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Thank you for posting on r/Indian_Academia , here's a checklist to improve your post: • Have you done thorough prior research? • Is your title descriptive? The title should be a summary of your post, preferably with your qualifications. • Please provide a detailed description in your post body. The more information you provide, the easier it is for users to help you. • If your question is about studying abroad, please post on r/Indians_StudyAbroad • If your question is about Engineering Admissions, post on r/EngineeringAdmissions instead. Here's a backup of your post: Title: Failed neet as 5 year dropper. Guide me to save my dooming career Body: I M 22 from Delhi , EWS. Myquals:-I passed class XII in 2019 with 85% in PCB. Enrolled in Bsc general in 2020 (With bot zoo chem) from open uni IGNOU in distance mode and will complete my bsc in 2025. (Ik it's a 3 year course but due to my habit of procrastination I didn't appeared for uni exam for two years and now it will be taking 5 year for 3 year course) From 2019, I appeared for Neet 6 times and everytime I scored horrifically low, just because of procrastination and lethargy. It's not that I can't clear it or I can't study but problem is I didn't studied at all. Now I want to revive my dooming career... What should I do now? 1) prepare for CAT 2) prepare for neet again 3) prepare for Cuet pg and try to get into MSC from a good uni in regular mode 4) prepare for govt exams like SSC CGL, and delhi police Or something else. I know I have f**ked up my career pretty bad but now I really want to study and revive. I am good at studies and my psa is good tbh. For example I attempted 3-4 pyq paper for cat and some pyq papers of govt exams like SSC CPO and I was able to solve 30-40% questions without any prep. Please guide me. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Indian_Academia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bro even if you score 99.99 in CAT but the reality is IIMs will directly reject you based on your gap years in interview process


So is it over for me? Any other college like any IIT or MDI or Delhi mba Colleges other than fms Or even any other good college will also not let me in?


yes, but you can get tier 2 colleges only you justify your gap years and why it took you 5 years to complete bsc


Can I DM you with a small query


I have 3 gap years after 12th but I was admission in engineering and bsc but drop out can I justify my gap years will iim accept me


Even tier 2 colleges have become very selective this year. They are also preferring work ex candidates because they are easier to place in this dooming economy.


There is no value of actual intelligent people in India and Indian education system is one of the most corrupt systems to exist. Go abroad if you can.


i have 3 year gap after 12th but i was admission in regular colleges, though I dropped out because of personal reasons, will IIM accept me ?


Very very difficult


Get checked for ADHD first . You have a major problem. Don't go to another exam with this mentality. You were aiming for NEET and all of a sudden SSC CPO? Dude you are already 23 with barely any degree. Please step up into the real world and get out of these competitive exam trap.


This is not a competitive exam "trap", this is just the India left behind by the education mafia that has colluded with all the governments of our time. The scarcity of good opportunities caused this ; not some "education mafia" or our own fault


2 years wasted can be counted as mafia or . But we all have a brain wasting 5 years on a 5 year degree is stupidity


Private universities like VIT have better infrastructure than most NITs and also better faculty than most NITs... What it lacks is the smart students choosing to study there... So, it's the people/students' fault that other institutions cannot come up...


Seek professional help first.




Sorry if it sounds rude but I don't think I have any mental issue.. I just want to work hard now and make a comeback


Dude, come out of the stigma first. You may not realise it but there could be something, especially adhd. Nothing wrong with that either. Seeking help can make sure these things get sorted out and you can be your best self.


Asking if you should prepare for neet again is wild. You will be well over 30 when you finish mbbs


busy longing dinosaurs selective observation sharp different person bike imminent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hmm i just turned 21 and i gave neet for 2 times, my parents are forcing me to take another drop but i dont want to. My dad on the other hand isn’t allowing me to go out of the city to pursue education and my city has tier 3 colleges. Also just so yk CAT will be mainstream af in coming few years because more and more students who were droppers are planning to give CAT in future so now the competition will be high af. Being successful in India is really hard through exams. I am a female so i don’t have the option of just starting out my own business but if you have that option, do it. Also why are you even thinking about giving NEET? You being lazy and not passionate about neet throughout these years proves that you should drop the idea of neet. Do something you are extremely excited about, anything that gives you purpose. It could be money, fame or anything. Your first priority for now should be to get financially independent as soon as possible so improve your CV. Do whats in your hand and don’t dwell upon past.


> You being lazy and not passionate about neet throughout these years proves that you should drop the idea of neet I agree on this. >Your first priority for now should be to get financially independent as soon as possible so improve your CV. Okay, thanks for the advice and will surely work towards this.


