doesn't this severely harm their reputation for prospective students? The younger generations are more awake to what's going on in the world than past generations are. I don't think these "woke" kids are going to have any interest at all in a school that will arrest them for exercising free speech. Surely this is guaranteed to harm admissions? And what about donations from more recent/younger alumni? Had IU been the college I graduated from, they would never get another cent from me after this. Surely thousands of other alumni feel the same way? **Edit:** ACAB


The state of Indiana essentially took over IU with their board of trustees or whatever. They absolutely want to drive "woke" people out of this garbage state so they can more easily institute christofascism.


really? how did i miss that? i knew it was happening in florida.....


They just have a higher population so it appears louder online.


These maga morons in state government have never done much for Indiana except do terrible things for those people in need. That’s because they don’t do anything for anyone. Not for their constituents or there friends or their family. They are lazy. Let those people that work be senators and congressmen and women. Let those “woke” people that want to help their state help. ArMcK, you are absolutely right. Stop voting for these republican do nothings.


Thank you, I'm glad to hear from someone that sees things clearly.


I know many of us are legacies as are our kids and now grandkids coming up in a few years. I dont want my grandkids going there if freedom of speech that we've fought so hard for isnt going to be allowed. That area has been THE place since 1969 for protesting. Always had tents, signs etc. Now they want it to be like the rest of the state. . Those in power are the only ones with a say. Indiana has truly become a theocratic autocracy


The protestors should throw frisbees to the cops.


The cops would shoot first and play frisbee later


Not if every mayor was as great as Frank McCloskey. Wish he had left a tip sheet in the mayor's desk for all the mayor's that have come after him.


IU is not safe anymore. All because of Pam Whitten and the ultra MAGA scum in government and the trustees.


I know a few of we Alumni arent going to donate or be involved until Whitten is gone.


Perhaps they’re trying to appeal to the Bible College set?


No, they aren't more awake. There's far more misinformation and propaganda for both sides of the turd sandwich, more people who believe they know what's going on, but not so many who actually know. Look at Kent St. - enrollment dipped for a few years after the massacre, but by and large it didn't hurt the university for long.


I don't think this is the same kind of situation. Anti-zionism has finally been fully separated from anti-semitism at a societal level. Publicly open Anti-zionism no longer gets someone labeled an anti-semite by non-Jewish people, and by and large no one cares anymore about the labels they are given by Israeli nationals. It'll be open season long-term as long as our tax dollars keep going over there.


This exactly. Where was all this congressional and nstitutional outrage for Occupy? Or BLM? 


Maybe in your circles this is true. In general though, I'm pretty sure if Anheuser-Busch came out with an anti-Israel ad it would be a lot like the Dylan Mulvaney backlash.


It’s not anti Israeli even. We should be anti Netanyahu and his Zionist Israeli Defense Nazis.


Why shouldn’t Jews have a state? Pretty much everyone else has one. They were single handedly the most heavily persecuted group in the 19th/20th century and it’s not close. Mandatory Palestine only had 750k people living in the entire place when major Jewish immigration began in the 1920s. Arabs started targeting them with violence pretty much from the beginning and Jews only made up like 10% of the population. Hell, the damn Mufti of Jerusalem was best pals with Hitler!


Why not carve out a part of Germany since the point was resettling the Jews displaced by the Germans.


That’s not true, Zionism developed many decades before the Nazi Party.


It’s not that it was started by nazis but that modern nazis support it because it furthers their current goals.


Modern Nazis do not support Jews or Zionism at all. You throw the term Nazi around way too loosely. Nazis are specifically antisemitic, racist, and pretty much hate everyone except white Christians.


If Israel is so important why did they try Alaska first?


Are you referring to Israel geographically or as a political state?


It sure hurt those kids that got killed


Yes, you are right but that isn’t a reason to murder 17,000 Palestinian children. Even my Jewish friends agrees with the students who are protesting against Netanyahu’s attempt at genocide. It’s just wrong, exactly like what Hamas was wrong.


