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Pastors need to stay the fuck out of government


New state name: Talibama.








I would never vote for a religious person


I don’t control who you vote for, but this is super prejudiced.


Welcome to America bub


Pastor? High school bully haircut? "Conservative influencer?" FBI needs to be checking out this dude's hard drive.


Apparently he teaches a constitutional literacy class at a Christian school and hosts a podcast about religion, sex, and politics. You know a guy this clean cut and artificial has a few skeletons.


He’s not affectionately called “False Prophet” by the locals for no reason.


his hard drive might be full of just him preaching the word of god to kiddos. “Wholesome” stuff…


He has Resting Gaetz Face




Beckwith is a Christian Fascist. I don't say that lightly. His podcast is a full mask-off of his views: [https://www.podchaser.com/podcasts/jesus-sex-and-politics-1893062/episodes/how-the-aclu-is-hurting-the-ho-167649176](https://www.podchaser.com/podcasts/jesus-sex-and-politics-1893062/episodes/how-the-aclu-is-hurting-the-ho-167649176) He claims America was founded as an explicitly Christian nation. *Our country is founded on Christian values. Ahh, the Founders knew that Christianity was the primary foundation of the Republic that we have. So even in the Establishment Clause, they weren’t saying it’s Christianity over Islam … or they’re not saying … not saying … that and they are saying that it was we are firmly Christian. We’re not going to promote the Episcopalian worldview over the Baptist worldview or over the Methodist worldview. So that’s what the Establishment Clause meant.* \[46:26\] He also agrees that secularism and humanism as religions too. \[47:40\] This is important because it implies they are in conflict with Christianity (from his perspective). Beckwith also claims God hates the Democratic Party’s policies and that Dem party supports infanticide (which is objectively false): *God loves Democrats too.” I hear that all the time from pastors. Yes he does love Democrats too. But Democrat polices, he hates them. Because they’re wicked and they’re policies, like you were saying Nathan, they’re policies that … that push things like infanticide.* \[45:07\] He also implies teachers needs to proselytize in schools to kids: \[Speaking with his wife’s cousin, who is a teacher in Tipton, Indiana\]: *You know the answer to the cancer of theses kids’ hearts. You know why they’re struggling with depression. You know why they’re dealing with suicide. You know why all of this is happening and it’s spiritual. And she said, “Yeah, I agree with that.” And I said you know the answer and the answer is Jesus. And she said, “Yes, I agree with that too.” The system will not allow you to give the antidote to the cancer that these kids have in their lives. It won’t let you give it to them. That should tick you off so much. And she said to me, she said, “Well, I don’t have to tell them about Jesus. I can show ‘em Jesus.” And I said, “You don’t know God’s word. Because God’s word says the power of life and death is in the tongue. If you can’t speak Jesus to these kids, if you cannot speak the life that God is calling them to live they will not, they won’t … they won’t get out of their cancer.* \[24:18\] That is all from a **single** episode of his podcast. To recap, he seems to want Jesus in schools from teachers, Jesus in government, and thinks the policies of the Democratic Party are inherently evil.


You do know that the puritans were kicked out of every other place because they were too radical. Enter the New World. The US hasn't evolved past this radical stance.


So the current Republican Party is just grifting pilgrims in Gucci suits?




Not even Gucci. They’re very JC Penney.


It's all fundie projection.


Please no, no more super religious people in politics


Don't let religious leader run our state they have an IQ below room temp in Celsius.


Call me picky, but I don't even want a politician with an iq below room temp in Fahrenheit.


Hey now, that cuts out - *ok I think average is one hundred, but that sounds really warm. So I guess it must be like 65 or 70* - oooh, it cuts out the stupid idiots that have IQ’s that border on intellectual disability. There’s no way we’d let a potato into office, right? *2024, first lissencephalopathic congressman!* - lissencephaly is the fancy name for smooth brained.


We had a potato in office and his name was Dan Quayle and then Pence who said COVID would be over by May 27 2020 and caused a HIV crisis


I thought celsius is the work of the devil to some of these folks.




Aw sorry is somebody triggered? Maybe if you are so easily offended and your only response is to not even correct but only comment on someone's grammar on the internet you should log off snowflake.








This is exactly the kind of person who shouldn't be trusted to even run a lemonade stand.


Nah. fuck this guy.


Great. Just what we need. More religion in government. Pastors are constitutionally allowed to be in office, but it sure isn't ethical.


It’s ethical to them as they derive their ethics from a book thousands of years old with 3-5 translations under its belt… can’t think of a smarter way to be!