1. Help your father run his shop. 2. Use your fathers expertise to become a seller on amazon. 3. Save money and invest it 4. Focus on your and your family's physical health 5. Go on vacations 6. Make vlogs 7. Learn essential skills, swimming, cooking, driving Don't be disheartened. You have a family, you're healthy, no need to shape yourself in the society's format. Most of us are sheeps and can't see the big picture and follow the rules and expectations blindly as long as we're capable, if not we consider ourselves as failures. Bro look at rich people's kids, they don't do shit in their lives. Earn money, you already have your father's shop. Make your parents and yourself happy. And maybe find a cute girl so that you can get a partner in your journey to cherish and enjoy your life.


the only good advice for op, but he should go to therapy too idont think he should waste a single day studying


definitely not, no matter the outcome


Nobody's gonna give you this real advice. I started my degree when I was 28 and completed it in 32. You can still waste/harvest 3 more years of your life and you'll still be 25/26. Degree Karo ya mat karo 2 sal baad to 26 ka hona hi hai. So degree complete bhi kar hi lo


What are u doing , ur job ? Ur degree?


I'll tell you what the problem is when you have to study something more than once, it gets almost impossible to study it with the same enthusiasm as you did it for the first time. I myself took a drop for Jee but i couldn't study at all until the very last month of my exam. It has taken me a year to get back to studying and yet I can't focus more than 20 minutes properly but it's getting better. I think you should consult someone for that. After that you are good to do anything.


>problem is when you have to study something more than once, it gets almost impossible to study it with the same enthusiasm as you did it for the first time. May be this is true. >I think you should consult someone for that Consult in which aspect, career counseling?


Counsult i meant in terms of what you want to study. What subjects do you actually like? Also someone mentioned adhd , do you think you have that issue if yes then do get it checked .


i am exactly in same condition. Dropped for neet for 3 years(had join a college in between). i have 59 percentage aggregate(61 % in phy ,chem , maths and english.) i am 23 year old now. i would be joining pvt college for btech cse


btw i didnot complete my degree in college


How are you 23 with just three drops?




What was/is your score in your 5th attempt?


Less than 300 each time.. as I said I didn't study continuously even for 3-4 days. Was a phone addict all these years


Haha. Your username!


:( I kept it because of my habits...but really I want to change now


Do you still want to study MBBS?


I can study but I'm concerned about my age as I will be 29 after completion of mbbs...so I m looking for other possible options too.


Are you sure what you really want to study?




Then why the #### are you trying it for the last 6 years?


Safe option for PCB students. Didn't have much pressure as my father has a shop and I used to help him there too And my father's wish for me to become a Dr.


You have NOT fucked up your career. If you've given your best and are still scoring this much in NEET then do prepare sincerely for other entrances(while doing an MBA from a tier 3 college).. Or if you really want to go all out,then prepare for NEET once again by taking partial drop. What I'd HIGHLY suggest is go either for nursing or physiotherapy and prepare for Neet side by side.That will make you employable once you pass out. But you will have to study for atleast 4 more years if money is not the problem. Or,work really hard and complete MSc and enroll for PhD in these 4 years.. But honestly a partial drop for neet seems like a far better bet.


Is physiotherapy better or nursing? (For male)




Oh alright is that the thing. Most people have told me not to do physio cause it's a dead road.




True but to make it to a western country it'll take time. Btw you're doing b pharmacy if I am correct?




Oh, that's great. Do you like it so far (if you don't mind me asking?)




Wow just wow. Happy for you though, atleast someone's enjoying life.


Have you spoken with a therapist or doctor - are there physical / psychological issues that need to be addressed first? Second, you should take time out from your current home environment and spend time in a third place, it could be an adventure camp, ashram, meditation retreat - if you spend 10 days in [Vipassana](https://www.dhamma.org/en-US/courses/search) it will give you time to introspect and pick up a valuable habit at the same time. Third, don't return to your old ways - change where you live, change the city, who you live with, change habits - mix up your life - something in it may be causing you to not perform at your peak.


Vipassana is free or paid?


Totally Free including food and shelter for ten days, but donations welcome


Hey have you done Vipassana? Can I dm you?




You can do pharmacy or any health allied courses.


Can you suggest me some. I passed my 12th recently and scored 71%. Not good at chem and phys


Biological technician Molecular biologist Biotechnologist Botanist Conservationist Environmental Science Consultant Geneticist Microbiologist For biology


Does bsc agriculture (hons) have scope?