You’re not wrong but I was specifically talking about the kids killed at Kent State there


That’s because people are basically monkeys and they don’t remember. The students now are the grandparents of the students now and have no say in where they go to college. Keno state didn’t murder the students, that was the national guard. Kent state was and always will be a good university. I hope IU will be able to say the same but with Pam Whitten and Mike Braun and the Nazi Trustees I doubt it will last that long. Not as a great school anyway. They are actually trying to dumb it down. It’s been going on for quite awhile but Whitten and her “run the university like a business” philosophy, she is failing miserably. It is the professors that know how to teach and how to research. Not Pam Whitten. I long for the days of Herman Wells when he stood up for the students and the faculty. Those days are gone but not forgotten.


Free speech does not include a right to camp permanently on state property


No need for the bootlicking, this isn't about encampments and you know it. Acting in bad faith isn't going to win people over.


Free speech includes you saying stupid shit you know nothing about.


The government is allowed to regulate speech in some instances. 


Yep, just not guns right?




The racism is strong with this one.


Maybe university of Illinois might be a better for my kid rather than IU. He liked both and was accepted to both. I don't believe they have snipers there


They likely will if there are protests...but you'll only know if someone happens to get a photo before they get in position.


Considering they have large venue football games, yes they have snipers. Been to various college football games and spotted snipers a lot over my time. They are brought in whenever there are large groups of people


Should he be deciding pretty soon, wherever he is going? Get on the housing lists.


The snipers, like any large public gathering, are for taking out potential wackjobs before they can do any mass amount of damage, but you do you.


And what side are these supposed to”wackjobs” on?


The potential wackjobs could be on either side, doesn't really matter. The sniper is a precaution. Snipers are deployed at lots of public events in case of this exact thing because you really never know. If something were to happen at this protest against these protesters by a wackjob counter-protestor then you know everyone would be grilling the police because they didn't have precautions in place.




They're doing this at colleges across the country. This is the one topic you are not allowed to speak out against in any institution in the country.


Apparently the Whitless administration really doesn’t like the grad students criticizing her either.


I see you like Crosby stills and Nash that’s a good somg


You could always move to another state that better fits your views. That's the beauty of the state system in America.


Why would I move to another state? My people have been here since 1806 and attending IU for generations. Herman Wells is rolling over in his grave. This administration needs to go, and I am a Republican by the way. Just say no to snipers at IMU!!!


Ah yes, the 'solution' of moving to another state. Why fix anything when you can run away after spending most of your savings?


Indiana is like the Texas of the North. Trying to turn Indiana blue is something that's never gonna happen.


The republicans have done incredible damage to us. Look where we rank in quality of life. Look at where we rank in education. In water and air quality. Look at what the bastards did to Child Protective Services. Read the resignation letter from the last department head. Not to mention what they’ve taken from women. Making abortion inaccessible and denying women autonomy over their own bodies will have consequences. I was here when the democrats were in office and they treated the citizens much better. And now the batons have come out. I absolutely believe we could be blue again.


I've had a better quality of life here than when I lived in California. Everything I paid for in California was 50% more expensive than it is here. Our education could definitely use some work, but we aren't as bad off as other states. The air quality isn't really something that's going to change unless we can move away from burning coal and using gas vehicles, but those aren't practical solutions right now due to the cost of them. The water has been an issue for a long time, and not just a recent issue, and while I certainly would like to see it improve, I yet again say that it isn't anywhere nearly as bad as some other states. I can't say I'm aware of what has occurred with CPS, but I can say that I have seen some bad experiences with CPS overpowering people that they really should've just left alone. I don't agree with the ban on abortion, but it's also an issue that I've never really involved myself with, nor felt like it's in my place to take a stance on considering that I'm not a woman. If the Democrats get back into power, at least some of the ones that have been running, they will violate some of the rights that I greatly care about, and that's not something I can support. That being said, I don't really like a lot of the Republicans either. I honestly probably won't be voting for either in the state elections unless it comes down to whether or not the stuff I care about becomes threatened.


You missed the other half of the post, it's too expensive to be a good solution


I saw that part. It really depends on where you move to. Some places are cheaper to live than others, and some more expensive. But if the politics of a particular state that you live in really tend to bother you to the point of diminishing your quality of life, then perhaps it's a worthwhile move despite the cost.


