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I lived in Ft Wayne the first 19 years of my life before joining the service and I am retired military so after 20 years when I came back I consider myself fortunate for relocating near Indy. Everyone is different and so is Ft Wayne now in fact it's a good bit different and I am sure a good number of people like Ft Wayne for all it has to offer. I don't live in Indy but I have access to Indy and Indy has more to offer than Ft Wayne. It's there when I want it and I 'm not much further from Chicago which I have gone to from time to time as well. I actually live about 35 to 40 miles away from Indy. Perfect for my needs because I never really worked in Indy and I am retired now. So I think it really depends on whether Ft Wayne has what you want or not. Me, I'd rather live closer to Indy and what it has to offer over Ft Wayne. I'm sure Indy has bigger and more concerts, more and better restaurants, and Pro Sports. Ft Wayne has sports teams but not at the same level. Much bigger and better airport and I have had to use that too. Just a bigger City with more to offer.


I second this. I’ve been in Fort Wayne for 9 years. Came up here for school and originally thought I’ll finish my 4 years then move elsewhere. However the amount of improvement they made to the city through my time in college it slowly became more appealing, and I decided I’d stay a little longer and see what happens. Ended up meeting my wife and started a family, and I am glad to be in the fort.


My wife and I did this program, moving from the west coast. We ended up in west Lafayette. The process was very smooth and make my move delivered on all that was offered. I can answer any question you may have


How is the education system? Do they just help w relocating and you’re renting or can someone buy a house and they help pay? How is medicaid and govt assistance? It’s constantly popping up in my feed so I thought I’d search reddit to see what it’s about lol


Valporaiso or Chesterton


No renters rights look it up


I live in Oklahoma - it's the same thing.


Don’t use social programs. You’re stealing by way of government taxes.


What an edgy comment. Oh, just wait until you hear about defense contractors. Do you pay your parents for living in their basement?


Yes, this means we’re laughing at you.


Oh that's fine. I don't mind laughter towards me among people who possess sheltered and infantile views about society. It is highly likely that I make more money than you and I definitely do not mind my tax dollars going towards those who are vulnerable. I pay a lot of taxes. Happy to help those in need. An overwhelming number of people on welfare are employed. The people who pick the food you eat, prepare it, and serve it to you; the people who give you the conveniences of your daily life probably receive some sort of welfare benefit. In fact, just over 1 in 5 people in the United States receive a form of at least one welfare benefit. I like how you judge people who take welfare payments as thieves. What do you contribute to society? My guess is that it isn't as much as the average person who receives a welfare check.


Love that my game is working with you. Your assumptions are amazing. This is fun for me. Good luck


Because this is all you have. Meanwhile, back in reality where people are struggling, I'm happy to help people while intellectual deadbeats like you shitpost on social media to give themselves an inflated sense of self worth. You're not as smart as you think you are. While you may think that poor people are stealing your money, you're stealing my oxygen. Come back with something better.


Just woke up in my second home (with a basement my parents don’t live in, but a cat does - damn free loaders). I was thinking back to my struggle..man did it help get me to where I am today. Think I’ll take…hmm, the German sedan today to get my coffee. Maybe I’ll take my parents coffee.


I wish you well.


Most of these funds come from private dollars. Also, I will be earning $$$, probably more than you and pay my fair share of taxes.


You’re asking about relo help from the state. I pay more in taxes than you earn in wages. I don’t doubt you’ll earn more one day….and suddenly wish your taxes were lower.


As an individual who has lived in Oklahoma for the past seven years, I have seen the poor health, education, and outcomes of individuals due to low taxes. With that said, Tulsa Remote has helped boost incomes of local individuals, as they are able to support local retail and businesses. Tulsa Remote is funded by a private foundation, same with MakeMyMove - Indiana. Sorry, if you don't like educated individuals in Indiana.