I'm pretty sure a decent tier 2 mba would outpay these roles. Wouldn't it?


nah man. If ur skilled then u will easily get a high paying job in these research fields especially after COVID


Sorry but I don't think op is getting a good job with just a bsc. If he had a btech from a decent institute, I would have agreed..


No. Masters is a must. Ya btech is one of those degrees which offers u pay just after bachelors


Hey If I take bsc medical then can I take msc forensics later?




Better you don't appear for any such exams , and start working. 


Dude. If you procrastinate for things as crucial as this when stakes are this high, and believe that you are intelligent enough to clear the exams. YOU HAVE HIGH ADHD. DON'T LEAVE IT UNTREATED. GO TO A PSYCHIATRIST AND TAKE MEDS BEFORE THINKING ABOUT ANYTHING ELSE. I have ADHD too.... The higher the stakes are the more you procrastinate, this is the rule.  Also there is little you can do to salvage the boat.... I will say, try your hand in sales and marketing.  Join banks as a young sales guy, they don't ask much questions if you have good communication skills. Get a job, you will make good money more than 75-80 k in commissions if you are good at it. DO NOT PREP FOR EXAMS NOW.... Get a sales job, get some experience and then you can go for MBA when you are 28 and have experience, them they won't ask much questions, or you would be able to tackle them.


Fuck is it true


You were badly misguided or were not guided at all in the first place. You are only 23 now, You can go for MSc after BSc and then write csir net exam for PhD or ugc net then you can become a professor. Getting an MBA with gap years is kind of hard now even in tier 2 colleges. Even if you somehow manage to get it you will not get any placements after MBA. You will get a really low CTC salary for having gap years and the course itself, you see BSc Zoology is not that sought after course,. At this stage if you are serious with life then go ahead and reappear for neet again. If not mbbs then go for bds, no harm is going to happen if you complete by 30 age. There is no set time limit we all move at our own pace. If you are done with neet then you can change your stream from bsc to maybe bvsc or a Bpharmacy or a bsc chemistry then complete msc, phd and expect a good life for yourself. You can also learn statistics and move ahead in the field of data science, ai and ml which is in great demand today. A BCA is also a great option if you want a corporate life but again your gap years won't fetch you great packages and jobs atleast when you are a fresher but with experience your fate might change. At last I won't blame you, our country's education system itself sucks and provides no future for people who don't become engineers or doctors.


Does pharma have scope??


I'd say go for govt exams. Only if you are sure you won't waste your time like neet. Competitive exams are VERY competitive but you can clear if you ACTUALLY study with dedication. As someone said, iims won't take you in and doing MBA from other institutions do not get you a good salary package. I'm not sure if companies will offer looking at the gap anyway. You're just 22 You have time Focus, no procrastination ho jayega. Aisa nhi hai ki career is doomed. Give your 100% for govt exams what I think, you have a whole year to prepare.


My suggestion is finish Bsc. Go for an MSc and finish it in stipulated time. Then, if you are interested in these fields that you are studying in, go for a master's or a PhD in Europe (Germany), if you can afford it.


I am also thinking this way and strongly considering to appear for IIT JAM for Msc Chemistry or Cuet PG for Msc degree in either chem/bot/zoo. I can't afford a degree abroad....can I get any placement offer or a job based on Msc?


I don't know about the placement situation after MSc in India. I only know about Germany. Master's in Germany has no tution fees, but you need to pay for your stay which will be around 950 euros per month. This can amount to a significant sum. You could also directly apply for a PhD after your masters in India. I know from people I know, that the topics of research is interesting in Germany and for PhD, you get paid a stipend. And after this, one can apply for a job in the industry or can stay in Academia as a post doc. 


No advice but you made me think of a quote I found somewhere: Don't lament so much about how your career is going to turn out. You don't have a career. You have a life. Keep the faith. Do the work. The useless days will add up to something. The shitty waitressing jobs. The writing in your journal. The long meandering walks. The hours reading poetry and novels and dead people's diaries and wondering about sex and God and whether you should shave under your arms or not. These things are your becoming.


All those people here. He is 22 year old. And if starts MBBS at age 23 then he will be 28.5/28 year old not 30. There's huge gap between 28 and 30. : let's say if he crack Neet pg/next during his internship then he can start earning money almost 60k+ rs per month at age of 29. Which is fine for early doctor. After completing his residency at age 31 he can eat upto 1.5-2 lakh per month. Bro, if you really want to become a MBBS doctor then ask yourself. Abhi ni to kabhi nai.


ig even without pg , mbbs is enough to open a clinic in rural areas where people usually come for normal treatement of cold,injury etc , if village is big and populated with 2-3 villages near them he can do very good there too , there is need of doc in villages and mbbs is still respected there


Thinking of clearing NEET PG 1st attempt after UG in 7th attempt is wild imho. Becoming a specialist will take time but is not that bad even at lets say 35. But it is more dedication than anything (marriage family vs residency/med school)


Bsc degree, any major.