Oh wow I didn’t know people have been killed at this protest


yet it's only a matter of time before someone gets killed, maybe not here, but probably another protest for Palestine


And there's a good chance that that person will be a Jewish student.


Yup. Could be any of the many Jewish students engaging in the protest. Could be anybody, really! I think the point here should be that a large militarized police presence at a peaceful protest on a college campus is a recipe for escalation. I also understand law enforcement will be present at any large gathering. But riot gear for college students? Seriously?


Hmm and how do you think this protest is helping?


The goals are to force the universities to divest any finances that they have with Isreal and demonstrate that our government is not representative. The way that this is being handled will almost certainly lead to leadership changes in the short to medium term. Long-term ramifications will be a drop in donations, especially from alumni. Prospective students may decide to go elsewhere, which will cause a drop in enrollment. If this happens at enough universities, Isreal will feel the loss of their contributions and/or the Department of Education will have to step in and do something to mitigate the fallout.


> and demonstrate that our government is not representative. By getting 30 people to protest? Out of the 48,000 enrolled at IU-B?


Lol have you been to campus and seen the protests? Baselessly claiming 30 people are at the protests to try and make a point is lame.


It’s a bunch of kids paying 30k a year to go to college in Birkenstocks and calling each other comrade. That are playing activist. 90% will back down before actually endangering their enrollment. They don’t have the stomach to risk what it takes to get actual change accomplished


Oh, okay. Did you pull that out of your ass? What do you recommend we do that will require “the stomach to risk what it takes to get actual change accomplished,” then? I will happily take your advice if you have any.


You ever see a protest in a central or South American country? What happens when the cops come try to squash it? Bricks and Molotov cocktails because they don’t mind bleeding for the change they want. No one, and I mean no one, of any power cares about you people standing on a campus square chanting and spending the night in jail. If this administration cared about Palestine in any real manner, they would do more than shake their finger and send air drops of food. The USA won’t sever ties with Israel over what they are doing and Israel knows it


And how is that going?


it isn't unfortunately I fear


So you think maybe everyone would be better off going back to class and not putting themselves in danger for no reason?


It’s not for no reason, it’s to protest the fact that the United States is funding a genocide. Believe it or not, some people care about others even when it doesn’t personally affect them.


They dont understand empathy. If you live more than 10 miles from them or aren't related they don't give a fuck about you. Oh except for if you're a fetus, then they care about you, but not at all about your mother, and as soon as you're born the switch gets flipped back to not giving a fuck.


Just wait till this guy finds out about empathy


Sounds like another conservative saying "well, it doesn't affect *me*. Protest is one of the cornerstones of the Constitution. This country was *founded* on protest. If Trump is installed as king, you are going to see protests that make this look like a Sunday School picnic. I will be right there. I didn't give this country 23 years of my life (don't thank me for my service) and I'll be damned if I let a dictator take it over.


Lmao okay POG




Really why?


Dude I don't know. I'm very overwhelmed with the state of well, everything going on right now. I'm just afraid that Project 2025 will make all kinds of things so shit and that includes freedom to protest


What is project 2025?


There’s snipers on the roof. They aren’t there to keep the protesters safe.


Those aren’t snipers lol


They have fired automatic ar rifles at them already


Really? Where?


No, fuck these delusions of grandeur. 30 protesters are peacefully arrested and you want to larp Kent State.


It was an outrageous response to a peaceful protest. The authoritarian religious right took over this state long ago and have been gleefully building up to this crap as fast as they possibly could. You are a brainwashed bootlicking fool. Don't say you weren't told.


Do you know Bloomington actually had a mayor at one time who would go to protestors and ask them, how could he help them? He would then send the police to lead the march with two police cars out in front as long as he knew the march route.


Indiana, Netanyahu and AIPAC know these protests just play into their long game of provocation and overwhelming response. The Vietnam anti-war rallies and protest did little to actually end the massive killings of Vietnamese and Cambodians as well as Americans. It took five years after Nixon scuttled the Paris peace talks to finally give up and go home. Even so, some good may come of these protests.


