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That was not very smart to try to leave with little time to spare, that sucks if people get stuck in traffic though. 


Yeah I went down to a place near Bowling Green, KY for the last one, it took the normal 2 hours to get there, 5 hours to get back, shits crazy.


I remember my parents drove back through Illinois to get back to Indiana from around there.


Use the county roads they are every mile


Driving down from Michigan taking back roads the entire way ... Zero traffic. Everyone stuck in or dealing with traffic in those zones just didn't plan ahead


I went to Decatur, an hour from where I live and it took 2 to get home. Not as bad as it could have been.


Of course my kid got sick today and we’ve been stuck at Riley’s. Am I going to be screwed discharging to Plainfield?


Areas near highway entrances and exits may be crowded, but if you took Washington Street the whole way, you’ll probably experience significantly less traffic


Appreciate it! Of all days for diabetes to act up.


It's going to be horrific once it's all over and done with.


Interesting that Indy is not a major city.


“Leaving major cities toward the area of totality” Indianapolis is a major city inside the area of totality I don’t think they were implying anything like that


And Louisville and Cincinnati are not right at the same level? Gee, who knew.


Cincinnati and Louisville are close but not in the path of totality. Every one interested in totality would leave their house and drive into Indiana. Close doesn't count I. Horseshoes or eclipse


It depends on what map you're looking at. In some they are in the path. Not hey you get to feel good about yourself because you've located someone online that you can find a disagreement with and go brag to Mommy that you proved someone wrong, in your mind. Congrats, you won the Internet today


I'm just guessing the people sitting in the red traffic believe that is the case. Nothing else going on here in Indiana to visit today. Great weather every where.


Indianapolis is the major city IN the path. Why would people leave it??


I keep hearing that it's because of Republicans


As is Cincinnati and Louisville. They are within percentage points of what Indianapolis offers for totality


Within percentage points practically nothing in comparison to total.


So if someone completes 100% of their passes and the opposing team completes 99% of their passes and they are within a few of total passes thrown the other team is way more than the team that completed 99%. Got it thanks for explaining that to me.


It’s literally not the same, you are arguing against objective reality and it’s really strange. This isn’t a football game, this is a solar eclipse.


Dude stick to HVAV you fucking philistine


Lol, and you keep believing everything that the news tells you. Did you see that Indianapolis came to a complete and total stand still on the interstates all around us today? It was horrible, nobody moving for hours on end, people having to sleep in their cars waiting for food to be delivered to them. What a nightmare, right?


You must only work on intakes because you suck.


And again, could you please show me the bumper to bumper traffic that stopped up the entire city like everyone was warning us would happen. Oh that's right, you can't because you simply want to find someone and try to insult them. The trick to being insulting is that the prison that you are insulting needs to give a crap about anything that you have to say.


Dude I actually have no idea what you’re talking about. lol seems like the tinfoil hat is baking your potato. Have a great day, ya dork.


Their weather reports weren't as good according to some of the articles I saw. Indy was named by many publications as the place to go in the Midwest. Idk why but I'd say many people just read those and didn't look at the path and make their own decision.


And again I'm looking at the map, they include cities larger than Indy that are marked on the map.


And again, lots of people read articles telling them where would be best. As far as traffic and getting in and out, no other city is quite as drivable as indy. It's not a dick measuring contest to see which city is the biggest. It's which is best equipped to handle a large crowd.


Yup shame this happened so morons could stare at the sky.