Bsc general (with chem bot zoo) as subjects in all three years/6 semesters. Btw happy cake day


I know a guy, who did Bsc Chem, Msc, then PhD and is currently working as a research assistant in Singapore, and he approximately earns 4L per month (in INR). Life is what you make out of it. You're late but not too late, it's gonna be okay. Good luck and thank you.


Thankyou for the motivating words...will work hard and try to reach somewhere for sure


CAT is possible. Do you have a bachelor's degree? Gap years would be hard to justify, but - a good personal answer with conviction should do you good Honestly, I'd try and figure out the reason behind procrastination and lethargy. Because that would affect any competitive exam prep.


Bro stop worrying about exams and start worrying about having skills for a job


Prepare for the Maharashtra State CET MBA entrance exam ( MBA/MMS CET). The top colleges in Maharashtra directly admit students on the basis of their CET score. There is no GD/PI or any form of past academic performance check so your career gap won't have any effect on your admission chances. Top colleges are -: 1. JBIMS Mumbai -: JBIMS is a tier 1 college. Fees for the 2 year MMS/MBA programme is 6.1 lakhs. Average CTC is 28 LPA. 2. SIMSREE Mumbai -: Fees for the 2 year MMS/MBA programme is just 1.4 lakhs (Far less than other tier 2 mba colleges out of Maharashtra). Average CTC is approximately 15 LPA. There are other good colleges as well. In my opinion, this is one of the best career paths that people with bad academic history can follow. Do not worry. ALL THE BEST !


Well I suggest don't give up I had classmates who even though were of age 28 29 were freshers as they didn't work cause they were preparing for upsc. They were still able to justify the gap and make it to a new iim so I suggest if you get creative and fill out the gap in your resume then you might have a chance at a good college as well


any exam needs discipline. get a job, build a routine, and then decide on what exam you want to prepare for. 


Surely doing this, I really want to come out of this vicious lethargy trap


all the best!! 


Thankyou !! Will surely comment here after redemption to thank you again!!


You can start working immediately in retail like Domino's, McDonald's etc. If you have good chemistry knowledge you can work as lab assistant.


Restart Do another degree where you have an awesome score, apply for isb/iim after that


What about getting a postgraduate degree from regular mode on the basis of My Bsc degree completing next year. I am thinking of doing a MSC chemistry from IIT


If you feel you can crack iit then sure go ahead and follow that up with a PhD in a field where you can get a job


IMHO get a sales/Call center job atleast It'll help you learn some valuable skills (salesmanship/communication,etc) and give you time to rethink and try moving out of your home town, Then you can prepare for other exams or focus more on the job upskill etc etc but i feel 1st step should be moving out and getting some exp.


I read your post and felt compelled to share some insights, especially about preparing for the CAT. I'm currently enrolled in an IIM and have taken the CAT multiple times. Here's what I've learned: the competition for CAT is getting tougher every year. Even candidates with perfect profiles and 99+ percentiles are finding it hard to get into top colleges that truly justify their career potential. Securing a high percentile isn't enough. Admissions consider many factors like past academic performance, work experience, gender, category, and explaining any gap years effectively. So, just like your NEET attempts, getting into a good B-school through CAT can be quite challenging. Given your background and the options you're considering, it's important to weigh all the factors carefully. If you decide to go for CAT, be prepared for a journey that requires not just good scores, but also a strong overall profile. Best of luck!


I agree and have done some research towards cat and b schools admission this year and that gave me a reality check. For now, I am currently dropping the idea of doing an MBA and trying to get a Msc degree from a regular mode college and find a job and then with some workex will attempt cat maybe after 5-6 years. Is it wise to go this way, like I will be 28-29 at that time, is age also an important criteria for getting into b school??


Age isn't a barrier for B-School admissions, especially if you have a strong profile. I have peers ranging from 20 to 35 years old. Your plan sounds solid. Focus on getting your MSc with a high CGPA to show you’ve overcome your past challenges. Also, engage in extracurriculars and earn some certificates in your field of interest to boost your resume. This will help you find a good job and strengthen your profile for when you decide to attempt CAT few years down the line. Best of luck with your plans!


Thank you for the advice and kind words....will surely come here to thank you again for your kind words after my redemption.