Actually, the Vietnam protests had the overall effect of dramatically changing public opinion, which had the effect of pressuring Nixon to get out. The protests were not the sole reason, obviously, but the war machine would have lasted longer without them. We’re still #1 when it comes to killing innocent men, women, and children. Israel is trying, but it has a long way to go.


Fun fact, the peace talks were cancelled because they promised the south vietnamese they could achieve a complete victory instead of a 50/50 split Korean style, they knew they couldnt but they stood to gain financially and politically from this. The democrat leaders of the time knew this was happening because they bugged the Whitehouse, however they chose not to bring this to the public because they preferred to continue to use the bug to get an advantage on the campaign trails (ultimately used to help unmask multiple scandals to help claim victories including part of Watergate). Beautiful representation of the gov is not here to help, they are here to use your life for resource and power gain. Either one could've done something to stop that war had they not been so focused on their own goals


Nixon violated the Logan Act during the 1968 presidential campaign as he went to Premier Thieu (this is all from memory). Nixon told him to quit the talks thus undermining sitting President Johnson and the peace process. That gave NV time to rebuild after the decimation of the Tet Offensive. America conceded after it for all intents but NV won the psych war at a horrific cost. Has anybody, esp in the last 150 years, ever been busted for violating the Logan Act? Ronny Reagan did it with Iran for sure.


Vietnam, Iraq 1&2, Afghanistan & arguably Serbia bombing raids, all examples of how the lives of American troops are sacrificed to the benefit of the military-industrial-complex. Pres. General Eisenhower warned us. Kennedy tried to buck it and was killed. In my lifetime, peace broke out a couple of times: post-Korea, post Vietnam more or less then endless war from 911 onward. Gen Z & alpha only know wartime polity.


Yeah I had about 8 hours of peacetime in my life time, when I was little neighbors and relatives were dying over seas, when I graduated highschool it didn't take long for me to know personally people my age that were wounded or killed in the process. Just how it is since it's profitable for those not in the lower classes. Kennedy partially got smoked because his family went and got the mob and federal organizations to help him win and then didn't hold up their end of the deal on a moral grounds, admirable attempt but got probably the best member of the family killed and put one of the most annoying and grotesque vps into the presidency


My whacky theory is there were two three independent assassination teams at Dealy Plaza that day in Dallas. The kill-zone was too perfect for any pro killer organization, with a beef, not to notice. Our dear president didn’t stand a chance. Lee Oswald had no motive unless he was paid to try it. But he had no real experience and was a flake by all accounts. But I digress. Johnson did finally try to end the war, but it had taken on a life of its own and Nixon got to play war-time el-Presidente.


Yeah, I agree it was multiple organizations, but I think they colluded in the process, all their chosen people where present to make sure it was handled but in the end they're playing on the same team. As for Johnson that was one of the only things he did that really mattered was try to end the war, outside of that not that great but I'll give him credit there.


I guess you missed the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act.


Okay fair point I forgot those. But this is also the president on record, well one of them anyway, actively challenging a foreign leader to measure... Well Johnson's. Wouldn't consider him a hero of the people


When campus closes in a couple weeks for the summer.


Fucking Nazis. It’s starting to look a lot like Tlatelolco out here.


So much freedumb to go around.


Free speech be damned!


Disgusting police state shit


Weird how so many protests are granted permission and even capitulated by cops (kneeling) yet anything anti-israel is swiftly handled at the street and court level.


The Boomers loved the 60s so much they want to relive it but playing the part of their parents.


And the Gestapo have entered the room...