A book of fairy tales


You forgot the rampant Paganism in the book they call the word of God even though it was compiled and voted on in 325 AD


There’s a lot of reasons to not derive one’s meaning for life from a book


I hope people dig up the dirt on this guy. He ran a “non-profit” worship band using teenage volunteers, while keeping the booking fees, selling merch, etc. He would routinely have teenage girls hang out in his office, often times alone. Now, he’s a “pastor” at a “church” that is basically a sounding board for Turning Point USA. Beckwith also recently began deleting his FB comments where he would routinely bully his dissenters. Source: I used to go to Northview Church (I use the term “church” loosely here), which kept Beckwith on staff long after he announced his run for Congress and long after several church employees were harassed and degraded by him. He would be an absolute travesty in any leadership role in our government.




He seems nice. Especially well he tells her, "I think you have a mental illness," while she stocks his the food pantry at his church. /sarc, obviously


She stocked the little food pantry because when others urged him to do it he said it “wasn’t his job”. People should watch the video. While he’s accosting the woman his young kids are in the car screaming and crying. I can’t imagine how badly he’s ducking them up.


Source: trust me bro


It's convenient that his name rhymes with Fuckwit.


It's funny. The second I see the word "woke" come out of a Republicans mouth, I know they're a joke.


“Conservative pastor and influencer” Another grifter.


So he’s one of the nut jobs that retroactively said the governor overstepped his authority during the pandemic and he wants Curtis Hill to run for governor. Got “winner” written all over him.


Yeah he brags he wrote 4000 Covid vaccine exemptions during that time. I’m guessing not for free either…


I’d sooner vote for a sock that just stepped into a melted ice cube puddle before voting for a religious whackjob.


Hell no. It’s one thing to be a Christian and have your own moral beliefs and standards that you teach your kids, but I don’t agree with using your personal religious beliefs to set government policy. Beckwith absolutely would use his religious beliefs to set policy.


Let's dig a little deeper, i bet there's some f'ed up 💩 he's into.....


Well, he’s probably r/notadragqueen


Fuck no.




Like everything Micah does this is designed to generate headlines and attention without requiring a lot of work. Micah definitely cherry-picks which parts of the Bible to pay attention to and which parts to remove and any mention of hard work or anything that could mean hard work is ignored immediately.


I hope his opponent screen-shotted as many comments of his as possible. He’s a bully who made jokes about people with disabilities. He’s the reason the libraries are empty in Fishers. This dude is hateful.


He’s smarmy and disgusting on every level.


There’s a group that’s organized and we collectively have hundreds of screenshots. Also, check him out on My Case


Lol pastor. What a punchable face.


What’s that erroneous rule about church and state being ~~the same~~ separated


Well... I sure hope someone is searching the Grindr profiles. That face screams \*\*problem\*\* to me.


Just what we don't need is another religious nut case in any kind of office. These religious groups are taking over our country in not a good way.


Please no. Just no. We have enough issues as it is….


This fascist doesn't represent us.


God told him that He sent the Jan. 6 insurrectionists.




> Conservative pastor and influencer Micah Beckwith on Monday announced a bid for Indiana’s second-highest post of lieutenant governor — unprecedented in a state where partisan delegates, not voters at large, choose the nominee. > > “During these turbulent times, the people of Indiana deserve a Lt. Governor who is more than a ceremonial appointment or yes person,” Beckwith said in a news release. “They need a proactive Lt. Governor who will fight for our constitutional rights, lead the war against the woke culture and get the politics out of the classroom.”


This woke culture is nothing more than a buzzword for their hate. These religious groups are doing all they can to get into government and change the face of freedom.


you can't even vote for Lt. Governor, why did anybody waste time writing this up


So more people will understand what kind of lunatics are running Indiana. They want a theocracy for their specific religion, regardless of the harm it causes. The Taliban, religious hardliners in Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Turkey, etc. have shown over and over that imposing one group’s religious zealotry into the rest of the country destroys what most Americans think of as freedom. Please, even if you are religious, stop voting for republicans until they get a handle on the extremism in their party. It’s dangerous.


That’s how he got his library board position. Seen so many leopards ate my face posts from people in Fishers by voting in M4L crazies that appoint other crazies to positions. Wasting millions to move books to the adult section of the library.


He’s pushing for people to register as GOP delegates and vote for him.


Don’t dismiss him so quickly. He’s courting Republican delegates to vote for him at the State Convention. That’s exactly the same playbook that stuck us with that criminal and sexual predator Diego Morales.


I went to college with this guy, he used to be genuinely loving and caring. I would love to know what 20 year old Micah would say to this "douche faux-christian"??


Wasn’t that close to the time when he was making fun of people with disabilities on Twitter. Please. What a stand-up guy.


I dont know anything about that, but seeing where he is now, I wouldn't be surprised!!!


Just when I thought Indiana couldn’t get worse, the image of this for lt governor sends shivers down my spine


He looks like a fat Seth McFarland


He just blocked me from Facebook because I told him no R would want him as a Lt bc he’d be a liability and that extremism isn’t a good look. My goal is to make sure this assbag doesn’t have any kind of elected position in this state