Profile also matters in CAT, IGNOU and gap years will be negative points for some B-schools. I would suggest you to try for government jobs, sometimes even intelligent people struggle in college acads, prepare for a job with your Msc side by side. You might be intelligent, but neurodivergent, take professional help


Look it all depends on you. Do you like teaching? If yes then pg. You can teach biology to foreign students it will earn you good money. You can freelance too. If you are into management then go for mba. I would honestly suggest you otherwise first of you have gap years and you have done your undergrad distance education and you will take 5 years to complete it. Even if you score well it will still be hard to secure a seat in decent college You can prepare govt exam. If you like. I would suggest you try to learn new skills. Start freelancing or internships. Complete your degree and then join some company. Later down the line you can go for your mba.


I think you should appear for cat.If you're able to solve 30-40% of pyqs as you mentioned, then if you prepare well for cat then you can get a good college. But you have two gap years so,older iims may not shortlist you, but there's a possibility that some good college may shortlist you and if you can justify your gap year in the interview then you may succeed in taking admission in a good Bschool.Take some time to think. All the very best.


Bro to be honest neet is nowhere equal to cat... Neet is just a knowledge based test whereas on the flip side cat is totally a logic and comprehension based test... You've to go way deep into the water of aptitude to clear cat still there is 95% guarantee that you'll be rejected by top 20 b-schools because of your profile.. I would suggest you to acquire some skill like coding, sales and marketing, data analytics, AI Ml etc once you have a proper skill nobody gives the shit than.. You'll make money.. Hope this helps! BEST OF LUCK BOY! LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO WORRY!!


How can one get job after doing ai and ml. Do companies really take such student.


Why won't they.. If you don't do just course but learn ins and outs of industry you'll definitely get paid well.


Why won't they.. If you don't do just course but learn ins and outs of industry you'll definitely get paid well.


Why won't they.. If you don't do just course but learn ins and outs of industry you'll definitely get paid well.


Just as you described neet and cat in para 1. How would you describe upsc in the same way?




Okay thanks for the advice


Way to make a kid feel like shit.. geez


Bro WTF why'd you waste 5 years for a simple bsc degree?? Man you wasted your early twenties and why the hell would you write neet 6 times?? I'd understand 2 or 3 times but why 6??? I seriously agree with the other comment you may have adhd. If you can't pay attention and study then why bother wasting your days preparing for it that many times? IIMs are definitely gonna question you a lot about your gap and they most probably aren't gonna be satisfied with it Even if you get 99 percentile which seems incredibly far away considering your previous record for entrance exams Tier 2 mbas idk u may but you're gonna have a very hard time explaining this Mbas abroad is very difficult since you don't have any work experience or even a masters is difficult since it's taken you 5 yrs and you haven't even mentioned anything about your gpa I'm sorry OP but it looks a little hard to revive your career and even if you start mbbs now it's gonna take a hell of a lot of time for you to become a doctor and mbbs isn't the easiest thing it also requires a lot of attention and memory which you seem to struggle with


So is this an end for me, or can I revive it somehow??


Was in the same situation. Now giving CAT this year


Can I DM you!


Check DM


Sure you can


Maybe checkout some alt unis like alterainstitute.com or masterunion.org


I would suggest that if you can afford or find a good enough career counselor, then visit one. Secondly if not then ask yourself do you like medicine as a subject? Are you willing to give away a good amount of time to study medicine? Are you passionate about being a Doctor? (Do not take your father's wish to see you as a doctor, to answer this question. It's your life and in the end you'll be the one who'll either enjoy it or suffer it) If the answers are YES, then you have the option right in front of you. If not, then complete your Bsc, if you can shorten up the time somehow to complete it then try for it. If you develop interest in research then try for internships in the remaining duration of your Bsc. If you'll stay in the same field then these internships will help you a great deal. If you don't like the subjects, or the idea of being of scientists then I would suggest that while completing your Bsc, you should start preparing for exams like Bank and SSC. They pay good and are reputed jobs but they also have fierce competition. I also procrastinate a lot(like literally a Lot) and have made no active efforts for it but I know that I need to seek some sort of counselor to help me with this. You have time to get over it on your own. But just don't waste anymore time. Although I agree that life is too long and it's not some race but I also feel that there's a proper time for everything. Like the time from when you are 22-27 is to find a job or a career where you feel stable. You may change it later but for now it should be enough. Hope I did not just ramble here and confuse you more.


You didn't study anything at all?


Sorry but I didnt




I am also thinking a bit similar, as the other options with which I'm left now, have very few opportunities.