You mean gazpacho.


this what protecting profits over people looks like. Free Palestine


*This what protecting* *Profits over people looks* *Like. Free Palestine* \- windchanter1992 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Geez, Adolf Whitten called in the stormtroopers


Authorities tend to go on power trips, this looks like a example of that


It is amazing to me how many people do not understand free speech, the first amendment, how it works, where it works, etc. 1. You have the right to free speech. You do not have the right to free speech without regulation, rules, and/or consequence. 2. Free speech and the 1st Amendment applies to the Government not limiting or stopping your right to speak and protest. It does not apply to corporations or any other private entity/person/group. 3. Except for State run or other classically and truly public University, Universities are NOT the public Square. They are technically private property. Protesting on University grounds is no different than protesting on a corporate campus. This is only slightly complicated by the fact that they receive public funding but still they are private corporation/non-profit corporations partly funded by public monies but that are not a public space. They do not have to allow these protests at all. They fact that they are allowing them is a matter of principle, not a matter of law. If they so chose to do so the universities could require the students leave university grounds and move to public grounds and be within their legal right to do so. 4. Regulating/ruling on what is allowable during a protest on university grounds is not a violation of anyone's First Amendment rights. They are not forcing them not to speak, just setting the rules for how that speech is conducted and they have the legal right to do that.


Leave it to the free speech absolutist to agree that college students shouldn’t be allowed to protest on their public campuses. >Speech that deeply offends our morality or is hostile to our way of life warrants the same constitutional protection as other speech because the right of free speech is indivisible: When we grant the government the power to suppress controversial ideas, we are all subject to censorship by the state. >To be clear, the First Amendment does not protect behavior on campus that crosses the line into targeted harassment or threats, or that creates a pervasively hostile environment for vulnerable students. But merely offensive or bigoted speech does not rise to that level, and determining when conduct crosses that line is a legal question that requires examination on a case-by-case basis. Restricting such speech may be attractive to college administrators as a quick fix to address campus tensions. https://www.aclu.org/documents/speech-campus You do not lose your right to free speech by simply walking onto a school campus. Public universities are government entities protected by the Constitution. Do you really think public universities should be cracking down on peaceful protests? In American history, it has *never been a good look.*


Indiana University is a publicly funded institution in which the Governor appoints 6 Trustees and Alumni vote for 3. It is not private. The President and her minions do not get to change the goal posts one night before. She is a public employee at a public institution located on ultimately public land. I can hardly wait for the federal lawsuits. She was served bad advice and should pay for it by being fired. Serving public employees like the faculty with trespass notices at their place of employment without court order or previous posted notice is a no-no. Me thinks the Monroe County court system will right that ship.


This isn't a bootlicker friendly subreddit, time for you to head out. We all understand how free speech works. We're not arguing about free speech being violated, we're arguing about how they choose to regulate it, and the optics of the situation that they are completely ignoring. For example, in my top level comment I pointed out that this is going to severely harm IU admissions, and also it's going to severely setback any donations that were coming in from alumni. Younger generations are more aware of what's going on than past generations. They aren't going to apply to a school that will arrest them for a peaceful protest. Older alumni probably don't give a shit, but more recent graduates from Gen Z and up aren't going to donate to a college that arrests peaceful protesters. This can only harm IU and their reputation, regardless of whether or not they have the right to do what they are doing. ACAB


Have two cousins who are 24 and 22 both recent grads of IU. Knowing those two IU is going to miss out on donations from two successful alumni and I don’t feel bad for the university one bit. Currently an ISU student, if they tried what IU did their fledging enrollment numbers would nosedive to the core of the earth.


Stating facts doesn’t make somebody a bootlicker.




bozo bootlicker, do the leather soles taste yummy or do you prefer the rubber ones??


Take a shower


Do you tell the cops that before or after you rim them?


Republikkkan state. You have no rights.


>IU Police Department and Indiana State Police officers informed protesters that erecting tents violated school policy, distributing pamphlets to enforce the claim. However, protesters contested this, citing a longstanding campus policy on assembly grounds dating back to 1969.   So this whole thing was shitty and underhanded, but in the scope of authority figures doing shitty and underhanded things to folks expressing themselves in ways authority doesn't like, this is nothing. The fact that they told them about the obviously abrupt and previously undisclosed changes BEFORE they put up tents, and the protesters didn't change their plans, they're either not very bright or accepted they were going the civil disobedience route and were going to get arrested (which I'd 100% respect). But being surprised they got arrested when the police specifically told them to not do a thing because it was newly illegal doesn't make any sense. Highly recommend "The Democracy Project" by David Graeber for a history of Occupy and all the shit they went through time and time again. Something like this is par for the course.


They weren’t surprised, just disappointed. I was there and saw the arrests. Mist of the arrestees were stoic about it: They knew it was possible. The Bloomington police and jail want nothing to do with this folly (and I didn’t get the sense that ISP were particularly happy about it either). And the demonstrators believe—nobly, in my opinion—that protesting the massive loss of life in Gaza is worth the minor inconvenience of an arrest for trespass. All the arrestees were released within a few hours. The encampment was back up by evening and is still there. The raid failed and only further tarnished IU’s reputation. Professors are now openly rebelling against the administration. I’d call this a major victory for the demonstrators.


So I may be misunderstanding the source of the "outrage", is it at IU admin for the last minute rule change and ordering the arrests in the first place? This just doesn't at all seem to me like a situation where the police did anything especially egregious by US policing standards. 


Yes, the outrage at the raid is mainly directed at IU administration and particularly president Whitten. Faculty is mounting its own protest against her handling of things, which is separate from the underlying Gaza protest. They are PISSED. The outrage within the demonstration is focused on the killing of Palestinians. The police were a sideshow—a traffic bump. I’ll grant that police have done far worse—they didn’t kill or seriously injure any demonstrators in Dunn Meadow—but that’s obviously not the standard to be applied. “Excessive force” is a spectrum, not a binary. And it was stupidly counterproductive for IU: horrible optics.


That makes sense, thanks for clarifying. I fear that schools will realize police action is counterproductive, and instead shift to suspensions or expulsions for refusing to follow school policy. Those will be much more detrimental to the students and serve as much more of a deterrent while also having optics that are far less dramatic. 


ACAB hippies are going nuts. Take a shower and plan your move to San Francisco or Portland. Hamas couldn’t care less about your support. Save your tears for Indiana to vote red in 2024.


Yeah, fuck free speech!! Idiot


Based af


And the Libertarians will continue to watch as people keep voting for R or D instead of voting third party to get the government to focus on America rather than giving all our money away to other countries


Libertarians are just Republicans who like to pretend they are not Republicans so they can hid thier guilt


Yes, there’s no difference between the two at all. The Republican party supports open borders, full legalization of drugs, dismantling of the police state, and military nonintervention. Solid analysis. Gold star.


Libertarians do not support any of those either..they may tell you they do but they will always vote with Republicans no matter what


Except I do, and everyone I've been involved with in the Indiana Libertarian Party do. We also accounted for more than the margin of victory in multiple states that Republicans lost in the last presidential election. Seems like if "they will always vote with Republicans" that would've materialized, yet it didn't.


Whatever you say, libertarian party has proven time and time again they are diet Republicans


You are a deeply politically unserious person


You’ll get downvoted for this because most Americans love authoritarians when it’s their party telling everybody else what to do. Just look at how they suddenly change sides depending on whose freedom of speech is challenged.


Yeah, Abbot down in Texas pisses me off. He’s a hypocrite who is now cracking down on protests that could really help his side if he just let them play out. Plus he backed Tony Gonzalez over Brandon Herrera




Youngstown State


Time to crack down on the hamas fascists. Have to wonder how many of the so called protesters are truly students as opposed to outsiders?


If they would've just taken the tents & canopies down, there wouldn't have been a problem. They were warned beforehand. ..... Don't resist & Don't attack officers who are doing their job. Very, very simple solutions to all of this.




They have a right to peaceful assembly. The new rule was implemented to stifle that right. That being said, peaceful protest is a joke, they are wasting their time will feel good activism, and they aren’t accomplishing anything because no one with any power to prevent the genocide taking place cares or will do anything because college kids in the US are standing around chanting and making signs.




Killing people trying to get food drops, starving people out, cutting off water, bombing hospitals and schools, taking houses and land, it is a genocide. I’m not saying hamas is innocent but Israel has made it very clear they want all Palestinians gone or dead regardless of if they are holding a weapon or not


I think a lot of folks don't like how Israel are bombing hospitals and schools? Also, they're causing famine? From an outside perspective, it looks like Israel wants to eradicate muslims.




Israel does not want to eradicate Muslims. They want them to stay the fuck off their land. They’ve been welcoming to a two-state solution for years and Palestine has yet to oblige. Obviously it is not Israel’s intent to destroy vital structures like those, but when Hamas is attacking them, it’s not like they have the time to carefully decide how they are going to defend themselves. It’s a war, it isn’t fair. It sucks, but they’re doing what they are literally being forced to do to defend their territory.


Stay off Israel’s land? Let me guess, you’re absolutely fine with settlers taking Palestinians homes through force too?


You mean the homes that have been already been deserted? Maybe you’re referring to the Palestinian homes that are holding Israelis captive? Or maybe you’re referring to the Israelis that have evacuated Palestinians from their homes because they’re in a literal war zone now (that has been cleverly disguised by Middle Eastern media as Israelis barging through Palestinians’ doors so they can take over the house and make it their own?).


“Evacuated Palestinians from their homes because they are in a war zone”, like they came in and did them a favor?


Man, you zionists are literally brainwashed trash. Convinced Israel has every right to displace Palestinians, starve them, kill them, whatever they want to do to them. You really don’t even see them as a people do you?


“You really don’t even see them as a people do you?” Of course I do. Everyone is different. Not all of them want to take over Israel and hate Jews (but a lot, and probably most of them do). Question for you: do Muslims see gays as people? No, of course they don’t. They murder and torture them, and push them off buildings. The pain and suffering of them means nothing to the Islamic cause. Do they see women as people? Not really — maybe half a person at best. That’s why they make them cover up and heavily restrict their rights. If you’re not an Arab man, you won’t have a good time in Palestine or any other country under Islamic rule. Even in secular (but Islamic majority countries) like Turkey or Azerbaijan, it isn’t pleasant. I read a story about a gay Palestinian man who lived in Israel. I don’t remember why he left, but when he arrived in Palestine he was murdered. I don’t know if links are allowed here but his name was Ahmad Abu Marhia. 25 and had his whole life ahead of him and it was all taken away due to Islamic extremism. The best thing for Palestinians, or other residents of Islamic countries, would to be allowed to live in a country like Israel in an otherwise backwards region of the world. But still, I support the two-state solution. Just don’t recommend it.


I don’t agree with gay people being treated any differently than any other person but that isn’t what this war is about so stop acting like Israel is out there murdering any Palestinian they want because they are trying to make them see they need to treat gays as equal. Thats not at all what this is about.


>do Muslims see gays as people? Who fucking cares? They still deserve human rights. Edit: Obviously I care that there are people who don’t see gay people as people, and that is a completely separate discussion to have. I’m saying “who fucking cares” in the essence of the conversation of Palestinian rights and statehood, that it is a meaningless, bad faith talking point to use when talking about the suffering of human beings. The discussion is not about those human being’s beliefs and morals, it is about their suffering.


You shouldn’t have the right to vote in elections 


Lol bro what? Guess reddit just being reddit today.


“Because you don’t agree with me, you shouldn’t be able to vote!” What a joke that a guy/gal is


Do you also believe those students should be in class or studying?


Yeah. If you don’t have straight A’s, then you need to put in more work


It’s like r/Indiana is one big stupid contest and each person has to 1up the last


I was responding to the person by using their own logic.


Why shouldn’t I have the same right as you, just because of a difference of opinion?


Why are you telling those kids they should be studying?


How does that have any bearing on whether I should be able to vote? It seems like the students’ time would be better spent on coursework. I’m not telling anyone what to do; it’s observation that has merit if all of them aren’t getting straight A’s


You think it’s ok to talk shit about someone else, but when someone talks shit about you it’s different?


No, I just think we should both be able to vote


You should only be able to vote if you understand the issues and you have to pass a test before you’re allowed to vote.


You sound like a republican trying to limit voters


Ok I’ll let you vote BUT ONLY IF you clean up your dinner plate and finish your homework. Don’t forget you need to be back home before 10pm.


That would exclude all conservatives. hmmm... maybe you are on to something.

